Title | Contributions from the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University. Jamaica Plain, MA |
Abbreviation | Contr. Arnold Arbor. |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-11, 1932-1938 |
BPH | 325.19 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 95 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Balanops montana C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 15Mahonia sumatrensis Merrill [Isotype] 1934, 8: 55
Tanaecium zetekii Standley [Isotype] 1933, 4: 140
Plagiobothrys glyptocarpus var. modestus I. M. Johnston [Holotype] 1932, 3: 38
Plagiobothrys tener var. subglaber I. M. Johnston [Holotype] 1932, 3: 67
Cryptantha thompsonii I. M. Johnston [Holotype] 1932, 3: 88
Pectocarya recurvata I. M. Johnston [Type] 1932, 3: 97
Pectocarya linearis var. ferocula I. M. Johnston [Holotype] 1932, 3: 95
Braya henryae Raup [Type] 1934, 6: 167
Draba longipes Raup [Type] 1934, 6: 165
Mezoneuron robustum C. T. White [Type] 1933, 55: 43
Arenaria rossii var. columbiana Raup [Type] 1934, 6: 157
Hexaspora pubescens C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 58
Euonymus sumatranus Merrill [Type] 1934, 8: 92
Kayea catherinae Merrill [Holotype] 1934, 8: 108
Garcinia kajewskii C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 72
Ipomoea vestalii Standley [Type] 1933, 5: 130
Elaeocarpus largiflorens C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 68
Rhododendron rarolepidotum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1934, 8: 126
Rhododendron pubigermen J. J. Smith [Type] 1934, 8: 122
Rhododendron pubigermen var. banghamiorum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1934, 8: 123
Fontainea picrosperma C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 55
Endospermum banghamii Merrill [Isotype] 1934, 8: 89
Lonchocarpus stipularis C. T. White [Isotype] 1933, 4: 45
Indigofera sericovexilla C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 44
Machaerium woodworthii Standley [Isotype] 1933, 5: 81
Microsemma setosa C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 69
Trichosporum oligodontum Merrill [Holotype] 1934, 8: 151
Trichosporum ternifolium Merrill [Holotype] 1934, 8: 153
Disepalum platypetalum Merrill [Syntype] 1934, 8: 58
Orophea parvifolia Merrill [Holotype] 1934, 8: 59
Tabernaemontana sumatrana Merrill [Holotype] 1934, 8: 139
Kopsia pitardii Merrill [Isotype] 1934, 8: 141
Kopsia pitardii Merrill [Isotype] 1934, 8: 141
Trevesia arborea Merrill [Lectotype] 1934, 8: 116
Trevesia arborea Merrill [Lectotype] 1934, 8: 116
Schefflera sibayakensis Merrill [Type] 1934, 13: 120
Schefflera phanerophlebia Merrill [Type] 1934, 8: 118
Schefflera rhynchocarpa Merrill [Type] 1934, 13: 119
Schefflera capitulifera Merrill [Type] 1934, 8: 117
Antennaria atriceps Fernald [Holotype] 1934, 6: 207
Antennaria megacephala Fernald [Isotype] 1934, 6: 208
Austrobaileya scandens C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 29
Conostegia micromeris Standley [Isotype] 1933, 5: 117
Aglaia ochneocarpa Merrill [Syntype] 1934, 8: 83
Aglaia ochneocarpa Merrill [Syntype] 1934, 8: 83
Chondrodendron hypoleucum Standley [Type] 1933, 5: 65
Pithecellobium barbourianum Standley [Isotype] 1933, 5: 74
Paratrophis australiana C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 15
Ficus destruens F. Mueller ex C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 16
Ardisia punctipetala Merrill [Syntype] 1934, 8: 132
Ardisia punctipetala Merrill [Syntype] 1934, 8: 132
Ardisia banghamii Merrill [Type] 1934, 8: 129
Eugenia trachyphloia C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 80
Eugenia erythrocalyx C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 78
Jasminum kajewskii C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 90
Dendrobium exilifolium Ames & C. Schweinfurth [Holotype] 1934, 8: 32
Dendrobium banghamii Ames & C. Schweinfurth [Isotype] 1934, 8: 30
Dendrobium banghamii Ames & C. Schweinfurth [Holotype] 1934, 8: 30
Dendrobium spathilabium Ames & C. Schweinfurth [Holotype] 1934, 8: 34
Dendrobium spathilabium Ames & C. Schweinfurth [Holotype] 1934, 8: 34
Sarcanthus minutiflorus Ames & C. Schweinfurth [Holotype] 1934, 8: 39
Sarcanthus minutiflorus Ames & C. Schweinfurth [TypeMaterial] 1934, 8: 39
Liparis trullifera Ames & C. Schweinfurth [Holotype] 1934, 8: 26
Liparis trullifera Ames & C. Schweinfurth [Isotype] 1934, 8: 26
Adenia cahterinae Merrill [Holotype] 1934, 8: 110
Peperomia baileyae Trelease [TypeMaterial] 1933, 5: 53
Polyosma oligodonta Merrill [Type] 1934, 8: 66
Lysimachia platyphylla Merrill [Isotype] 1934, 8: 134
Rubus banghamii Merrill [Type] 1934, 8: 68
Faramea zetekii Standley [Type] 1933, 5: 146
Psychotria hedyotifolia Merrill [Type] 1934, 8: 160
Canthium costatum C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 99
Saprosma urophylla Merrill [Type] 1934, 8: 162
Acronychia parviflora C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 51
Salix fallax Raup [Holotype] 1934, 6: 149
Salix polaris var. selwynensis Raup [Type] 1934, 6: 144
Talisia svensonii Standley [Type] 1933, 5: 98
Toechima lanceolata C. T. White [Isotype] 1933, 4: 62
Guioa montana C. T. White [Holotype] 1933, 4;61
Solanum hamulosum C. T. White [Isotype] 1933, 4: 95
Oreodendron biflorum C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 74
Vaccinium parvibaccatum J. J. Smith [Holotype] 1934, 8: 128
Rinorea australasica C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 73
Gomphostemma dolichobotrys Merrill [Holotype] 1934, 8: 148
Endiandra montana C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 36
Cryptocarya angulata C. T. White [Isotype] 1935, 4: 33
Parsonsia densivestita C. T. White [Type] 1933, 4: 92
Hibiscus sororius f. albiflorus Standley [Isotype] 1933, 5: 101
Hibiscus sororius f. albiflorus Standley [Isotype] 1933, 5: 101
Helicia youngiana var. robusta C. T. White [Isolectotype] 1933, 4: 23
Helicia youngiana var. robusta C. T. White [Syntype] 1933, 4: 23
Helicia youngiana var. robusta C. T. White [Syntype] 1933, 4: 23
Helicia youngiana var. robusta C. T. White [Syntype] 1933, 4: 23
Milesia whitei Faull [Type] 1932, 2: 111
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 2 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Eritrichium glomeratum var. humile A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1932, 3: 88Eritrichium californicum var. subglochidatum A. Gray [Lectotype] 1932, 3: 42