Title | Botanical Gazette; Paper of Botanical Notes |
Abbreviation | Bot. Gaz. |
Publication Dates | vols 2(1)-152(4), (1875-1891), Nov 1876-1891 |
Place of publication | Crawfordsville, IN, Chicago, IL |
URL | http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.ejournals:sfx954928475127 |
BPH2 | 1: 229 |
Preceded By | Bot. Bull. (Hanover) |
Remarks | vol. 1 titled: Bot. Bull. (Hanover); vol. 1(1), Nov 1875 - 1(12), Oct 1876. BPH-2 shows the dates as: "vols 2-152(4), (1875-1891), 1878-1891". |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 2244 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Philonotis tenella var. coloradensis Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1896, 22: 51Begonia estellensis C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1895, 20: 540
Begonia luxii C. de Candolle [Type] 1895, 20: 541
Begonia cooperi C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1895, 20: 539
Begonia convallariodora C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1895, 20: 538
Begonia heydei C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1895, 20: 540
Begonia guyanensis var. glaberrima C. de Candolle [Type] 1895, 20: 540
Mahonia alexandri C. K. Schneider [Holotype] 1917, 43: 519
Mahonia caesia C. K. Schneider [Lectotype] 1917, 63: 519
Mahonia nivea C. K. Schneider [Holotype] Jun 1917, 63: 521
Mahonia philippinensis C. K. Schneider [Holotype] 1917, 63: 520
Carpinus americanus var. tropicalis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1890, 15: 28
Betula kenaica W. H. Evans [Type] 1899, 27: 481
Betula eastwoodiae Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 216
Alnus ferdinandi-coburgii C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 64: 147
Tecoma evenia Donnell Smith [Type] 1895, 20: 8
Adenocalymma ocositense Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 209
Macfadyena simplicifolia Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1891, 16: 198
Tynanthus guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Type] 1893, 18: 6
Distictis rovirosana Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1895, 20: 7
Myrodia guatemalteca Donnell Smith [Type] 1891, 16: 2
Lappula cucullata A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 34: 29
Lappula columbiana A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 34: 28
Krynitzkia suksdorfii Greenman [Type] 1905, 40: 146
Cordia gualanensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1913, 55: 438
Tournefortia nelsoni Donnell Smith [Type] 1897, 23: 10
Tournefortia subspicata Donnell Smith [Type] 1898, 25: 151
Tournefortia bicolor var. calycosa Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1889, 14: 27
Amsinckia carinata A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Holotype] 1916, 62: 145
Lithospermum guatemalense Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 27: 436
Lithospermum cobrense Greene [Isotype] 1881, 6: 157
Lithospermum cobrense Greene [Isotype] 1881, 6: 157
Lithospermum cobrense Greene [Syntype] 1881, 6: 157
Lithospermum cobrense Greene [Syntype] 1881, 6: 157
Lithospermum cobrense Greene [Syntype] 1881, 6: 157
Lithospermum cobrense Greene [Syntype] 1881, 6: 157
Lithospermum cobrense Greene [Syntype] 1881, 6: 157
Lithospermum viride Greene [Syntype] 1881, 6: 158
Allocarya salsa Brandegee [Isotype] 1899, 27(6): 452
Heliotropium physocalycium Donnell Smith [Syntype] 1910, 49: 457
Heliotropium physocalycium Donnell Smith [Syntype] 1910, 49: 457
Mertensia campanulata A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 150
Mertensia amoena A. Nelson [Isotype] , 30: 195
Mertensia palmeri A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Type] 1916, 62: 146
Mertensia refracta A. Nelson [Type] 1913, 56: 69
Ehretia luxiana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 5
Cryptantha vinctens A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Holotype] 1916, 62: 143
Cryptantha depressa A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 34: 29
Cryptantha scoparia A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 144
Cryptantha multicaulis A. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 194
Cryptantha affinis var. flexuosa A. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 195
Pectocarya miser A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 278
Oreocarya cana A. Nelson [Type] 1902, 34: 30
Oreocarya propria A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Type] 1916, 62: 145
Oreocarya propria A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Type] 1916, 62: 145
Oreocarya gypsophila Payson [Isotype] 1915, 60: 380
Oreocarya paradoxa A. Nelson [Isotype] 1913, 56: 69
Oreocarya cilio-hirsuta A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Isotype] 1913, 55: 378
Brachythecium idahense Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1890, 15: 60
Thelypodium milleflorum A. Nelson [Isotype] 1911, 52: 263
Lepidium intermedium var. pubescens Greene [Type] 1881, 6: 157
Lepidium philonitrum A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Type] 1913, 56: 474
Lepidium pubecarpum A. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 189
Arabis lignipes A. Nelson [Isolectotype] Sep 1900, 30(3): 191
Arabis fructicosa A. Nelson [Isotype] , 30: 190
Arabis ×divaricarpa A. Nelson [Isolectotype] 1900, 30: 193
Arabis arcoidea A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 53: 220
Arabis pendulocarpa A. Nelson [Isolectotype] 1900, 30: 192
Arabis crandallii B. L. Robinson [Holotype] 1899, 28: 135
Arabis menziesii var. lata A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Type] 1913, 55: 374
Cardamine blaisdellii Eastwood [Isotype] 1902, 33: 146
Cardamine callosicrenata Piper [Isotype] 1896, 22: 488
Erysimum ghiesbreghtii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1914, 57: 415
Leavenworthia stylosa A. Gray [Type] 1880, 5: 26
Leavenworthia stylosa A. Gray [Holotype] 1880, 5: 26
Leavenworthia torulosa A. Gray [Isotype] 1880, 5: 26
Leavenworthia torulosa A. Gray [Isolectotype] 1880, 5: 26
Leavenworthia torulosa A. Gray [Syntype] 1880, 5: 26
Leavenworthia torulosa A. Gray [Syntype] 1880, 5: 26
Leavenworthia torulosa A. Gray [Syntype] 1880, 5: 26
Leavenworthia torulosa A. Gray [Type] 1880, 5: 26
Leavenworthia torulosa A. Gray [Lectotype] 1880, 5: 26
Lesquerella latifolia A. Nelson [Isotype] 1906, 42: 49
Lesquerella macrocarpa A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 34: 366
Lesquerella tenella A. Nelson [Isotype] 1909, 47: 426
Rorippa terretris var. globosa A. Nelson [Isolectotype] 1911, 52: 264
Sisymbrium wootonii B. L. Robinson [Holotype] 1900, 30: 59
Sisymbrium microtites B. L. Robinson [Type] 1900, 30: 59
Sisymbrium umbrosum B. L. Robinson [Holotype] 1900, 30: 60
Draba uber A. Nelson [Type] 1902, 34: 366
Draba yellowstonensis A. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 189
Draba yellowstonensis A. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 189
Parrya huddelliana A. Nelson [Type] 1912, 54: 139
Guzmania donnell-smithii Mez ex Donnell Smith [Holotype] 1903, 35: 9
Pitcairnia tuerckheimii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 190
Pitcairnia puberula Mez & Donnell Smith [Type] 1894, 19: 264
Hechtia dichroantha Donnell Smith [Holotype] 1906, 42: 299
Tillandsia exserta Fernald [Holotype] 1895, 20: 537
Bryum subdrepanocarpum Cardot & Thériot [Type] 1904, 37: 374
Bryum hendersonii Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1890, 15: 44
Bryum extenuatum Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1890, 15: 57
Bryum polycladum Cardot & Thériot [Type] 1904, 37: 370
Bryum polycladum Cardot & Thériot [Type] 1904, 37: 370
Bryum knowltonii Barnes [Type] 1889, 14: 44
Bryum crassirameum Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1890, 15: 57
Bryum alpinum var. denticulatum Cardot & Thériot [Type] 1900, 30: 123
Webera chlorocarpa Cardot & Thériot [Isotype] 1904, 37: 369
Nephropetalum pringlei B. L. Robinson & Greenman [Isolectotype] 1896, 22: 168
Bauhinia rubeleruziana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 27
Bauhinia pansamalana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 27
Copaifera hemitomophylla Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 27: 332
Copaifera hemitomophylla Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 27: 332
Copaifera hemitomophylla Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 27: 332
Cassia anisopetala F. Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1904, 37: 209
Cassia guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1897, 23: 6
Burmeistera cyclostigmata Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 291
Burmeistera cyclostigmata var. suerrensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 24: 394
Centropogon calochlamys Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1908, 46: 112
Centropogon calochlamys Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1908, 46: 112
Centropogon guatemalensis B. L. Robinson ex Donnell Smith [Holotype] 1895, 20: 4
Centropogon porphyrodontus Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1907, 44: 114
Parishella californica A. Gray [Lectotype] 1882, 7: 92
Campanula exigua Rattan [Type] 1886, 11: 339
Campanula scabrella Engelmann [Isotype] 1881, 6: 237
Siphocampylus roseus Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1897, 22: 249
Capparis heydeana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 197
Viburnum demetrionis W. Deane & B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1896, 22: 166
Viburnum demetrionis W. Deane & B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1896, 22: 166
Viburnum demetrionis W. Deane & B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1896, 22: 166
Viburnum demetrionis W. Deane & B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1896, 22: 166
Viburnum involucratum Chapman [Isosyntype] 1878, 3: 5
Viburnum involucratum Chapman [Isosyntype] 1878, 3: 5
Viburnum involucratum Chapman [Isosyntype] 1878, 3: 5
Viburnum involucratum Chapman [Type] 1878, 3: 5
Silene suksdorfii B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1891, 16: 44
Silene suksdorfii B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1891, 16: 44
Silene suksdorfii B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1891, 16: 44
Silene rectiramea B. L. Robinson [Type] 1899, 28: 134
Silene tetonensis E. E. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 117
Drymaria townsendii B. L. Robinson [Type] 1900, 30: 58
Loeflingia verna A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 138
Cerastium sordidum B. L. Robinson [Holotype] 1900, 30: 58
Cerastium sordidum B. L. Robinson [Type] 1900, 30: 58
Stellaria obtusa Engelmann [Type] 1882, 7: 5
Stellaria obtusa Engelmann [Type] 1882, 7: 5
Stellaria washingtoniana B. L. Robinson [Holotype] 1898, 25: 166
Stellaria washingtoniana B. L. Robinson [Isotype] 1898, 25: 166
Stellaria washingtoniana B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1898, 25: 166
Stellaria washingtoniana B. L. Robinson [Lectotype] 1898, 25: 166
Stellaria washingtoniana B. L. Robinson [Isolectotype] 1898, 25: 166
Stellaria oxyphylla B. L. Robinson [Holotype] 1898, 25: 165
Wimmeria cyclocarpa Radlkofer [Type] 1893, 18: 199
Atriplex philonitra A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 34: 358
Atriplex corrugata S. Watson [Holotype] 1891, 16: 341
Atriplex aptera A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 34: 356
Atriplex carnosa A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 34: 361
Atriplex spatiosa A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 34: 360
Chenopodium cycloides A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 34: 363
Helianthemum canadense var. walkerae W. H. Evans [Isosyntype] 1890, 15: 211
Climacium dendroides var. oregonensis Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1890, 15: 59
Chrysochlamys guatemaltecana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 26
Combretum farinosum var. phaenopetalum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1897, 23: 7
Callisia grandiflora Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1901, 31: 125
Connarus brachybotryosus Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1914, 57: 417
Ipomoea lambii Fernald [Type] 1895, 20: 535
Ipomoea collina House [Isotype] 1907, 43: 412
Ipomoea collina House [Isotype] 1907, 43: 412
Ipomoea silvicola House [Isotype] 1907, 43: 411
Ipomoea lozani Painter ex House [Isotype] 1907, 43: 411
Ipomoea discoidespermum Donnell Smith [Syntype] 1889, 14: 27
Ipomoea amplexicaulis Fernald [Holotype] 1895, 20: 535
Ipomoea petrophila House [Isotype] 1907, 43: 408
Cressa depressa Goodding [Type] , 37: 58
Jacquemontia platycephala Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1914, 57: 423
Sicyos longisepalus Cogniaux [Isotype] 1891, 16: 11
Pittiera trilobata Cogniaux [Isotype] 1895, 20: 289
Microsechium compositum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1903, 35: 2
Juniperus utahensis var. megalocarpa Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 208
Carex seatoniana L. H. Bailey [Isotype] 1898, 25: 270
Carex seatoniana L. H. Bailey [Type] 1898, 25: 270
Carex seatoniana L. H. Bailey [Isotype] 1898, 25: 270
Carex canescens var. dubia L. H. Bailey [Isotype] 1884, 9: 119
Carex arkansana L. H. Bailey [Syntype] 1896, 21: 6
Carex arkansana L. H. Bailey [Syntype] 1896, 21: 6
Carex pringlei L. H. Bailey [Isotype] 1892, 17: 151
Carex ablata L. H. Bailey [Type] 1888, 13: 82
Carex ablata L. H. Bailey [Type] 1888, 13: 82
Carex praegracilis W. Boott [Isotype] 1884, 9: 87
Carex praegracilis W. Boott [Type] 1884, 9: 87
Carex nervina L. H. Bailey [Type] 1885, 10: 203
Carex xerantica L. H. Bailey [Isosyntype] 1892, 17: 151
Carex xerantica L. H. Bailey [Isosyntype] 1892, 17: 151
Carex xerantica L. H. Bailey [Isosyntype] 1892, 17: 151
Carex xerantica L. H. Bailey [Isosyntype] 1892, 17: 151
Carex xerantica L. H. Bailey [Isosyntype] 1892, 17: 151
Carex pansa L. H. Bailey [Syntype] 1888, 13: 82
Carex oaxacana L. H. Bailey [Isotype] 1898, 25: 271
Carex montanensis L. H. Bailey [Syntype] 1892, 17: 152
Carex owyheensis A. Nelson [Type] 1912, 53: 219
Carex halliana L. H. Bailey [Isotype] 1884, 9: 117
Carex lemmonii W. Boott [Type] 1884, 9(6): 93
Carex lemmonii W. Boott [Holotype] 1884, 9(6): 93
Carex multicaulis L. H. Bailey [Isotype] 1884, 9: 118
Carex nebrascensis var. ultriformis L. H. Bailey [Isotype] 1896, 21: 8
Carex straminea var. invisa W. Boott [Lectotype] 1884, 9: 86
Carex straminea var. invisa W. Boott [Syntype] 1884, 9: 86
Carex deweyana var. sparsiflora L. H. Bailey [Isotype] 1888, 13: 87
Carex rosea var. arkansana L. H. Bailey [Type] 1896, 21: 6
Carex grandis var. helleri L. H. Bailey [Type] 1896, 21: 7
Carex salina var. robusta L. H. Bailey [Isotype] 1888, 13: 87
Carex salina var. robusta L. H. Bailey [Isotype] 1888, 13: 87
Rhynchospora harveyi W. Boott [Holotype] 1884, 9: 85
Eleocharis dispar E. J. Hill [Isotype] 1882, 7: 3
Dicranum consobrinum Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1890, 15: 39
Dicranum donnellii Austin [Type] 1879, 4: 150
Dicranum demetrii Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1896, 22: 48
Dicranum trachyphyllum Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1896, 22: 48
Campylopus henrici Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1888, 13: 197
Dicranella fitz-geraldii Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1888, 13: 197
Dicranella leptotrichoides Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1894, 19: 237
Dicranella langloisii Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1890, 15: 39
Dichodontium olympicum Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1892, 17: 296
Dioscorea cyanisticta Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 10
Pleuridium bakeri Cardot & Thériot [Type] 1904, 37: 363
Nephrodium tuerckheimii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1887, 12: 133
Nephrodium tuerckheimii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1887, 12: 133
Nephrodium fendleri var. paucipinnatum Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1887, 12: 134
Dryopteris purdomii C. Christensen [Type] 1913, 56: 335
Sloanea meianthera Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1904, 37: 208
Sloanea meianthera Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1904, 37: 208
Sloanea meianthera Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1904, 37: 208
Satyria meiantha Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1909, 47: 256
Cavendishia longiflora Donnell Smith [Isotype] , 37: 420
Cavendishia callista Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 5
Psammisia symphystemona Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 291
Macleania turrialbana Donnell Smith [Type] 1899, 27: 339
Arctostaphylos pungens var. cratericola Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1891, 16: 13
Gaultheria odorata var. costaricensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 292
Erythroxylum costaricense Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1897, 23: 240
Croton tuerckheimii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1912, 54: 242
Croton tuerckheimii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1912, 54: 242
Croton eluterioides Lotsy [Isotype] 1895, 20: 352
Croton eluterioides Lotsy [Isotype] 1895, 20: 352
Croton verapazensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1912, 54: 242
Croton verapazensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1912, 54: 242
Croton pyramidalis Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1903, 35: 7
Croton pyramidalis Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1903, 35: 7
Croton guatemalensis Lotsy [Isotype] 1895, 20: 353
Phyllanthus leptobotryosus Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1912, 54: 241
Phyllanthus leptobotryosus Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1912, 54: 241
Hieronyma guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Type] 1912, 54: 241
Hieronyma guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Type] 1912, 54: 241
Euphorbia remyi var. hanaleiensis Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97(3): 588
Euphorbia remyi var. pteropoda Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97(3): 585
Euphorbia remyi var. wilkesii Sherff [Holotype] 1936, 97(3): 587
Euphorbia nelsonii Millspaugh [Type] 1898, 26: 268
Euphorbia helleri Millspaugh [Isotype] 1898, 26: 268
Euphorbia fendleri var. dissimilis Payson [Isotype] 1915, 60: 379
Euphorbia jaliscensis var. durangensis Millspaugh [Isotype] 1898, 25: 24
Euphorbia celastroides var. hanapepensis Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 597
Euphorbia celastroides var. hanapepensis Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 597
Euphorbia celastroides var. haupuana Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 594
Euphorbia celastroides var. mauiensis Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 601
Euphorbia celastroides var. moomomiana Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 593
Euphorbia celastroides var. halawana Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97 : 596
Euphorbia celastroides var. waikoluensis Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 594
Euphorbia celastroides var. kealiana Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 595
Euphorbia nortoniana A. Nelson [Isotype] 1909, 47: 437
Euphorbia atrococca var. kilaueana Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 604
Euphorbia manca A. Nelson [Isotype] 1909, 47: 437
Euphorbia aliceae A. Nelson [Isotype] 1906, 72: 50
Euphorbia bryophylla Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1913, 56: 62
Euphorbia degeneri var. molokaiensis Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 583
Euphorbia degeneri var. molokaiensis Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 583
Euphorbia degeneri var. molokaiensis Sherff [Holotype] 1936, 97: 583
Euphorbia multiformis var. haleakalana Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 59: 591
Euphorbia multiformis var. kaalana Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 590
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. kalaeloana Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97(3): 589
Acalypha lotsii Donnell Smith [Type] 1895, 20: 544
Acalypha lotsii Donnell Smith [Syntype] 1895, 20: 544
Hedysarum truncatum Eastwood [Isolectotype] 1902, 33: 205
Hedysarum truncatum Eastwood [Isotype] 1902, 33: 205
Hedysarum auriculatum Eastwood [Lectotype] 1902, 33: 205
Baptisia calycosa Canby [Isotype] Aug 1878, 3(8): 65
Baptisia leucophaea var. laevicaulis A. Gray ex Canby [Lectotype] 1879, 4: 132
Galactia discolor Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1891, 16: 194
Coursetia axillaris J. M. Coulter & Rose [Isotype] 1891, 16: 180
Lathyrus pauciflorus Fernald [Lectotype] 1894, 19: 335
Lathyrus pauciflorus Fernald [Syntype] 1894, 19: 335
Lathyrus pauciflorus Fernald [Syntype] 1894, 19: 335
Lathyrus bradfieldianus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 411
Lonchocarpus santarosanus Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1914, 57: 418
Lupinus tenuispicus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 410
Lupinus fulvomaculatus Payson [Isotype] 1915, 60: 376
Lupinus glareosus Elmer [Isotype] 1905, 39: 53
Phaseolus smilacifolius Pollard [Isotype] 1896, 21: 233
Swartzia myrtifolia var. guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] , 33: 251
Swartzia myrtifolia var. guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] , 33: 251
Desmodium hondurense Micheli ex Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 284
Dalbergia variabilis var. cubilquitzensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1914, 57: 417
Psoralea aromatica Payson [Isotype] 1915, 60: 379
Drepanocarpus costaricense Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1914, 57: 417
Tephrosia rugelii Shuttleworth ex B. L. Robinson [Type] 1899, 28: 197
Tephrosia ambigua var. gracillima B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1899, 28: 201
Tephrosia ambigua var. gracillima B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1899, 28: 201
Harpalyce rupicola Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 26
Lotus macbridei A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 53: 221
Derris peninsularis Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1907, 44: 111
Derris peninsularis Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1907, 44: 111
Derris peninsularis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1907, 44: 111
Dalea cinerea Moricand ex Micheli [Isolectotype] 1895, 20: 283
Dioclea trinervia Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1913, 56: 53
Aeschynomene americana var. longifolia Micheli [Isolectotype] 1895, 20: 284
Thermopsis xylorhiza A. Nelson [Isotype] 1911, 52;265
Thermopsis divaricarpa A. Nelson [Isolectotype] 1898, 25: 275
Platymiscium pleiostachyum Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1913, 56: 54
Platymiscium dimorphandium Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] , 37: 208
Platymiscium dimorphandium Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] , 37: 208
Astragalus macer A. Nelson [Isotype] 1913, 56: 65
Astragalus nudisiliquus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 410
Astragalus boiseanus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 53: 223
Astragalus adanus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 53: 222
Astragalus blakei Eggleston [Syntype] 1895, 20: 271
Astragalus blakei Eggleston [Syntype] 1895, 20: 271
Astragalus blakei Eggleston [Syntype] 1895, 20: 271
Astragalus blakei Eggleston [Syntype] 1895, 20: 271
Astragalus blakei Eggleston [Syntype] 1895, 20: 271
Astragalus gaviotus Elmer [Isotype] 1905, 39: 54
Astragalus owyheensis A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Isotype] 1913, 55: 375
Astragalus tweedyi Canby [Isolectotype] 1890, 15: 150
Astragalus palousensis Piper [Isotype] 1896, 22: 489
Vicia leucophaea Greene [Isotype] 1881, 6: 217
Gliricidia lambii Fernald [Holotype] 1895, 20: 533
Machaerium cobanense Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1907, 44: 108
Machaerium cobanense Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1907, 44: 108
Trifolium cognatum House [Isotype] 1906, 41: 345
Trifolium lozanii House [Isotype] 1906, 41: 342
Trifolium tropicum A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 409
Trifolium villiferum House [Isotype] 1906, 41: 335
Trifolium leibergii A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Holotype] 1918, 65: 58
Meibomia psilacra S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1924, 78: 281
Meibomia pycnantha S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1924, 78: 271
Meibomia pycnantha S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1924, 78: 271
Meibomia pinetorum Rose & Painter [Isotype] 1905, 40: 144
Meibomia bella S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1924, 78: 282
Meibomia crotalum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1924, 78: 279
Meibomia crotalum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1924, 78: 279
Meibomia metcalfei Rose & Painter [Isotype] , 40: 144
Meibomia tephrophylla S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1924, 78: 274
Meibomia urarioides S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1924, 78: 287
Meibomia rubricaulis Rose & Painter [Isotype] 1905, 40: 145
Meibomia leptomeres S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1924, 78: 284
Meibomia cryptopoda S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1924, 78: 286
Apios priceana B. L. Robinson [Isolectotype] 1898, 25: 451
Apios priceana B. L. Robinson [Lectotype] 1898, 25: 451
Apios priceana B. L. Robinson [Isolectotype] 1898, 25: 451
Apios priceana B. L. Robinson [Isolectotype] 1898, 25: 451
Castanea alnifolia var. floridana Sargent [Type] 1919, 57: 242
Quercus guadalupensis Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 454
Quercus guadalupensis Sargent [Isotype] 1918, 65: 454
Quercus guadalupensis Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 454
Quercus ellipsoidalis E. J. Hill [Type] 1899, 27: 204
Quercus ×lowellii Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 459
Quercus ×bushii Sargent [Isotype] 1918, 65: 453
Quercus ×bushii Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 453
Quercus ×bushii Sargent [Isotype] 1918, 65: 453
Quercus ×bushii Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 65: 453
Quercus ×comptonae Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 456
Quercus ×hastingsii Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 450
Quercus ×andrewsii Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 455
Quercus ×oviedoensis Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 459
Quercus ×jolonensis Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 456
Quercus ×harbisonii Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 458
Quercus virginiana var. virescens Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 446
Quercus virginiana var. eximea Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 447
Quercus virginiana var. eximea Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 447
Quercus virginiana var. macrophylla Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 65(5): 447
Quercus virginiana var. macrophylla Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 65(5): 447
Quercus virginiana var. macrophylla Sargent [Type] 1918, 65(5): 447
Quercus virginiana f. grandifolia Sargent [Type] 1918, 65;446
Quercus stellata var. araniosa Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 441
Quercus stellata var. anomala Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 438
Quercus stellata var. anomala Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 438
Quercus stellata var. parviloba Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 438
Quercus stellata var. parviloba Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 438
Quercus stellata var. paludosa Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 441
Quercus stellata var. paludosa Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 441
Quercus stellata var. paludosa Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 441
Quercus stellata var. paludosa Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 441
Quercus stellata var. palmeri Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 439
Quercus texana var. chesosensis Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 65: 423
Quercus texana var. chesosensis Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 65: 423
Quercus texana var. stellapila Sargent [Isolectotype] 1918, 65: 424
Quercus texana var. stellapila Sargent [Lectotype] 1918, 65: 424
Quercus laurifolia var. tridentata Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 65: 433
Quercus nigra var. tridentifera Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 429
Quercus coccinea var. tuberculata Sargent [Type] 1918, 65: 426
Quercus ×cocksii Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 65: 459
Quercus ×cocksii Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 65: 459
Quercus ×beaumontiana Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 65(5): 451.
Quercus ×beaumontiana Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 65(5): 451.
Fissidens pusillus var. brevifolius Cardot & Thériot [Type] 1904, 37: 365
Casearia nicoyensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1910, 49: 454
Xylosma quichense Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 197
Xylosma quichense var. subalpinum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 198
Xylosma turrialbanum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1901, 31: 109
Xylosma chloranthum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1914, 57: 415
Fontinalis flaccida Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1888, 13: 201
Fontinalis howellii Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1888, 13: 200
Fontinalis kindbergii Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1890, 15: 58
Garrya laurifolia var. quichensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1912, 54: 237
Garrya congdonii Eastwood [Isotype] 1903, 36: 459
Garrya congdonii Eastwood [Isotype] 1903, 36: 459
Lisianthius quichensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1911, 52: 51
Gentiana covillei A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Isotype] 1918, 65: 65
Gentiana polyantha A. Nelson [Type] 1913, 56: 68
Gentiana affinis var. major A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Isotype] 1913, 55: 376
Gentiana calycosa var. xantha A. Nelson [Isotype] 1901, 34: 26
Bartonia iodandra B. L. Robinson [Holotype] 1898, 26: 47
Sabatia foliosa Fernald [Syntype] 1902, 33: 155
Sabatia foliosa Fernald [Syntype] 1902, 33: 155
Sabatia foliosa Fernald [Syntype] 1902, 33: 155
Frasera neglecta H. M. Hall [Isotype] 1901, 31: 388
Frasera neglecta H. M. Hall [Isotype] 1901, 31: 388
Frasera montana Mulford [Isotype] 1894, 19: 119
Erythraea pringleana Wittrock [Isotype] 1891, 16: 85
Besleria pansamalana Donnell Smith [Syntype] 1891, 16: 197
Besleria pansamalana Donnell Smith [Syntype] 1891, 16: 197
Besleria triflora var. subcorymbosa Donnell Smith [Type] 1916, 61: 380
Alloplectus ventricosus Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1898, 25: 154
Alloplectus macranthus Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1901, 31: 117
Alloplectus macranthus Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1901, 31: 117
Alloplectus calochlamys J. D. Smith [Syntype] 1899, 27: 437
Napeanthus repens Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1901, 31: 118
Napeanthus apodemus Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 6
Solenophora tuerckheimiana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1908, 46: 114
Solenophora erubescens Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1891, 16: 197
Gesneria lehmannii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1916, 61: 384
Columnea sulfurea Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1901, 31: 117
Columnea calcarata Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1902, 33: 254
Columnea cobana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1919, 58: 424
Columnea cobana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1919, 58: 424
Columnea cobana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1919, 58: 424
Grimmia holzingeri Cardot & Thériot [Isotype] 1900, 30: 124
Grimmia holzingeri Cardot & Thériot [Isolectotype] 1900, 30: 124
Grimmia tenerrima Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1900, 15: 40
Grimmia montana var. idahensis Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1900, 30: 16
Racomitrium heterostichum var. occidentale Renauld & Cardot [Lectotype] 1890, 15: 41
Racomitrium oreganum Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1888, 13: 198
Racomitrium oreganum Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1888, 13: 198
Racomitrium oreganum Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1888, 13: 198
Lophostachys guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1901, 31: 119
Henrya grandifolia Fernald [Holotype] 1895, 20: 537
Henrya imbricans Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1891, 16: 198
Dicliptera sciadephora Donnell Smith [Isotype] , 23: 13
Beloperone pansamalana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 75
Blechum pedunculatum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1910, 49: 458
Thyrsacanthus geminatus Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 75
Elytraria virgata var. angustifolia Fernald [Type] 1896, 22: 169
Elytraria virgata var. angustifolia Fernald [Type] 1896, 22: 169
Aphelandra heydeana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 210
Carlowrightia glabrata Fernald [Syntype] 1895, 20: 536
Carlowrightia glabrata Fernald [Syntype] 1895, 20: 536
Dianthera sulfurea Donnell Smith [Type] 1903, 35: 6
Dianthera sulfurea Donnell Smith [Type] 1903, 35: 6
Acer rubrum f. rotundatum Sargent [Holotype] 1919, 67: 237
Acer negundo var. arizonica Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 240
Saurauia subalpina Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1906, 42: 292
Saurauia ovalifolia Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1906, 42 (4): 292
Saurauia costaricensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1897, 23: 236.
Notholaena nealleyi var. mexicana Davenport [Type] 1891, 16: 54
Notholaena nealleyi var. mexicana Davenport [Type] 1891, 16: 54
Notholaena nealleyi var. mexicana Davenport [Type] 1891, 16: 54
Notholaena schaffneri var. mexicana Davenport [Type] 1891, 16: 54
Pellaea membranacea Davenport [Type] 1896, 21: 262
Allium hendersoni B. L. Robinson & Seaton [Syntype] 1893, 18: 237
Allium hendersoni B. L. Robinson & Seaton [Syntype] 1893, 18: 237
Iresine arbuscula Uline & W. L. Bray [Isotype] 1896, 21: 350
Iresine completa Uline & W. L. Bray [Isotype] 1896, 21: 349
Iresine nigra Uline & W. L. Bray [Type] 1896, 21: 350
Alternanthera stellata var. glabrata Uline & W. L. Bray [Type] 1895, 20: 451
Amaranthus scleropoides Uline & W. L. Bray [Isolectotype] 1894, 18: 316
Amaranthus scleropoides Uline & W. L. Bray [Lectotype] 1894, 18: 316
Amaranthus acutilobus A. Braun & Bouché ex Uline & W. L. Bray [Syntype] 1894, 19: 320
Amaranthus palmeri var. glomeratus Uline & W. L. Bray [Type] 1894, 19: 272
Amaranthus palmeri var. glomeratus Uline & W. L. Bray [Type] 1894, 19: 272
Amaranthus bracteosus Uline & W. L. Bray [Isotype] 1849, 19: 314
Amaranthus bracteosus Uline & W. L. Bray [Isotype] 1849, 19: 314
Amaranthus bracteosus Uline & W. L. Bray [Type] 1849, 19: 314
Amaranthus albomarginatus Uline & W. L. Bray [Isotype] 1894, 19: 318
Amaranthus urceolatus var. jonesii Uline & W. L. Bray [Type] 1894, 19: 269
Amaranthus torreyi var. suffruticosus Uline & W. L. Bray [Type] 1894, 19: 272
Amaranthus graecizans var. pubescens Uline & W. L. Bray [Syntype] 1894, 19: 317
Amaranthus graecizans var. pubescens Uline & W. L. Bray [Syntype] 1894, 19: 317
Amaranthus graecizans var. pubescens Uline & W. L. Bray [Syntype] 1894, 19: 317
Amaranthus graecizans var. pubescens Uline & W. L. Bray [Isosyntype] 1894, 19: 317
Gomphrena pringlei J. M. Coulter & Fisher [Isotype] 1892, 17: 349
Amblystegium amesiae Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1888, 13: 202
Spondias radlkoferi Donnell Smith [Type] 1891, 16: 194
Guatteria dolichopoda Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1897, 23: 2
Guatteria dolichopoda Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1897, 23: 2
Guatteria grandiflora Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1889, 14: 25
Porcelia microcarpa Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 1
Porcelia stenopetala Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1903, 40: 1
Cymbopetalum stenophyllum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 2
Annona macroprophyllata Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1910, 49: 453
Anthoceros weistii Khanna [Type] 1932, 93: 103
Peucedanum torreyi J. M. Coulter & Rose [Syntype] 1889, 14: 276
Peucedanum parishii J. M. Coulter & Rose [Isotype] 1888, 13: 209
Peucedanum grayi J. M. Coulter & Rose [Holotype] 1888, 13: 209
Sanicula howellii J. M. Coulter & Rose [Isolectotype] 1888, 13: 81
Lilaeopsis carolinensis J. M. Coulter & Rose [Isotype] 1897, 24: 48
Lilaeopsis occidentalis J. M. Coulter & Rose [Isolectotype] 1897, 24: 48
Deanea tuberosa J. M. Coulter & Rose [Isotype] 1895, 20: 373
Deanea tuberosa J. M. Coulter & Rose [Type] 1895, 20: 373
Deanea nudicaulis J. M. Coulter & Rose [Type] 1895, 20: 372
Deanea nudicaulis J. M. Coulter & Rose [Isosyntype] 1895, 20: 372
Deanea nudicaulis J. M. Coulter & Rose [Isosyntype] 1895, 20: 372
Deanea nudicaulis J. M. Coulter & Rose [Isosyntype] 1895, 20: 372
Cicuta cinicola A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 141, fig. 1
Musineon alpinum J. M. Coulter & Rose [Isotype] 1895, 20: 260
Myrrhidendron donnellsmithii J. M. Coulter & Rose [Type] 1894, 19: 466
Cynomarathrum macbridei A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 142, fig. 2
Ligusticum tenuifolium var. dissimilis A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 53: 224
Apocynum nevadense Goodding [Type] 1904, 37(1): 57
Tabernaemontana donnell-smithii Rose ex Donnell Smith [Type] 1893, 18(6): 206
Tabernaemontana donnell-smithii Rose ex Donnell Smith [Type] 1893, 18(6): 206
Tabernaemontana deamii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1911, 52: 50
Tabernaemontana longipes Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1897, 24(6): 397
Tabernaemontana arborea Rose ex Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18(6): 206
Prestonia speciosa Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 27: 435
Ilex dugesii Fernald [Type] 1895, 20: 533
Ilex decidua var. curtissii Fernald [Syntype] 1902, 33: 155
Ilex decidua var. curtissii Fernald [Syntype] 1902, 33: 155
Sciadophyllum systylum Donnell Smith [Type] 1901, 31: 113
Oreopanax taubertianum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1894, 19: 4
Oreopanax meiocephalum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1904, 37: 210
Gilibertia leptopoda Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1914, 57: 421
Gilibertia gonatopoda Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1913, 55: 435
Gilibertia gonatopoda Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1913, 55: 435
Gilibertia gonatopoda Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1913, 55: 435
Gilibertia stenocarpa Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1913, 65: 435
Pseudophoenix sargentii H. Wendland [Holotype] 1886, 11: 314
Pseudophoenix sargentii H. Wendland [Holotype] 1886, 11: 314
Pseudophoenix sargentii H. Wendland [Isotype] 1886, 11: 314
Thrinax keyensis Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 86
Thrinax keyensis Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 86
Thrinax keyensis Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 86
Thrinax keyensis Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 86
Thrinax keyensis Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 86
Thrinax keyensis Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 86
Thrinax keyensis Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 86
Thrinax keyensis Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 86
Thrinax floridana Sargent [Type] , 27: 84
Thrinax floridana Sargent [Type] , 27: 84
Thrinax floridana Sargent [Type] , 27: 84
Thrinax floridana Sargent [Type] , 27: 84
Coccothrinax jucunda Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 89
Coccothrinax jucunda Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 89
Coccothrinax jucunda Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 89
Coccothrinax jucunda Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 89
Coccothrinax jucunda Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 89
Coccothrinax jucunda Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 89
Coccothrinax jucunda Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 89
Coccothrinax jucunda Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 89
Coccothrinax jucunda Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 89
Coccothrinax jucunda Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 89
Coccothrinax jucunda Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 89
Coccothrinax jucunda Sargent [Type] 1899, 27: 89
Aristolochia pilosa var. ligulifera Masters ex Donnell Smith [Type] 1902, 33: 256
Aristolochia pilosa var. ligulifera Masters ex Donnell Smith [Type] 1902, 33: 256
Macroscepis congestiflora Donnell Smith [Isotype] , 25: 149
Nephradenia fruticosa Donnell Smith [Type] 1891, 16: 196
Nephradenia fruticosa Donnell Smith [Type] 1891, 16: 196
Prosthecidiscus guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] , 25: 150
Prosthecidiscus guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] , 25: 150
Marsdenia laxiflora Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1905, 40: 7
Marsdenia gualanensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1910, 49: 456
Dictyanthus ceratopetalus Donnell Smith [Isotype] , 18:
Asclepias uncialis Greene [Isotype] 1880, 5: 64
Aspidium simulatum Davenport [Lectotype] 1894, 19: 495
Aspidium simulatum Davenport [Syntype] 1894, 19: 495
Aspidium simulatum Davenport [Syntype] 1894, 19: 495
Aspidium simulatum Davenport [Syntype] 1894, 19: 495
Aspidium simulatum Davenport [Syntype] 1894, 19: 495
Aspidium simulatum Davenport [Syntype] 1894, 19: 495
Aspidium simulatum Davenport [Syntype] 1894, 19: 495
Aspidium simulatum Davenport [Syntype] 1894, 19: 495
Aspidium simulatum Davenport [Syntype] 1894, 19: 495
Aspidium scabriusculum Davenport [Type] 1896, 21: 255
Aspidium scabriusculum Davenport [Type] 1896, 21: 255
Aspidium scabriusculum Davenport [Type] 1896, 21: 255
Aspidium strigilosum Davenport [Type] 1896, 21: 256
Aspidium strigilosum Davenport [Type] 1896, 21: 256
Aspidium strigilosum Davenport [Type] 1896, 21: 256
Asplenium rubinum Davenport [Type] 1894, 19: 391
Asplenium fibrillosum Pringle & Davenport [Type] 1896, 21: 257
Asplenium cicutarium var. paleaceum Davenport [Type] 1894, 19: 390
Asplenium rhizophyllum var. proliferum Davenport [Type] 1894, 19: 390
Asplenium rhizophyllum var. proliferum Davenport [Isotype] 1894, 19: 390
Otopappus curviflorus var. glabratus J. M. Coulter [Isotype] 1895, 20: 50
Balsamorhiza rosea A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Isotype] 1913, 56: 478
Balsamorhiza serrata A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Isotype] 1913, 56: 479
Machaeranthera magna A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 53: 227
Machaeranthera verna A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 267
Machaeranthera verna A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 267
Machaeranthera verna A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 267
Machaeranthera superba A. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 197
Machaeranthera pulverulenta var. vacans A. Nelson [Syntype] 1913, 56: 70
Wyomingia vivax A. Nelson [Isotype] 1913, 56: 70
Kuhnia gooddingii A. Nelson [Type] 1901, 31: 402
Kuhnia hitchcockii A. Nelson [Type] 1901, 31: 403
Actinella texana J. M. Coulter & Rose [Isolectotype] 1891, 16: 27
Actinella texana J. M. Coulter & Rose [TypeMaterial] 1891, 16: 27
Neurolaena cobanensis Greenman [Lectotype] 1904, 37: 418
Brickellia pacayensis J. M. Coulter [Type] 1891, 16: 98
Brickellia pacayensis J. M. Coulter [Isolectotype] 1891, 16: 98
Aster orcuttii Vasey & Rose [Isotype] 1891, 16: 113
Aster orcuttii Vasey & Rose [Isotype] 1891, 16: 113
Aster incertus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 269
Aster incertus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 269
Aster defoliatus Parish [Isotype] 1904, 38: 461
Aster defoliatus Parish [Isotype] 1904, 38: 461
Aster defoliatus Parish [Isotype] 1904, 38: 461
Aster arcticus Eastwood [Isotype] 1902, 33: 295
Aster meritus A. Nelson [Syntype] 1904, 37: 268
Aster meritus A. Nelson [Syntype] 1904, 37: 268
Aster tardiflorus var. lancifolius Fernald [Syntype] 1896, 21: 277
Aster tardiflorus var. lancifolius Fernald [Syntype] 1896, 21: 277
Aster tardiflorus var. lancifolius Fernald [Syntype] 1896, 21: 277
Aster tardiflorus var. lancifolius Fernald [Syntype] 1896, 21: 277
Aster tardiflorus var. lancifolius Fernald [Syntype] 1896, 21: 277
Aster tardiflorus var. lancifolius Fernald [Syntype] 1896, 21: 277
Aster tardiflorus var. lancifolius Fernald [Syntype] 1896, 21: 277
Nabalus roanensis Chickering [Type] 1880, 5: 155
Mikania globosa J. M. Coulter [Isotype] 1895, 20: 46
Isostigma molfinianum Sherff [Holotype] 1931, 91: 312
Hymenopappus eriopodus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 274
Lacinaria ligulistylis A. Nelson [Isotype] 1901, 31: 405
Helianthella covillei A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 273
Coreopsis suaveolens Sherff [Holotype] 1930, 89: 369
Coreopsis polyactis S. F. Blake & Sherff [Isotype] 1925, 80: 372
Coreopsis leavenworthii var. curtisii Sherff [Type] 1933, 94: 592
Coreopsis leavenworthii var. curtisii Sherff [Type] 1933, 94: 592
Coreopsis nodosa Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 94: 595
Coreopsis mauiensis var. lanaiensis Sherff [Holotype] 1925, 80: 381
Coreopsis debilis Sherff [Syntype] 1930, 89: 366
Coreopsis macbridei Sherff [Isotype] 1930, 89: 369
Coreopsis corninsularis Sherff [Syntype] 1933, 94: 597
Coreopsis mutica var. leptomera Sherff [Isotype] 1929, 88: 300
Coreopsis tripteris var. smithii Sherff [Syntype] 1929, 88: 301
Coreopsis tripteris var. subrhomboidea Sherff [Type] 1929, 88: 303
Coreopsis delphiniifolia var. chlooidea Sherff [Type] 1933, 94: 596
Pereziopsis donnell-smithii Coulter [Isotype] 1895, 20: 53
Antennaria mucronata E. Nelson [Isotype] 1899, 27: 209
Antennaria imbricata E. Nelson [Isotype] 1899, 27: 211
Antennaria corymbosa E. Nelson [Isotype] 1899, 27: 212
Antennaria fusca E. E. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 121
Antennaria arida E. Nelson [Isotype] 1899, 27: 210
Xylorhiza scopulorum A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 270
Carduus magnificus A. Nelson [Type] 1912, 53: 228
Cosmos gracilis Sherff [Isotype] 1929, 88: 304
Cosmos linearifolius var. magnifolius Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 609
Cosmos linearifolius var. magnifolius Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 609
Cosmos diversifolius var. pumila Sherff [Isotype] 1929, 88: 305
Senecio petasioides Greenman [Isotype] 1904, 37: 419
Senecio cobanensis Coulter [Isotype] 1891, 16: 101
Senecio lugens var. blaisdellii Eastwood [Type] 1902, 33: 298
Senecio millikeni Eastwood [Isotype] 1906, 41: 293
Senecio ghiesbreghtii var. pauciflorus J. M. Coulter [Isolectotype] 1891, 16: 101
Wedelia isolepis S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1922, 74: 421
Wedelia holwayi S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1922, 74: 420
Tetraneuris eradiata A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 275
Tetraneuris epunctata A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 275
Tetraneuris simplex A. Nelson [Syntype] 1899, 28: 127
Tetraneuris acaulis var. caespitosa A. Nelson [Type] 1899, 28: 127
Pyrrocoma brachycephala A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 265
Centaurea rothrockii Greenman [Isotype] 1904, 37: 221
Encelia virginiensis A. Nelson [Type] 1904, 37: 272
Chrysopsis arenaria Elmer [Isotype] 1906, 41: 321
Chrysopsis graminifolia var. latifolia Fernald [Syntype] 1897, 24: 434
Chrysopsis graminifolia var. latifolia Fernald [Lectotype] 1897, 24: 434
Tetramolopium rockii Sherff [Holotype] 1934, 95: 500
Tetramolopium rockii Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 95: 500
Tetramolopium filiforme Sherff [Holotype] 1934, 95: 498
Tetramolopium humile var. sublaeve Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 95: 501
Tetramolopium consanguineum var. leptophyllum Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 95: 502
Achyrocline glandulosa S. F. Blake [Type] 1922, 74: 414
Achyrocline hyperchlora S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1922, 74: 415
Chrysogonum virginianum var. dentatum A. Gray [Syntype] 1882, 7: 31
Chrysogonum virginianum var. dentatum A. Gray [Syntype] 1882, 7: 31
Chrysogonum virginianum var. dentatum A. Gray [Syntype] 1882, 7: 31
Chrysogonum virginianum var. dentatum A. Gray [Syntype] 1882, 7: 31
Lipochaeta acris Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 83
Lipochaeta acris Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 83
Lipochaeta degeneri Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 84
Lipochaeta degeneri Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 84
Lipochaeta degeneri Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 84
Lipochaeta venosa Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 100
Lipochaeta rockii Sherff [Holotype] 1933, 95: 100
Lipochaeta ×procumbens O. Degener & Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 94
Lipochaeta alata Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 81
Lipochaeta integrifolia var. major Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 85
Lipochaeta integrifolia var. major Sherff [Holotype] 1933, 95: 85
Lipochaeta integrifolia var. gracilis Sherff [Holotype] 1933, 95: 85
Lipochaeta integrifolia var. argentea Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 84
Lipochaeta integrifolia var. argentea Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 84
Lipochaeta lavarum var. ovata Sherff [Holotype] 1933, 95: 88
Hieracium pazense S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1922, 74: 429
Hieracium howellii A. Gray [Type] 1888, 13: 73
Hieracium carneum Greene [Isotype] 1881, 6: 184
Zexmenia guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 188
Zexmenia dulcis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1891, 16: 99
Rudbeckia rupestris Chickering [Isotype] 1881, 6: 188
Hemizonia congdonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman [Holotype] 1896, 22: 169
Artemisia potens A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 418
Perityle brandegeana Rose [Isotype] 1890, 15: 114
Perityle grayi Rose [Isosyntype] 1890, 15: 118
Perityle grayi Rose [Isosyntype] 1890, 15: 118
Perityle greenei Rose [Isosyntype] 1890, 15: 117
Perityle socorrensis Rose [Isotype] 1890, 15: 118
Perityle emoryi var. orcuttii Rose [Syntype] 1890, 15: 117
Haplopappus stolonifer var. glabratus J. M. Coulter [Isotype] 1891, 16: 98
Macronema aberrans A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 53: 226
Gaillardia pedunculata A. Nelson [Type] 1909, 47: 432
Railliardia vafra O. Degener & Sherff ex Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 96: 153
Railliardia dolosa O. Degener & Sherff ex Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 96: 152
Railliardia rockii Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 79
Railliardia rockii Sherff [Holotype] 1933, 95: 79
Railliardia platyphylla var. leptophylla Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 79
Railliardia platyphylla var. leptophylla Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 79
Railliardia platyphylla var. leptophylla Sherff [Holotype] 1933, 95: 79
Railliardia menziesii var. angustifolia Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 79
Railliardia menziesii var. angustifolia Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 79
Railliardia menziesii var. angustifolia Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 79
Railliardia menziesii var. angustifolia Sherff [Holotype] 1933, 95: 79
Railliardia menziesii var. angustifolia Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 79
Railliardia reticulata Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 78
Railliardia reticulata Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 78
Railliardia reticulata Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 78
Railliardia reticulata Sherff [Holotype] 1933, 95: 78
Railliardia reticulata Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 78
Railliardia montana var. longifolia Sherff [Holotype] 1933, 95: 79
Railliardia coriacea Sherff [Holotype] 1933, 95: 80
Railliardia coriacea Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 80
Railliardia demissifolia Sherff [Holotype] 1933, 95: 78
Bigelowia rupestris Greene [Isotype] 1881, 6: 183
Hymenoclea fasciculata A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 270
Hymenoclea fasciculata var. patula A. Nelson [Isotype] 1909, 47: 431
Arnica arcana A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 276
Arnica ocreata A. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 201
Arnica celsa A. Nelson [Isotype] 1901, 31: 408
Arnica rhizomata A. Nelson [Isotype] 1901, 31: 407
Arnica polycephala A. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 202
Arnica caespitosa A. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 203
Diplostephium corymbosum Donnell Smith [Syntype] 1897, 23: 8
Diplostephium paniculatum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1897, 23: 8
Coreocarpus sonoranus Sherff [Syntype] 1935, 97: 604
Coreocarpus arizonicus var. macrophyllus Sherff [Syntype] 1935, 97: 195
Coreocarpus shrevei var. latilobus Sherff [Syntype] 1935, 97: 187
Enceliopsis tuta A. Nelson [Isotype] 1909, 47: 433
Luina piperi B. L. Robinson [Holotype] 1891, 16: 43
Ageratum rugosum J. M. Coulter [Holotype] 1895, 20: 42
Calea trichotoma Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 299
Calea trichotoma Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 299
Gutierrezia myriacephala A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 264
Gynoxys hypomalaca S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1922, 74: 427
Montanoa samalensis J. M. Coulter [Isotype] 1895, 20: 49
Megalodonta beckii var. oregonensis Sherff [Syntype] 1936, 97: 609
Lagascea glandulosa Fernald [Syntype] 1895, 20: 534
Lagascea glandulosa Fernald [Syntype] 1895, 20: 534
Lagascea glandulosa Fernald [Lectotype] 1895, 20: 534
Lagascea glandulosa Fernald [Syntype] 1895, 20: 534
Silphium brachiatum Gattinger [Isotype] 1884, 9: 192
Silphium brachiatum Gattinger [Isotype] 1884, 9: 192
Dubautia laxa var. blakei O. Degener & Sherff ex Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 96: 151
Dubautia laxa var. obovata Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 95: 80
Eupatorium donnell-smithii J. M. Coulter [Isotype] 1891, 16: 95
Eupatorium donnell-smithii var. parvifolium J. M. Coulter [Type] 1891, 16: 96
Eupatorium rafaelense J. M. Coulter [Syntype] 1891, 16: 97
Eupatorium rafaelense J. M. Coulter [Isolectotype] 1891, 16: 97
Eupatorium suaveolens Chapman [Holotype] 1878, 3: 5
Eupatorium hypomalacum B. L. Robinson ex Donnell Smith [Type] 1903, 35: 4
Eupatorium occidentale var. decemplex A. Nelson [Type] 1912, 53: 226
Cacalia sulcata Fernald [Holotype] 1902, 33: 157
Vernonia heydeana J. M. Coulter [Isotype] 1895, 20: 42
Vernonia angustifolia var. pumila A. Gray [Isotype] 1878, 3: 5
Erigeron poliospermus var. latus A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Isotype] 1913, 55: 383
Erigeron elkoensis A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Isotype] 1913, 55: 382
Erigeron tweedyi Canby [Holotype] 1888, 13: 17
Erigeron parryi Canby & Rose [Lectotype] 1890, 15: 65
Erigeron multifidus var. incertus A. Nelson [Syntype] 1900, 30: 198
Erigeron compositus var. breviradiatus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 416
Chaenactis paleolifera A. Nelson [Type] 1909, 47: 434
Mutisia sagittifolia S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1922, 74: 428
Polymnia quichensis J. M. Coulter [Isotype] 1895, 20: 48
Clibadium arboreum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1889, 14: 26
Brauneria tennesseensis Beadle [Isotype] 1898, 25: 359
Xanthium pensylvanicum var. laciniatum Sherff & Shull [Isotype] 1931, 92: 208
Coleosanthus congestus A. Nelson [Type] 1901, 31: 401
Coleosanthus venulosus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 262
Baileya pleniradiata var. perennis A. Nelson [Isotype] 1909, 47: 431
Gymnolomia nevadensis A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 271
Gymnolomia nevadensis A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 271
Actinomeris heterophylla Chapman [TypeMaterial] 1878, 3: 6
Gnaphalium thermale E. E. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 121
Steiractinia rosei S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1922, 74: 424
Stenotus latifolius A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 37: 266
Bidens pseudocosmos Sherff [Isotype] 1923, 76: 151
Bidens pseudocosmos Sherff [Isotype] 1923, 76: 151
Bidens pseudocosmos Sherff [Isotype] 1923, 76: 151
Bidens pseudocosmos Sherff [Type] 1923, 76: 151
Bidens mollifolia Sherff [Type] 1917, 64: 21
Bidens mollifolia Sherff [Type] 1917, 64: 21
Bidens oligocarpa Sherff [Type] 1931, 92: 206
Bidens antiguensis J. M. Coulter [Isotype] 1891, 16: 100
Bidens populifolia Sherff [Isotype] 1928, 86: 438
Bidens weibkei Sherff [Syntype] 1928, 86: 435
Bidens attenuata Sherff [Type] 1916, 61: 495
Bidens conjuncta Sherff [Isotype] 1923, 76: 162
Bidens mathewsii Sherff [Isotype] 1926, 81: 34
Bidens leptocephala Sherff [Type] 1917, 64: 22
Bidens andrei Sherff [Holotype] 1916, 61: 495
Bidens andrei Sherff [Type] 1916, 61: 495
Bidens holwayi Sherff & S. F. Blake [Type] 1917, 64: 39
Bidens insolita Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 607
Bidens magnidisca O. Degener & Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 93: 216
Bidens fecunda O. Degener & Sherff [Isotype] 1932, 93: 217
Bidens waimeana Sherff [Isotype] 1923, 76: 164
Bidens carpodonta Sherff [Isotype] 1917, 64: 25
Bidens langlassei Sherff [Type] 1917, 64: 24
Bidens gentryi Sherff [Isotype] 1936, 97: 608
Bidens brittonii Sherff [Holotype] 1913, 56: 492
Bidens brittonii Sherff [Type] 1913, 56: 492
Bidens mexicana Sherff [Isotype] 1913, 56: 491
Bidens cornuta Sherff [Holotype] 1917, 64: 22
Bidens cornuta Sherff [Type] 1917, 64: 22
Bidens halawana Sherff [Isotype] 1933, 94: 589
Bidens duranginensis Sherff [Isotype] 1920, 70: 90
Bidens duranginensis Sherff [Type] 1920, 70: 90
Bidens sandvicensis var. imminuta O. Degener & Sherff [Isotype] 1932, 93: 217
Bidens hawaiiensis var. conglutinata O. Degener & Sherff [Syntype] 1930, 89: 364
Bidens subalternans var. unipinnata Sherff [Holotype] 1929, 88: 292
Bidens campylotheca var. pentamera Sherff [Isotype] 1928, 85: 4
Bidens coreopsidis var. procumbens Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1906, 42: 299
Clidemia donnell-smithii Cogniaux [Isotype] , 16: 5
Clidemia cymifera Donnell Smith [Isotype] , 14: 25
Clidemia diffusa Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1908, 46: 112
Clidemia diffusa Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1908, 46: 112
Clidemia glandulifera Cogniaux ex Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 289
Leandra tuerckheimii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1909, 47: 254
Arthrostemma hirtella Cogniaux [Isotype] 1895, 20: 286
Miconia donnell-smithii Cogniaux [Isotype] 1895, 20: 287
Miconia alpestris Cogniaux [Isotype] 1895, 20: 288
Miconia involucrata Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1904, 37: 209
Miconia oligocephala Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1908, 46: 111
Blakea guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1889, 14: 25
Triolena paleolata Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 28
Tibouchina bourgaeana Cogniaux [Isotype] 1891, 16: 4
Tococa parvifolia Donnell Smith [Isotype] , 27: 334
Conostegia tenuifolia Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1899, 27: 334
Conostegia hirtella Cogniaux [Isotype] 1891, 16: 4
Trichilia colimana C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1894, 19: 40
Trichilia colimana C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1894, 19: 40
Trichilia palmeri C. de Candolle [Type] 1894, 19: 39
Trichilia palmeri C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1894, 19: 39
Trichilia donnell-smithii var. uniovulata C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1894, 19: 3
Guarea tuerckheimii C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1902, 33: 250
Guarea palmeri C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1894, 19: 39
Guarea palmeri C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1894, 19: 39
Guarea palmeri C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1894, 19: 39
Cedrela impari-pinnata C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1894, 19: 4
Mimosa affinis B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1891, 16: 341
Mimosa affinis B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1891, 16: 341
Mimosa acapulcensis B. L. Robinson [Holotype] 1899, 28: 135
Pithecellobium macrandrium Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 18 Jul 1905, 40: 3
Pithecellobium insigne Micheli ex Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 285
Pithecellobium racemiflorum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1913, 56: 57
Pithecellobium racemiflorum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1913, 56: 57
Pithecellobium racemiflorum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1913, 56: 57
Anneslia quetzal F. Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 28
Calliandra rhodocephala Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1910, 49: 454
Calliandra rhodocephala Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1910, 49: 454
Calliandra rhodocephala Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1910, 49: 454
Calliandra portoricensis var. multijuga Micheli [Isolectotype] 1895, 20: 285
Inga tonduzii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1907, 44: 112
Inga tonduzii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1907, 44: 112
Mollinedia costaricensis Donnell Smith [Syntype] 1902, 33: 257
Mollinedia costaricensis Donnell Smith [Syntype] 1902, 33: 257
Pseudolmedia oxyphyllaria Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 294
Brosimum heteroclitum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1901, 31: 121
Dorstenia choconiana var. integrifolia Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 76
Cecropia angulata I. W. Bailey [Syntype] 1922, 74: 378
Cecropia angulata I. W. Bailey [Syntype] 1922, 74: 378
Cecropia polyphlebia Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 27: 442
Parathesis sessilifolia Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1891, 16: 195
Parathesis calophylla Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 205
Parathesis pleurotryosa Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1891, 16: 195
Ardisia tuerckheimii Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1888, 13: 74
Ardisia tuerckheimii Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1888, 13: 74
Ardisia spicigera Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 27: 434
Ardisia spicigera Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 27: 434
Ardisia paschalis Donnell Smith [Syntype] 1894, 19: 5
Ardisia palmana Donnell Smith [Type] 1899, 27: 434
Ardisia verapazenis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1908, 46: 113
Ardisia pectinata Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1887, 12: 132
Ardisia venosa Masters [Isolectotype] 1893, 18: 205
Ardisia micrantha Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1889, 14: 27
Stylogyne phaenostemona Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1908, 46: 113
Eugenia salamensis Donnell Smith [Type] 1899, 27: 333
Eugenia fiscalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1912, 54: 235
Eugenia guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1897, 23: 245
Eugenia guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1897, 23: 245
Myrcia seleriana Donnell Smith [Type] 1899, 27: 332
Najas major var. gracilis Morong [Isotype] 1885, 10: 255
Thamnium holzingeri Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1894, 19: 239. 22A
Neea psychotrioides Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1891, 16: 199
Abronia suksdorfii Coulter & Fisher [Isotype] 1892, 17: 348
Abronia alpina Brandegee [Type] 1899, 27: 456
Pisonia aculeata var. macranthocarpa Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1891, 16: 198
Fraxinus americana var. subcoriacea Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 241
Fraxinus americana var. subcoriacea Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 241
Fraxinus americana var. subcoriacea Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 241
Fraxinus americana var. subcoriacea Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 241
Fraxinus americana var. subcoriacea Sargent [Isosyntype] 1919, 67: 241
Epilobium wyomingense A. Nelson [Syntype] 1900, 30: 194
Chylismia hirta A. Nelson [Isotype] 1909, 47: 428
Chylismia walkeri A. Nelson [Isotype] 1913, 56: 66
Sphaerostigma tortum var. eastwoodae A. Nelson [Isotype] 1905, 40: 61
Sphaerostigma contortum var. flexuosum A. Nelson [Isotype] 1905, 40: 58
Lavauxia lobata A. Nelson [Isotype] 1909, 47: 429
Oenothera cheradophila Bartlett [Holotype] 1907, 44: 302
Oenothera minor var. cusickii Munz [Isotype] 1928, 85: 240
Hauya microcerata Donnell Smith & Rose [Isotype] 1911, 52: 46
Hauya ruacophila Donnell Smith & Rose [Isotype] 1911, 52: 47
Hauya quercitorum Donnell Smith & Rose [Isotype] 1911, 52: 47
Hauya heydeana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 3
Hauya lucida Donnell Smith & Rose [Type] 1911, 52: 48
Hauya lucida Donnell Smith & Rose [Type] 1911, 52: 48
Hauya lucida Donnell Smith & Rose [Type] 1911, 52: 48
Hauya lemnophila Donnell Smith & Rose [Isotype] 1911, 52: 48
Hauya rodriguezii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 3
Godetia lanata Elmer [Isotype] 1906, 41: 317
Godetia parviflora var. luteola C. L. Hitchcock [Isotype] 1930, 89: 349
Cyrtopodium ecristatum Fernald [Syntype] 1897, 24: 433
Cyrtopodium ecristatum Fernald [Syntype] 1897, 24: 433
Cyrtopodium ecristatum Fernald [Syntype] 1897, 24: 433
Cyrtopodium ecristatum Fernald [Lectotype] 1897, 24: 433
Cyrtopodium ecristatum Fernald [Isolectotype] 1897, 24: 433
Cyrtopodium ecristatum Fernald [Isolectotype] 1897, 24: 433
Habenaria brevifolia Greene [Isotype] 1881, 6: 218
Habenaria brevifolia Greene [Type] 1881, 6: 218
Pedicularis dudleyi Elmer [Isotype] 1906, 41: 316
Orthotrichum ulotaeforme Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1890, 15: 42
Orthotrichum hendersonii Renauld & Cardot [Lectotype] 1890, 15: 42
Orthotrichum pulchellum var. productipes Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1890, 43: 15
Orthotrichum lyellii var. howei Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1900, 30: 20
Ulota crispula var. dolosa Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1896, 22: 51
Ulota crispula var. dolosa Renauld & Cardot [Lectotype] 1896, 22: 51
Oxalis clematodes Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 199
Oxalis dimidiata Donnell Smith [Type] 1890, 15: 27
Bocconia vulcanica Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1891, 16: 1
Passiflora porphyretica Masters [Type] 1895, 20: 538
Passiflora ornithoura Masters [Type] 1891, 16: 8
Passiflora salvadorensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1906, 42: 297
Passiflora transversa Masters [Isotype] 1891, 16: 7
Passiflora dicthophylla Masters [Isotype] 1891, 16: 8
Passiflora dicthophylla Masters [Isotype] 1891, 16: 8
Peronospora sicyicola Trelease [Holotype] 1883, 8: 331
Peronospora arenariae var. macrospora Farlow [Type] 1884, 9(3): 38
Peronospora arthurii Farlow [Type] 1883, 8: 315
Peronospora claytoniae Farlow [Type] 1883, 8: 314
Peronospora illinoensis Farlow [Syntype] 1883, 8: 332
Peronospora illinoensis Farlow [Lectotype] 1883, 8: 332
Peronospora illinoensis Farlow [Type] 1883, 8: 332
Peronospora lophanthi Farlow [Type] 1883, 8: 333
Peronospora phlogina Dietel & Holway [Type] 1894, 306
Phytolacca icosandra var. octogyna Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 210
Costus sanguineus Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1901, 31: 122
Pyrenothrix nigra Riddle [Type] 1917, 64: 513
Pyrenothrix nigra Riddle [Type] 1917, 64: 513
Pyrenothrix nigra Riddle [Type] 1917, 64: 513
Pyrenothrix nigra Riddle [Type] 1917, 64: 513
Piper nicoyanum C. de Candolle [Syntype] 1920, 70: 174
Piper nicoyanum C. de Candolle [Syntype] 1920, 70: 174
Piper uspantanense C. de Candolle [Syntype] 1894, 19: 6
Piper uspantanense C. de Candolle [Syntype] 1894, 19: 6
Piper calophyllum C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1902, 33: 257
Piper calophyllum C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1902, 33: 257
Piper tenuipes C. de Candolle [Syntype] 1920, 70: 174
Piper chirripoense C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1920, 70: 186
Piper brenesii C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1920, 70: 180
Piper donnell-smithii C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1894, 19: 259
Piper luxii C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1894, 19: 5
Piper tuberculatum var. obtusifolium C. de Candolle [Syntype] 1894, 19: 8
Piper aequale var. elliptico-lanceolatum C. de Candolle [Syntype] 1920, 70: 171
Peperomia san-felipensis C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1894, 19: 9
Peperomia guatemalensis C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1894, 19: 10
Peperomia astyla Trelease [Isotype] 1922, 73: 137
Peperomia astyla Trelease [Isotype] 1922, 73: 137
Peperomia heydei C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1894, 19: 9
Peperomia heydei var. minor C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1894, 19: 10
Peperomia parryana Trelease [Isotype] 1922, 73: 137
Peperomia parryana Trelease [Isotype] 1922, 73: 137
Peperomia parryana var. borealis Trelease [Isotype] 1922, 73: 137
Peperomia parryana var. borealis Trelease [Isotype] 1922, 73: 137
Peperomia macrophylla C. de Candolle [Syntype] 1894, 19: 8
Peperomia santa-rosana C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1894, 19: 10
Peperomia peltilimba C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1922, 73: 145
Peperomia violifolia C. de Candolle [Isotype ((as "violaefolia"))] 1894, 19: 8
Peperomia luxii C. de Candolle [TypeMaterial] 1894, 19: 260
Peperomia macrandra var. ampla Trelease [Isotype] 1922, 73: 140
Peperomia macrandra var. ampla Trelease [Isotype] 1922, 73: 140
Plagiothecium groutii Cardot & Thériot [Isotype] 1904, 37:379
Platanus occidentalis f. attenuata Sargent [Holotype] 1919, 67: 229
Orcuttia greenei Vasey [Isotype] 1891, 16: 146
Alopecurus occidentalis Scribner & Tweedy [Isotype] 1886, 11: 170
Alopecurus saccatus Vasey [Isotype] 1881, 6: 290
Pringleochloa stolonifera Scribner [Isotype] 1896, 21: 138
Pringleochloa stolonifera Scribner [Isotype] 1896, 21: 138
Bromus suksdorfii Vasey [Type] 1885, 10: 223
Agropyron tenerum Vasey [Isosyntype] 1885, 10: 258
Andropogon urbanianum Hitchcock [Type] 1912, 54: 424
Andropogon urbanianum Hitchcock [Isotype] 1912, 54: 424
Andropogon arctatus Chapman [Type] 1878, 3: 20
Andropogon mohrii Hackel [Type] 1888, 13: 295
Muhlenbergia setifolia Vasey [Type] 1882, 7: 92
Muhlenbergia acuminata Vasey [Type] 1886, 11: 337
Muhlenbergia neo-mexicana Vasey [Isotype] 1886, 11: 337
Muhlenbergia depauperata Scribner [Isolectotype] 1884, 9(12): 187
Muhlenbergia alamosae Vasey [Isotype] 1891, 16: 146
Stipa parishii Vasey [Isotype] 1882, 7: 33
Stipa comata var. intermedia Scribner [Isosyntype] 1886, 11: 171
Tripsacum dactyloides subsp. hispidum Hitchcock [Isotype] 1906, 41: 295
Aristida simplicifolia Chapman [Isolectotype] 1816, 1: 141
Aristida simplicifolia Chapman [Isolectotype] 1816, 1: 141
Aristida basiramea Engelmann ex Vasey [Type] 1884, 9: 76
Calamagrostis howellii Vasey [Isotype] 1881, 6: 271
Calamagrostis koelerioides Vasey [Isotype] 1891, 16: 147
Triplasis sparsiflora Chapman [Type] 1878, 3: 19
Deyeuxia dubia Scribner & Tweedy [Isotype] 1886, 11: 174
Deyeuxia cusickii Vasey [Isotype] 1885, 10: 224
Deyeuxia macouniana Vasey [Type] 1885, 10: 297
Deyeuxia neglecta var. gracilis Scribner [Isotype] 1886, 11: 175
Bouteloua uniflora Vasey [Isotype] 1891, 16: 26
Sporobolus bolanderi Vasey [Isotype] 1886, 11: 337
Sporobolus pilosus Vasey [Type] 1891, 16: 26
Elymus orcuttianus Vasey [Isotype] 1885, 10: 258
Deschampsia gracilis Vasey [Type] 1885, 10: 224
Melica hallii Vasey [Isolectotype] 1881, 6: 296
Melica hallii Vasey [Isolectotype] 1881, 6: 296
Melica hallii Vasey [Isosyntype] 1881, 6: 296
Melica macbridei Rowland [Type] 1912, 54: 404
Poa bolanderi Vasey [Isotype] 1882, 7: 32
Poa bolanderi Vasey [Isotype] 1882, 7: 32
Poa purpurascens Vasey [Isotype] 1881, 6: 297
Polemonium calycinum Eastwood [Type] 1904, 37: 438
Polemonium viscosum var. pilosum Greenman [Isotype] 1898, 25: 263
Polemonium californicum Eastwood [Type] 1904, 37: 437
Polemonium flavum Greene [Isotype] 1881, 6: 217
Polemonium flavum Greene [Isotype] 1881, 6: 217
Polemonium bicolor Greenman [Type] 1898, 25: 262
Polemonium tricolor Eastwood [Isotype] 1904, 37: 439
Cobaea triflora Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 75
Phlox aculeata A. Nelson [Type] 1911, 52: 27 0
Collomia grandiflora var. axillaris A. Nelson [Isotype] 1911, 52: 270
Gilia burleyana A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 144
Gilia wilcoxii A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1902, 34: 27
Gilia wilcoxii A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1902, 34: 27
Gilia wilcoxii A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1902, 34: 27
Gilia ambigua Rattan [Isotype] 1886, 11: 339
Polygonum emaciatum A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 138
Campderia paniculata Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 27: 440
Ruprechtia kellermanii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1909, 47: 260
Ruprechtia colorata Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1909, 47: 260
Chorizanthe vaseyi Parry & Rose [Isotype] 1890, 15: 64
Triplaris macombii Donnell Smith [Type] 1894, 19: 257
Eriogonum revolutum Goodding [Isotype] 1904, 37: 54
Eriogonum shoshonense A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 137
Eriogonum fasciculifolium A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 407
Eriogonum pringlei J. M. Coulter & Fisher [Isotype] 1892, 17: 351
Eriogonum alpinum Engelmann [Isotype] 1882, 7: 6
Eriogonum purpusii Brandegee [Isotype] 1899, 27: 457
Coccoloba tuerckheimii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1904, 37: 213
Polypodium nematorhizon D. C. Eaton [Isotype] 1878, 3: 90
Polypodium nematorhizon D. C. Eaton [Isotype] 1878, 3: 90
Polypodium petiolatum Davenport [Type] 1894, 19: 394
Atrichum undulatum var. altercristatum Renauld & Cardot [Isosyntype] 1890, 15: 58
Atrichum undulatum var. altercristatum Renauld & Cardot [Isosyntype] 1890, 15: 58
Lewisia pygmaea var. aridorum Bartlett [Holotype] 1907, 44(4): 303
Potamogeton lateralis Morong [Isolectotype] 1880, 5: 51
Potamogeton lateralis Morong [Isolectotype] 1880, 5: 51
Potamogeton lateralis Morong [Isolectotype] 1880, 5: 51
Potamogeton lateralis Morong [Isolectotype] 1880, 5: 51
Potamogeton ×mysticus Morong [Syntype] 1880, 5: 50
Potamogeton ×mysticus Morong [Isolectotype] 1880, 5: 50
Potamogeton ×mysticus Morong [Isolectotype] 1880, 5: 50
Potamogeton ×mysticus Morong [Syntype] 1880, 5: 50
Potamogeton ×mysticus Morong [Syntype] 1880, 5: 50
Potamogeton ×mysticus Morong [Syntype] 1880, 5: 50
Potamogeton hillii Morong [Isolectotype] 1881, 6: 290
Potamogeton hillii Morong [Isolectotype] 1881, 6: 290
Potamogeton hillii Morong [Isosyntype] 1881, 6: 290
Potamogeton pauciflorus var. californicus Morong [Isotype] 1885, 10: 254
Trichostomum indigens Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1896, 22: 50
Desmatodon bushii Cardot & Thériot [Type] 1904, 37: 366
Pottia nevadensis Cardot & Thériot [Type] 1904, 37: 365
Pottia nevadensis Cardot & Thériot [Type] 1904, 37: 365
Phascum cuspidatum var. americanum Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1900, 30: 12
Barbula bakeri Cardot & Thériot [Isosyntype] 1904, 37: 367
Barbula bakeri Cardot & Thériot [Isosyntype] 1904, 37: 367
Barbula bakeri Cardot & Thériot [Isosyntype] 1904, 37: 367
Barbula bakeri Cardot & Thériot [Isosyntype] 1904, 37: 367
Didymodon hendersonii Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1890, 15: 40
Dodecatheon hendersonii A. Gray [Type] 1886, 11: 233
Dodecatheon jeffreyi var. redolens H. M. Hall [Isotype] 1901, 31: 392
Acrostichum pringlei Davenport [Isolectotype] 1896, 21(5): 253
Acrostichum pringlei Davenport [Isolectotype] 1896, 21(5): 253
Acrostichum pringlei Davenport [Lectotype] 1896, 21(5): 253
Apodanthes pringlei S. Watson ex B. L. Robinson [Type] 1891, 16: 83
Apodanthes globosa S. Watson [Type] 1891, 16;83
Anemone albomerus A. Nelson [Type] 1906, 42: 52
Anemone nudicaulis A. Gray [Syntype] 1886, 11: 17
Ranunculus verticillatus Eastwood [Isotype] 1902, 33: 144
Delphinium andersonii A. Gray [Lectotype] 1887, 12: 53
Delphinium andersonii A. Gray [Isolectotype] 1887, 12: 53
Delphinium andersonii A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 53
Delphinium andersonii A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 53
Delphinium hesperium A. Gray [Lectotype] 1887, 12: 51, 53
Delphinium hesperium A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 51, 53
Delphinium hesperium A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 51, 53
Delphinium hesperium A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 51, 53
Delphinium hesperium A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 51, 53
Delphinium hesperium A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 51, 53
Delphinium hesperium A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 51, 53
Delphinium hesperium A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 51, 53
Delphinium hesperium A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 51, 53
Delphinium hesperium A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 51, 53
Delphinium hesperium A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 51, 53
Delphinium parishii A. Gray [Type] 1887, 12: 53
Delphinium scopulorum var. subalpinum A. Gray [Lectotype] 1887, 12: 52
Delphinium scopulorum var. subalpinum A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 52
Delphinium scopulorum var. subalpinum A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 52
Delphinium scopulorum var. subalpinum A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 52
Delphinium scopulorum var. stachydeum A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 52
Delphinium scopulorum var. stachydeum A. Gray [Lectotype] 1887, 12: 52
Delphinium scopulorum var. stachydeum A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 52
Delphinium scopulorum var. stachydeum A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 52
Delphinium purpusii Brandegee [Type] 1899, 27: 444
Delphinium scaposum Greene [Type] 1881, 6: 156
Delphinium megacarpum A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Isotype] 1913, 55: 373
Coptis laciniata A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 297
Coptis laciniata A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 297
Coptis laciniata A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 297
Coptis laciniata A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 297
Coptis laciniata A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 297
Clematis urophylla var. obtusiuscula C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 63: 517
Clematis delavayii var. calvescens C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 63: 517
Actaea viridiflora var. clementiorum R. R. Gates [Isotype] 1916, 61: 203
Actaea viridiflora var. clementiorum R. R. Gates [Isotype] 1916, 61: 203
Rhamnus capreifolia var. discolor Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18(6): 200
Condalia divaricata A. Nelson [Isotype] 1909, 47: 427
Potentilla eriocarpa var. cathayana C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1917, 64: 73
Potentilla eriocarpa var. cathayana C. K. Schneider [Holotype] 1917, 64: 73
Potentilla trina A. Nelson [Type] 1911, 52: 265
Potentilla donnell-smithii Focke [Isotype] 1891, 16: 3
Alchemilla ocreata Donnell Smith [Type] 1897, 23: 7
Malus pumila var. subsessilis C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 63: 400
Prunus alleghaniensis Porter [Isosyntype] 1877, 2: 85
Prunus alleghaniensis Porter [Isosyntype] 1877, 2: 85
Prunus alleghaniensis Porter [Isosyntype] 1877, 2: 85
Prunus ignotus A. Nelson [Type] 1906, 42: 53
Prunus tarda Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 108
Prunus virginiana var. leucocarpa S. Watson [Type] 1888, 13: 233
Purpusia saxosa Brandegee [Isotype] 1899, 27: 447
Eriogynia hendersoni Canby [Isosyntype] 1891, 16: 236
Eriogynia hendersoni Canby [Isosyntype] 1891, 16: 236
Cerasus demissa var. melanocarpa Nelson [Isosyntype] 1902, 34(1): 25
Rosa nutkana var. hispida Fernald [Type] 1894, 19: 335
Rosa nutkana var. hispida Fernald [Type] 1894, 19: 335
Rosa nutkana var. hispida Fernald [Type] 1894, 19: 335
Rosa macdougalii Holzinger [Isotype] 1896, 21: 36
Rosa macdougalii Holzinger [Isotype] 1896, 21: 36
Horkelia beneolens A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Isotype] 1913, 55: 374
Horkelia mollis Eastwood [Isotype] 1906, 41: 286
Amelanchier oreophila A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1905, 40: 65
Amelanchier oreophila A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1905, 40: 65
Amelanchier oreophila A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1905, 40: 65
Amelanchier oreophila A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1905, 40: 65
Amelanchier oreophila A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1905, 40: 65
Amelanchier oreophila A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1905, 40: 65
Amelanchier oreophila A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1905, 40: 65
Amelanchier oreophila A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1905, 40: 65
Amelanchier oreophila A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1905, 40: 65
Amelanchier oreophila A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1905, 40: 65
Amelanchier elliptica A. Nelson [Isotype] 1905, 40: 66
Spiraea idahoensis A. Nelson [Type] 1911, 52: 264
Spiraea teretiuscula C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1917, 63: 399
Spiraea teretiuscula C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 63: 399
Holodiscus argenteus var. bifrons Focke [Isotype] 1893, 18: 200
Crataegus cuprea Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 105
Crataegus cuprea Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 105
Crataegus cuprea Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 105
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus biltmoreana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 406
Crataegus canbyi Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 3
Crataegus canbyi Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 3
Crataegus canbyi Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 3
Crataegus canbyi Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 3
Crataegus canbyi Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 3
Crataegus canbyi Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 3
Crataegus canbyi Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 3
Crataegus brachyacantha Sargent & Engelmann [Lectotype] 1882, 7: 128
Crataegus brachyacantha Sargent & Engelmann [Syntype] 1882, 7: 128
Crataegus brachyacantha Sargent & Engelmann [Syntype] 1882, 7: 128
Crataegus trachyphylla Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 388
Crataegus trachyphylla Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 388
Crataegus trachyphylla Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 388
Crataegus hillii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 384
Crataegus hillii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 384
Crataegus hillii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 384
Crataegus hillii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 384
Crataegus hillii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 384
Crataegus hillii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 384
Crataegus hillii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 384
Crataegus hillii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 384
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Syntype] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Syntype] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus boyntonii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 409
Crataegus columbiana Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 229
Crataegus columbiana Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 229
Crataegus columbiana Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 229
Crataegus columbiana Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 229
Crataegus columbiana Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 229
Crataegus columbiana Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 229
Crataegus columbiana Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 229
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus sertata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 381
Crataegus gemmosa Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 119
Crataegus gemmosa Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 119
Crataegus gemmosa Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 119
Crataegus gemmosa Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 119
Crataegus gemmosa Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 119
Crataegus gemmosa Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 119
Crataegus gemmosa Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 119
Crataegus gemmosa Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 119
Crataegus gemmosa Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 119
Crataegus gemmosa Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 119
Crataegus gemmosa Sargent [Lectotype] 1902, 33: 119
Crataegus cyanophylla Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 387
Crataegus cyanophylla Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 387
Crataegus cyanophylla Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 387
Crataegus cyanophylla Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 387
Crataegus cyanophylla Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 387
Crataegus cyanophylla Sargent [Lectotype] 1903, 35: 387
Crataegus assurgens Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 382
Crataegus assurgens Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 382
Crataegus assurgens Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 382
Crataegus assurgens Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 382
Crataegus assurgens Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 382
Crataegus assurgens Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 382
Crataegus assurgens Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 382
Crataegus assurgens Sargent [Type] 1903, 35: 382
Crataegus assurgens Sargent [Type] 1903, 35: 382
Crataegus assurgens Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 382
Crataegus assurgens Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 382
Crataegus straminea Beadle [Type] 1900, 30: 345
Crataegus straminea Beadle [Type] 1900, 30: 345
Crataegus straminea Beadle [Type] 1900, 30: 345
Crataegus dilatata Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 9
Crataegus dilatata Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 9
Crataegus dilatata Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 9
Crataegus dilatata Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 9
Crataegus dilatata Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 9
Crataegus laxiflora Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 400
Crataegus laxiflora Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 400
Crataegus laxiflora Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 400
Crataegus laxiflora Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 400
Crataegus laxiflora Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 400
Crataegus sextilis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 390
Crataegus sextilis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 390
Crataegus sextilis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 390
Crataegus sextilis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 390
Crataegus sextilis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 390
Crataegus sextilis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 390
Crataegus sextilis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 390
Crataegus sextilis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 390
Crataegus sextilis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 390
Crataegus sextilis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 390
Crataegus sextilis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 390
Crataegus sextilis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 390
Crataegus sextilis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 390
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus ellwangeriana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 118
Crataegus arduennae Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 377
Crataegus arduennae Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 377
Crataegus arduennae Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 377
Crataegus arduennae Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 377
Crataegus arduennae Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 377
Crataegus arduennae Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 377
Crataegus arduennae Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 377
Crataegus vegeta Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 396
Crataegus vegeta Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 396
Crataegus vegeta Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 396
Crataegus magniflora Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 383
Crataegus magniflora Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 383
Crataegus magniflora Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 383
Crataegus brachycantha Sargent & Engelmann [Syntype] 1882, 7: 128
Crataegus edita Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 110
Crataegus edita Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 110
Crataegus edita Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 110
Crataegus edita Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 110
Crataegus apposita Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 103
Crataegus apposita Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 103
Crataegus apposita Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 103
Crataegus apposita Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 103
Crataegus apposita Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 103
Crataegus apposita Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 103
Crataegus delawarensis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 102
Crataegus delawarensis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 102
Crataegus delawarensis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 102
Crataegus subrotundifolia Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 394
Crataegus subrotundifolia Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 394
Crataegus subrotundifolia Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 394
Crataegus subrotundifolia Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 394
Crataegus subrotundifolia Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 394
Crataegus nemoralis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 104
Crataegus nemoralis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 104
Crataegus nemoralis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 104
Crataegus nemoralis Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 104
Crataegus gaultii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 397
Crataegus gaultii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 397
Crataegus gaultii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 397
Crataegus gaultii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 397
Crataegus gaultii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 397
Crataegus gaultii Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 397
Crataegus fecunda Sargent [Neotype] 1902, 33: 111
Crataegus berlandieri Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 230
Crataegus berlandieri Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 230
Crataegus berlandieri Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 230
Crataegus berlandieri Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 230
Crataegus berlandieri Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 230
Crataegus berlandieri Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 230
Crataegus corusca Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 117
Crataegus corusca Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 117
Crataegus corusca Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 117
Crataegus corusca Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 117
Crataegus corusca Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 117
Crataegus tarda Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 392
Crataegus tarda Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 392
Crataegus tarda Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 392
Crataegus tarda Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 392
Crataegus tarda Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 392
Crataegus tarda Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 392
Crataegus erecta Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 218
Crataegus erecta Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 218
Crataegus erecta Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 218
Crataegus erecta Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 218
Crataegus submollis Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 7
Crataegus submollis Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 7
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Isolectotype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Lectotype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus sordida Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 114
Crataegus glabriuscula Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 235
Crataegus glabriuscula Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 235
Crataegus glabriuscula Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 235
Crataegus glabriuscula Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 235
Crataegus glabriuscula Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 235
Crataegus glabriuscula Sargent [Lectotype] 1901, 31: 235
Crataegus glabriuscula Sargent [Isolectotype] 1901, 31: 235
Crataegus glabriuscula Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 235
Crataegus glabriuscula Sargent [Lectotype] 1901, 31: 235
Crataegus lacera Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 123
Crataegus lacera Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 123
Crataegus lacera Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 123
Crataegus lacera Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 123
Crataegus lacera Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 123
Crataegus lacera Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 123
Crataegus lacera Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 123
Crataegus lacera Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 123
Crataegus lacera Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 123
Crataegus georgiana Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 113
Crataegus georgiana Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 113
Crataegus georgiana Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 113
Crataegus georgiana Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 113
Crataegus georgiana Sargent [Lectotype] 1902, 33: 113
Crataegus tatnalliana Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 106
Crataegus tatnalliana Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 106
Crataegus tatnalliana Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 106
Crataegus tatnalliana Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 106
Crataegus tatnalliana Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 106
Crataegus tatnalliana Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 106
Crataegus brazoria Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 233
Crataegus brazoria Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 233
Crataegus cibilis Ashe [Type] 1902, 33: 232
Crataegus cibilis Ashe [Type] 1902, 33: 232
Crataegus paucispina Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 391
Crataegus paucispina Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 391
Crataegus paucispina Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 391
Crataegus paucispina Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 391
Crataegus paucispina Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 391
Crataegus paucispina Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 391
Crataegus paucispina Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 391
Crataegus apiomorpha Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: ::386
Crataegus apiomorpha Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: ::386
Crataegus apiomorpha Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: ::386
Crataegus apiomorpha Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: ::386
Crataegus apiomorpha Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: ::386
Crataegus apiomorpha Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: ::386
Crataegus corporea Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 403
Crataegus corporea Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 403
Crataegus corporea Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 403
Crataegus arnoldiana Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 222
Crataegus arnoldiana Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 222
Crataegus arnoldiana Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 222
Crataegus arnoldiana Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 222
Crataegus arnoldiana Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 222
Crataegus doddsii Ramaley [Isotype] 1908, 46: 381
Crataegus sera Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 115
Crataegus lettermanii Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 220
Crataegus lettermanii Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 220
Crataegus lettermanii Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 220
Crataegus lettermanii Sargent [Neotype] 1901, 31: 220
Crataegus pratensis Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 6
Crataegus pratensis Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 6
Crataegus pratensis Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 6
Crataegus pratensis Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 6
Crataegus jonesae Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 14
Crataegus jonesae Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 14
Crataegus jonesae Sargent [Lectotype] 1901, 31: 14
Crataegus divida Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 401
Crataegus divida Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 401
Crataegus divida Sargent [Lectotype] 1903, 35: 401
Crataegus bushii Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 109
Crataegus bushii Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 109
Crataegus bushii Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 109
Crataegus bushii Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 109
Crataegus bushii Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 109
Crataegus bushii Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 109
Crataegus bushii Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 109
Crataegus peoriensis Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 5
Crataegus peoriensis Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 5
Crataegus peoriensis Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 5
Crataegus peoriensis Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 5
Crataegus peoriensis Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 5
Crataegus peoriensis Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 5
Crataegus ashei Beadle [Type] 1900, 30: 339
Crataegus ashei Beadle [Type] 1900, 30: 339
Crataegus ashei Beadle [Type] 1900, 30: 339
Crataegus ashei Beadle [Isosyntype] 1900, 30: 339
Crataegus alleghaniensis Beadle [Syntype] 1900, 30: 337
Crataegus alleghaniensis Beadle [Syntype] 1900, 30: 337
Crataegus alleghaniensis Beadle [Syntype] 1900, 30: 337
Crataegus alleghaniensis Beadle [Syntype] 1900, 30: 337
Crataegus tennowana A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 408
Crataegus blanda Sargent [Isosyntype] 1902, 33: 121
Crataegus blanda Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 121
Crataegus ravenelii Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 122
Crataegus ravenelii Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 122
Crataegus ravenelii Sargent [Lectotype] 1902, 33: 122
Crataegus ravenelii Sargent [Lectotype] 1902, 33: 122
Crataegus pennypackeri Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 100
Crataegus pennypackeri Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 100
Crataegus pennypackeri Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 100
Crataegus rubella Beadle [Type] 1900, 30: 344
Crataegus rubella Beadle [Type] 1900, 30: 344
Crataegus rubella Beadle [Type] 1900, 30: 344
Crataegus engelmannii Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 2
Crataegus engelmannii Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 2
Crataegus engelmannii Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 2
Crataegus engelmannii Sargent [Lectotype] 1901, 31: 2
Crataegus engelmannii Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 2
Crataegus engelmannii Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 2
Crataegus engelmannii Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 2
Crataegus engelmannii Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 2
Crataegus engelmannii Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 2
Crataegus engelmannii Sargent [Type] 1901, 31: 2
Crataegus engelmannii Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 2
Crataegus arkansana Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 223
Crataegus arkansana Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 223
Crataegus coloradoides Ramaley [Isotype] 1908, 46: 383
Crataegus stolonifera Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 109
Crataegus stolonifera Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 109
Crataegus stolonifera Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 109
Crataegus stolonifera Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 109
Crataegus stolonifera Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 109
Crataegus stolonifera Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 109
Crataegus stolonifera Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 109
Crataegus rutila Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 399
Crataegus rutila Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 399
Crataegus rutila Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 399
Crataegus rutila Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 399
Crataegus rutila Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 399
Crataegus rutila Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 399
Crataegus elongata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 380
Crataegus elongata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 380
Crataegus elongata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 380
Crataegus acutifolia Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 217
Crataegus acutifolia Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 217
Crataegus acutifolia Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 217
Crataegus acutifolia Sargent [Lectotype] 1901, 31: 217
Crataegus mohrii Beadle [Syntype] 1899, 28: 416
Crataegus mohrii Beadle [Syntype] 1899, 28: 416
Crataegus sororia Beadle [Type] 1900, 30: 336
Crataegus sororia Beadle [Type] 1900, 30: 336
Crataegus sororia Beadle [Type] 1900, 30: 336
Crataegus sororia Beadle [Isosyntype] 1900, 30: 336
Crataegus longispina Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 398
Crataegus longispina Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 398
Crataegus floridana Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 124
Crataegus floridana Sargent [Syntype] 1902, 33: 124
Crataegus floridana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 124
Crataegus floridana Sargent [Type] 1902, 33: 124
Crataegus hystricina Ashe [Type] 1903, 35: 433
Crataegus austromontana Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 412
Crataegus lucorum Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 227
Crataegus lucorum Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 227
Crataegus lucorum Sargent [Syntype] 1901, 31: 227
Crataegus wilkinsonii Ashe [Type] 1903, 35: 435
Crataegus sargentii Beadle [Type] 1899, 28: 407
Crataegus aprica Beadle [Type] 1900, 30: 335
Crataegus aprica Beadle [Isosyntype] 1900, 30: 335
Crataegus aprica Beadle [Isosyntype] 1900, 30: 335
Crataegus douglasii var. suksdorfii Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii var. suksdorfii Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii var. suksdorfii Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii var. suksdorfii Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii var. suksdorfii Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii var. suksdorfii Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii var. suksdorfii Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii var. suksdorfii Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii var. suksdorfii Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii var. suksdorfii Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii var. suksdorfii Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii f. badia Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii f. badia Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii f. badia Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii f. badia Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus douglasii f. badia Sargent [Syntype] 1907, 44: 65
Crataegus crus-galli var. capillata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 100
Crataegus crus-galli var. capillata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 100
Crataegus crus-galli var. capillata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 100
Crataegus crus-galli var. oblongata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 99
Crataegus crus-galli var. oblongata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 99
Crataegus crus-galli var. oblongata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 99
Crataegus crus-galli var. oblongata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 99
Crataegus crus-galli var. oblongata Sargent [Syntype] 1903, 35: 99
Guamatela tuerckheimii Donnell Smith [Type] 1914, 57: 420
Cotoneaster vernae C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 64: 71
Sorbus ambrozyana C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 63: 401
Bouvardia deamii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1910, 49: 455
Bouvardia deamii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1910, 49: 455
Bouvardia deamii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1910, 49: 455
Chomelia microloba Donnell Smith [Type] 1901, 31: 114
Faramea eurycarpa Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1907, 44: 113
Faramea eurycarpa Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1907, 44: 113
Rondeletia hondurensis Donnell Smith [Type] 1899, 27: 335
Psychotria polyphlebia Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1902, 33: 253
Psychotria polyphlebia Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1902, 33: 253
Psychotria anomothyrsa K. Schumann & Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1903, 35: 3
Psychotria anomothyrsa K. Schumann & Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1903, 35: 3
Psychotria pleuropoda Donnell Smith [Lectotype] 1905, 40: 5
Guettarda macrosperma Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 204
Hamelia patens var. coronata Donnell Smith [Isotype] , 40: 4
Gonzalea thyrsoidea Donnell Smith [Type] 1888, 13: 188
Gonzalea bracteosa Donnell Smith [Type] 1902, 33: 252
Gonzalea bracteosa Donnell Smith [Type] 1902, 33: 252
Gonzalea ovatifolia Donnell Smith [Type] 1899, 27: 336
Polyaster paucijugus Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 27: 331
Zanthoxylum foliolosum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 1
Zanthoxylum procerum Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1897, 23: 4
Zanthoxylum procerum Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1897, 23: 4
Zanthoxylum procerum Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1897, 23: 4
Zanthoxylum procerum Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1897, 23: 4
Zanthoxylum ferrugineum Radlkofer [Isotype] 1897, 24: 391
Peltostigma pentaphyllum Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1894, 19: 1
Populus arizonica Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 210
Populus arizonica Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 210
Populus arizonica var. jonesii Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 211
Populus texana Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 211
Populus ×parryi Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 214
Populus ×parryi Sargent [Holotype] 1919, 67: 214
Populus palmeri Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 211
Populus fremontii var. thornberi Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. thornberi Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. thornberi Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. toumeyi Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 214
Salix pringlei Rowlee [Isotype] 1899, 27: 136
Salix pringlei Rowlee [Isotype] 1899, 27: 136
Salix commutata Bebb [Isosyntype] 1888, 13: 110
Salix commutata Bebb [Isosyntype] 1888, 13: 110
Salix commutata Bebb [Isosyntype] 1888, 13: 110
Salix commutata Bebb [Isosyntype] 1888, 13: 110
Salix commutata var. sericea Bebb [Syntype] 1888, 13: 111
Salix chlorolepis var. antimima C. K. Schneider [Type] 1918, 66: 339
Salix chlorolepis var. antimima C. K. Schneider [Type] 1918, 66: 339
Salix squarrosa C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 64: 142
Salix faxoniana C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 64: 143
Salix brachycarpa var. glabellicarpa C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1918, 66: 338
Salix brachycarpa var. glabellicarpa C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1918, 66: 338
Salix brachycarpa var. glabellicarpa C. K. Schneider [Isotype] 1918, 66: 338
Salix monochroma C. R. Ball [TypeMaterial] 1921, 71: 431
Salix monochroma C. R. Ball [TypeMaterial] 1921, 71: 431
Salix caloneura C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 64: 141
Salix guibriantiana C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 64: 139
Salix rowleei C. K. Schneider [Type] 1918, 65: 31
Salix rowleei C. K. Schneider [Type] 1918, 65: 31
Salix rowleei var. cana C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1918, 65: 34
Salix rowleei var. cana C. K. Schneider [Lectotype] 1918, 65: 34
Salix wolohoensis C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 64: 140
Salix balfouriana C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 64: 137
Salix balfouriana C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 64: 137
Salix gooddingii C. R. Ball [Type] 1905, 40: 376
Salix conjuncta Bebb [Syntype] 1888, 13: 111
Salix paradoxa var. ajuscana C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1918, 65: 37
Salix paradoxa var. ajuscana C. K. Schneider [Isolectotype] 1918, 65: 37
Salix paradoxa var. ajuscana C. K. Schneider [Lectotype] 1918, 65: 37
Salix paradoxa var. ajuscana C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1918, 65: 37
Salix nigra var. lindheimerii C. K. Schneider [Lectotype] 1918, 65: 9
Salix cordifolia f. hypoprionata C. K. Schneider [Holotype] 1918, 66: 346
Salix anglorum var. araioclada C. K. Schneider [Type] 1918, 66: 133
Salix anglorum var. kophophylla C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1918, 66: 130
Salix anglorum var. kophophylla C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1918, 66: 130
Salix anglorum var. kophophylla C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1918, 66: 130
Salix anglorum var. kophophylla C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1918, 66: 130
Salix anglorum var. kophophylla C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1918, 66: 130
Salix anglorum var. kophophylla C. K. Schneider [Syntype] 1918, 66: 130
Salix anglorum var. antiplasta C. K. Schneider [Type] 1918, 66: 134
Salix anglorum var. antiplasta C. K. Schneider [Type] 1918, 66: 134
Salix anglorum var. antiplasta C. K. Schneider [Type] 1918, 66: 134
Salix anglorum var. antiplasta C. K. Schneider [Type] 1918, 66: 134
Salix lutea var. platyphylla C. R. Ball [Type] 1921, 71: 430
Salix macrocarpa var. argentea Bebb [Syntype] 1885, 10: 223
Comandra umbellata var. decumbens E. J. Hill [Syntype] , 9: 175
Serjania rufisepala Radlkofer [Type] 1891, 16: 191
Paullinia hymenobracteata Radlkofer [Type] 1895, 20: 282
Matayba clavelligera Radlkofer [Isotype] 1902, 33: 250
Matayba clavelligera Radlkofer [Isotype] 1902, 33: 250
Thouinia acuminata var. pubicalyx Radlkofer [Type] 1893, 18: 200
Thouinia brachybotrya Donnell Smith [Holotype] 1911, 52: 45
Bumelia leiogyna Donnell Smith [Type] 1893, 18: 4
Bumelia pleistochasia Donnell Smith [Type] 1893, 18: 4
Sideroxylon uniloculare Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1903, 35: 5
Heuchera williamsii D. C. Eaton [Isosyntype] 1890, 15: 62
Heuchera hapemanii J. M. Coulter & Fisher [Holotype] 1892, 17: 348
Heuchera saxicola E. E. Nelson [Type] 1900, 30: 118
Saxifraga cognata E. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 118
Ribes saximontanum E. E. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30: 119
Synthyris ritteriana var. obtusa A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 34: 34
Veronica allenii Greenman [Type] 1898, 25: 263
Veronica copelandii Eastwood [Isotype] 1906, 41: 288
Orthocarpus longispicatus Elmer [Isotype] 1906, 41: 317
Diplacus calycinus Eastwood [Isotype] 1906, 41: 287
Gerardia tenuifolia var. asperula A. Gray [Syntype] 1879, 4: 153
Gerardia tenuifolia var. asperula A. Gray [Syntype] 1879, 4: 153
Gerardia tenuifolia var. asperula A. Gray [Syntype] 1879, 4: 153
Gerardia tenuifolia var. asperula A. Gray [Syntype] 1879, 4: 153
Gerardia tenuifolia var. asperula A. Gray [Syntype] 1879, 4: 153
Gerardia tenuifolia var. asperula A. Gray [Syntype] 1879, 4: 153
Cordylanthus bicolor A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 416
Cordylanthus pilosus var. trifidus B. L. Robinson & Greenman [Holotype] 1895, 22: 168
Antirrhinum orcuttianum A. Gray [Holotype] 1884, 9: 53
Antirrhinum orcuttianum A. Gray [Syntype] 1884, 9: 53
Antirrhinum orcuttianum A. Gray [Syntype] 1884, 9: 53
Antirrhinum subsessile A. Gray [Holotype] 1884, 9: 53
Antirrhinum nevinianum A. Gray [Holotype] 1884, 9: 54
Mimulus membranaceus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 34: 30
Mimulus dentatus var. gracilis A. Gray [Holotype] 1884, 7(9): 112
Mimulus mohavensis Lemmon [Isotype] 1884, 9: 142
Mimulus mohavensis Lemmon [Isolectotype] 1884, 9: 142
Collinsia torreyi var. latifolia Newsom [Type] 1929, 87: 299
Lamourouxia integerrima Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 189
Penstemon incertus Brandegee [Isosyntype] , 27: 454
Penstemon incertus Brandegee [Isosyntype] , 27: 454
Penstemon pauciflorus Greene [Isotype] 1881, 6: 218
Penstemon linarioides var. seorsus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 147
Penstemon haydenii S. Watson [Lectotype] 1891, 16: 311
Penstemon haydenii S. Watson [Syntype] 1891, 16: 311
Penstemon laxus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 147
Penstemon owenii A. Nelson [Type] 1902, 34: 32
Penstemon pinifolius Greene [Isotype] 1881, 6: 218
Penstemon brevis A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 417
Penstemon cyanocaulis Payson [Isotype] 1915, 60: 380
Penstemon perpulcher A. Nelson [Isotype] 1911, 52: 273
Penstemon tweedyi Canby & Rose [Isotype] 1890, 15: 66
Penstemon macbridei A. Nelson [Isotype] 1911, 52: 272
Castilleja bennittii A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Isotype] 1913, 55: 380
Castilleja multisecta A. Nelson [Type] 1912, 54: 148
Castilleja cervina Greenman [Lectotype] 1898, 25: 269
Castilleja cervina Greenman [Syntype] 1898, 25: 269
Castilleja fraterna Greenman [Isotype] 1909, 48: 147
Castilleja oreopola Greenman [Syntype] 1898, 25: 264
Castilleja oreopola Greenman [Lectotype] 1898, 25: 264
Castilleja gleasonii Elmer [Isotype] 1905, 39: 51
Castilleja cusickii Greenman [Holotype] , 25: 267
Castilleja levisecta Greenman [Syntype] 1898, 25: 268
Castilleja levisecta Greenman [Lectotype] 1898, 25: 268
Castilleja levisecta Greenman [Syntype] 1898, 25: 268
Castilleja pallida var. lutescens Greenman [Lectotype] 1898, 25: 265
Castilleja pallida var. camporum Greenman [Lectotype] 1898, 25: 266
Rigiostachys quassiaefolia Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1912, 54: 235
Rigiostachys quassiaefolia Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1912, 54: 235
Bouchetia arniatera B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1904, 38(5): 377
Bouchetia arniatera B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1904, 38(5): 377
Bouchetia arniatera B. L. Robinson [Syntype] 1904, 38(5): 377
Solanum quichense J. M. Coulter [Type] 1904, 37: 422
Solanum donnell-smithii J. M. Coulter [Isosyntype] 1891, 16: 144
Solanum tuerckheimii Greenman [Type] 1904, 37: 212
Solanum mitratum Greenman [Type] 1904, 37: 211
Solanum mitratum Greenman [Type] 1904, 37: 211
Solanum mazatenangense J. M. Coulter & Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1904, 37: 421
Solanum lambii Fernald [Holotype] 1895, 20: 536
Solanum olivaeforme Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 14: 28
Solanum amatitlanense J. M. Coulter & Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1904, 37: 420
Solanum sanctaeclarae Greenman [Type] 1904, 37: 211
Nicotiana tomentosiformis Goodspeed [Isotype] 1932, 93: 340, 341
Bassovia donnell-smithii J. M. Coulter [Type] 1891, 16: 145
Markea leucantha Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1901, 31: 116
Markea leucantha Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1901, 31: 116
Brachistus escuintlensis J. M. Coulter [Isotype] 1891, 16;144
Brachistus meianthus Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1914, 57(5): 424
Cestrum poasanum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1902, 33: 253
Cyphomandra heterophylla Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1899, 27: 436
Cyphomandra heterophylla Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1899, 27: 436
Ayenia wrightii B. L. Robinson [Type] 1891, 16: 340
Styrax guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1890, 15: 27
Styrax conterminus Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18: 5
Styrax californica var. fulvescens Eastwood [Isolectotype] 1906, 41: 286
Styrax californica var. fulvescens Eastwood [Lectotype] 1906, 41: 286
Eurya guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1908, 46: 109
Eurya guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Type] 1908, 46: 109
Heterocladium aberrans Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1890, 15: 59
Daphnopsis tuerckheimiana Donnell Smith [Type] 1891, 16: 13
Triumfetta cucullata Fernald [Type] 1895, 20: 532
Tilia lasioclada Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 502
Tilia lasioclada Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 502
Tilia lasioclada Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 502
Tilia eburnea Ashe [Isotype] 1902, 33: 231
Tilia creno-serrata Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 430
Tilia creno-serrata Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 430
Tilia creno-serrata Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 430
Tilia venulosa Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 428
Tilia venulosa var. multinervis Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 429
Tilia georgiana Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 510
Tilia georgiana Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 510
Tilia georgiana Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 510
Tilia georgiana Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 510
Tilia georgiana Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 510
Tilia georgiana var. crinita Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 511
Tilia texana Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 500
Tilia texana var. grosseserrata Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 501
Tilia texana var. grosseserrata Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 501
Tilia littoralis Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 429
Tilia littoralis Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 429
Tilia littoralis Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 429
Tilia littoralis Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 429
Tilia caroliniana var. rhoophila Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 498
Tilia caroliniana var. rhoophila Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 498
Tilia phanera Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 501
Tilia phanera Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 501
Tilia nuda Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 66: 425
Tilia nuda var. glaucescens Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 427
Tilia nuda var. glaucescens Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 427
Tilia nuda var. brevipedunculata Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 66: 427
Tilia floridana var. hypoleuca Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 66: 436
Tilia floridana var. oblongifolia Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 435
Tilia floridana var. oblongifolia Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 435
Timmia austriaca var. brevifolia Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1894, 19: 238
Triuris brevistylis J. D. Arnold [Isotype] 1891, 16: 14
Everhartia lignatilis Thaxter [Type] 1891, 16: 204
Everhartia lignatilis Thaxter [Holotype] 1891, 16: 204
Celtis reticulata var. vestita Sargent [Holotype] 1919, 67: 221
Celtis pumila var. deamii Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 228
Celtis laevigata var. anomala Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 225
Celtis laevigata var. anomala Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 225
Celtis laevigata f. microphylla Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 225
Celtis laevigata f. microphylla Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 225
Celtis laevigata var. texana Sargent [Holotype] 1919, 67: 223
Celtis laevigata var. brachyphylla Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 225
Celtis laevigata var. brachyphylla Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 225
Trema enantiophylla Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1902, 33: 259
Ulmus serotina Sargent [Syntype] 1899, 27: 92
Ulmus serotina Sargent [Syntype] 1899, 27: 92
Ulmus serotina Sargent [Syntype] 1899, 27: 92
Ulmus serotina Sargent [Syntype] 1899, 27: 92
Ulmus serotina Sargent [Syntype] 1899, 27: 92
Ulmus serotina Sargent [Syntype] 1899, 27: 92
Ulmus serotina Sargent [Syntype] 1899, 27: 92
Myriocarpa heterostachya Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 29
Urera tuerckheimii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1897, 23: 14
Pilea ecbolophylla Donnell Smith [Type] 1903, 46: 115
Pilea ecbolophylla Donnell Smith [Type] 1903, 46: 115
Pilea riparia Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1894, 19: 11
Pilea costaricensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 294
Pilea quichensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1894, 19: 12
Pilea senarifolia Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1894, 19: 12
Pilea pleuroneura Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1894, 19: 12
Pilea pansamalana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1894, 19: 10
Vaccinium poasanum Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1897, 24: 395
Vaccinium macrocarpon var. intermedium A. Gray [Syntype] 1879, 4: 225
Vaccinium macrocarpon var. intermedium A. Gray [Syntype] 1879, 4: 225
Valeriana colombiana Killip [Type] 1896, 22: 489
Duranta mutisii var. costaricensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 9
Citharexylum cinaloanum B. L. Robinson [Type] 1891, 16: 342
Citharexylum pterocladum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1902, 33: 255
Citharexylum pterocladum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1902, 33: 255
Aegiphila falcata Donnell Smith [Type] 1893, 18: 7
Aegiphila falcata Donnell Smith [Type] 1893, 18: 7
Verbena variabilis Moldenke [Isotype] 1944, 106: 164
Viola erectifolia A. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 29: 143
Viola erectifolia A. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 29: 143
Viola clarkae A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 412
Viola beckwithii var. trinervata Howell [Type] 1883, 8: 207
Viola canadensis var. scopulorum A. Gray [Type] 1886, 11: 291
Viola sagittata var. hicksii Pollard [Type] 1895, 20: 326
Vochysia guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1887, 12: 131
Vochysia guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1887, 12: 131
Vochysia guatemalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1887, 12: 131
Deutzia rehderiana C. K. Schneider [Type] 1917, 63: 398
Phacelia purpusii Brandegee [Type] 1899, 27: 451
Phacelia argentea A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Type] 1916, 61: 34
Phacelia firmomarginata A. Nelson [Type] 1912, 54: 143
Phacelia luteopurpurea A. Nelson [Isotype] 1911, 52: 271
Nemophila explicata A. Nelson [Isotype] 1913, 55: 377
Nemophila menziesii var. annulata H. P. Chandler [Isotype] 1907, 44: 381
Hypericum tapetoides A. Nelson [Syntype] 1911, 52: 266
Hypericum tapetoides A. Nelson [Syntype] 1911, 52: 266
Hypericum lobocarpum Gattinger [Isosyntype] 1886, 11: 275
Hypnum subeugyrium Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1896, 22: 52
Hypnum subeugyrium Renauld & Cardot [Isotype] 1896, 22: 52
Sisyrinchium arizonicum Rothrock [Isotype] 1877, 2: 125
Sisyrinchium inalatum A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54: 136
Isoetes underwoodi L. F. Henderson [Type] 1897, 23: 124
Isoetes underwoodi L. F. Henderson [Type] 1897, 23: 124
Isoetes mexicana Underwood [Isotype] 1888, 13: 93
Isoetes mexicana Underwood [Isotype] 1888, 13: 93
Carya leiodermis Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 66: 239
Carya leiodermis Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 66: 239
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya leiodermis var. callicoma Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 240
Carya ×schneckii Sargent [Isotype] 1918, 66: 254
Carya ×schneckii Sargent [Isotype] 1918, 66: 254
Carya ovata var. ellipsoidalis Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 66: 235
Carya ovata var. pubescens Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 66(3): 236
Carya alba var. ovoidea Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 66(3): 238
Carya alba var. anomala Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66(3): 238
Carya alba var. anomala Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66(3): 238
Carya alba var. anomala Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66(3): 238
Carya alba var. anomala Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66(3): 238
Carya alba var. anomala Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66(3): 238
Carya alba var. anomala Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66(3): 238
Carya aquatica var. australis Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 66: 232
Carya aquatica var. australis Sargent [Isotype] 1918, 66: 232
Carya ovalis f. vestita Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 247
Carya ovalis f. vestita Sargent [Type] 1918, 66: 247
Carya ×dunbarii Sargent [Holotype] 1918, 66: 254
Carya ×nussbaumerii Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 251
Carya ×nussbaumerii Sargent [Syntype] 1918, 66: 251
Juncus rugulosus Engelmann [Isotype] 1881, 6: 224
Juncus rugulosus Engelmann [Syntype] 1881, 6: 224
Jungermannia bolanderi Gottsche [Holotype] 1888, 13: 113
Jungermannia danicola Gottsche [Holotype] 1888, 13: 113
Salvia monochila Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1897, 23: 13
Salvia shannoni Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1894, 19: 256
Salvia phaenostemma Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1897, 23: 13
Salvia pansamalensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1897, 23: 249
Salvia occidentalis var. garberi Chapman [Type] 1878, 3: 11
Scutellaria glabriuscula Fernald [Syntype] 1902, 33: 156
Scutellaria glabriuscula Fernald [Syntype] 1902, 33: 156
Scutellaria glabriuscula Fernald [Lectotype] 1902, 33: 156
Scutellaria glabriuscula Fernald [Isolectotype] 1902, 33: 156
Scutellaria lutea Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 76
Scutellaria footeana Mulford [Holotype] 1894, 19: 118
Scutellaria isocheila Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1914, 57: 426
Chaunostoma mecistandrum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 9
Chaunostoma mecistandrum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1895, 20: 9
Audibertia vaseyi Porter [Isotype] 1881, 6: 207
Phyllostegia helleri Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 96: 138
Phyllostegia macrophylla var. remyi Sherff [Holotype] 1934, 96: 136
Phyllostegia macrophylla var. velutina Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 96: 137
Stenogyne scrophularioides var. remyi Sherff [Holotype] 1934, 96: 140
Stenogyne angustifolia var. spathulata Sherff [Holotype] 1934, 96: 141
Stenogyne pupurea var. leptophylla Sherff [Holotype] 1934, 96: 142
Stenogyne rugosa var. mollis Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 96: 141
Stenogyne macrantha f. hispida Sherff [Holotype] 1934, 96: 141
Stenogyne macrantha f. hispida Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 96: 141
Stenogyne macrantha f. hispida Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 96: 141
Stenogyne macrantha var. gracilis Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 96: 140
Stenogyne macrantha var. gracilis Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 96: 140
Stenogyne macrantha var. gracilis Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 96: 140
Stenogyne sessilis var. lanaiensis Sherff [Isotype] 1934, 96: 142
Stenogyne sessilis var. hexantha Sherff [Holotype] 1934, 96: 142
Stenogyne sessilis var. hexantha Sherff [Holotype] 1934, 96: 142
Stenogyne kamehamehae var. albiflora Sherff [Holotype] 1934, 96: 139
Nectandra heydeana Mez & Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1894, 19: 262
Nectandra heydeana Mez & Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1894, 19: 262
Phoebe amplifolia Mez & Donnell Smith [Syntype] 1894, 19: 261
Ocotea palmana Mez & Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1902, 33: 258
Ocotea palmana Mez & Donnell Smith [Type] 1902, 33: 258
Ocotea quisara Mez & Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1902, 33: 259
Ocotea quisara Mez & Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1902, 33: 259
Ocotea perseifolia Mez & Donnell Smith [Type] 1895, 20: 10
Capanea picturata Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1890, 15: 28
Leskea obtusa Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1892, 17: 296
Pterogonium gracile var. californicum Renauld & Cardot [Syntype] 1900, 30: 21
Endocarpon tortuosum Herre [Type] 1911, 51: 228
Zigadenus exaltatus Eastwood [Isotype] 1906, 41: 283
Camassia suksdorfii Greenman [Syntype] 1902, 34: 307
Camassia suksdorfii Greenman [Syntype] 1902, 34: 307
Calochortus bruneaunis A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Type] 1913, 55: 372
Calochortus maculosus A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Type] 1913, 56: 471
Calochortus pavonaceus Fernald [Type] 1894, 19: 335
Calochortus kennedyi Porter [Isotype] 1877, 2: 79
Linum neomexicanum Greene [Isotype] 1881, 6: 183
Mentzelia polita A. Nelson [Type] 1909, 47: 427
Lobelia fasciculata Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 27: 338
Lythrum curtisii Fernald [Holotype] 1902, 33: 155
Magnolia virginiana var. australis Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 231
Magnolia virginiana var. australis Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 231
Magnolia virginiana var. australis Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 231
Magnolia virginiana var. australis Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 231
Magnolia virginiana var. australis Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 231
Magnolia virginiana var. australis Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 231
Magnolia virginiana var. australis Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 231
Magnolia virginiana var. australis Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 231
Magnolia virginiana var. australis Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 231
Magnolia virginiana var. australis Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 231
Magnolia acuminata var. ludoviciana Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 232
Magnolia acuminata var. ludoviciana Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 232
Magnolia acuminata var. ludoviciana Sargent [Type] 1919, 67: 232
Stigmaphyllon cordatum Rose [Isotype] 1893, 18: 198
Heteropterys retusa Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1891, 16: 2
Robinsonella edentula Rose & Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1904, 37: 417
Sphaeralcea rivularis var. diversa A. Nelson [Isotype] 1911, 52: 266
Sidalcea candida var. tincta Cockerell [Syntype] 1900, 29: 280
Hampea integerrima var. appendiculata Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1899, 27: 331
Kosteletzkya stellata Fernald [Lectotype] 1895, 20: 532
Kosteletzkya stellata Fernald [Isosyntype] 1895, 20: 532
Calathea verapax Donnell Smith [Type] 1901, 31: 124
Calathea verapax Donnell Smith [Type] 1901, 31: 124
Protomarattia tonkinensis Hayata [Type] 1919, 67: 88
Marsilea oligospora Goodding [Isotype] 1902, 33: 66
Echites rosana Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1905, 40(1): 6
Forsteronia myriantha Donnell Smith [Syntype] 1899, 27: 435
Forsteronia myriantha Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1899, 27: 435
Delphinium distichum Geyer ex A. Gray [Type] Mar 1887, 12(3): 51, 53
Theobroma simiarum Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1898, 25(3): 145-146.
Angelica hendersonii J. M. Coulter & Rose [Type] 1888, 13(4): 80
Monnina saprogena Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1901, 31: 109
Monnina saprogena Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1901, 31: 109
Prunus occidentalis W. S. Lyon [Lectotype] 1886, 11: 202
Delphinium parryi A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 53
Delphinium parryi A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 53
Delphinium parryi A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 53
Delphinium parryi A. Gray [Syntype] 1887, 12: 53
Carex assiniboinensis W. Boott [Syntype] 1884, 9: 91
Caesalpinia bonducella var. urophylla Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1914, 57: 418
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Isosyntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Isosyntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Isosyntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Isosyntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Isosyntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Isosyntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Isosyntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Populus fremontii var. pubescens Sargent [Syntype] 1919, 67: 213
Salix lasiandra var. abramsii C. R. Ball [Isotype] 1921, 72: 224
Salix lasiandra var. abramsii C. R. Ball [Isotype] 1921, 72: 224
Viola blanda var. palustriformis A. Gray [Syntype] 1866, 11: 255
Viola blanda var. palustriformis A. Gray [Syntype] 1866, 11: 255
Viola blanda var. palustriformis A. Gray [Syntype] 1866, 11: 255
Geastrum leptospermum G. F. Atkinson & Coker [Type] 1903, 36: 306
Geastrum leptospermum G. F. Atkinson & Coker [Type] 1903, 36: 306
Dirina franciscana Zahlbruckner [Isolectotype] 1907, 43: 270
Dirina franciscana Zahlbruckner [Isolectotype] 1907, 43: 270
Dirina franciscana Zahlbruckner [Isolectotype] 1907, 43: 270
Besleria macropoda Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1898, 25: 155
Lecanactis zahlbruckneri Herre [Isolectotype] 1907, 43: 270
Lecanactis zahlbruckneri Herre [Isolectotype] 1907, 43: 270
Lecanactis zahlbruckneri Herre [Isolectotype] 1907, 43: 270
Lecanactis zahlbruckneri Herre [Isolectotype] 1907, 43: 270
Faramea trinervia var. suerrensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1901, 31: 115
Faramea trinervia var. suerrensis Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1901, 31: 115
Hoffmannia rotata Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1893, 18: 204
Hoffmannia lineolata Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1905, 40: 5
Hoffmannia tetrastigma Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1899, 27: 336
Hoffmannia calycosa Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1905, 40: 4
Agaricus morganii Peck [NotType] 1879, 4: 137
Parmelia hypotropoides Nylander ex Willey [Type] 1896, 21: 204
Hanburia parviflora Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1888, 13: 299
Peziza spongiosa Peck [Type] 1880, 5(3): 35
Talinum humile Greene [Isotype] 1881, 6(3): 183
Hymenochaete multispinulosa Peck [Type] 1882, 7(5): 54
Hymenochaete multispinulosa Peck [Type] 1882, 7(5): 54
Hymenochaete multispinulosa Peck [Type] 1882, 7(5): 54
Stereocaulon tomentosum var. simplex Riddle [Isotype] 1910, 50: 298
Stereocaulon tomentosum var. simplex Riddle [Isotype] 1910, 50: 298
Stereocaulon tomentosum var. simplex Riddle [Holotype] 1910, 50: 298
Bigelowia juncea Greene [Isotype] 1881, 6(3): 184
Chrysothamnus frigidus var. concolor A. Nelson [Isotype] 1899 [1900], 28(6): 371
Chrysothamnus oreophilus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1899 [1900], 28(6): 375
Chrysothamnus oreophilus var. artus A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1912, 54(5): 413
Chrysothamnus pallidus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1899 [1900], 28(6): 372
Chrysothamnus pulcherrimus var. fasciculatus A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1899 [1900], 28(6): 371
Chrysothamnus pumilus var. latus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1912, 54(5): 413
Chrysothamnus pumilus var. varus A. Nelson [Isotype] 1899 [1900], 28(6): 375
Chrysothamnus wyomingensis A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1899 [1900], 28(6): 372
Lecanora deplanans Nylander [Type] 1896, 22: 334
Potamogeton pusillus var. polyphyllus Morong [Isotype] 1880, 5(5): 51
Potamogeton pusillus var. polyphyllus Morong [Isotype] 1880, 5(5): 51
Puccinellia rubida Elmer [Type] 1903, 36: 56
Puccinellia rubida Elmer [Isotype] 1903, 36: 56
Bidens anthriscoides var. decomposita Sherff [Isotype] 1925, 80(4): 380
Bidens pseudaluasensis Sherff [Isotype] 1917, 64: 26
Calea huigrensis S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1922, 74: 426
Calea submembranacea Fernald [Holotype] 1895, 20: 535
Plagiochila columbiana A. Evans [Type] 1896, 21: 189
Craterellus taxophilus Thom [Isotype] 1904, 3
Rudgea ceratopetala Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1903, 35: 3
Rudgea ceratopetala Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1903, 35: 3
Plagiochila floridana A. Evans [Type] 1896, 21: 190
Pectis canescens var. villosior J. M. Coulter [Isosyntype] 1895, 20: 52
Pectis canescens var. villosior J. M. Coulter [Isosyntype] 1895, 20: 52
Polyporus abortivus Peck [Type] 1881, 6: 274
Polyporus macounii Peck [Type] 1879, 4: 169
Meliosma donnellsmithii Urban [Isotype] 1904, 37: 214
Peccania arizonica Tuckerman ex Herre [Type] 1911, 51: 291
Peccania arizonica Tuckerman ex Herre [Type] 1911, 51: 291
Peccania arizonica Tuckerman ex Herre [Type] 1911, 51: 291
Peccania arizonica Tuckerman ex Herre [Type] 1911, 51: 291
Peccania arizonica Tuckerman ex Herre [Isotype] 1911, 51: 291
Crataegus sheridana A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 34(5): 370
Dicentra ochroleuca Engelmann [Type] 1881, 6(6): 223
Salix dibapha C. K. Schneider [Holotype] 1917, 64: 146
Coscinodon renauldii Cardot [Isolectotype] 1890, 15: 41 6B
Coscinodon renauldii Cardot [Isolectotype] 1890, 15: 41 6B
Calyptranthes tonduzii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1897, 23: 245
Juanulloa sargii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1893, 18(1): 5
Tabebuia donnell-smithii Rose [Isosyntype] 1892, 17(12): 418
Tabebuia donnell-smithii Rose [Isosyntype] 1892, 17(12): 418
Arrabidaea chica var. viscida Donnell Smith [Isosyntype] 1895, 20(1): 7
Cephaëlis glomerata Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1891, 16: 12
Derris costaricensis Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1907, 44: 111
Ouratea tuerckheimii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1902, 33: 249
Ouratea tuerckheimii Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1902, 33: 249
Basanacantha grandifolia Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1913, 55(6): 436
Cephaëlis tetragona Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1916, 61(5): 376
Serenoa arborescens Sargent [Syntype] 1899, 27: 90
Serenoa arborescens Sargent [Syntype] 1899, 27: 90
Serenoa arborescens Sargent [Syntype] 1899, 27: 90
Serenoa arborescens Sargent [Syntype] 1899, 27: 90
Adenoderris sororia Maxon [Isotype] 1905, 39(5): 368, f. 2
Melochia bernoulliana Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1903, 35(1): 2
Melochia bernoulliana Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 1903, 35(1): 2
Diervilla rivularis Gattinger [Type] 1880, 13(7): 191
Diervilla rivularis Gattinger [Type] 1880, 13(7): 191
Gurania donnellsmithii Cogniaux [Isotype] 1891, 16: 10
Tuber lyonii Butters [Isotype] 1903, 35: 431
Tuber lyonii Butters [Isotype] 1903, 35: 431
Tuber lyonii Butters [Isotype] 1903, 35: 431
Aecidium gracilens Peck [Type] 1879, 4(2): 128
Piper santarosanum C. de Candolle [Syntype] 1894, 19: 258
Piper santarosanum C. de Candolle [Syntype] 1894, 19: 258
Piper santarosanum C. de Candolle [Syntype] 1894, 19: 258
Aecidium polygalinum Peck [Type] 1881, 6(10): 375
Alternaria sonchi Davis [Type] 1916, 62: 416
Alternaria sonchi Davis [Type] 1916, 62: 416
Asteroma pringlei Peck [Type] 1882, 7 (5): 55
Araiospora pulchra Thaxter [Type] 1896, 21: 326
Araiospora pulchra Thaxter [Type] 1896, 21: 326
Araiospora pulchra Thaxter [Type] 1896, 21: 326
Araiospora pulchra Thaxter [Type] 1896, 21: 326
Araiospora pulchra Thaxter [Type] 1896, 21: 326
Burrillia globulifera Davis [Type] 1896, 22: 414
Burrillia globulifera Davis [Type] 1896, 22: 414
Burrillia globulifera Davis [Type] 1896, 22: 414
Calliospora diphysae Arthur [Type] 1905, 39: 391
Calliospora farlowii Arthur [Type] 1905, 39: 39
Calliospora farlowii Arthur [Type] 1905, 39: 39
Calliospora holwayi Arthur [Type] 1905, 39: 39
Calliospora holwayi Arthur [Type] 1905, 39: 39
Blakeslea trispora Thaxter [Type] 1914, 58: 353
Blakeslea trispora Thaxter [Type] 1914, 58: 353
Blakeslea trispora Thaxter [Type] 1914, 58: 353
Blakeslea trispora Thaxter [Type] 1914, 58: 353
Blakeslea trispora Thaxter [Type] 1914, 58: 353
Blakeslea trispora Thaxter [Type] 1914, 58: 353
Blakeslea trispora Thaxter [Type] 1914, 58: 353
Gilia sedifolia Brandegee [Isotype] 1899, 27: 451
Gilia sedifolia Brandegee [Isotype] 1899, 27: 451
Cerotelium minutum Arthur [Type] 1922, 73: 59
Cephaliophora tropica Thaxter [Type] 1903, 35: 157
Cephaliophora tropica Thaxter [Type] 1903, 35: 157
Cephaliophora tropica Thaxter [Type] 1903, 35: 157
Pachylophus psammophilus A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride [Isolectotype] 1916, 61: 32
Nuphar advena var. minor Morong [Holotype] 1886, 11: 167
Viola primulifolia var. occidentalis A. Gray [Lectotype] 1886, 11: 255
Viola primulifolia var. occidentalis A. Gray [Isolectotype] 1886, 11: 255
Viola primulifolia var. occidentalis A. Gray [Syntype] 1886, 11: 255
Desmidiospora myrmecophila Thaxter [Type] 1891, 16: 203
Desmidiospora myrmecophila Thaxter [Type] 1891, 16: 203
Hormiscium myrmecophilum Thaxter [Type] 1914, 58: 238
Gonolobus flavidulus Chapman [Type] 1878, 3(2): 12
Gilia merrillii A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 34(1): 27
Avena mortoniana Scribner [Isosyntype] 1896, 21(3): 133
Archidium hallii var. minus Renauld & Cardot [Type] 1894, 19: 237
Puccinia aberrans Peck [Syntype] 1879, 4(10): 2171879
Puccinia aberrans Peck [Syntype] 1879, 4(10): 2171879
Puccinia atropuncta Peck & Clinton [NotType] 1879, 4(6): 171
Puccinia calochorti Peck [Type] 1881, 6: 228
Crataegus cerronis A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1902, 34(5): 370
Crataegus cerronis A. Nelson [Isosyntype] 1902, 34(5): 370
Crataegus alabamensis Beadle [Isosyntype] 1900, 30(5): 342
Crataegus alabamensis Beadle [Isosyntype] 1900, 30(5): 342
Crataegus alabamensis Beadle [Isosyntype] 1900, 30(5): 342
Crataegus alabamensis Beadle [Isosyntype] 1900, 30(5): 342
Solanum arrazolense J. M. Coulter & Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1904, 37: 421
Solanum sideroxyloides var. ocellatum Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1889, 14: 28
Mimulus lewisii var. tetonensis A. Nelson [Syntype] 1902, 34(1): 31
Viola thorii A. Nelson [Isotype] 1900, 30(3): 193
Pedicularis hians Eastwood [Isotype] 1902, 33: 289
Phytophthora phaseoli Thaxter [Syntype] 1889, 14(11): 274
Phytophthora phaseoli Thaxter [Syntype] 1889, 14(11): 274
Phytophthora phaseoli Thaxter [Syntype] 1889, 14(11): 274
Phytophthora phaseoli Thaxter [Syntype] 1889, 14(11): 274
Phytophthora phaseoli Thaxter [Syntype] 1889, 14(11): 274
Phytophthora phaseoli Thaxter [Syntype] 1889, 14(11): 274
Phytophthora phaseoli Thaxter [Syntype] 1889, 14(11): 274
Phytophthora phaseoli Thaxter [Syntype] 1889, 14(11): 274
Stictis fulva Peck [Syntype] 1880, 5(3): 36
Picradenia macrantha A. Nelson [Isotype] 1899, 28: 130
Uncinula magellanica Thaxter [Type] 1910, 50: 440
Uncinula magellanica Thaxter [Type] 1910, 50: 440
Uncinula nothofagi Thaxter [Type] 1910, 50: 439
Uncinula nothofagi Thaxter [Type] 1910, 50: 439
Uncinula nothofagi Thaxter [TypeMaterial] 1910, 50: 439
Uncinula nothofagi Thaxter [Type] 1910, 50: 439
Uncinula nothofagi Thaxter [Type] 1910, 50: 439
Brachistus lanceolatus Greenman ex Donnell Smith [Isotype] 1904, 37: 212
Aecidium bermudianum Farlow [Type] 1887, 12: 206
Aecidium bermudianum Farlow [Type] 1887, 12: 206
Puccinia areolata Dietel & Holway [NotType] ,
Trichobasis balsamorhizae Peck [Type] 1881, 6(10): 276
Aecidium brandegeei Peck [Type] 1878, 3(4): 34
Puccinia bidentis Dietel & Holway [Isotype] 1897, 24(1): 32
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 13 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Coreopsis schaffneri A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 18 Dec 1913, 56(6): 493Collinsia torreyi A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1929, 87: 298
Gomphrena sonorae Torrey [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1895, 20: 160
Salix bolanderiana Rowlee [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1919, 67: 340
Collinsia wrightii S. Watson [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1929, 87: 300
Salix nevadensis S. Watson [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1919, 67: 331
Salix hindsiana f. tenuifolia Andersson [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1919, 67: 333
Salix longifolia var. tenerrima L. F. Henderson [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1919, 67: 335
Salix longifolia var. tenerrima L. F. Henderson [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1919, 67: 335
Salix hindsiana f. tenuifolia Andersson [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1919, 67: 333
Hampea integerrima var. appendiculata Donnell Smith [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1899, 27: 331
Gomphrena sonorae Torrey [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1895, 20: 160
Gomphrena sonorae Torrey [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1895, 20: 160