Name | Eaton, Alvah Augustus |
Date of birth | 1865 |
Date of death | 1908 |
Remarks | [author note: Herbarium & Types: AMES, B, BUT, COCO, F, FI, GH, HH, K, L, MANCH, MO, NY, PH, US, WELC (now at GH & NY)] [collector note: Florida (1903-1905): A, B, F, GH, K, L, MO, WELC (now at GH and NY); E United States: AMES, BUT, COCO, FI, GH, MANCH, NY, US. Student of ferns and early collector in Florida for Oakes Ames] |
URL | |
ASA Botanist ID | 105988 botanist |
GUID | |
Variant name | Alvah Augustus Eaton |
Author name | A. A. Eaton |
B & P Author Abbrev. | A. A. Eaton |
Standard/Label Name | A. A. Eaton |
Full Name | Eaton, Alvah Augustus |
Geography Author | United States of America |
Geography Collector | United States of America |
Specialty Author | Pteridophytes |
Specialty Author | Spermatophytes |
Specialty Collector | Phanerogams |
Specialty Collector | Pteridophytes |
Citation as Author | Authors of Plant Names. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew |
Citation as Author | TL2 Suppl. 6. Do-E |
Citation as Author | R. G. Leavitt, Rhodora 10(120): 209-211. 4 Jan 1909 ("Dec 1908") (Memoriam) |
Citation as Author | M. A. Day, Rhodora 10(120): 211-214. 4 Jan 1909 ("Dec 1908") (Botanical writings) |
Citation as Author | M. A. Day, Rhodora 3(32): 221. 9 Aug 1901 (The Herbaria of the New England) |
Citation as Collector | Index Herbariorum - Collectors T-Z |
Citation as Collector | Correll & Johnston. 1970. Flora of Texas |
Member of teams/groups | |
Holdings | Search for specimens collected by A. A. Eaton |
Collections in | [no date] (195), 1891 (16), 1894 (6), 1895 (127), 1896 (407), 1897 (99), 1898 (76), 1899 (212), 1900 (87), 1901 (13), 1902 (48), 1903 (576), 1904 (618), 1905 (152), 1906 (9), 1907 (52) |
Collector Teams: | A. A. Eaton & R. G. Leavitt O. Ames & A. A. Eaton A. A. Eaton & E. J. Winslow A. A. Eaton & R. Dodge A. A. Eaton; R. Gray & F. Gray J. Robinson & A. A. Eaton A. A. Eaton & E. B. Chamberlain A. A. Eaton; R. G. Leavitt & M. A. Chrysler A. A. Eaton & C. Welch M. L. Fernald & A. A. Eaton O. Ames; R. G. Leavitt & A. A. Eaton A. A. Eaton & O. Ames E. B. Taylor & A. A. Eaton A. A. Eaton & J. Soar C. H. Knowlton & A. A. Eaton R.G. Leavitt & A.A. Eaton A. A. Eaton & M. L. Fernald |