Title | Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
Abbreviation | J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas |
Publication Dates | 1(1), 10 Aug 2007 |
Place of publication | Fort Worth, TX |
Publisher | Botanical Research Institute of Texas |
HOLLIS | 010999329 |
ISSN | 1934-5259 |
Preceded By | Sida |
Remarks | Frequency: Two issues a year |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 39 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Kohleria hypertrichosa J. L. Clark & L. E. Skog [Isotype] 2008, 2(1): 20 (19-24; figs. 1-2).Aristolochia kanukuensis Feuillet [Isotype] 2007, 1(1): 143
Potentilla rhyolitica Ertter [Isotype] 2007, 1(1): 50
Potentilla rhyolitica var. chiricahuensis Ertter [Isotype] 2007, 1(1): 52
Potentilla demotica Ertter [Isotype] 2007, 1(1): 53
Cotoneaster floridus J. Fryer & B. Hylmö [Isotype] 2008, 2(1): 55
Taxus suffnessii Spujt [Holotype] 2007, 1(1): 226
Taxus florinii Spujt [Holotype] 10 Aug 2007, 1(1): 222
Taxus kingstonii Spjut [Holotype] 2007, 1(1): 240
Taxus biternata Spjut [Holotype] 10 Aug 2007, 1(1): 266 (-267; figs, 6, 44)
Taxus contorta var. mucronata Spjut [Holotype] 10 Aug 2007, 1(1): 260 (-261)
Taxus brevifolia var. reptaneta Spjut [Isotype] 2007, 1(1): 219
Taxus obscura Spjut [Holotype] 10 Aug 2007, 1(1): 235 (-237)
Taxus phytonii Spjut [Holotype] 2007, 1(1): 237
Crataegus cupressocollina J. B. Phipps & O'Kennon [Isotype] 2007, 1(2): 1056
Crataegus rivulopugnensis J. B. Phipps & O'Kennon [Isotype] 2007, 1(2): 1070
Phaseolus hygrophilus Debouck [Isotype] 2011, 5(1): 54–62, f. 1a–r, 2a–d, 3a, 4a, d.
Orobanche riparia L. T. Collins [Isotype] 2009, 3(1): 7 (3-11; figs. 1-2).
Orobanche riparia L. T. Collins [Isotype] 2009, 3(1): 7 (3-11; figs. 1-2).
Crataegus lancei J. B. Phipps [Isotype] 2008, 2(2): 1143
Fevillea narae A. Estrada & D. Santamaria [Isotype] 2010, 4: 45
Carex cyrtostachya Janeway & ZIka [Isotype] 2013, 7(1): 25
Stachys caroliniana J. B. Nelson & D. A. Rayner [Isotype] 2014, 8(2): 431
Freziera humiriifolia D. Santamaría [Isotype] 2015, 9(1): 90
Freziera neillii D. Santamaría [Isotype] 2015, 9(1): 92
Freziera tundaymensis D. Santamaría [Isotype] 2015, 9(1): 95
Freziera yanachagensis D. Santamaría [Isotype] 2015, 9(1): 96
Machaerium excavatum J. Linares [Isotype] 2015, 9(1): 51
Scleria bellii LeBlond [Isotype] 2015, 9(1): 31
Poa ramifera Soreng & P. M. Peterson [Isotype] 2010, 4(2): 587
Myrcia riverae A. Estrada, D. Santamaria & Aguilar [Isotype] 2014, 8(2): 452
Clematis vinacea Floden [Isotype] 2013, 7(1): 2
Sisyrinchium calciphilum Sorrie [Isotype] 2012, 6(2): 323
Eleocharis acutangula subsp. breviseta D. J. Rosen [Holotype] 2007, 1(2): 885
Phaseolus angucianae Debouck & Araya [Isotype] 2018, 12(2): 508
Heteranthera pauciflora C. N. Horn [Holotype] 2020, 14(1): 3
Holodiscus dumosus var. cedrorum Raiche & Reveal [Isotype] 2011, 5(1): 26
Eriogonum cedrorum Reveal & Raiche [Isotype] 2009, 3(2): 479
Penstemon kralii D. Estes [Isotype] 2012, 6(1): 1
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 139 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Artemisia wrightii A. Gray [Isolectotype (step 2)] 2009, 3: 669Artemisia wrightii A. Gray [Isolectotype] 2009, 3: 669
Artemisia wrightii A. Gray [Isolectotype (step 2)] 2009, 3: 669
Potentilla concinna var. divisa Rydberg [Lectotype (Lectotype designation clarification/refinement)] , 2: 203
Taxus baccata var. microcarpa Trautvetter [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 10 Aug 2007, 1(1): 279
Crataegus viburnifolia Sargent [Epitype (Epitype designation)] 2007, 1(2):1007
Crataegus praecox Sargent [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 2007, 1 (2): 1009
Crataegus georgiana Sargent [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 2007, 1 (2): 1008
Crataegus blanchardii Sargent [Epitype (Epitype designation)] 2007, 1(2): 1008
Crataegus dissona Sargent [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 2007, 1(2): 1007
Crataegus jackii Sargent [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 2007, 1(2): 1008
Aletris aurea Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1093
Melanthium muscaetoxicum Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:480
Amorpha herbacea Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1093
Aster carolinianus Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1097
Doronicum acaule Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:476
Asclepias lanceolata Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1097
Asclepias pedicellata Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1097
Asclepias perennis Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1097
Asclepias viridis Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1097
Obolaria caroliniana Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:481
Chrysanthemum carolinianum Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1098
Clematis reticulata Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1099
Corylus americana Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1099
Mespilus aestivalis Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:481
Euphorbia arkansana var. atrosemina Norton [Isolectotype] 2011, 5: 149
Erysimum pinnatum Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:476
Eryngium integrifolium Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:476
Eupatorium incarnatum Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:477
Ervum erectum Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:476
Cistus carolinianus Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1098
Hibiscus aculeatus Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:477
Hibiscus coccineus Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:478
Hypericum denticulatum Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:478
Allionia albida Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1093
Ilex decidua Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:478
Ilex myrtifolia Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:479
Nyssa biflora Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:481
Kalmia hirsuta Walter [Epitype (Epitype designation)] 2008, 1:479
Hyoseris biflora Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:478
Polygonum hirsutum Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:428
Waltheria caroliniana Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:485
Eriocaulon anceps Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:476
Polygala cymosa Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:482
Staehelina elegans Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:484
Polygala grandiflora Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:482
Ludwigia suffruticosa Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:480
Lilium catesbaei Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:479
Polygala polygama Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:482
Linum striatum Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:480
Leontodon carolinianus Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:479
Lycium carolinianum Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:480
Arenaria carolinana Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1096
Aegilops aromatica Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1: 1092
Aegilops saccharinum Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1092
Delphinium carolinianum Walter [Epitype (Epitype designation)] 2008, 2:475
Rhexia petiolata Walter [Epitype (Epitype designation)] 2008, 2:483
Salsola caroliniana Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:483
Ethulia uniflora Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:477
Silene caroliniana Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:483
Smilax auriculata Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:483
Smilax glauca Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:483
Cornucopiae hyemalis Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1099
Cornucopiae perennans Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1099
Alopecurus carolinianus Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1093
Amsonia ciliata Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1093
Asclepias cinerea Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1096
Quercus pumila Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:482
Smilax pumila Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:483
Daucus divaricatus Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:475
Ischaemum secundatum Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:479
Aster squarrosus Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1097
Galega spicata Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:477
Hydrastis caroliniensis Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:478
Hypericum petiolulatum Hooker f. & Thomson ex Dyer [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:478
Aira purpurea Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1093
Utricularia purpurea Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] , 2:484
Chrysocoma acaulis Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1098
Viburnum obovatum Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:484
Vicia caroliniana Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:484
Viola villosa Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:485
Viola canina Linnaeus [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:485
Asclepias humistrata Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1096
Catalpa bignonioides Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1098
Syntherisma serotina Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:484
Syntherisma villosa Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:484
Diodia teres Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:476
Vincetoxicum gonocarpos Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:485
Iris tripetala Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:479
Dianthera ovata Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:476
Ludwigia arcuata Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:480
Ludwigia glandulosa Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:480
Melica mutica Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:481
Paspalum praecox Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:481
Chironia decandra Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1098
Convolvulus humistratus Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1099
Convolvulus aquaticus Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1099
Festuca octoflora Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:477
Pinus squarrosa Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:481
Pinus glabra Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:481
Quercus laevis Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:482.
Quercus lyrata Walter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2008, 2:482
Kuhnia pinnata J. F. Gmelin [Epitype (Epitype designation)] 2007, 1: 1095
Globifera umbrosa J. F. Gmelin [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1: 1096
Batschia caroliniensis J. F. Gmelin [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1: 1094
Tubiflora caroliniensis J. F. Gmelin [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1094
Zornia bracteata J. F. Gmelin [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1: 1094
Afzelia cassoides J. F. Gmelin [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1: 1095
Pattersonia caroliniensis J. F. Gmelin [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1: 1095
Planera aquatica J. F. Gmelin [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1: 1094
Cynoctonum petiolatum J. F. Gmelin [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1: 1095
Cynoctonum sessilifolium J. F. Gmelin [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1: 1096
Villarsia aquatica J. F. Gmelin [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1094
Dioscorea quaternata J. F. Gmelin [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1: 1096
Vogelia capitata J. F. Gmelin [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1: 1094
Chrysocoma odoratissima J. F. Gmelin [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 2007, 1:1095
Pachyphyllum cardenasii L. B. Smith & S. K. Harris [Lectotype] 2008, 2(1): 286
Pachyphyllum cardenasii L. B. Smith & S. K. Harris [Isolectotype] 2008, 2(1): 286
Agalinis longifolia Rafinesque [Isoneotype] 2010, 4(20: 677
Agalinis maritima var. gracilis Rafinesque [Isoneotype] 2010, 4(2): 677
Agalinis maritima var. pumila Rafinesque [Isoneotype] 2010, 4(2): 678
Agalinis obtusifolia Rafinesque [Isoneotype] 2010, 4(2): 678
Agalinis palustris var. corymbosa Rafinesque [Isoneotype] 2010, 4(2): 678
Agalinis palustris var. divaricata Rafinesque [Isoneotype] 2010, 4(2): 678
Agalinis setacea var. humilis Rafinesque [Isoneotype] 2010, 4(2): 678
Agalinis tenuifolia var. humilis Rafinesque [Isoneotype] 2010, 4(2): 679
Agalinis tenuifolia var. saxatilis Rafinesque [Isoneotype] 2010, 4(2): 679
Abronia crux-maltae Kellogg [Isoneotype] 2010, 4: 208
Crataegus ravenelii Sargent [Lectotype] 2008, 2: 1124
Poicilla tamnifolia Grisebach [Lectotype] 2008, 2: 139-163
Ibatia mollis Grisebach [Lectotype] 2008, 2: 139-163
Taxus canadensis Marshall [Isoneotype] 2007, 1(1): 270
Euphorbia schizoloba var. mollis Norton [Isolectotype (step 2)] 2011, 5: 149
Eleocharis fistulosa var. robusta Boeckeler [Lectotype] 2007, 12: 879
Styrax formosanus Matsumura [Lectotype] 2018, 12(2): 610
Phaseolus lignosus Britton [Lectotype] 2015, 9(1): 115
Clematis reticulata Walter [Neotype] 2007, 1: 1099
Potentilla pseudosericea Rydberg [Lectotype (2nd stage lectotypification)] 2008, 2: 204
Potentilla pseudosericea Rydberg [Isolectotype] 2008, 2: 204