Remarks | "born in Beaumont, Texas, 9 August 1903, but had lived in Stamford since 1935. She received the B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from The Ohio State University. The latter degree, taken in botany in 1929, was under Prof. Edgar N. Transeau, with whom she studied the green algae, especially the desmids, of the Coastal Plain of the United States and the algal family Vaucheriaceae. Her paperswere published under her maiden name, Helen Jean Brown, in the Transactions of the American Microscopical Society (1929-1937). Before her marriage on 14 March 1935 to Dr. Stanley Willard Bromley, entomologist for the Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories, Stamford, she served as a professor at the College of St. Mary of the Springs (now Ohio Dominican College), Columbus (1925-1928), and was an instructor in botany at The Ohio State University (1928-1935). In Stamford, Mrs. Bromley served as an instructor in botany for the University of Connecticut, before being named registrar in 1952." (vide Stuckey). [author note: Vaucheria nicholsii H.J.Brown in Trans. Amer. Microsp. Soc., 56: 284. 1937.] |