]> A barcode-01126730 China Xizang (Tibet) Chaya (Chagyab, Dayak) Xian. Ca. 10 km E in a straight line from the city of Chaya (Chagyab, Dayak) on road from Chaya to Gongjue (Gongjo) along the Mai Qu (Mai River) at Yanduo Zheng. Cynanchum inamoenum Loesener ex Gilg & Loes. Loesener ex Gilg & Loes. 2023-04-18 07:23:07 D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, D. A. Eaton, Xin Hui Li, R. H. Ree, B. Xu, J. P. Yue, J. W. Zhang & X. X. Zhu