Title | Austrobaileya. Brisbane, Qld. |
Abbreviation | Austrobaileya |
Publication Dates | Vol. 1+, 1977+ |
BPH | BPH/s p. 112 |
Remarks | Preceded by: Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 106 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Capparis velutina P. I. Forster [Isotype] 1997, 5(1): 107Dansiea elliptica Byrnes [Isotype] 1981, 1: 385
Dansiea elliptica Byrnes [Isotype] 1981, 1: 385
Macropteranthes leiocaulis P. I. Forster [Isotype] 1994, 4: 151
Croton mamillatus P. I. Forster [Isotype] 2003, 6(3): 391
Actephila venusta P. I. Forster [Isotype] 2005, 7(1): 89
Mallotus dispersus P. I. Forster [Isotype] 1999, 5: 465
Mallotus surculosus P. I. Forster [Isotype] 1999, 5: 488
Claoxylon tenerifolium subsp. boreale P. I. Forster [Isotype] 2007, 7: 466
Fontainea oraria Jessup & Guymer [Isotype] 1985, 2: 119
Fontainea rostrata Jessup & Guymer [Isotype] 1985, 2: 114
Sankowskya stipularis P. I. Forster [Isotype] 1995, 4: 331
Dissiliaria indistincta P. I. Forster [Isotype] 1997, 5: 17
Euphorbia indistincta P. I. Forster [Isotype] 1994, 4: 254
Pseuduvaria mulgraveana var. glabrescens Jessup [Isotype] 1987, 2: 312
Goniothalamus australis Jessup [Isotype] 1986, 2(3): 224
Acacia grandifolia Pedley [Isotype] 1978, 1: 183
Acacia tenuinervis Pedley [Isotype] 1978, 1: 142
Acacia ammophila Pedley [Isotype] 1978, 1: 197, adnot
Acacia jackesiana Pedley [Isotype] 1978, 1: 128
Acacia calantha Pedley [Isotype] 1978, 1: 261
Acacia striatifolia Pedley [Isotype] 1978, 1: 141
Acacia maranoensis Pedley [Isotype] 1978, 1: 194
Acacia buxifolia subsp. pubiflora Pedley [Isotype] 1978, 1: 281-282
Acacia julifera subsp. gilbertensis Pedley [Isotype] 1978, 1: 162
Acacia longespicata subsp. velutina Pedley [Isotype] 1978, 1: 176
Acacia crassa subsp. longicoma Pedley [Isotype] 1978, 1: 178
Rhodomyrtus mengenensis N. Snow [Isotype] 2006, 7(2): 33
Rhodomyrtus guymeriana N. Snow & J. P. Atwood [Holotype] 2008, 7 (4): 692 (-696, 706; figs. 1-2, map 1)
Micromyrtus patula A. R. Bean [Isotype] 1997, 4: 458
Micromyrtus carinata A. R. Bean [Isotype] 1997, 4: 464
Micromyrtus forsteri A. R. Bean [Isotype] 1997, 4: 471
Micromyrtus delicata A. R. Bean [Isotype] 1997, 4: 457
Allosyncarpia ternata S. T. Blake [Isotype] 1977, 1: 43
Eucalyptus brassiana S. T. Blake [Isotype] 1977, 1: 1
Triplarina nitchaga A. R. Bean [Isotype] 1995, 4: 357
Triplarina volcanica subsp. borealis A. R. Bean [Isotype] 1995, 4: 362
Callistemon viminalis var. minor Byrnes [Isotype] 1984, 2: 75
Babingtonia angusta A. R. Bean [Isotype] 1999, 5: 163
Babingtonia papillosa A. R. Bean [Isotype] 1999, 5: 169
Babingtonia prominens A. R. Bean [Isotype] 1997, 4: 639
Babingtonia tozerensis A. R. Bean [Isotype] 1997, 4: 634
Ochrosperma obovatum A. R. Bean [Isotype] 1999, 5(3): 499
Thelymitra fragrans D. L. Jones & M. A. Clements [Isotype] 1988, 2(5): 550
Robiquetia brassii Ormerod [Isotype] 2005, 7,1: 199
Robiquetia brassii Ormerod [TypeMaterial] 2005, 7,1: 199
Corybas montanus D. L. Jones [Isotype] 1988, 2(5): 547
Corybas montanus D. L. Jones [TypeMaterial] 1988, 2(5): 547
Corybas barbarae D. L. Jones [Isotype] 1988, 2(5): 548
Corybas barbarae D. L. Jones [TypeMaterial] 1988, 2(5): 548
Dendrobium eymanum Ormerod [Holotype] 2005, 7,1: 184
Dendrobium eymanum Ormerod [Isotype] 2005, 7,1: 184
Dendrobium eymanum Ormerod [TypeMaterial] 2005, 7,1: 184
Dendrobium eymanum Ormerod [TypeMaterial] 2005, 7,1: 184
Dendrobium eymanum Ormerod [TypeMaterial] 2005, 7,1: 184
Dendrobium spenceanum Ormerod [Holotype] 2005, 7,1: 187
Dendrobium spenceanum Ormerod [TypeMaterial] 2005, 7,1: 187
Dendrobium spinuliferum Ormerod [Holotype] 2005, 7,1: 189
Dendrobium spinuliferum Ormerod [TypeMaterial] 2005, 7,1: 189
Dendrobium stipiticola Ormerod [Holotype] 2005, 7,1: 184
Tainia serratiloba Ormerod [Holotype] 2005, 7,1: 202
Tainia serratiloba Ormerod [TypeMaterial] 2005, 7,1: 202
Pterostylis nigricans D. L. Jones & M. A. Clements [Isotype] 1988, 2(5): 550
Glomera pseudomonanthos Ormerod [Isotype] 2005, 7,1: 193
Pseuderia takeuchii Ormerod [Isotype] 2005, 7,1: 196
Phyllanthera takeuchiana P. I. Forster [Isotype] 2002, 6: 329
Chrysopogon micrantherus Veldkamp [Isotype] 1999, 5: 516
Gouania exilis K. R. Thiele [Isotype] 1997, 4: 414
Psydrax odorata subsp. australiana S. T. Reynolds & R. J. F. Henderson [Isotype] 2004, 6(4): 837 (-839)
Cyclophyllum protractum S. T. Reynolds & R. J. F. Henderson [Isotype] 2001, 6(1): 54
Zieria vagans Duretto & P. I. Forster [Isotype] 2007, 7: 533
Zieria distans Duretto & P. I. Forster [Isotype] 2007, 7: 497
Acronychia eungellensis T. G. Hartley & B. Hyland [Isotype] 1983, 1: 451
Acronychia eungellensis T. G. Hartley & B. Hyland [Isotype] 1983, 1: 451
Rhysotoechia florulenta S. T. Reynolds [Isotype] 1991, 3(3): 490
Cossignia australiana S. T. Reynolds [Isotype] 1983, 1: 486
Synima reynoldsiae P. I. Forster [Isotype] 2006, 7: 286
Cupaniopsis papillosa P. I. Forster [Isotype] 2006, 7: 294
Solanum mentiens A. R. Bean [Isotype] 2004, 6(4): 692
Jedda multicaulis J. R. Clarkson [Isotype] 1986, 2: 203
Tetrastigma thorsborneorum Jackes [Isotype] 1989, 3: 155
Cayratia maritima Jackes [Isotype] 1987, 2(4): 366
Cissus vinosa Jackes [Isotype] 1988, 2(5): 494
Plectranthus excelsus P. I. Forster [Isotype] 1994, 4: 172
Hoya magnifica P. I. Forster & Liddle [Isotype] 1992, 3(4): 629
Symplocos boonjee Jessup [Isotype] 2011, 8: 232
Gynochthodes sessilis Halford [Isotype] 2004, 6(4): 891
Anisomeles papuana A. R. Bean [Isotype] 2015, 9(3)
Anisomeles papuana A. R. Bean [Isotype] 2015, 9(3)
Morinda retropila Halford & A. J. Ford [Isotype] 2009, 8(1): 85
Morinda retropila Halford & A. J. Ford [Isotype] 2009, 8(1): 85
Solanum invictum A. R. Bean [Isotype] 2016, 9(4): 575
Clausena smyrelliana P. I. Forster [Isotype] 2000, 5(4): 716
Clausena smyrelliana P. I. Forster [Isotype] 2000, 5(4): 716
Rhodomyrtus kaweaensis N. Snow [Isotype] 2006, 7(2): 331
Rhodomyrtus longisepala N. Snow & J. McFadden [Isotype] 2008, 7(4): 696
Rhodomyrtus misimana N. Snow [Isotype] 2008, 7(4): 698
Hoya calycina subsp. glabrifolia P. I. Forster & Liddle [Isotype] 1992, 3(4): 633
Acacia forsteri Pedley [Isotype] 2019, 10(3): 301
Solanum phobarum A. R. Bean [Isotype] 2016, 9(4): 507
Lagenophora sporadica Jian Wang [ter] & A. R. Bean [Isotype] 2020, 10(4): 578
Lagenophora sporadica Jian Wang [ter] & A. R. Bean [Isotype] 2020, 10(4): 578
Convolvulus recurvatus R. W. Johnson [Isotype] 2001, 6(1): 32
Kayea meridionalis W. E. Cooper & Zich [Isotype] 2022, 12: 4
Wilkiea kaarruana Zich & A. J. Ford [Isotype] 2011, 8(3): 406
Garcinia jensenii W. E. Cooper [Isotype] 2013, 9: 10
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 8 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Acacia scapuliformis A. Cunningham ex G. Don [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1978, 1: 278Ricinocarpos marginatus Bentham [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2007, 7(3): 416
Myrtus trineura F. Mueller [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1991, 3: 378
Bauhinia hookeri F. Mueller [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1977, 1: 33
Acacia neriifolia A. Cunningham ex Bentham [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1980, 1: 289
Cissus hypoglauca A. Gray [Lectotype] 2023, 13: 99-100
Cissus acrantha Lauterbach [Isoneotype] 2023, 13: 97
Crotalaria cunninghamii R. Brown [Lectotype] 2005, 6: 304-305