]> [author note: Herbarium and types: P, P-CO, PC; additional material at AL, AUT, AWH, B, BM, BR, C, CN, CORD, DWC, E, F, FI, G, GB, GE, GH, GOET, JE, K, LE (2,210), LY, M (lichens), MO, MPU, NY, OXF, PH, US, W, WELC (now at NY)] [collector note: Algeria (1853-1890): AL, AUT, B, BM, BR, C, CN, CORD, FI, G, GB, GE, GH, JE, K, LE, LY, MO, MPU, P, US. France (1840-1869): B, F, G, GB, P, PC, US, W, WELC; Italy: G, LY, P. Morocco (1857-1890): BM, C, E, G, GB, K (1,553), LE, MO, OXF, P (1,761). Tunisia (1857-1890): AL, AWH, B, BM, CN, K (682), LE, LY, MPU, P (1,000). Original herbarium: P (phan., pter.), PC (crypt.), P-CO. Cosson also distributed Algerian plants collected by Bourgeau, Kralik, Warion and others and Moroccon plants collected by Baumier, Ibrahim, Mardochée and others] Botany Cosson, Ernest Staint-Charles Cosson, Ernest Staint-Charles E. S.-C. Cosson Coss. Cosson Cosson, Ernest Ernest Staint-Charles Cosson 1819 1889