Title | Plantae Bakerianae |
Abbreviation | Pl. Baker. [Greene] |
Authors | E. L. Greene |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-3; 1: i, 1-52. 22 Feb 1901; 2: i-vii, 1-42. 25 Mar 1901; 3: i-viii, 1-36. 18 Nov 1901 |
Place of publication | Washington, D.C. |
URL | http://www.onread.com/reader/77009 |
TL2 | 2.142 |
HOLLIS | 001717368 |
Remarks | Contents: v. 1 Fungi to Iridaceæ; v. 2 Fungi to Gramieæ; v. 3. Index of genera. Notes: "List of plants collected by Mr. Carl F. Baker and his colleagues"--Pref., v. 1 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 59 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Mertensia lateriflora Greene [Isolectotype] 1901, 3: 18Mertensia congesta Greene [Isolectotype] 1901, 3: 17
Mertensia cynoglossoides Greene [Isolectotype] 1901, 3: 19
Mertensia muriculata Greene [Isolectotype] , 3: 19
Oreocarya horridula Greene [Type] 1901, 3: 20
Oreocarya nitida Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 21
Thelypodium bakeri Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 8
Thelypodium lilacinum Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 9
Arabis stenoloba Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 8
Draba graminea Greene [Type] 1901, 3: 5
Lupinus dichrous Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 35
Lupinus rubricaulis Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 35
Lupinus amplus Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 36
Lupinus arceuthinus Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 35
Lupinus leptostachyus Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 36
Thermopsis stricta Greene [Isolectotype] 1901, 3: 34
Apocynum lividum Greene [Type] 1901, 3: 17
Apocynum ambigens Greene [Syntype] 1901, 3: 17
Apocynum ambigens Greene [Syntype] 1901, 3: 17
Hymenopappus parvulus Greene [Syntype] 1901, 3: 30
Senecio pyrrhochrous Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 24
Senecio contristatus Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 24
Tetraneuris intermedia Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 29
Artemisia bakeri Greene [Type] , 3: 31
Arnica silvatica Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 27
Arnica lanulosa Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 26
Psilostrophe bakeri Greene [Type] 1901, 3: 29
Psilostrophe bakeri Greene [Type] 1901, 3: 29
Erigeron simulans Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 31
Abronia bakeri Greene [Type] 1901, 3: 32
Abronia bakeri Greene [Type] 1901, 3: 32
Plantago shastensis Greene [Type] , 3: 32
Pleospora lepidiicola Earle [Type] 1901, 2(1): 32
Pleospora lepidiicola Earle [Type] 1901, 2(1): 32
Pleospora compositarum Tracy & Earle [Type] 1901, 2(1): 21
Pleospora compositarum Tracy & Earle [Type] 1901, 2(1): 21
Pleospora megalotheca Tracy & Earle [Type] 1901, 1: 35
Pleospora balsamorrhizae Tracy & Earle [Type] 1901, 1: 34
Rumex bakeri Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 15
Eriogonum chloranthum Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 15
Eriogonum bakeri Greene [Isotype] 1903, 3: 15
Eriogonum salicinum Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 16
Ranunculus eremogenes var. pilosulus Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 2
Delphinium quercetorum Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 4
Delphinium dumetorum Greene [Type] 1901, 3: 4
Aconitum bakeri Greene [Type] 1901, 3: 5
Penstemon procumbens Greene [Isotype] , 3: 23
Penstemon teucrioides Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 23
Viola biternata Greene [Isosyntype] 1901, 3: 12
Viola biternata Greene [Isosyntype] 1901, 3: 12
Viola physalodes Greene [Type] 1901, 3: 12
Viola gomphopetala Greene [Isotype] 1901, 3: 11
Monardella parvifolia Greene [Type] 1901, 3: 22
Lachnum engelmannii Tracy & Earle [Syntype] 1901, 1: 25
Lachnum engelmannii Tracy & Earle [Syntype] 1901, 1: 25
Lachnum engelmannii Tracy & Earle [Syntype] 1901, 1: 25
Guepinia monticola Tracy & Earle [Type] 1901, 1: 23
Lachnella rhoina Tracy & Earle [Type] 1901, 2: 6
Naucoria coloradensis Tracy & Earle [Type] 1901, 1: 25