]> [author note: Herbarium and types: GH (general collections); US (Ringgold Expedition). Collected in Cuba, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, southwestern United States and on Ringold and Rodgers Pacific Exploring Expedition] [collector note: GH (orig.), FH, US, duplicates widely distributed by A. Gray. Connecticut: NEBC. Botanist on the Pacific Exploring Expedition un Capt. Ringgold and Commander Rodgers, 1853-1856. Loo Choo Isls. [Ryukyus] (col. 1854) - few specimens with name of island where collected: GH, US; R.A. Howard. 1988. Charles Wright in Cuba, 1856-67.] Botany Wright, Charles (Carlos) Wright, Charles (Carlos) C. Wright Chas. Wright Carlos Wright Charles Wright Charles(Carlos) Wright Wright, Chas. 1811 1885