]> [author note: African Dichapetalaceae, Connaraceae, and Caesalpinioideae] [collector note: Original collections: WAG; W. Africa (Ivory Coast, Liberia and Upper Volta (1958-59); Dahomey and W. Cameroon (1961-62): ABI, C, COI, E, FHO, FI, GOET, GRO?, HBG, K, L, LISM, M, PRE, U, WAG (orig.); S. France: U; Netherlands: U, WAG; Indonesia: A] Botany Leeuwenberg, Anthonius Josephus Maria Leeuwenberg, Anthonius Josephus Maria A. J. M. Leeuwenberg Leeuwenb. Leeuwenberg Anthonius Josephus Maria Leeuwenberg Leeuwenberg, Antonius Josephus Maria 1930 2010