Acanthaceae GH: 00306693 Dyschoriste linearis (Torrey & A. Gray) Kuntze USA: Texas 3 miles south southeast of Post C. M. Rowell 8585 1963-5-9
Amaranthaceae GH: 01930412 Guilleminea densa aggregata Uline & W. L. Bray USA: Texas 1 mile west and 2 north of Dickens C. M. Rowell 10291 1964-6-28
Anacardiaceae GH: 01866888 Rhus aromatica Aiton USA: Texas banks of Salt Fork of Red River 6 miles nort... C. M. Rowell 8909 1964-4-26
GH: 01867818 Rhus glabra Linnaeus USA: Texas Persimmon Creek riparian, 9 miles east, nort... C. M. Rowell 10255b 1964-6-20
GH: 01868030 Rhus microphylla Engelmann ex A. Gray USA: Texas on caprock 4 miles southwest of Notress C. M. Rowell 8565 1963-5-5
GH: 01868032 Rhus microphylla Engelmann ex A. Gray USA: Texas 12 miles east of Lubbock C. M. Rowell 8794 1964-7-1
GH: 01868299 Rhus trilobata Nuttall USA: Texas dune area 8.1 miles east of Muleshoe C. M. Rowell 10001 1964-5-30
GH: 01868492 Rhus trilobata pilosissima Engler USA: Texas canyons below caprock, 12 miles east of Lubb... C. M. Rowell 8795 1963-7-1
Apocynaceae GH: 02180432 Amsonia arenaria Standley USA: Texas 3 miles north of El Paso C. M. Rowell 8883 1964-4-24
GH: 02180546 Amsonia ciliata texana (A. Gray) Coulter USA: Texas Breaks of White River canyon, 7 miles east o... C. M. Rowell 8590 1963-5-11
GH: 02178085 Apocynum cannabinum Linnaeus USA: Texas Punta de Aqua Creek, 3.5 miles west of Romer... C. M. Rowell 10215 1964-6-13
GH: 02178083 Apocynum cannabinum Linnaeus USA: Texas Margins of South Pease River, 12 miles north... C. M. Rowell 8107 1961-4-29
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00993730 Asclepias macrotis Torrey USA: Oklahoma approx. 6 miles east of Kenton C. M. Rowell 11069 1966-6-19
GH: 00993883 Asclepias oenotheroides Chamisso & Schlechtendal USA: Texas Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge, 20 miles ... C. M. Rowell 10346 1964-7-1
GH: 00961103 Asclepias pumila (A. Gray) Vail USA: Texas Playa Lake, 1 mile south of Crosbyton C. M. Rowell 10513 1964-8-15
GH: 00961104 Asclepias pumila (A. Gray) Vail USA: Texas 11 miles southeast of Perryton C. M. Rowell 10379 1964-7-5
GH: 01082681 Asclepias verticillata Linnaeus USA: Texas Bottomlands of the Canadian River, approx. 7... C. M. Rowell 10547 1964-8-8
GH: 01083133 Cynanchum unifarium (Scheele) Woodson USA: Texas 25 miles east of Bakersfield C. M. Rowell 8766 1964-6-3
GH: 01083641 Funastrum cynanchoides heterophyllum (Engelmann ex Torrey) Kartesz USA: Texas 2 miles south of Shafter C. M. Rowell 8903 1964-4-25
GH: 01083648 Funastrum cynanchoides heterophyllum (Engelmann ex Torrey) Kartesz USA: Texas Muleshoe national Wildlife Area, 20 miles so... C. M. Rowell 10347 1964-7-1
Asteraceae GH: 02579122 Acourtia wrightii (A. Gray) Reveal & R. M. King USA: Texas approx. 18 miles northeast of Kermit C. M. Rowell 8275 1962-10-27
GH: 02217688 Aphanostephus riddellii Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas canyon of Buffalo Springs Creek, 16 miles ea... C. M. Rowell 8531 1963-4-23
GH: 00968993 Artemisia filifolia Torrey USA: Texas 25 miles east of Stratford C. M. Rowell 10573 1964-8-27
GH: 02021802 Cirsium texanum Buckley USA: Texas 3 miles south southeast of Post C. M. Rowell 8586 1963-5-9
GH: 02207822 Erigeron bellidiastrus Nuttall USA: Texas dune area adjacent to the Canadian River, ap... C. M. Rowell 10842 1965-5-25
GH: 02189954 Eupatorium perfoliatum Linnaeus USA: Texas approx. 7 miles northeast of Canadian C. M. Rowell 10534 1965-8-8
GH: 02192911 Liatris punctata Hooker USA: Texas 3 miles southwest of Posy C. M. Rowell 10528 1964-8-15
GH: 02022238 Plectocephalus americanus (Nuttall) D. Don USA: Texas approx/ 5 miles east and 3 south of Lubbock C. M. Rowell s.n. 1965-6-15
GH: 01925551 Vernonia baldwinii Torrey USA: Texas approx. 7 miles northeast of Canadian C. M. Rowell 10545 1964-8-8
GH: 01924014 Vernonia marginata (Torrey) Rafinesque USA: Texas 25 miles east of Stratford C. M. Rowell 10576 1964-8-27
Boraginaceae GH: 02024574 Cryptantha minima Rydberg USA: Texas dunes 10 miles northeast of Dermit C. M. Rowell 8216 1961-5-6
GH: 01993425 Heliotropium curassavicum Linnaeus USA: Texas Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge, 20 miles ... C. M. Rowell 10350 1964-7-1
GH: 01993680 Heliotropium greggii Torrey USA: Texas foothills of the Malone Mountains, 18 miles ... C. M. Rowell 8887 1964-4-25
GH: 01994124 Heliotropium texanum I. M. Johnston USA: Texas Canadian River bottomlands, Howe Wildlife Ar... C. M. Rowell 10255a 1964-6-20
GH: 01995229 Lappula redowskii (Hornemann) Greene USA: Texas 11 miles north of Pampa C. M. Rowell 11022 1966-5-19
GH: 01995227 Lappula redowskii (Hornemann) Greene USA: Texas 8.7 miles west of McLean C. M. Rowell 10151 1964-5-28
GH: 01995226 Lappula redowskii (Hornemann) Greene USA: Texas 7.4 miles west of Adrian C. M. Rowell 10059 1964-5-28
GH: 01995225 Lappula redowskii (Hornemann) Greene USA: Texas 9.8 miles east of Shamrock C. M. Rowell 10104 1964-5-28
GH: 01995452 Lappula texana (Scheele) Britton USA: Texas 3 miles west of Sabinal C. M. Rowell 8816 1964-3-23
GH: 01995899 Lithospermum caroliniense (J. F. Gmelin) MacMillan USA: Texas 8.1 miles east of Shamrock C. M. Rowell 10109 1964-5-28
GH: 01995898 Lithospermum caroliniense (J. F. Gmelin) MacMillan USA: Texas 4 miles east and 4 north of Wheeler C. M. Rowell 10862 1965-5-27
GH: 01996278 Lithospermum incisum Lehmann USA: Texas Punta de Aqua Creek, 3.5 miles west of Romer... C. M. Rowell 10220 1964-6-13
GH: 01996277 Lithospermum incisum Lehmann USA: Texas 3 miles west of Georgetown C. M. Rowell 8805 1964-3-23
GH: 02060085 Oreocarya cinerea Greene USA: Texas adjacent to Canadian River approx. 9 miles e... C. M. Rowell 1965-5-25
GH: 02060084 Oreocarya cinerea Greene USA: Texas 8.1 miles east of Muleshoe C. M. Rowell 10008a 1964-5-30
GH: 02060083 Oreocarya cinerea Greene USA: Texas Rita Blanca Creek canyon, 2.3 miles west of ... C. M. Rowell 10210 1964-6-13
GH: 02060069 Oreocarya cinerea Greene USA: Texas 26.4 miles south of Dimmit C. M. Rowell 8637 1963-5-18
GH: 02060068 Oreocarya cinerea Greene USA: Texas 1.1 mi. west of McLean C. M. Rowell 10127 1964-5-28
GH: 02060067 Oreocarya cinerea Greene USA: Texas adjacent to the Canadian River, 7 miles nort... C. M. Rowell 10340 1964-7-4
GH: 02061333 Oreocarya thyrsiflora Greene USA: Oklahoma approx. 6 miles east of Kenton C. M. Rowell 11060 1966-6-19
Brassicaceae GH: 01155584 Descurainia pinnata ochroleuca (Wooton) Detling USA: Texas 21 miles east of Floydada C. M. Rowell 8502 1962-3-23
GH: 01155609 Descurainia sophia (Linnaeus) Webb ex Prantl USA: Texas Canadian River, 29 miles north of Amarillo C. M. Rowell 10242 1964-6-14
GH: 01155646 Dimorphocarpa palmeri (Payson) Rollins USA: Texas 8.1 miles east of Shamrock C. M. Rowell 10113 1964-5-28
GH: 01084613 Dimorphocarpa wislizenii (J. Engleman) Rollins USA: New Mexico 22 miles southwest of Alamogordo C. M. Rowell 8878 1964-4-24
GH: 01106214 Draba cuneifolia Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas 7 miles east of Kendalia C. M. Rowell 8810 1964-3-23
GH: 01561723 Erysimum asperum de Candolle USA: Texas 11 miles north of Pampa C. M. Rowell 11021 1966-5-19
GH: 01538123 Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hooker) Greene USA: Texas 9.1 miles east of Muleshoe C. M. Rowell 8628 1963-5-18
GH: 01546708 Lepidium alyssoides angustifolium (C. L. Hitchcock) Rollins USA: New Mexico 16 miles southwest of Alamgorodo C. M. Rowell 8870 1964-4-24
GH: 01546849 Lepidium austrinum Small USA: Texas 12 miles south of Midland C. M. Rowell 1965-3-12
GH: 01549362 Lepidium oblongum Small USA: Texas 21 miles east of Floydada C. M. Rowell 8501 1963-3-23
GH: 01550461 Nerisyrenia camporum (A. Gray) Greene USA: Texas foothills of the Malone Mountains, 18 miles ... C. M. Rowell 8890 1964-4-25
GH: 01575679 Physaria fendleri (A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas 4 miles north of Quemado C. M. Rowell 8833 1964-3-24
GH: 01575693 Physaria fendleri (A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas 10 miles northeast of Kermit C. M. Rowell 8225a 1961-5-6
GH: 01575967 Physaria gordonii (A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas 21 miles east of Floydada C. M. Rowell 8505 1963-3-23
GH: 01687882 Physaria ovalifolia (Rydberg) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas White River canyon, 7.8 miles south of Floyd... C. M. Rowell 8510 1963-4-3
GH: 01687894 Physaria ovalifolia (Rydberg) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas 7.4 miles west of Adrian C. M. Rowell 10070 1964-5-28
GH: 01691266 Physaria recurvata (Engelmann ex A. Gray) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Texas 7 miles east of Kendalia C. M. Rowell 8809 1964-3-23
GH: 01693084 Rorippa sinuata (Nuttall) Hitchcock USA: Texas Margins of playa lake, 6.7 miles west of Bov... C. M. Rowell 10039 1964-5-30
GH: 01693085 Rorippa sinuata (Nuttall) Hitchcock USA: Texas along margins of playa lake on west edge of ... C. M. Rowell 8632 1963-5-8
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 01852362 Chamaecrista fasciculata (Michaux) Greene USA: Texas 23.7 miles north of Canadian C. M. Rowell 10365 1964-7-4
GH: 01676943 Hoffmannseggia glauca (Ortega) Eifert USA: Texas 18 miles northeast of Kermit C. M. Rowell 8310 1962-5-6
GH: 01676956 Hoffmannseggia glauca (Ortega) Eifert USA: Texas 1 mile south, 1 west of Post C. M. Rowell 10167 1964-6-7
GH: 01679091 Pomaria jamesii (Torrey & A. Gray) Walpers USA: Texas 1 mile west, 2 north of Dickens C. M. Rowell 10282 1964-6-28
GH: 01679756 Senna roemeriana (Scheele) H. S. Irwin & Barneby USA: Texas 4 miles north of Kermit C. M. Rowell 8561 1963-5-3
Capparaceae GH: 01872370 Peritoma serrulata (Pursh) de Candolle USA: Texas Bottomlands of Canadian River approx. 7 mile... C. M. Rowell 10551 1964-8-8
Caryophyllaceae GH: 01745983 Minuartia michauxii texana (B. L. Robinson ex Britton) Mattfeld USA: Texas 11 miles southeast of Perryton C. M. Rowell 10375 1964-7-5
GH: 01714899 Paronychia jamesii Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas 16 miles northwest of Gruver C. M. Rowell 10983 1965-10-9
GH: 01714900 Paronychia jamesii Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas 1 mile west and 2 north of Dickens C. M. Rowell 10261 1964-6-28
GH: 01714901 Paronychia jamesii Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas 3 miles southwest of Post C. M. Rowell 10527 1964-8-15
Ceratophyllaceae GH: 02073391 Ceratophyllum demersum Linnaeus USA: Texas Margins of Lake Goettiche, approx. 22 miles ... C. M. Rowell 10853 1965-6-26
Chenopodiaceae GH: 02003339 Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nuttall USA: Texas below caprock on Notress Road, 16 miles nort... C. M. Rowell 8294 1962-5-6
GH: 01782775 Chenopodium pratericola Rydberg USA: Texas Blanco Canyon, 7 miles south of Floydada C. M. Rowell 10244A 1964-6-19
GH: 01782769 Chenopodium pratericola Rydberg USA: Texas Dune area adjacent to Canadian River, 7 mile... C. M. Rowell 10250A 1964-6-20
GH: 01782980 Corispermum americanum (Nuttall) Nuttall USA: Texas 1 mile south of Higgins C. M. Rowell 10908 1965-10-8
GH: 01782979 Corispermum americanum (Nuttall) Nuttall USA: Texas 2 miles south of Glazier C. M. Rowell 10919 1965-10-8
GH: 01784136 Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Sprengel) J. M. Coulter USA: Texas 1 mile west and 2 north of Dickens C. M. Rowell 10307 1964-6-28
GH: 01784135 Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Sprengel) J. M. Coulter USA: Texas 23.7 miles north of Canadian C. M. Rowell 10357 1964-7-4
Cleomaceae GH: 01872060 Cleomella angustifolia Torrey USA: Texas Bottomlands of Canadian River approx. 7 mile... C. M. Rowell 10548 1964-8-8
Convolvulaceae GH: 02055856 Convolvulus arvensis Linnaeus USA: Texas 26.4 miles south of Dimmit C. M. Rowell 8643 1964-5-18
GH: 02055993 Convolvulus equitans Bentham USA: Texas South Pease River, 12 miles northwest of Pad... C. M. Rowell 8102 1961-4-29
GH: 02057605 Evolvulus pilosus Roxburgh USA: Texas 11.5 miles east of Shamrock C. M. Rowell 10092 1964-5-28
GH: 02042231 Ipomoea leptophylla Torrey USA: Texas 11.1 miles west of Shamrock C. M. Rowell 10114 1964-5-28
Cucurbitaceae GH: 01544168 Ibervillea lindheimeri (A. Gray) Greene USA: Texas 14 miles southwest of Claude C. M. Rowell 10881 1965-8-14
Cyperaceae GH: 02371869 Carex annectens (E. P. Bicknell) E. P. Bicknell USA: Texas 7 miles northeast of Canadian C. M. Rowell 8227 1962-5-29
GH: 02371868 Carex annectens (E. P. Bicknell) E. P. Bicknell USA: Texas 4 miles east, 4 north of Wheeler C. M. Rowell 10869 1965-5-27
Ephedraceae GH: 00933713 Ephedra trifurca Torrey ex S. Watson USA: New Mexico 22 miles southwest of Alamagordo C. M. Rowell 8875 1964-4-24
GH: 00933714 Ephedra trifurca Torrey ex S. Watson USA: New Mexico 22 miles southwest of Alamogordo C. M. Rowell 8874 1964-4-24
Fabaceae GH: 01935374 Amorpha fruticosa Linnaeus USA: Texas Margins of Lake Goettiche 20 miles east of C... C. M. Rowell 10940 1965-10-8
GH: 01935579 Amorpha laevigata Nuttall USA: Texas Bottomlands of Canadian River, approx. 7 mil... C. M. Rowell 10384 1964-7-4
GH: 02052817 Astragalus lotiflorus Hooker USA: Texas Buffalo Springs Canyon, 16 miles east of Lub... C. M. Rowell 8529 1963-4-23
GH: 02049226 Astragalus missouriensis Nuttall USA: Texas Breaks of Canadian River, 29 miles north of ... C. M. Rowell 10238 1964-6-14
GH: 02049315 Astragalus mollissimus Torrey USA: New Mexico 20.9 miles east of Artesia C. M. Rowell 8867 1964-4-23
GH: 02049338 Astragalus mollissimus Torrey USA: Texas 24.1 miles northwest of Bovina C. M. Rowell 10047 1964-5-30
GH: 02048395 Astragalus racemosus Pursh USA: Texas 4.9 miles east of Lariat C. M. Rowell 10012 1964-5-30
GH: 02030458 Astragalus wootonii E. Sheldon USA: New Mexico 29.7 miles northeast of Las Cruces C. M. Rowell 8880 1964-4-24
GH: 01884842 Dalea aurea Nuttall ex Pursh USA: Texas Figure 3 Ranch, 14 miles southwest of Claude C. M. Rowell 10234 1964-6-16
GH: 01885100 Dalea candida oligophylla (Torrey) Shinners USA: Texas 1 mile west, 2 north of Dickens C. M. Rowell 10267 1964-6-28
GH: 01885391 Dalea enneandra Nuttall USA: Texas 1 mile west, 2 north of Dickens C. M. Rowell 10263 1964-6-28
GH: 01885390 Dalea enneandra Nuttall USA: Texas Figure 3 Ranch, 14 miles southwest of Claude C. M. Rowell 10235 1964-6-16
GH: 01885605 Dalea formosa Torrey USA: Texas 16 miles south of Del Rio C. M. Rowell 8837 1964-3-24
GH: 01885604 Dalea formosa Torrey USA: Texas 7.4 miles west of Adrian C. M. Rowell 10054 1964-5-28
GH: 01885779 Dalea lanata Sprengel USA: Texas adjacent to Canadian River, 7 miles northeas... C. M. Rowell 10342 1964-7-4
GH: 01921032 Dalea nana Torrey ex A. Gray USA: Texas adjacent to the Canadian River, 7 miles nort... C. M. Rowell 10330 1964-7-4
GH: 01921564 Dalea tenuifolia (A. Gray) Shinners USA: Texas 26.4 miles south of Dimmit C. M. Rowell 8647 1963-5-18
GH: 01921563 Dalea tenuifolia (A. Gray) Shinners USA: Texas 7.4 miles west of Adrian C. M. Rowell 10064 1964-5-28
GH: 01921562 Dalea tenuifolia (A. Gray) Shinners USA: Texas east side of Mackenzie State Park C. M. Rowell 8611 1963-5-20
GH: 01921642 Dalea villosa (Nuttall) Sprengel USA: Texas 23.7 miles north of Canadian C. M. Rowell 10415 1964-7-4
GH: 01959685 Glycyrrhiza lepidota Nuttall ex Pursh USA: Texas bottomlands of South Peas River 11 miles nor... C. M. Rowell 8609 1963-5-11
GH: 01959684 Glycyrrhiza lepidota Nuttall ex Pursh USA: Texas Punta de Aqua Creek, 3/5 miles west of Romer... C. M. Rowell 10216 1964-6-13
GH: 02148372 Indigofera miniata Ortega USA: Texas adjacent to Canadian River, 7 miles northeas... C. M. Rowell 10334 1964-7-4
GH: 02177897 Lupinus plattensis S. Watson USA: Texas near Puta se Aqua Creek, 3.5 miles northwest... C. M. Rowell 10243 1964-6-13
GH: 02132982 Oxytropis lambertii Pursh USA: Texas 24 miles south of Pampa C. M. Rowell 10814 1965-5-24
GH: 02133073 Pediomelum linearifolium (Torrey & A. Gray) J. W. Grimes USA: Texas margin of Palo Duro Canyon, 7 miles east of ... C. M. Rowell 10310 1964-7-3
GH: 02133072 Pediomelum linearifolium (Torrey & A. Gray) J. W. Grimes USA: Texas Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area, 7 miles ... C. M. Rowell 8676 1963-6-29
GH: 02133663 Psoralidium lanceolatum (Pursh) Rydberg USA: Texas Rita Blanca Creek 3 miles west of Channing C. M. Rowell 10212 1964-6-13
GH: 02133924 Psoralidium tenuiflorum (Pursh) Rydberg USA: Texas 10 miles north of Dalhart C. M. Rowell 10226 1964-6-13
GH: 02133923 Psoralidium tenuiflorum (Pursh) Rydberg USA: Texas 10.4 miles north of Channing C. M. Rowell 10189 1964-6-13
GH: 02135559 Sophora nuttalliana B. L. Turner USA: Texas 15.2 miles northeast of Brownfield C. M. Rowell 8859 1964-4-23
GH: 02135558 Sophora nuttalliana B. L. Turner USA: Texas 24.1 miles northwest of Bovina C. M. Rowell 10044 1964-5-30
GH: 02135546 Sophora nuttalliana B. L. Turner USA: Texas 18 miles northeast of Kermit C. M. Rowell 8308 1963-5-6
GH: 02137703 Tephrosia virginiana (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Texas 8.1 miles east of Shamrock C. M. Rowell 10107 1964-5-28
GH: 02347161 Vicia ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Texas 11 mi. north of Pampa C. M. Rowell 11020 1966-5-19
Iridaceae GH: 01748812 Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller USA: Texas Breaks of White River canyon, 7 miles east o... C. M. Rowell 8596 1963-5-11
Juncaceae GH: 02102457 Juncus dudleyi Wiegand USA: Texas Lake Goettiche approx. 22 miles east of Cana... C. M. Rowell 10848 1965-6-26
GH: 02102456 Juncus dudleyi Wiegand USA: Texas Canadian River approx. 7 miles northeast of ... C. M. Rowell 10252 1964-6-20
GH: 02401797 Juncus interior Wiegand USA: Texas Canadian River approx. 7 miles northeast of ... C. M. Rowell 10327 1964-7-4
Krameriaceae GH: 01788539 Krameria lanceolata Torrey USA: Texas 14 miles north of Post on Slaton Road C. M. Rowell 8579 1963-5-9
GH: 01788547 Krameria lanceolata Torrey USA: Texas Rita Blanca Creek canyon, 2.3 miles west of ... C. M. Rowell 10202 1964-6-13
Lamiaceae GH: 01600530 Monarda citriodora Cervantes ex Lagasca USA: Texas 11 miles northwest of Paducah C. M. Rowell 8606 1963-5-11
GH: 01599455 Monarda pectinata Nuttall USA: Texas 3 miles north of Lubbock C. M. Rowell 8654 1963-6-26
GH: 02502518 Monarda punctata occidentalis Epling USA: Texas 1 mile west and 2 north of Dickens C. M. Rowell 10306 1964-6-28
GH: 01697055 Scutellaria drummondii edwardsiana B. L. Turner USA: Texas 3 miles west of Sabinal C. M. Rowell 8817 1964-3-23
GH: 01698673 Scutellaria resinosa Torrey USA: Texas 24 miles south of Pampa C. M. Rowell 10812 1965-5-24
GH: 01700082 Teucrium canadense Linnaeus USA: Texas Bottom lands of the Canadian River, approx. ... C. M. Rowell 10538 1964-8-8
GH: 01700400 Teucrium laciniatum Torrey USA: Texas 5 miles south of Seminole C. M. Rowell 8229a 1961-5-6
GH: 01700401 Teucrium laciniatum Torrey USA: Texas 9.8 miles east of Shamrock C. M. Rowell 10096 1964-5-28
GH: 01700402 Teucrium laciniatum Torrey USA: Texas 18 miles east of Kermit C. M. Rowell 8309 1962-5-6
Linaceae GH: 02053604 Linum pratense (Norton) Small USA: Texas 8.7 mi. west of McLean C. M. Rowell 10132 1964-5-28
GH: 02053605 Linum pratense (Norton) Small USA: Texas High Plains Grassland, 10 mi. north of Dalha... C. M. Rowell 10222 1964-6-13
GH: 02053701 Linum rigidum Pursh USA: Texas 5 miles north of Eagle Pass C. M. Rowell 8825 1964-3-24
Malvaceae GH: 02202372 Callirhoe involucrata lineariloba (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray USA: Texas 1 mile west and 2 north of Dickens C. M. Rowell 10298 1964-6-28
GH: 02202344 Callirhoe involucrata lineariloba (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray USA: Texas 11.5 miles east of Shamrock C. M. Rowell 10084 1964-5-28
GH: 02202343 Callirhoe involucrata lineariloba (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray USA: Texas 7 miles northeast of Canadian C. M. Rowell 10390 1964-7-4
GH: 02202381 Callirhoe leiocarpa R. F. Martin USA: Texas 11 miles northwest of Paducah C. M. Rowell 8604 1963-5-11
GH: 02201074 Hibiscus moscheutos lasiocarpos (Cavanilles) O. J. Blanchard USA: Texas Canadian River, approx. 7 miles northeast of... C. M. Rowell 10544 1964-8-8
GH: 02200363 Rhynchosida physocalyx (A. Gray) Fryxell USA: Texas 1 mile west, 2 north of Dickens C. M. Rowell 10290 1964-6-28
GH: 02199402 Sphaeralcea angustifolia (Cavanilles) G. Don USA: Texas 1 mile west and 2 north of Dickens C. M. Rowell 10288 1964-6-28
GH: 02199634 Sphaeralcea coccinea (Nuttall) Rydberg USA: Texas 8.7 miles west of McLean C. M. Rowell 10145 1964-5-28
Mimosaceae GH: 01679984 Acacia angustissima hirta (Nuttall) B. L. Robinson USA: Texas 1 mile west and 2 north of Dickens C. M. Rowell 10305 1964-6-28
GH: 01680805 Acacia greggii A. Gray USA: Texas along hwy. 115, 4 miles north of Kermit C. M. Rowell 8563 1963-5-5
GH: 01786336 Desmanthus cooleyi (Eaton) Trelease USA: Texas 4.9 miles east of Lariat C. M. Rowell 10010 1964-5-30
GH: 01786480 Desmanthus illinoensis (Michaux) MacMillan ex B. L. Robinson & Fernald USA: Texas Bottomlands of Canadian River, approx. 7 mil... C. M. Rowell 10385 1964-7-4
GH: 01680195 Mimosa borealis A. Gray USA: Texas 7.4 miles west of Adrian C. M. Rowell 10066 1964-5-28
GH: 01992137 Prosopis glandulosa Torrey USA: Texas 4 miles north of Kermit C. M. Rowell 8562 1963-5-5
Najadaceae GH: 01734449 Zannichellia palustris Linnaeus USA: Texas 11 miles north of Kermie C. M. Rowell 8288 1962-5-6
Nyctaginaceae GH: 01642291 Abronia angustifolia Greene USA: New Mexico 16 miles southwest of Alamogordo C. M. Rowell 8871 1964-4-24
GH: 01846118 Mirabilis linearis (Pursh) Heimerl USA: Texas 24.1 miles northwest of Bovina C. M. Rowell 10045 1964-5-30
Onagraceae GH: 01624786 Calylophus hartwegii pubescens (A. Gray) Towner & P. H. Raven USA: Texas 5 miles north of Eagle Pass C. M. Rowell 8824 1964-4-24
GH: 01777837 Gaura coccinea Pursh USA: Texas Buffalo Springs Creek, 16 miles east of Lubb... C. M. Rowell 8524 1963-4-23
GH: 01777838 Gaura coccinea Pursh USA: Texas Sandy loam adjacent to S. Pease River 12 mil... C. M. Rowell 8048 1961-4-29
GH: 01777936 Gaura coccinea parvifolia (Torrey) C. F. Gates USA: Oklahoma 19.7 miles south, south-east of Boise City C. M. Rowell 10566 1964-8-22
GH: 01778362 Gaura sinuata Nuttall ex Seringe USA: Texas 1 mile south, 1 west of Post C. M. Rowell 10164 1964-6-7
GH: 01645496 Oenothera canescens Torrey & Fremont USA: Texas west edge of Hub C. M. Rowell 8634 1963-5-18
GH: 01645497 Oenothera canescens Torrey & Fremont USA: Texas 5 miles north of Slaton. C. M. Rowell 8573 1963-5-9
GH: 01645499 Oenothera canescens Torrey & Fremont USA: Texas playa lake margin 2 miles south of McAdoo C. M. Rowell 1965-6-18
GH: 01645912 Oenothera engelmannii (Small) Munz USA: Texas 10 miles northeast of Kermit C. M. Rowell 8213a 1961-5-6
GH: 01645913 Oenothera engelmannii (Small) Munz USA: Texas 4 miles east and 4 north of Wheeler C. M. Rowell 1965-5-27
GH: 01644804 Oenothera macrocarpa incana (A. Gray) W. L. Wagner USA: Texas White River Canyon, ledges, 7 miles east of ... C. M. Rowell 8592 1963-5-11
GH: 01644808 Oenothera macrocarpa incana (A. Gray) W. L. Wagner USA: Texas 12 miles east of Lubbock C. M. Rowell 8797 1964-7-1
Orobanchaceae GH: 01877700 Castilleja lindheimeri A. Gray USA: Texas 16 miles south of Del Rio C. M. Rowell 8838 1964-3-24
Phyllanthaceae GH: 01971388 Phyllanthopsis phyllanthoides Vorontsova & Petra Hoffmann USA: Texas 15.5 miles south of Monahans C. M. Rowell 8777 1963-6-4
GH: 01971388 Phyllanthus abnormis Baillon USA: Texas 15.5 miles south of Monahans C. M. Rowell 8777 1963-6-4
GH: 01971581 Phyllanthus polygonoides Nuttall ex Sprengel USA: Texas 5 miles east of Uvalde C. M. Rowell 8821 1964-3-23
GH: 01971622 Phyllanthus pudens L. C. Wheeler USA: Texas near Moss Bluff C. M. Rowell 3201 1952-9-29
GH: 01971694 Reverchonia arenaria A. Gray USA: Texas 10 miles north of Kermit C. M. Rowell 8263 1961-8-4
Plantaginaceae GH: 00466822 Callitriche heterophylla Pursh USA: Texas bottomlands of the Canadian River ± 7 miles... C. M. Rowell 11006 1966-5-20
GH: 02002005 Penstemon albidus Nuttall USA: Texas 24 miles south of Pampa C. M. Rowell 10815 1965-5-24
GH: 02002067 Penstemon ambiguus Torrey USA: Texas 9.1 miles east of Muleshoe C. M. Rowell 8621 1963-5-16
GH: 02002066 Penstemon ambiguus Torrey USA: Texas Breaks of White River canyon, 7 miles east o... C. M. Rowell 8593 1963-5-11
GH: 02119464 Penstemon fendleri Torrey USA: Texas 15.2 miles northeast of Brownfield C. M. Rowell 8860 1964-4-23
GH: 02119485 Penstemon fendleri Torrey USA: Texas bottom of Palo Duro Canyon, 15 miles south o... C. M. Rowell 10780 1965-4-24
GH: 01803664 Plantago patagonica Jacquin USA: Texas 11.1 miles west of Shamrock C. M. Rowell 10116 1964-5-28
GH: 01803875 Plantago rhodosperma Decaisne USA: Texas 9.8 miles east of Shamrock C. M. Rowell 10103 1964-5-28
GH: 01811255 Veronica peregrina xalapensis (Kunth) Pennell USA: Texas Gageby Creek margins, 12 miles north of Whee... C. M. Rowell 10990 1966-5-20
Plumbaginaceae GH: 01927370 Limonium limbatum Small USA: Texas 7 miles northwest of Gervin C. M. Rowell 8775 1963-6-3
Poaceae GH: 01812924 Andropogon hallii Hackel USA: Texas 4.6 miles north of Andrews C. M. Rowell 8264 1962-10-5
Polemoniaceae GH: 01092632 Eriastrum diffusum (A. Gray) H. Mason USA: New Mexico 22 miles southwest of Alomogorado C. M. Rowell 8876 1964-4-24
GH: 00985024 Giliastrum acerosum (A. Gray) Rydberg USA: Texas 16 miles east of Lubbock C. M. Rowell 8536 1963-4-23
GH: 01104144 Ipomopsis longiflora (Torrey) V. E. Grant USA: Texas foothills of Malone Mts., 18 miles west of S... C. M. Rowell 8886 1964-4-25
GH: 01571893 Phlox divaricata laphamii (Alph. Wood) Wherry USA: Oklahoma 12 mi. n. of Tahlequah C. M. Rowell 8858 1964-4-12
Polygalaceae GH: 01971824 Polygala alba Nuttall USA: Texas on upper breaks of Running Water Draw, 7.8 m... C. M. Rowell 10026 1964-5-30
GH: 01971823 Polygala alba Nuttall USA: Texas 9.8 miles east of Shamrock C. M. Rowell 10097 1964-5-28
Polygonaceae GH: 01618281 Eriogonum annuum Nuttall USA: Texas North Fork of Dorble Mt. Fork of Brazos Rive... C. M. Rowell 10520 1964-8-15
GH: 01618286 Eriogonum annuum Nuttall USA: Texas Bottom lands of Canadian River, approx. 7 mi... C. M. Rowell 10543 1964-8-8
GH: 01851325 Eriogonum jamesii Bentham USA: Oklahoma 4 air miles south of Kenton C. M. Rowell 8686 1963-9-21
GH: 01851442 Eriogonum lachnogynum Torrey ex Bentham USA: Texas Rita Blanca Creek canyon 2.3 miles west of C... C. M. Rowell 10204 1964-6-13
GH: 01851443 Eriogonum lachnogynum Torrey ex Bentham USA: Texas 7.4 miles west of Adrian C. M. Rowell 10055 1964-5-28
GH: 01851707 Eriogonum longifolium Nuttall USA: Texas 1 mile south and 1 west of Post C. M. Rowell 10181 1964-6-7
GH: 02363972 Persicaria lapathifolia (Linnaeus) Delarbre USA: Texas 25 miles east of Stratfore C. M. Rowell 10578 1965-8-27
Potamogetonaceae GH: 01572309 Potamogeton foliosus Rafinesque USA: Texas 1 mile north of South Plains C. M. Rowell 10316 1964-7-3
GH: 01572311 Potamogeton foliosus Rafinesque USA: Texas 1 mile north of Tulia C. M. Rowell 10882 1965-8-14
GH: 01695025 Potamogeton nodosus Poiret USA: Texas Persimmon Creek, 9 miles east, northeast of ... C. M. Rowell 10247a 1964-6-20
GH: 01695027 Potamogeton nodosus Poiret USA: Texas in Barton Springs Creek near junction with C... C. M. Rowell 8759 1963-11-30
GH: 01695802 Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus USA: Texas Playa lake 2.8 mi. west of Tam Anne C. M. Rowell 11014 1966-6-5
GH: 01732197 Ruppia maritima Linnaeus USA: Texas Estelline Salt Springs, 2 miles east of Este... C. M. Rowell 8279 1962-4-28
GH: 01734148 Stuckenia pectinata (Linnaeus) Börner USA: Texas Near margins of Lake Goettiche, 25 miles eas... C. M. Rowell 5805 1958-6-30
Primulaceae GH: 01926770 Samolus parviflorus Rafinesque USA: Texas approx. 7 miles northeast of Canadian C. M. Rowell 10249 1964-6-20
Rafflesiaceae GH: 00266910 Pilostyles sp. USA: Texas C. M. Rowell 8251d 1961-5-2
GH: 00266910 Pilostyles thurberi A. Gray USA: Texas C. M. Rowell 8251d 1961-5-2
Ranunculaceae GH: 01706288 Anemone berlandieri Pritzel USA: Texas 3 miles west of Georgetown C. M. Rowell 8808 1964-3-23
GH: 01657088 Clematis pitcheri Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas Caprock ledges, margin of Palo Duro Canyon, ... C. M. Rowell 10308 1964-7-3
GH: 01657123 Clematis pitcheri Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas Caprock breaks, Palo Duro Canyon, approximat... C. M. Rowell 11018 1966-5-19
GH: 01658739 Delphinium carolinianum penardii (Huth) Warnock USA: Texas 11 miles northwest of Paducah C. M. Rowell 8607 1963-5-11
GH: 01661151 Halerpestes cymbalaria (Pursh) Green USA: Texas Punta de Aqua Creek, 3.5 miles northeast of ... C. M. Rowell 10213 1964-6-13
GH: 01661152 Halerpestes cymbalaria (Pursh) Green USA: Texas Punta de Agua Creek, 3.5 miles northeast of ... C. M. Rowell 10213 1964-6-13
GH: 01665845 Ranunculus longirostris Godron USA: Texas Margins of Lake Goeetiche approx. 22 miles e... C. M. Rowell 10852 1965-6-26
GH: 01836115 Ranunculus macranthus Scheele USA: Texas Southwestern University Campus, Georgetown C. M. Rowell 10778 1965-3-30
GH: 01838121 Ranunculus sceleratus Linnaeus USA: Texas 4 miles east and 4 north of Wheeler C. M. Rowell 10868 1965-5-27
Rhamnaceae GH: 01789852 Ceanothus herbaceus Rafinesque USA: Texas 4 miles east and 4 north of Wheeler C. M. Rowell 10855 1965-5-27
GH: 01789898 Ceanothus herbaceus Rafinesque USA: Texas 8.1 miles east of Muleshoe C. M. Rowell 10008 1964-5-30
GH: 01971115 Ziziphus obtusifolia (Hooker ex Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray USA: Texas 1 mile south, 1 west of Post C. M. Rowell 10162 1964-6-7
Rosaceae GH: 01587386 Cercocarpus montanus Rafinesque USA: New Mexico near entrance to Otawi section of Bandelier ... C. M. Rowell 8560 1963-5-2
GH: 01721244 Prunus angustifolia Marshall USA: Texas 17.1 miles east of Floydada C. M. Rowell 8498 1963-3-23
Rubiaceae GH: 02356572 Cephalanthus occidentalis pubescens Rafinesque USA: Texas Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area, 7 miles ... C. M. Rowell 8664 1963-6-29
GH: 02354465 Houstonia acerosa (A. Gray) Bentham & Hooker f. USA: Texas 1 mile south and 1 west of Post C. M. Rowell 10173 1964-6-7
Rutaceae GH: 01584371 Ptelea trifoliata mollis Torrey & A. Gray USA: Texas in breaks of Palo Duro Canyon, 15 miles sout... C. M. Rowell 8518 1963-4-14
GH: 01584587 Thamnosma texanum (A. Gray) Torrey USA: Texas 44 miles north of Quemado C. M. Rowell 8830 1964-4-24
GH: 01584661 Thamnosma texanum purpureum (Wooton & Standley) Woodruff USA: Texas 2 miles southeast of Colorado River crossing... C. M. Rowell 8494 1963-3-18
Sapindaceae GH: 01870236 Ungnadia speciosa Endlicher USA: Texas 12 miles south of Juno C. M. Rowell 8839 1964-3-24
Scrophulariaceae GH: 01841479 Erythranthe geyeri (Torrey) G. L. Nesom USA: Texas Punta de Aqua Creek 3.5 miles west of Romero C. M. Rowell 10214 1964-6-13
Solanaceae GH: 01145600 Chamaesaracha coniodes (Moricand ex Dunal) Britton USA: Texas 1 mile west, 2 north of Dickens C. M. Rowell 10301 1964-6-28
GH: 01145602 Chamaesaracha coniodes (Moricand ex Dunal) Britton USA: Texas 16 miles east of Lubbock C. M. Rowell 8540 1963-4-23
GH: 01542492 Solanum carolinense Linnaeus USA: Texas adjacent to the Canadian River, 7 miles nort... C. M. Rowell 10318 1964-7-4
GH: 01542260 Solanum emulans Rafinesque USA: Texas adjacent to Canadian River, approx. 9 miles ... C. M. Rowell 10839 1965-5-25
Typhaceae GH: 00933075 Typha domingensis Persoon USA: Texas 1 mile north of South Plains C. M. Rowell 10228 1964-6-17
Verbenaceae GH: 01800560 Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nuttall) Nuttall USA: New Mexico 21 miles west of Hope C. M. Rowell 8869 1964-4-23
GH: 01800693 Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nuttall) Nuttall USA: Texas 3 miles west of Georgetown C. M. Rowell 8804 1964-3-23
GH: 01953565 Phyla cuneifolia (Torrey) Greene USA: Texas 3.4 miles west of Groon C. M. Rowell 10153 1964-5-28
GH: 01953564 Phyla cuneifolia (Torrey) Greene USA: Texas 6.7 miles west of Bovina C. M. Rowell 10038 1964-5-30
GH: 01953706 Phyla lanceolata (Michaux) Greene USA: Texas Gene Howe Wildlife Area 7 miles northeast of... C. M. Rowell 8667 1963-6-29
GH: 01954753 Verbena bracteata Lagasca & Rodriguez USA: Texas on west edge of Hub C. M. Rowell 8631 1963-5-18
GH: 01955547 Verbena plicata Greene USA: Texas 1 mile west, 2 north of Dickens C. M. Rowell 10289 1964-6-28
GH: 01955548 Verbena plicata Greene USA: Texas 1 miles south and 1 west of Post C. M. Rowell 10180 1964-6-7
GH: 01955551 Verbena plicata Greene USA: Texas 3 miles west of Sabinal C. M. Rowell 8814 1964-3-23
GH: 01955552 Verbena plicata Greene USA: Texas 11 miles northwest of Paducah C. M. Rowell 8605 1963-5-11
Violaceae GH: 02144526 Hybanthus verticillatus (Ortega) Baillon USA: Texas caprock ledges 7.4 miles west of Adrian C. M. Rowell 10053 1964-5-28
Vitaceae GH: 01577844 Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Linnaeus) Planchon USA: Texas Canadian River, approx. 7 miles northeast of... C. M. Rowell 10328 1964-7-4
GH: 01578108 Vitis acerifolia Rafinesque USA: Texas 8.1 miles east of Shanrock C. M. Rowell 10112 1964-5-28
Zygophyllaceae GH: 01788103 Larrea tridentata (de Candolle) Coville USA: Texas 15 miles northeast of Ruidosa C. M. Rowell 1965-4-17