Title | A Class-book of Botany (ed. 1). Boston, MA and Claremont, NH |
Abbreviation | Class-book Bot. (ed. 1) |
Authors | Alph. Wood |
Publication Dates | 1845 |
TL2 | 18.230 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 10 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Carex exilis var. squamacea Dewey [Holotype] 1845, 413Carex strictior Dewey [Holotype] 1845, 582
Carex retrocurva Dewey [Lectotype] 1845, 423
Carex retrocurva Dewey [Syntype] 1845, 423
Carex retrocurva Dewey [Syntype] 1845, 423
Carex retrocurva Dewey [Syntype] 1845, 423
Carex retrocurva Dewey [Syntype] 1845, 423
Carex prairea Dewey [Type] 1845, 414
Carex michigansis Dewey [Holotype] 1861, 765
Carex lenticularis var. blakei Dewey [Holotype] 1861, 755