Title | Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London |
Abbreviation | Proc. Linn. Soc. London |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-2, [1839]1848-55; 1856-95; vol. 110+, 1897/98+ |
BPH | 731.19 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 9 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Carex alta Boott [Type] 1849, 1: 254Carex olivacea Boott [Isotype] 1845, 1: 286
Carex crinalis Boott [Isosyntype] 1845, 1: 256
Olax pauciflora Bentham [Isotype] 1840, 1: 89
Lecideopsella gelatinosa Höhnel [Type] 1909, 157: 38
Eurya macartneyi Champion [Holotype] 1850, 2: 99
Pogopetalum acuminatum Bentham [Isotype] 1840, 1: 88
Phacelocarpus disciger Holmes ex C. Stewart [Type] 1891-92, p. 51
Puccinia aframomi Hansford [Type] 1949, 161(2): 176