Title | Symbolae Sinicae, Botanische Ergebnisse der Expedition der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien nach Sudwest-China. 1914/1918 |
Abbreviation | Symb. Sin. |
Authors | H. R. E. Handel-Mazzetti |
Publication Dates | 7 parts, 1929-1937; part 1 (Algae), 1937; part 2 (Fungi), 1937; part 3 (Lichens), 1930; part 4 (Musci), 1929; part 5 (Hepaticae), 1930; part 6, (Pteridophyta), 1929; part 7, (Anthophyta), lief 1, 1929, lief 2, 1931, lief 3, 1933, lief 4, 1936, lief 5, 1936 |
TL2 | 2.364 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 176 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Mahonia flavida f. integrifolia Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1931, 7: 332Mahonia huiliensis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1931, 7: 329
Mahonia schochii C. K. Schneider [Holotype] 1931, 7: 329
Microula oblongifolia Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 821
Cardamine simplex Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1931, 7(2): 361-362
Buxus harlandii var. linearis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1931, 7: 237
Pachysandra stylosa var. glaberrima Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1931, 7: 236
Pachysandra stylosa var. glaberrima Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1931, 7: 236
Lonicera rhytidophylla Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 1049
Lonicera macranthoides Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1936, 7: 1050
Viburnum subalpinum Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 1034
Viburnum erubescens var. neurophyllum Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 1033
Viburnum macrocephalum var. indutum Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 1035
Viburnum foetidum var. penninervium Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1936, 7: 1038
Stellaria pseudosaxatilis Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 190
Euonymus forrestii H. F. Comber ex Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 663
Euonymus ternifolius Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 659
Convolvulus steppicola Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 810
Schizopepon macranthus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 1064
Elaeagnus bambusetorum Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1933, 7: 591
Elaeocarpus subsessilis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 614
Lyonia compta var. stenantha Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 790
Rhododendron dasycladioides Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 781
Pyrola handeliana Andres [Isotype] 1936, 7: 763
Eriocaulon schochianum var. parviceps Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1937, 7: 1246
Antidesma filipes Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1931, 7: 218
Euphorbia luticola Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1931, 7: 233
Hedysarum tuberosum var. speciosum Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 567
Quercus pannosa Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7: 35
Quercus pannosa Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7: 35
Quercus pannosa Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7: 35
Quercus pannosa Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7: 35
Quercus pannosa Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7: 35
Quercus pannosa Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 35
Quercus senescens Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7: 37
Quercus senescens Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7: 37
Quercus senescens Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7: 37
Quercus senescens Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7: 37
Quercus senescens Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 37
Quercus senescens Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7: 37
Quercus senescens Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7: 37
Quercus hunanensis Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 52
Fissidens diversiretis Brotherus [Type] 1929, 4: 11
Gentiana exigua Harry Smith [Isotype] 1936, 7: 957
Gentiana rigescens var. violacea Harry Smith [Isotype] 1936, 7: 976
Gentiana heterostemon subsp. glabricaulis Harry Smith [Syntype] 1936, 7: 954
Gentiana agrorum Harry Smith [Isotype] 1936, 7: 964
Swertia pauciflora Harry Smith [Isotype] 1936, 7: 983
Swertia patula Harry Smith [Isotype] 1936, 7: 986
Crawfurdia coerulea Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 950
Geranium stapfianum Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1933, Pt. vii. 620
Geranium stapfianum Handel-Mazzetti [Syntype] 1933, Pt. vii. 620
Aeschynanthus tenuis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 884
Strobilanthes larium Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 893
Sium frigidum Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1933, 7: 719
Ilex ferruginea Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 657
Ilex kwangtungensis var. pilosior Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 654
Ilex kwangtungensis var. pilosissima Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 655
Ilex micrococca var. polyneura Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 654
Ilex ficoidea var. brachyphylla Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 658
Aralia echinocaulis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 704
Aralia echinocaulis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 704
Aralia echinocaulis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 704
Aralia echinocaulis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 704
Aralia caesia Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 702
Acanthopanax longipes Harms [Isotype] 1933, 7(3): 696
Acanthopanax longipes Harms [Isotype] 1933, 7(3): 696
Gilibertia intersedeus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 691
Hoya yuennanensis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 1001
Secamone sinica Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 997
Aster limprichtii var. gracilior Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 1093
Senecio viridiflavus Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1936, 7: 1126
Senecio actinotus Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1936, 7: 1121
Senecio actinotus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 1121
Morus wittiorum Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 89
Morus wittiorum Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 89
Coelogyne xerophyta Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 1346
Habenaria alpina Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 133
Habenaria alpina Handel-Mazzetti [TypeMaterial] 1936, 7: 133
Pedicularis corydaloides Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 851
Pedicularis remotiloba Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 868
Orthotrichum scaberrimum Brotherus [Isotype] 1929, 4: 70
Corydalis humicola Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1931, 7: 341
Polygonum limicola Samuelsson ex Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 178
Polygonum lineare Samuelsson ex Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 188
Aconitum piepunense Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1931, 7: 290
Clematis montana var. sterilis Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1931, 7: 320
Trollius micranthus Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1931, 7: 268
Berchemia polyphylla var. trichophylla Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 672
Sageretia latifolia Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1933, 7: 673
Rubus doyonensis Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1933, 7: 487
Rubus salwinensis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 491
Rubus hemithyrsus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 488
Rubus tsangorum Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 485
Rubus tsangorum Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 485
Rubus chrysobotrys var. lobophyllus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 495
Rubus platysepalus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 493
Rubus leucanthus var. etropicus Handel-Mazzetti [Syntype] 1933, 7: 499
Rubus leucanthus var. etropicus Handel-Mazzetti [Syntype] 1933, 7: 499
Rubus polyodontus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 484
Rubus tephrodes var. setosissimus Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1933, 7: 492
Rubus lambertianus var. mekongensis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 490
Rubus buergeri var. viridifolius Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 497
Rubus forrestianus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 490
Rubus reflexus var. orogenes Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 496
Rubus gracilis var. chiliacanthus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 505
Eriobotrya salwinensis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 475
Eriobotrya ochracea Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 476
Prunus nubium Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1933, 7: 530
Spiraea sublobata Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1933, 7: 451
Spiraea compsophylla Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1933, 7: 450
Sorbus filipes Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 472
Sorbus pteridophylla Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 470
Sorbus pteridophylla var. tephroclada Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 471
Photinia stenophylla Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1933, 7: 480
Photinia hirsuta Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 481
Photinia amphidoxa var. amphileia Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1933, 7: 481
Photinia amphidoxa var. amphileia Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1933, 7: 481
Euodia impellucida Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 626
Euodia compacta Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 627
Salix piptotricha Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 84
Salix inamoena Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 69
Salix heteromera Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 61
Salix heteromera Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 61
Salix vaccinioides Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 63
Salix resectoides Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 80
Salix hirticaulis Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 84
Salix spodiophylla Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 77
Salix bistyla Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 76
Salix clathrata Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 86
Salix delavayana Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 78
Splachnobryum giganteum Brotherus [Type] 1929, 4: 49
Melliodendron xylocarpum Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 805
Symplocos ramosissima var. salwinensis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 808
Symplocos hunanensis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 807
Symplocos anomala var. leiosiphon Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 808
Symplocos anomala var. leiosiphon Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 808
Tilia obscura Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7: 610
Trema levigata Handel-Mazzetti [Type] 1929, 7: 107
Trema dielsiana Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7: 106
Trema dielsiana Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7: 106
Vitex negundo var. microphylla Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7(4): 906
Viola hunanensis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1931, 7: 376
Parthenocissus suberosa Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, Pt. 7: 681
Parthenocissus suberosus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, Pt. 7: 681
Cissus repens var. sinensis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7(3): 683-684
Cissus repens var. sinensis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, 7(3): 683-684
Philadelphus delavayi var. trichocladus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1931, 7: 438
Philadelphus henryi var. lissocalyx Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1931, 7(2): 438
Juncus cephalostigma Samuelsson [Isotype] 1936, 7: 1233
Plectranthus calcicola Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 944
Plectranthus flavidus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 942
Plectranthus setschwanensis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 939
Plectranthus pachythyrsus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 937
Scutellaria amoena var. cinerea Handel-Mazzetti [TypeMaterial] 1936, 7: 915
Ombrocharis dulcis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 926
Paraphlomis lanceolata Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 922
Elsholtzia hunanensis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7: 935
Cinnamomum delavayi var. mekongense Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1931, 7: 251
Machilus leptophylla Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1931, 7: 252
Machilus viridis Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1931, 7: 253
Pyrenula nebulosa Zahlbruckner [Type] 1930, 3: 23
Polygonatum alternicirrhosum Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 1209
Stellaria saxatilis var. amplexicaulis Handel-Mazzetti [Isosyntype] 1929, 7(1): 190
Salix coggygria Handel-Mazzetti [Type] , 7(1): 79-80
Lenzites nummularia Lohwag [Type] 1937, 2: 51
Scapania nimbosa var. yuennanensis W. E. Nicholson [Type] 1930, 5: 30
Polystictus yunnanensis Lohwag [Isotype] 1937, 2: 49
Polyporus handelii Lohwag [Isotype] 1937, 2: 45
Urtica dentata Handel-Mazzetti [Isolectotype] 1929, pt. 7, 112
Urtica dentata Handel-Mazzetti [Syntype] 1929, pt. 7, 112
Cicerbita cyanea var. lutea Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7(4): 1180
Osmanthus rehderianus Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1936, 7(4): 1006
Buxus mollicula var. glabra Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1931, 7(2): 236
Spiraea purpurea Handel-Mazzetti [Isotype] 1933, Pt. vii. 453 (1933)
Spiraea purpurea Handel-Mazzetti [Isolectotype] 1933, Pt. vii. 453 (1933)