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Index of Botanical Specimens
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GH: 01929526
Amaranthus spinosus
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Clermont O. H. Brown 1941-8-18
GH: 02179922
Apocynum cannabinum
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Cold Spring O. H. Brown 8171 1912-7
GH: 01082610
Asclepias verticillata
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Swain's Sta. O. H. Brown 1919-8-17
GH: 02142148
Chondrilla juncea
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 13075 1916-9-17
GH: 02207544
Erigeron annuus
(Linnaeus) Persoon USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1943-7-4
GH: 02190146
Eupatorium resinosum
Torrey & A. Gray USA: New Jersey Forked River [Lacey Township] O. H. Brown 1893-9-2
GH: 02204420
Heterotheca subaxillaris latifolia
(Buckley) Semple USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1927-9-10
GH: 01833177
Hieracium venosum
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1940-7-2
GH: 01833165
Hieracium venosum
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 10704 1917-6-24
GH: 01833441
Hypochaeris radicata
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 13380 1901-7-20
GH: 02192626
Liatris pilosa
(Aiton) Willdenow USA: New Jersey Mt. Pleasant [Woodbine] O. H. Brown 1924-9-28
GH: 02071417
Carpinus caroliniana virginiana
(Marshall) Furlow USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1919-5-25
GH: 01957544
Buglossoides arvensis
(Linnaeus) I. M. Johnston USA: New Jersey Cold Spring [Lower Township] O. H. Brown 8345 1911-5-10
GH: 01994722
Lappula echinata
Gilibert USA: New Jersey Cape May: [no additional data] O. H. Brown 1920-6-18
GH: 00992956
Arabidopsis thaliana
(Linnaeus) Heynhold USA: New Jersey Cape May O. H. Brown 1920-5-2
GH: 01795813
Campanula rapunculoides
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Cape May O. H. Brown 1923-7-2
GH: 01742871
Cerastium arvense
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Cape May O. H. Brown 1921-5-10
GH: 01745078
Holosteum umbellatum
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Cold Spring Cemetery Cold Spring O. H. Brown 1942-4-2
GH: 02371822
Carex annectens
(E. P. Bicknell) E. P. Bicknell USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 187 1917-7
GH: 02391280
Carex atlantica capillacea
(L. H. Bailey) Reznicek USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 8984 1907-7-4
GH: 02393820
Carex canescens disjuncta
(Fernald) Toivonen USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 184 1917-7
GH: 02391748
Carex echinata
Murray USA: New Jersey Cape May: [data not captured] O. H. Brown 2511 1912-6-1
GH: 01771840
Carex lupulina
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 14314 1913-6-27
GH: 02370988
Carex spicata
Hudson USA: New Jersey Cape May: [data not captured] O. H. Brown 14312 1918-6-12
GH: 01536476
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
(Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: New Jersey Cape May Point; Cape May O. H. Brown 548 1917-9-9
GH: 01537954
Chamaedaphne calyculata
(Linnaeus) Moench USA: New Jersey Burleigh. along the main road O. H. Brown 1912-6-1
GH: 01881815
Clitoria mariana
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey West Cape may O. H. Brown 393 1917-9-9
GH: 01961911
Desmodium paniculatum
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: New Jersey Cold Spring So. New England Cr. [Lower Towns... O. H. Brown 1913-9-14
GH: 01960213
Desmodium perplexum
B. G. Schubert USA: New Jersey Cold Spring O. H. Brown 363 1917-9-10
GH: 01960396
Desmodium rotundifolium
(Michaux) de Candolle USA: New Jersey Between So. Dennis & Goshen [Middle Township... O. H. Brown 1916-6-20
GH: 01960395
Desmodium rotundifolium
(Michaux) de Candolle USA: New Jersey Mt. Pleasant O. H. Brown 1941-8-16
GH: 02150153
Lathyrus pratensis
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Cold Spring [Lower Township] O. H. Brown 1920-6-27
GH: 02150353
Lathyrus tuberosus
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Cape May: [no additional data] O. H. Brown 1920-7-16
GH: 02087327
Lespedeza oblongifolia
(Britton) W. Stone USA: New Jersey Dennisville [Dennis Township] O. H. Brown 1941-9-7
GH: 02087392
Lespedeza procumbens
Michaux USA: New Jersey Fishing Creek [Villas] O. H. Brown 1919-9-7
GH: 02087665
Lespedeza simulata
Mackenzie & Bush USA: New Jersey Cape May: [no additional data] O. H. Brown 1914-9-29
GH: 02129727
Medicago lupulina
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 6536 1920-6-23
GH: 02133325
Phaseolus polystachius
Michaux USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1941-8-1
GH: 02342155
Trifolium aureum
Pollich USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1922-6-6
GH: 02347472
Vicia tetrasperma
(Linnaeus) Schreber USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1942-6-30
GH: 02347771
Wisteria frutescens
(Linnaeus) Poiret USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1941-6-25
GH: 02069160
Bartonia paniculata
(Michaux) Muhlenberg USA: New Jersey Dennisville O. H. Brown 1941-9-7
GH: 02072338
Gentiana autumnalis
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Cape May: [no additional data] O. H. Brown 1917-9-16
GH: 01863533
Erodium cicutarium
(Linnaeus) L'Heritier USA: New Jersey Cold Spring [Lower Township] O. H. Brown 1899-4-27
GH: 02099955
Juncus brachycarpus
Engelmann USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1924-7-28
GH: 02101557
Juncus coriaceus
Mackenzie USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1911-9-24
GH: 02399630
Juncus platyphyllus
(Wiegand) Fernald USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 217 1917-8
GH: 02396617
Luzula bulbosa
(Alph. Wood) B. B. Smyth & L. C. R. Smyth USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1940-6-10
GH: 02396614
Luzula bulbosa
(Alph. Wood) B. B. Smyth & L. C. R. Smyth USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 3328 1918-5-21
GH: 01553762
Lamium amplexicaule
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Cape May: [no additional data] O. H. Brown 1920-5-12
GH: 01974843
Utricularia gibba
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [Lower Township] Cold Spring. New England me... O. H. Brown 10759 1908-8-18
GH: 01975396
Utricularia juncea
Vahl USA: New Jersey Cold Spring. Anthony's branch. O. H. Brown 8917 1920-8-22
GH: 01975358
Utricularia juncea
Vahl USA: New Jersey Cold Spring. O. H. Brown 10746 1899-8-8
GH: 02201574
Kosteletzkya pentacarpos
(Linnaeus) Ledebour USA: New Jersey So. of Mill Lane, Cold Spring [Lower Townshi... O. H. Brown 1913-8-14
GH: 01671452
Epilobium coloratum
Biehler USA: New Jersey Rio Grande O. H. Brown 1920-8-22
AMES: 02031333
Arethusa bulbosa
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Bennett O. H. Brown 1921-5-16
AMES: 01938568
Corallorhiza odontorhiza
(Willdenow) Poiret USA: New Jersey Cold Spring O. H. Brown 4443 1916-9-6
AMES: 02066900
Platanthera clavellata
(Michaux) Luer USA: New Jersey Cold Spring, Braduer's Run O. H. Brown 1899-7-25
AMES: 02066901
Platanthera clavellata
(Michaux) Luer USA: New Jersey Cold Spring, Braduer's Run O. H. Brown 1901-9-3
AMES: 02045812
Platanthera integra
(Nuttall) A. Gray ex L. C. Beck USA: New Jersey Above Sain's Station O. H. Brown 3993 1919-8-25
AMES: 02045931
Platanthera lacera
(Michaux) G. Don USA: New Jersey Cold Spring - along W.J.R.R. [illegible] O. H. Brown 1899-7-10
AMES: 02046200
Platanthera nivea
(Nuttall) Luer USA: New Jersey Bennett 1 mile west of Sta. O. H. Brown 1912-8-28
AMES: 02032632
Spiranthes tuberosa
Rafinesque USA: New Jersey Fishing Creek O. H. Brown 1919-8-31
AMES: 02029276
Tipularia discolor
(Pursh) Nuttall USA: New Jersey Cold Spring O. H. Brown 1920-3-21
GH: 01802070
Plantago elongata
Pursh USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 8973 1921-5-1
GH: 01802864
Plantago major
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Cape May: [data not captured] O. H. Brown 8982 1917-9-10
GH: 01803806
Plantago pusilla
Nuttall USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 9148 1919-6-22
GH: 01813090
Andropogon ternarius
Michaux USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1499 1920-9-22
GH: 01813089
Andropogon ternarius
Michaux USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1940-9-29
GH: 00971371
Dichanthelium recognitum
(Fernald) LeBlond USA: New Jersey Cold Spring: north of New England Creek O. H. Brown 59 1912-7-6
GH: 00971371
Dichanthelium scabriusculum
(Elliott) Gould & C. A. Clark USA: New Jersey Cold Spring: north of New England Creek O. H. Brown 59 1912-7-6
GH: 02363362
Persicaria hydropiperoides
(Michaux) Small USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1941-9-29
GH: 02362851
Persicaria punctata
(Elliott) Small USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 285 1917-9-9
GH: 02361239
Persicaria setacea
(Baldwin) Small USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 288 1917-8-25
GH: 01920161
Hottonia inflata
Elliott USA: New Jersey South Dennis O. H. Brown 1941-6-5
GH: 01710669
Caltha palustris
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Dias Creek [Middle Township] O. H. Brown 5407 1921-4-16
GH: 01586743
Agrimonia pubescens
Wallroth USA: New Jersey near Bayside Road, Cold Spring [Lower Townsh... O. H. Brown 1919-8-19
GH: 02359953
Galium hispidulum
Michaux USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 634 1917-9-9
GH: 02139029
Galium pilosum
Aiton USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 629 1917-9-9
GH: 02140371
Galium triflorum
Michaux USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1922-7-17
GH: 01733560
Chrysosplenium americanum
Schweinitz ex Hooker USA: New Jersey 1 1/2mi. west of station, Wildwood Junc. [Ri... O. H. Brown 1919-6-22
GH: 02170879
Pilea pumila
(Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: New Jersey [data not captured] O. H. Brown 1941-7-20
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