Name | Mildbraed, Gottfried Wilhelm Johannes |
Start Date | 1879 |
End Date | 1954 |
Remarks | [author note: Herbarium and types: B (original collections nearly all destroyed; duplicate collections below 3500 may be at HBG, PRE, UPS; 3500-7200 at BM, HBG, K; above 7200 at A, BM, HBG, L; duplicates at B, BR, P; some algae at B] [collector note: all orig. collections from 4 German expeditions into Africa (1907-08, 1910-11, 1913, & 1928 (25,000 nos.) at B (mostly destroyed). 1) C. & E. Africa ("Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 1907-1908", published in J. Mildbraed: Wiss. Erg. Deut. Zentr.-Afr. Exped., Bot.: 1-176, t. 1.16. 1910.): B, H, HBG, L, PRE, UPS, WRSL. 2) W. Africa (1910-11): B, BM, BR, H, HBG, WRSL; 3) Cameroons (1913 & 1928): A, B, BM?, K, MO, P, NY; 4) Togo Rep.: B (350); Collections (Africa): BR, NY] |
ASA Botanist ID | 102063 botanist |
GUID | |
Variant name | Gottfried Wilhelm Johannes Mildbraed |
Author name | Mildbraed |
B & P Author Abbrev. | Mildbr. |
Standard/Label Name | G. W. J. Mildbraed |
Full Name | Mildbraed, Gottfried Wilhelm Johannes |
Geography Author | Germany |
Specialty Author | Bryophytes |
Specialty Author | Pteridophytes |
Specialty Author | Spermatophytes |
Citation as Author | Authors of Plant Names. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew |
Citation as Author | Taxonomic Literature. Second Edition. Utrecht |
Citation as Collector | Index Herbariorum - Collectors M |
Member of teams/groups | |
Author in | Wiss. Erg. Zweit. Deut. Zentr.-Afr. Exped. (1910-1911), Bot. |
Author in | Beitr. Kenntn. Podostemon. |
Author in | Wiss. Erg. Deut. Zentr.-Afr. Exped. (1908-1908), Bot. |
Holdings | Search for specimens collected by G. W. J. Mildbraed |
Collections in | [no date] (2), 1914 (1), 1928 (84), 1938 (1) |
Collector Teams: | R. Knuth & Mildbraed Mildbraed & Reimers E. F. Gilg & G. W. J. Mildbraed |
Author Teams: | R. Knuth & Mildbraed Mildbraed & Reimers G. W. J. Mildbraed & F. L. E. Diels E. F. Gilg & G. W. J. Mildbraed |