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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for genus:[neptunia] and species:[pubescens]
= with images
GH: 00064602
Neptunia pubescens microcarpa
(Rose) Windler Mexico: Jalisco Wet meadows near Guadalajara C. G. Pringle 8626 1902-8-5
GH: 00064603
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham Peru: Lima H. Cuming 1027
GH: 01786883
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Alabama Bayou le Batre R. Kral 35313 1974-6-26
A: 01786884
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 01786885
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786886
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786887
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786888
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786889
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786890
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786891
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786892
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786893
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786894
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786895
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786896
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786897
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786898
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786899
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786900
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786901
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786902
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786903
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786904
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786905
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786906
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786907
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 01786908
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786909
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786910
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786911
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 01786912
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786913
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786914
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786915
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured]
A: 01786916
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786917
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Mississippi [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786918
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786919
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Mississippi Biloxi: [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786920
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Mississippi [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786921
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Mississippi [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786922
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Mississippi [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786923
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas Red Fish Bay V. L. Cory 36685 1940-11-16
GH: 01786924
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Mississippi [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786925
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Mississippi [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786926
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas 2 miles west of Boca Chica H. R. Reed 348 1947-10-25
GH: 01786927
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas 4 miles E. of Riverside V. L. Cory 10388 1934-9-29
GH: 01786928
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas Flour Bluff B. C. Tharp 1939-7-1
GH: 01786929
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas .3 m E of Ingleside V. L. Cory 20355 1936-9-19
GH: 01786930
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas 8 3/4 mi. N. of Raymondville V. L. Cory 28369 1938-4-4
GH: 01786931
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas 10 miles northeast of Rockport D. S. Correll & I. M. Johnston 17631 1957-7-8
GH: 01786932
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas Kingsville: [no additional data] J. F. Sinclair 1940
GH: 01786933
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas Rte. 239, 11.5 mi NW of Rte. 77 S. R. Hill 18341 1987-7-24
GH: 01786934
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas Tub Well Pasture at fenceline with Middle Cr... S. R. Hill 10574 1981-7-20
GH: 01786935
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas 0.7 mi E of Middle Creek; West Steer Pasture... S. R. Hill 10508 1981-7-15
GH: 01786936
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas De Witt Co. B. C. Tharp 1942-7-5
GH: 01786937
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas Austin: Austin B. C. Tharp 1938-5-15
GH: 01786938
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas Mooney Lake V. L. Cory 19220 1936-8-23
GH: 01786939
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas Western De Witt Co. M. Riedel 1941-7-5
GH: 01786940
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786941
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas along Highway 87 in coastal flat; 3 1/2 mile... V. L. Cory 50944 1945-11-18
GH: 01786942
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas 5 3/4 miles south of Anahuac V. L. Cory 22437 1937-5-16
GH: 01786943
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas 12 m N. of Pleasanton V. L. Cory 19160 1936-8-19
GH: 01786944
Neptunia pubescens
Bentham USA: Texas Brownsville: Vicinity of Brownsville R. Runyon 1942-06-01
GH: 00064600
Neptunia pubescens pubescens
USA: Texas Houston: Prairies F. J. Lindheimer 1843-6
GH: 00064601
Neptunia pubescens pubescens
USA: Texas About Corpus Christi A. A. Heller 1822 1894-6-2
GH: 01786945
Neptunia pubescens microcarpa
(Rose) Windler USA: Texas Along San Felipe Creek, near Del Rio D. S. Correll 14939 1952-10-8
GH: 01786946
Neptunia pubescens microcarpa
(Rose) Windler USA: Texas 9 m. S. of Spofford. V. L. Cory 16763 1935-10-6
GH: 01786947
Neptunia pubescens microcarpa
(Rose) Windler USA: Texas Eagle pass V. Havard 23 1/2 1882
GH: 01786948
Neptunia pubescens microcarpa
(Rose) Windler USA: Texas Ottine B. C. Tharp 1929-7-14
GH: 01786949
Neptunia pubescens microcarpa
(Rose) Windler USA: Texas [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786950
Neptunia pubescens microcarpa
(Rose) Windler USA: Texas [data not captured] [data not captured]
GH: 01786951
Neptunia pubescens microcarpa
(Rose) Windler USA: Texas Corpus Christi: Corpus Christi Bay Edw. Palmer 4 1879-12
GH: 01786952
Neptunia pubescens microcarpa
(Rose) Windler USA: Texas [no additional data] J. Reverchon 34 1885-6
GH: 01786953
Neptunia pubescens microcarpa
(Rose) Windler USA: Texas Prope el rio de las Nueces J. L. Berlandier 2021=611 1829-7