]> [author note: Herbarium and types: Z; additional material at A, B (extant. herb. Ullepitsch), BAS, BIRM, C, E, GB, GOET, IBF, KIEL, LAU, MANCH, NA, W] [collector note: A, B, BAS, BIRA, BUC, C, E, G, GB, GOET, IBF, KIEL, L, LAU, MANCH, NA, NMW.] Example of Name Published: Achillea × schroeteri F.O. Wolf, Bull. trav. Soc. Murith. fasc. 16-18: 27 (1890). Botany Wolf, Ferdinand Otto Wolf, Ferdinand Otto F.O.Wolf F. O. Wolf Ferdinand Otto Wolf Wolf, Ferdinand-Otto F.-O. Wolf Wolf, Ferdinand Othon 1838 1906