The Harvard Herbaria steward approximately 6 million botanical specimens, of which 1.8 million are digitized and searchable. New specimen records are added daily. If you need help using the collection or finding resources not yet databased, please send us your question.
Disclaimer: Collection records at the Harvard University Herbaria (HUH) may contain language that reflects historical place or taxon names in an original form that is no longer acceptable or appropriate in an inclusive environment. Because HUH preserves data in their original form to retain authenticity and facilitate research, we have chosen to facilitate conversations and are committed to address the problem of racial, derogatory and demeaning language that may be found in our database. Insensitive or offensive language is not condoned by the HUH.
Data shown in square brackets [ ] are annotations made by the cataloger and do not necessarily reflect data present on the specimen labels.
The * (star) character may be used as a wildcard search.
Examples of wildcard searches:
- *Muller matches 'J. Bornmüller'; 'C. H. Muller'; 'C. J. Müller'; and 'I. M. Johnston & C. H. Muller', but not 'C. H. Muller & J. M. Tucker'.
- C. H. Muller* matches 'C. H. Muller'; 'C. H. Muller & J. M. Tucker'; 'C. H. Muller & L. C. Hinckley' and 'C. H. Muller & M. T. Muller', but not 'I. M. Johnston & C. H. Muller'.
- *Muller* matches 'C. H. Muller'; 'C. H. Muller & J. M. Tucker'; 'C. H. Muller & L. C. Hinckley' and 'I. M. Johnston & C. H. Muller'.
- C*M_ller matches both C. E. Miller and C. H. Muller