Name | Steane, Dorothy A. |
First date flourished | 1998 |
Remarks | Name Published: Rotheca commiphoroides (Verdc.) D.A. Steane & D.J. Mabberley (1998). Research: genetic resource management of our native forests, in particular Eucalyptus globulus and E. obliqua; phylogeny, evolution and biogeography of the Australian biota, in particular eucalypts and casuarinas; phylogeny and classification of Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae), Dracophyllum (Ericaceae) and associated taxa; DNA fingerprinting and identification (“barcoding”); Eucalyptus genomics. [author note: Univ. Oxford (U.K.), Univ. Tasmania] |
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ASA Botanist ID | 188054 botanist |
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Variant name | D.A. Steane |
Author name | Steane |
B & P Author Abbrev. | Steane |
Standard/Label Name | D. A. Steane |
Full Name | Steane, Dorothy A. |
Geography Author | Australia (Country), United Kingdom |
Specialty Author | Spermatophytes |
Citation as Author | Novon; a Journal for Botanical Nomenclature. St. Louis, MO |