Title | Flora Historica: or the three seasons of the British parterre historically and botanically treated; with observations on planting, to secure a regular succession of flowers, from the commencement of spring to the end of autumn ... |
Abbreviation | Fl. Hist. |
Authors | Phillips |
Publication Dates | Ed. 1: 1824; Ed. 2: 1829 |
Place of publication | London |
Publisher | printed for E. Lloyd & Son, ... and A. Constable & Co. Edinburgh |
URL | http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=nyp.33433010841033;view=1up;seq=159 |
TL2 | 7868 |
HOLLIS | 001216620 |
Remarks | Ed. 1: v. 1: [i]-li, [1]-354; v. 2: [v]-xii, [1]-464. Ed. 2: v. 1: [i]-xlvii, [1]-333; v. 2: [i]-viii, [1]-423. |