Title | Fern Bulletin; a Quarterly Devoted to Ferns. Binghamton, NY |
Abbreviation | Fern Bull. |
Publication Dates | Vols. 5-20, 1897-1912 |
BPH | 369.15 |
Remarks | Preceded by: Linn. Fern Bull. (ID: 4901) |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 65 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Woodwardia spinulosa f. ramosa A. A. Eaton [Type] 1901, 9: 87Dicksonia pilosiuscula f. nana Gilbert [Holotype] 1905, 13: 101
Nephrodium thelypteris var. pufferae A. A. Eaton [Type] 1902, 10: 78
Nephrodium thelypteris var. pufferae A. A. Eaton [Type] 1902, 10: 78
Equisetum ×ferrissii Clute [Isotype] 1904, 12: 22
Equisetum funstonii f. polystachyum A. A. Eaton [Type] 1903, 11: 12
Equisetum funstonii f. caespitosum A. A. Eaton [Type] 1903, 11: 11
Equisetum telmateia var. hillii Eaton [Type] 1900, 8: 77
Equisetum arvense f. macrostachya A. A. Eaton [Type] 1899, 7: 87
Equisetum arvense var. polystachyon A. A. Eaton [Type] 1899, 7: 88
Equisetum arvense f. microstachya A. A. Eaton [Type] 1899, 7: 87
Equisetum sylvaticum var. squarrosum A. A. Eaton [Type] 1901, 9: 36
Equisetum hyemale var. suksdorfii A. A. Eaton [Type] 1903, 11: 75, 110
Equisetum hyemale var. intermedium A. A. Eaton [Type] 1902, 1011
Equisetum hyemale var. pumilum A. A. Eaton [Syntype] 1903, 11: 109
Equisetum hyemale var. pumilum A. A. Eaton [Syntype] 1903, 11: 109
Equisetum hyemale var. pumilum A. A. Eaton [Syntype] 1903, 11: 109
Equisetum laevigatum f. caespitosum A. A. Eaton [Type] 1903, 11: 43
Equisetum laevigatum f. ramosum A. A. Eaton [Type] 1903, 11: 43
Equisetum variegatum var. nelsoni A. A. Eaton [Type] 1904, 12: 41
Polystichum tenue Gilbert [Syntype] 1900, 8: 63
Polystichum tenue Gilbert [Lectotype] 1900, 8: 63
Polystichum tenue Gilbert [TypeMaterial] 1900, 8: 63
Polystichum tenue Gilbert [Lectotype] 1900, 8: 63
Polystichum tenue Gilbert [Lectotype] 1900, 8: 63
Polystichum munitum subsp. solitarium Maxon [Type] 1903, 11: 39
Asplenium clutei Gilbert [Holotype] 1900, 8: 62
Botrychium ternatum var. oneidense Gilbert [Type] 1901, 9: 27
Botrychium ternatum var. oneidense Gilbert [Isotype] 1901, 9: 27
Osmunda regalis f. orbiculata Clute [Type] 1906, 14: 115
Osmunda cinnamomea var. glandulosa Waters [Syntype] 1902, 10: 21
Osmunda cinnamomea var. glandulosa Waters [Syntype] 1902, 10: 21
Polypodium vulgare var. alato-multifidum Gilbert [Type] 1906, 14: 105
Polypodium vulgare var. acuminatum Gilbert [Type] 1902, 10: 13
Polypodium vulgare var. acuminatum Gilbert [Type] 1902, 10: 13
Polypodium vulgare var. columbianum Gilbert [Syntype] 1906, 14: 37
Polypodium vulgare var. columbianum Gilbert [Syntype] 1906, 14: 37
Polypodium vulgare f. churchiae Gilbert [Type] 1906, 14: 39
Polypodium virginianum f. marginale Gilbert [Type] 1906, 14: 35
Polypodium virginianum f. deltoideum Gilbert [Type] 1906, 14: 37
Polypodium virginianum f. hastatum Gilbert [Type] 1906, 14: 37
Cheilanthes amoena A. A. Eaton [Holotype] 1897, 5: 44
Adiantum hispidulum f. strictum Gilbert [Holotype] 1905, 13: 109
Selaginella cinerascens A. A. Eaton [Isotype] 1899, 7: 33
Selaginella cinerascens A. A. Eaton [Isotype] 1899, 7: 33
Selaginella cinerascens A. A. Eaton [Holotype] 1899, 7: 33
Isoetes orcuttii A. A. Eaton [Type] 1890, 8: 13
Isoetes dodgei A. A. Eaton [Type] 1898, 6: 6
Isoetes dodgei A. A. Eaton [Type] 1898, 6: 6
Isoetes dodgei A. A. Eaton [Type] 1898, 6: 6
Isoetes dodgei A. A. Eaton [Type] 1898, 6: 6
Isoetes montezumae A. A. Eaton [Isotype] 1897, 5: 25
Isoetes montezumae A. A. Eaton [Isotype] 1897, 5: 25
Isoetes montezumae A. A. Eaton [Isotype] 1897, 5: 25
Isoetes macounii A. A. Eaton [Isotype] 1900, 8: 12
Dicksonia pilosiuscula f. schizophylla Clute [Isotype] 1902, 10: 87
Dennstaedtia punctilobula var. cristata Maxon [Isotype] 1899, 7: 63
Botrychium tenebrosum A. A. Eaton [Syntype] 1899, 7: 8
Botrychium tenebrosum A. A. Eaton [Syntype] 1899, 7: 8
Botrychium tenebrosum A. A. Eaton [Syntype] 1899, 7: 8
Botrychium tenebrosum A. A. Eaton [Syntype] 1899, 7: 8
Botrychium tenebrosum A. A. Eaton [Syntype] 1899, 7: 8
Botrychium tenebrosum A. A. Eaton [Syntype] 1899, 7: 8
Botrychium tenebrosum A. A. Eaton [Syntype] 1899, 7: 8
Botrychium tenebrosum A. A. Eaton [Syntype] 1899, 7: 8