Title | Flora Vitiensis |
Abbreviation | Fl. Vit. [Seemann] |
Authors | B. C. Seemann |
Publication Dates | 10 Parts, 1865-1873: Pt. 1 (pages 1-40) Mar 1865 Pt. 2 (pages 41-80) 11-20 Jun 1865 Pt. 3 (pages 81-120) Jan 1866 Pt. 4 (pages 121-144) 2 Apr 1866 Pt. 5 (pages 145-196) 1 Oct 1866 Pt. 6 (pages 197-236) 1 Oct 1867 Pt. 7 (pages 237-268) 28 Feb 1868 Pt. 8 (pages 269-292) 31 Jul 1868 Pt. 9 (pages 293-324) 1 Oct 1868 Pt. 10 (pages 325-453) Feb 1873 |
TL2 | 11.613 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 111 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Syrrhopodon strictifolius Mitten [Isotype] 1873, 388Syrrhopodon laevigatus Mitten [Isotype] 1873, 389
Syrrhopodon laevigatus Mitten [Isosyntype] 1873, 389
Calysaccion tinctorium Seemann [Isotype] 1865, 13
Garcinia pseudoguttifera Seemann [Isotype] , 11
Terminalia litoralis Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 94
Weinmannia vitiensis Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 110
Spiraeanthemum katakata Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 111
Chailletia vitiensis Seemann [Type] 1865, 38
Cyrtandra vitiensis Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 182
Cyrtandra ciliata Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 182
Cyrtandra involucrata Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 183
Cyrtandra coleoides Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 181
Cyrtandra milnei Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 182
Cyrtandra harveyi Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 182
Alstonia vitiensis Seemann [Type] 1873, 10: 430
Tabernaemontana pacifica Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 160
Coelococcus vitiensis H. Wendland [Isotype] , 279
Blumea milnei Seemann [Syntype] 1866, 141
Astronia robusta Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 86
Astronia tomentosa Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 86
Medinilla amoena Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 88
Memecylon harveyi Seemann [Isotype] 1865, 85
Vavaea vitiensis Seemann [Type] 1865, 35
Vavaea harveyi Seemann [Type] 1865, 35
Melia elegans Seemann [Isotype] 1865, 36
Meteorium vulcanicum Mitten [Isotype] 1873, 395
Trimenia weinmanniifolia Seemann [Isotype] 1871, 425
Ficus pritchardii Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 252
Ficus storckii Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 251
Ficus harveyi Seemann [Syntype] 1868, 250
Ficus vitiensis Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 250
Ficus bambusifolia Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 250
Ficus barclayi Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 250
Ficus theophrastoides Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 252
Ardisia scrobiculata Seemann [Type] 1866, 150
Ardisia vitiensis Seemann [Type] 1866, 150
Maesa vitiensis Seemann [Isosyntype] 1866, 148
Eugenia grayi Seemann [Isolectotype] 1865, 79
Eugenia rivularis Seemann [Isotype] 1865, 80
Eugenia rivularis Seemann [Type] 1865, 80
Calyptranthes eugenioides Seemann [Type] 1865, 81
Calyptranthes eugenioides Seemann [Type] 1865, 81
Olea vitiensis Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 155
Linociera vitiensis A. C. Smith [Type] 1866, 155
Thrixspermum graeffei H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1868, 297
Thrixspermum graeffei H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1868, 297
Dendrobium catillare H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1868, 304
Spathoglottis pacifica H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1868, 300
Spathoglottis pacifica H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1868, 300
Spathoglottis pacifica H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1868, 300
Spathoglottis pacifica H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1868, 300
Spathoglottis pacifica H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1868, 300
Microstylis platychila H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1868, 302
Taeniophyllum seemannii H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1868, 296
Phaius graeffei H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1868, 299
Calanthe ventrilabrum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1868, pt.9: 298
Tropidia effusa H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1868, Part.9: 295
Appendicula bracteosa H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1868, 299
Saccolabium bertholdi H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1868, 297
Sarcanthus nagarensis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1868, 298
Eria stenostachya H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1868, 9: 301
Eria sphaerocarpa H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1868, 301
Eria rostriflora H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1868, 9: 301
Habenaria supervacanea H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1868, 9: 293
Habenaria tradescantifolia H. G. Reichenbach [Isosyntype] 1868, 293
Habenaria superflua H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1868, 9: 293
Macromitrium brevisetum Mitten [Type] 1873, 379
Freycinetia vitiensis Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 282
Freycinetia milnei Seemann [Isolectotype] 1868, 383
Disemma barclayi Seemann [Isolectotype] 1866, 96
Alpinia vitiensis Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 290
Amomum cevuga Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 291
Piper insectifugum C. de Candolle ex Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 262
Podocarpus affinis Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 266
Canthiopsis odorata Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 166
Gardenia pentagonioides Seemann [Type] 1866, 122
Psychotria brweri Seemann [Type] 1866, 135
Psychotria storkii Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 135
Psychotria pelagica Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 136
Psychotria pritchardii Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 135
Psychotria bullata Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 137
Psychotria tetragona Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 137
Pelagodendron vitiense Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 4: 124
Canthium flavidum Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 132
Ixora maxima Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 134
Ixora pelagica Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 134
Ratonia storckii Seemann [Isotype] 1865, 47
Tacca maculata Seemann [Isolectotype] 1866, 103
Ternstroemia vitiensis Seemann [Isotype] 1865, 14
Thuidium crenulatum Mitten [Isotype] 1873, 402
Drimyspermum montanum Seemann [Isosyntype] 1867, 209
Leucosmia pubiflora A. Gray [Isotype] 1867, 208
Elatostema nemorosum Seemann [Type] 1868, 7: 240
Trichomanes seemannii Carruthers [Isotype] 1873, 345
Hypnodendron samoanum Mitten [Isotype] 1873, 401
Hypnodendron vitiense Mitten [Isotype] 1873, 401
Tetranthera elaeocarpa A. Gray ex Seemann [Type] 1867, 202
Tetranthera elaeocarpa A. Gray ex Seemann [Type] 1867, 202
Tetranthera pickeringii A. Gray ex Seemann [Type] 1867, 203
Tetranthera richii A. Gray ex Seemann [Type] 1867, 202
Astelia montana Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 313
Geniostoma microphyllum Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 5: 164
Loranthus vitiensis Seemann [Isotype] 1865, 120
Hibiscus tiliaceus var. purpurascens Seemann [Isotype] 1856, 18
Guettarda inconspicua Seemann [Isolectotype] 1866, 131
Guettarda inconspicua Seemann [Isosyntype] 1866, 131
Aneilema vitiense Seemann [Isotype] 1868, 314
Drimyspermum subcordatum Seemann [Isosyntype] 1867, 209
Drimyspermum subcordatum Seemann [Isolectotype] 1867, 209
Barringtonia edulis Seemann [Isotype] 1866, 82