Name | Drège, Jean Francois |
Date of birth | 1794 |
Date of death | 1881 |
Remarks | [author note: Herbarium and types: Collected partly with his brother, C. F. Drège in South Africa; B (mostly destroyed), BM, BRSL, C, CGE, (400), CN, DBN, E, FI, G (1694), G-DC, GE, GH, GRA, H (musci), HBG, (alg.), JE, K, KIEL, KMG, L, LD, LE, LZ, M, MO, NCY, NH, NY, O, OXF, P (4500), PC, PH, P-JU, PRE, S, SAM, TCD, UPS, W, WU] [collector note: B, BM, BRSL, C, CGE, CN, E, FL, G, G-DC, GE, GH, GRA, H (Musci), HBG (Alg.), JE, K, KIEL, L, LD, LE, LZ, MO, NCY, NH, NY, O, OXF, P, PC, P-JU, PRE, S, SAM, TCD, UPS, W, WU] |
ASA Botanist ID | 100439 botanist |
GUID | |
Variant name | Jean François Drège |
Variant name | Johann Franz Drège |
Author name | Drège |
B & P Author Abbrev. | Drège |
Standard/Label Name | J. F. Drège |
Full Name | Drège, Jean Francois |
Geography Author | Germany, South Africa |
Geography Collector | South Africa |
Specialty Author | Algae |
Specialty Author | Bryophytes |
Specialty Author | Spermatophytes |
Specialty Collector | Phanerogams |
Citation as Author | Authors of Plant Names. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew |
Citation as Author | TL2/S |
Citation as Collector | Index Herbariorum - Collectors A-D |
Member of teams/groups | |
Author in | Comm. Pl. Afr. Austr. |
Author in | Zwei Pflanzengeogr. Docum. |
Author in | Cat. Pl. Afr. Austral. [Drège] |
Holdings | Search for specimens collected by J. F. Drège |
Collections in | [no date] (152), 1832 (1), 1836 (2), 1837 (4), 1838 (2), 1839 (7), 1840 (1), 1930 (1) |
Collector Teams: | E. H. F. Meyer & J. F. Drège |
Author Teams: | Meyer & Drège |