Name | Araujo, Dorothy Sue Dunn |
First date flourished | 1976 |
Remarks | [author note: Herbarium and types: RB; additional material at F, LIL, RB] [collector note: GUA, NY] |
ASA Botanist ID | 129625 botanist |
GUID | |
Variant name | Dorothy Araujo |
Variant name | Dorothy Sue Dunn de Araujo |
Author name | D. S. D. Araujo |
B & P Author Abbrev. | D. S. D. Araujo |
Standard/Label Name | D. S. D. Araújo |
Full Name | Araujo, Dorothy Sue Dunn |
Geography Author | Brazil |
Geography Collector | Brazil |
Specialty Author | Pteridophytes |
Specialty Collector | Phanerogams |
Citation as Author | Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. New York |
Citation as Collector | Index Herbariorum, ed. 8 |