]> [author note: Herbarium and types: part destroyed in Zwinger fire of 1849, part in son's herbarium at W. Exsiccatae at: B, BM, BREM, CGE, E, FH, GFW, GOET, GRO, H, HAL, JE, K, KIEL, L, LE, LZ, M, MANCH, MPU, NCY, NY, O, OXF P, PC, PRC, PH, S, STU, U, W, WRSL Father of H. G. Reichenbach] [collector note: Herbarium: W (p.p. incorporated in that of his son), WRSL (earlier collections destroyed by fire 1849); Europe (mainly central): B, DWC, KIEI, LE, MANCH, OXF, WAG; Germany: BP, BR, CGE, E, NA; Saxony: DBN, WRSL] Botany Reichenbach, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig H. G. L. Reichenbach Rchb. Reichenbach Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach 1793 1879