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Index of Botanical Specimens
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GH: 02181937
Alyxia bracteolosa
A. Gray Samoa: Island of Tuutuila. 2 mi west of Fagamalu. Paul A. Cox 112 1979-1-27
GH: 02181930
Alyxia bracteolosa
A. Gray Tonga: Island of 'Eua; 2 km. in forest past King's ... Paul A. Cox 1108 1987-7-6
GH: 02181960
Alyxia stellata
(J. R. Forster & G. Forster) Roemer & Schultes Samoa: Savai'i: behind Vaotupua: Falealu-potai. Paul A. Cox 1000 1986-7-1
GH: 02114401
Catharanthus roseus
Linnaeus & G. Don Samoa: Savai'i: Lava field 1 km N of Falealupo tai. Paul A. Cox 914 1986-1-28
GH: 02114778
Cerbera manghas
Linnaeus Samoa: Upolu: Siufaga Paul A. Cox 62 1978-11-29
GH: 02114775
Cerbera manghas
Linnaeus Samoa: Savai'i: Taga Paul A. Cox 95 1978-12-15
GH: 02114770
Cerbera manghas
Linnaeus Samoa: Savai'i: [no additional data] Paul A. Cox 823 1985-7-25
GH: 02115956
Funtumia elastica
(Preuss) Stapf Samoa: Upolu: Siufaga Paul A. Cox 66 1978-11-29
GH: 02115955
Funtumia elastica
(Preuss) Stapf Samoa: Upolu: 5 mi inland from Aleisa Paul A. Cox 48 1978-11-24
GH: 02381163
Ochrosia oppositifolia
(Lamarck) K. Schumann Samoa: Savai'i: Taga Paul A. Cox 96 1978-12-15
GH: 02382715
Plumeria rubra
Linnaeus Samoa: Savai'i: [no additional data] Paul A. Cox 864 1985-8-16
GH: 01634487
Alocasia macrorrhizos
(Linnaeus) Don Samoa: Savai'i: in fa'atoaga (plantation) near fore... Paul A. Cox 238 1979-6-25
GH: 01634781
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius
(Dennstedt) Nicolson Samoa: Savai'i: [no additional data] Paul A. Cox 928 1986-1-30
GH: 01634782
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius
(Dennstedt) Nicolson Samoa: Savai'i: [no additional data] Paul A. Cox 1057 1986-7-25
GH: 01655706
Colocasia esculenta
(Linnaeus) Schott Samoa: Upolu: Siusega village Paul A. Cox 302 1979-7-10
GH: 01630360
Rhaphidophora graeffei
Engler Samoa: Upolu: Ridge between Mt. Fia Moe and Lake La... Paul A. Cox 976 1986-6-20
GH: 01630366
Rhaphidophora reineckei
Engler Samoa: Savai'i: located near coconut plantation Paul A. Cox 872 1985-8-16
GH: 01630367
Rhaphidophora reineckei
Engler Samoa: Upolu: Tapatapa o Paul A. Cox 34 1978-10-28
GH: 01630368
Rhaphidophora reineckei
Engler Samoa: Upolu: Tapatapa Paul A. Cox 80 1978-12-7
GH: 01630371
Rhaphidophora reineckei
Engler Samoa: Upolu: Tiavi on trail to Lanoto'o Paul A. Cox 353 1979-8-1
GH: 01630372
Rhaphidophora reineckei
Engler Samoa: Upolu: Tiavi on trail to Lanoto'o Paul A. Cox 353 1979-8-1
GH: 01630387
Rhaphidophora sp.
Samoa: Savai'i: Falealupo Paul A. Cox 1020 1986-7-11
GH: 01630388
Rhaphidophora sp.
Samoa: Savai'i: Salamaleulu Paul A. Cox 299 1979-7-2
GH: 00071286
Meryta malietoa
P. A. Cox Samoa: Savai'i: Below Mt. Silisili, altitude 1800 m... Paul A. Cox 279 1979-6-29
GH: 01153491
Clinostigma onchorhynchum
Beccari Samoa: Island of Upolu; Mt. Fia Moe Paul A. Cox 153 1979-5-19
GH: 01153491
Clinostigma samoense
H. Wendland Samoa: Island of Upolu; Mt. Fia Moe Paul A. Cox 153 1979-5-19
GH: 01153492
Clinostigma samoense
H. Wendland Samoa: Island of Upolu; Mt. Fia Moe Paul A. Cox 153 1979-5-19
GH: 01153493
Clinostigma samoense
H. Wendland Samoa: Island of Upolu; Mt. Fia Moe Paul A. Cox 153 1979-5-19
GH: 01153494
Clinostigma samoense
H. Wendland Samoa: Island of Upolu; Mt. Fia Moe Paul A. Cox 153 1979-5-19
GH: 02162163
Didymoplexis micradenia
(H. G. Reichenbach) Hemsley Samoa: Savai'i: between Faala and Tafuatai Paul A. Cox 106 1979-1-3
GH: 00055240
Freycinetia coxii
Huynh Samoa: Island of Savaii, summit on Mount Silisili, ... Paul A. Cox 270 1979-6-27
FH: 00416753
Dictyophora indusiata
(Ventenat) Desvaux Samoa: Upolu: Tapatapao rain forest Paul A. Cox 448 1908-4-3
GH: 01983791
Macropiper puberulum glabrum
(C. de Candolle) A. C. Smith Samoa: Upolu: Tafatafa; road to beach Paul A. Cox 899 1986-1-17
GH: 01983800
Macropiper puberulum glabrum
(C. de Candolle) A. C. Smith Tonga: Island of 'Eua Paul A. Cox 1084 1987-7-2
GH: 01978874
Peperomia sp.
Samoa: Upolu: Mt. Le Pue Paul A. Cox 213 1979-6-14
GH: 01978877
Peperomia sp.
Samoa: Upolu: Tapatapao Paul A. Cox 70 1978-12-7
GH: 01978878
Peperomia sp.
Samoa: Upolu: on the very top of summit of Mt. Le P... Paul A. Cox 202 1979
GH: 01978879
Peperomia sp.
Samoa: Upolu: [no additional data] Paul A. Cox 837 1985-8-2
GH: 01978880
Peperomia sp.
Samoa: Upolu: Mt. Le Pue Paul A. Cox 201 1979
A: 01978892
Peperomia sp.
Samoa: Savai'i: On Mt. Silisili near summit Paul A. Cox 273 1979-6-30
GH: 01883592
Piper graeffei
Warburg Samoa: Savai'i: [no additional data] Paul A. Cox 824 1985-7-25
GH: 01983791
Piper macgillivrayi
C. de Candolle Samoa: Upolu: Tafatafa; road to beach Paul A. Cox 899 1986-1-17
GH: 01883635
Piper methysticum
G. Forster Samoa: Savai'i: Letui Paul A. Cox 283 1979-6
GH: 01883623
Piper methysticum
G. Forster Samoa: Island of Sava. Falealupo plantation Paul A. Cox 1056 1986-7-25
GH: 01883681
Piper sp.
Samoa: Upolu: Aleisa, Potoga Plantation Paul A. Cox 975 1986-6-19
GH: 01883678
Piper sp.
Samoa: Island of Upolu Paul A. Cox 808 1985-7-10
GH: 01883677
Piper sp.
Samoa: Upolu: [no additional data] Paul A. Cox 836 1985-8-2
GH: 01883676
Piper sp.
Samoa: Upolu: Ridge between Mt. Fia Moe and Lake La... Paul A. Cox 977 1986-6-19
GH: 01883673
Piper sp.
Samoa: Upolu: near Lalonaea Paul A. Cox 146 1979-5-16
GH: 01883669
Piper tutuilae
C. de Candolle Samoa: Upolu: Mt. Le PUE Paul A. Cox 215 1979-6-14
GH: 01883668
Piper tutuilae
C. de Candolle Samoa: Upolu: Mt. Le Pue Paul A. Cox 204 1979
GH: 01883667
Piper tutuilae
C. de Candolle Samoa: Upolu: Tapatapao Paul A. Cox 78 1978-12-7
GH: 01883666
Piper tutuilae
C. de Candolle Samoa: Upolu: Falemauga Paul A. Cox 44 1978-11-24
GH: 01883665
Piper tutuilae
C. de Candolle Samoa: Upolu: Tapatapao Paul A. Cox 130 1979-3-7
FH: 00555109
Cymatoderma elegans
Junghun Samoa: [data not captured] Paul A. Cox 311 1979-7-13
GH: 02222578
Alpinia dyeri
K. Schumann Samoa: Island of Upolu. Tiavi pass Paul A. Cox 327 1979-7-18
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