Harvard University Herbaria Barcode(s) | 00259705 |
Collector | E. Tuckerman |
Country | United States of America |
State | New Hampshire |
Geography | North America: North America (CA, US, MX) (Region): United States of America: New Hampshire |
Locality | near Crawford's, White Mountains |
Date Collected | 1844 |
Habitat | in Fagis |
GUID | http://purl.oclc.org/net/edu.harvard.huh/guid/uuid/33264df6-37ba-4ae3-882e-b746ae32f8ff |
Harvard University Herbaria Barcode | 00259705 |
Herbarium | FH |
Determination | Parmelia aurulenta Tuckerman |
Determined by | E. Tuckerman |
Determination Remarks | [multiple specimens on the sheet] [is label name] |
Annotation Text | [on 'sheet' information about CaCl reaction] Parm. 2 s.n. 74 |
Determination | Parmelia aurulenta Tuckerman |
Determined by | Mason E. Hale |
Date Determined | 1954-11-** |
Annotation Text | Contains atranorine and entothein; zeorine not appearing in one test |
Determination | Parmelia aurulenta Tuckerman |
Determined by | Mason E. Hale, Jr. (US National Museum) |
Date Determined | 1959-05-08 |
Annotation Text | this is not the type |
Determination | Parmelia aurulenta Tuckerman |
Determined by | Luciana Canez (SP) |
Date Determined | 2008-08-03 |
Determination Remarks | [is Current name] |
Annotation Text | Medulla K+ strong yellow, C-, KC- |
Subcollection | Tuckerman Lichen Herbarium |
Sex | not determined |
Phenology | NotDetermined |
Preparation Type | Packet |
Preparation Method | Dried |
Item Remarks | [multiple specimens on the sheet] |