Title | Plant Ecology and Evolution |
Abbreviation | Pl. Ecol. Evol. |
Publication Dates | vol. 143(1)+, 2010+ |
Place of publication | Meise, Belgium |
Publisher | National Botanic Garden of Belgium |
ISBN | 2032-3921 |
ISSN | 2032-3913 |
ISSN | 2032-3913 |
HOLLIS | 012514404 |
Remarks | Merger of: Systematics and geography of plants, and Belgian journal of botany |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 3 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Diphymyces sabahensis Haelewaters & Pfister [Isotype] 2014, 147: 94Diphymyces sabahensis Haelewaters & Pfister [Holotype] 2014, 147: 94
Diphymyces sabahensis Haelewaters & Pfister [Isotype] 2014, 147: 94