Title | Linnaea; Ein Journal für die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange. Berlin |
Abbreviation | Linnaea |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-43, 1826-82; [Vols. 35-43 (1867-82) also numbered n.s., vols. 1-9] |
URL | http://www.botanicus.org/title/b12461441 |
BPH | 532.04 |
Remarks | See Robert C. Foster (J. Arnold Arbor. 43: 400-409. 1962) and H. E. Moore. & C. E. Wood, Jr. (J. Arnold Arbor. 46: 68-73. 1965) for information on publication dates. |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 1185 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Bartramia lineata Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 464Bartramia fendleri Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 463
Bartramia chrysea Müller Halle [Type] 1874, 38: 598
Bartramia subbrevifolia Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 464
Cordia anabaptista Chamisso [Type] 1833, 8: 512
Cordia latifolia Chamisso [Isotype] 1833, 8: 126
Cordia urticifolia Chamisso [Isotype] 1829, 4: 483
Cordia discolor Chamisso [Type] 1829, 4: 482
Tournefortia elegans Chamisso [Type] 1829, 4: 469
Tournefortia subsessilis Chamisso [Type] 1833, 8: 119
Lithospermum plebeium Chamisso [Isotype] 1829, 9: 446
Heliotropium ocellatum Chamisso [Isolectotype] 1829, 4: 463
Heliotropium salicoides Chamisso [Isotype] 1833, 8: 117
Heliotropium elachanthum F. Mueller [Isotype] 1852, 25: 424
Heliotropium humistratum Chamisso [Type] 1829, 4: 462
Heliotropium arenarium Vatke [Type] 1882, 43: 319
Heliotropium calcareum Vatke [Type] 1882, 43: 318
Eritrichium apricum Philippi [Isotype] 1864, 33: 190
Eritrichium dimorphum Philippi [Isotype] 1857, 29: 16
Eritrichium collinum Philippi [Isotype] 1857, 29: 17
Eritrichium pratense Philippi [Type] 1864, 33: 192
Eritrichium fruticosum Philippi [Isotype] 1857, 29: 15
Eritrichium chrysanthum Philippi [Isotype] 1864, 33: 91
Eritrichium longisetum Philippi [Isotype] 1864, 33: 189
Eritrichium longisetum Philippi [Isotype] 1864, 33: 189
Eritrichium glareosum Philippi [Isotype] 1864, 33: 189
Eritrichium asperum Philippi [Isotype] 1857, 29: 16
Eritrichium diffusum Philippi [Isotype] 1864, 33: 191
Myosotis chorisiana Chamisso [Isotype] 1829, 4: 444
Cynoglossum mexicanum Schlechtendal & Chamisso [Type] 1830, 5: 114
Anchusa stoechadifolia Chamisso [Holotype] 1829, 4: 439
Anchusa stoechadifolia Chamisso [Isotype] 1829, 4: 439
Anchusa cruciata Chamisso [Holotype] 1829, 4: 438
Tillandsia landbeckii Philippi [Isosyntype] 1864, 33: 248
Orthodontium fendleri Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 473
Bryum fendleri Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 475
Bryum sordidissimum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 474
Bryum leucurum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 479
Bryum longipedicellatum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 477
Bryum valenciae Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 479
Bryum ceramiocarpum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 476
Bryum chrysoblastum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 477
Bryum pycnopyxis Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 474
Bryum stenopyxis Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 480
Nuxia pubescens Sonder [Isotype] 1850, 23: 84
Cladotrichium rubicundum Vogel [Isotype] 1837, 11 (3): 403
Cassia lindheimeriana Scheele [Isolectotype] 1848, 21: 457
Cassia roemeriana Scheele [Isolectotype] 1848, 21: 457
Syrrhopodon cylindrothecius Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 484
Syrrhopodon epapillosus Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 483
Syrrhopodon flammeonervis Müller Halle [Isotype] 1874, 38: 557
Syrrhopodon flexiareolatus Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 484
Syrrhopodon semperi Müller Halle [Isotype] 1874, 38: 557
Syrrhopodon wallisii Müller Halle [Isotype] 1874, 38: 555
Specularia lindheimeri Vatke [Type] 1874, 38: 713
Specularia lindheimeri Vatke [Type] 1874, 38: 713
Cerastium beeringianum Chamisso & Schlechtendal [Type] 1826, 1: 62
Dichoglottis australis Schlechtendal [Type] 1847, 20: 631
Stellaria micrantha Spruce ex Rohrbach [Isotype] , 37: 280
Tradescantia guianensis Miquel [Isotype] 1844, 18: 374
Rourea multiflora Planchon [Syntype] 1850, 23: 418
Rourea rugosa Planchon [Syntype] 1850, 23: 422
Rourea caudata Planchon [Isotype] 1850, 23: 419
Rourea caudata Planchon [Isosyntype] 1850, 23: 419
Rourea caudata Planchon [Isotype] 1850, 23: 419
Rourea caudata Planchon [Isosyntype] 1850, 23: 419
Rourea gardneriana Planchon [Isotype] 1850, 23: 417
Connarus polyanthus Planchon [Isotype] 1850, 23: 428
Connarus polyanthus Planchon [Isotype] 1850, 23: 428
Ipomoea beraviensis Vatke [Isotype] 1882, 43: 514
Cuscuta leiolepis Miquel [Isotype] 1844, 18: 247
Cuscuta pauciflora Philippi [Type] 1864, 33: 185
Evolvulus madagascariensis Vatke [Isotype] 1882, 43: 522
Tristemon texanum Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21: 586
Zanonia timorana Spanoghe [Isoneotype] 1841, 15: 205
Zanonia timorana Spanoghe [Isoneotype] 1841, 15: 205
Anguria laciniosa Schlechtendal [Lectotype] 1851, 24: 755
Weinmannia ternata Engler [Type] 1870, 36: 603
Weinmannia sulcata Engler [Isosyntype] 1870, 36: 624
Weinmannia spruceana Engler [Isosyntype] 1870, 36: 624
Cyathea quindiuensis H. Karsten [Type] 1857, 28: 454
Alsophila caracasana Klotzsch [Isotype] 1844, 18: 541
Alsophila caracasana Klotzsch [Type] 1844, 18: 541
Alsophila caracasana Klotzsch [Isotype] 1844, 18: 541
Alsophila vernicosa Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 155
Alsophila lasiosora Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 157
Alsophila khasyana T. Moore [Type] 1869, 36: 154
Alsophila schlimii Kuhn [Type] 1869, 36: 157
Scleria jelskiana Boeck [Isotype] 1874, 38: 469
Scleria thwaitesiana Boeck [Isotype] 1874, 38: 454
Cyperus leucolepis Boeck [Isotype] 1868, 35: 610
Cyperus seemannianus Boeckeler [Isotype] 1870, 36: 390
Cyperus fendlerianus Boeck [Isotype] 1867, 35: 520
Cyperus ovularis var. sphaericus Boeck [Isotype] 1861, 36: 378
Carex burchelliana Boeck [Isotype] 1877, 41: 234
Rhynchospora jelskiana Boeck [Syntype] 1874, 38: 401
Rhynchospora nivea Boeckeler [Isosyntype] 1872, 37: 527
Rhynchospora nivea Boeckeler [Isosyntype] 1872, 37: 527
Rhynchospora nivea Boeckeler [Syntype] 1872, 37: 527
Rhynchospora nivea Boeckeler [Isolectotype] 1872, 37: 527
Rhynchospora nivea Boeckeler [Isolectotype] 1872, 37: 527
Rhynchospora nivea Boeckeler [Lectotype] 1872, 37: 527
Rhynchospora hookeri Boeck [Isotype] 1873, 37: 621
Eleocharis thomsonii Boeck [Isotype] , 36: 451
Davallia inaequale Kunze [Isotype] 1834, 9: 87
Desfontainia ilicifolia Philippi [Isosyntype] , 29: 25
Desfontainia ilicifolia Philippi [Isosyntype] , 29: 25
Dicksonia spruceana Mettenius ex Kuhn [Type] 1869, 36: 153
Dicksonia spruceana Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 153
Cibotium pruinata Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 150
Dicranum asperrimum C. Müller [Type] 1879, 42: 472
Thysanomitrion luteum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 470
Holomitrium lutescens Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 473
Trematodon fendleri Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 470
Diphyscium fendleri C. Müller [Type] 1879, 42: 468
Leptotrichum plumosum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 470
Ceratodon venezuelensis Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 481
Oleandra ciliata Klotzsch ex Kuhn [Type] 1869, 36: 126
Diospyros texana Scheele [Isolectotype] 1849, 22: 145
Hippophaë tibetana Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1863, 32: 296
Entodon pallidissimus Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 494
Ericinella multiflora Klotzsch [Isotype] 1838, 12: 223
Ericinella multiflora Klotzsch [Isotype] 1838, 12: 223
Sophoclesia subscandens Klotzsch [Type] 1851, 24: 30
Proclesia cordata Klotzsch [Type] 1851, 24: 33
Comarostaphylis mucronata Klotzsch [Isolectotype] 1851, 24: 76
Daphnidostaphylis fendleriana Klotzsch [Isotype] 1851, 24: 80
Daphnidostaphylis fendleriana Klotzsch [Lectotype] 1851, 24: 80
Eriocaulon texense Körnicke [Type] 1854, 27: 594
Escallonia claussenii Miquel [Type] 1846, 19: 434
Escallonia sellowiana var. spiraeifolia de Candolle [Type] 1826, 1: 545
Croton piauhiensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 120
Croton piauhiensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 120
Croton thwaitesianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 116
Croton thwaitesianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 116
Croton erythrochilum Müller Argoviensis [Syntype] 1865, 34: 93
Croton erythrochilum Müller Argoviensis [Syntype] 1865, 34: 93
Croton neomexicanus Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1865, 34: 141
Croton neomexicanus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 141
Croton neomexicanus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 141
Croton neomexicanus Müller Argoviensis [Lectotype] 1865, 34: 141
Croton neomexicanus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 141
Croton neomexicanus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 141
Croton neomexicanus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 141
Croton oliganthus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 106
Croton berlandieri Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1865, 34: 141
Croton berlandieri Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 141
Croton jardinii Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 119
Croton grewiifolius Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 87
Croton grewiifolius Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 87
Croton grewiifolius Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 87
Croton decalobus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 80
Croton ehrenbergii Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1847, 19: 248
Croton regnellianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 122
Croton regnellianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 122
Croton hemiargyreus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 81
Croton hemiargyreus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 81
Croton axillaris Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 126
Croton tarapotensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 114
Croton tarapotensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 114
Croton widgrenianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 104
Croton subincanus Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 139
Croton macrodontus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 128
Croton macrodontus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 128
Croton claussenianus var. hirsutus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 129
Croton fuscus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 131
Croton fuscus Müller Argoviensis [Syntype] 1865, 34: 131
Croton triangularis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 128
Croton goyazensis Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 120
Croton stenosepalus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] , 34: 114
Croton stenosepalus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] , 34: 114
Croton stenosepalus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] , 34: 114
Croton stenosepalus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] , 34: 114
Croton rhodostachyus Müller Argoviensis [Syntype] 1865, 34: 108
Croton leucophyllus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 139
Croton luzoniensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 118
Croton luzoniensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 118
Croton schimperianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 82
Croton virens Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 142
Croton virens Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 142
Croton virens Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 142
Croton leiophyllus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 103
Croton leiophyllus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 103
Croton soliman Chamisso & Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1831, 6: 361
Croton spiralis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 125
Croton wallichii Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1865, 34: 118
Croton consanguineus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 117
Croton consanguineus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 117
Croton draconoides Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 90
Croton draconoides Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 90
Croton draconoides Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 90
Croton draconoides Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 90
Croton mandonis Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 85
Croton mandonis Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 85
Croton mandonis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 85
Croton mandonis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 85
Croton cinerellus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 137
Croton cinerellus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 137
Croton metallicus Seemann ex Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 103
Croton metallicus Seemann ex Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 103
Croton sapiifolius Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 137
Croton sapiifolius Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 137
Croton stylosus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 128
Croton sampatik Müller Argoviensis [Syntype] 1865, 34: 94
Croton hostmannii Miquel ex Schlechtendal [Type] 1848, 21: 477
Croton persimilis Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1865, 34: 116
Croton paludosus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 133
Croton chaetocalyx Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 133
Croton cubanus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 94
Croton cubanus Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 94
Croton cumingii Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 101
Croton cumingii Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 101
Croton fallax Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 137
Croton fallax Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 137
Croton multicostatus Pittier [Type] 1865, 34: 79
Croton mexicanus var. glandulosus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 113
Croton matourensis var. poeppigianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 95
Croton matourensis var. poeppigianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 95
Croton matourensis var. benthamianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865 [ante Mar 1865], 34(1): 95
Croton pohlianus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 92
Croton pohlianus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 92
Croton pohlianus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 92
Croton pohlianus Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1865, 34: 92
Croton pohlianus Müller Argoviensis [NotType] 1865, 34: 92
Croton ruizianus var. podadensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 89
Croton ruizianus var. podadensis Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 89
Croton soratensis var. pycnanthus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 116
Croton soratensis var. pycnanthus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 116
Croton soratensis var. intermedius Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 116
Croton zeylanicus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 107
Croton lindheimerianus Scheele [Isolectotype] 1853, 25(5): 580
Croton lindheimerianus Scheele [Isolectotype] 1853, 25(5): 580
Croton speciosus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 83
Croton speciosus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 83
Croton stenotrichus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 105
Croton chaetophorus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 130
Croton chloroleucus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 106
Croton dichrous Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 105
Croton gracilescens Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 110
Croton leptophyllus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 103
Croton adenopetalus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 90
Croton adenopetalus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 90
Croton subferrugineus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 135
Croton argyrophylloides Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 96
Croton crassirameus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 108
Croton myrianthus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 138
Croton baillonianus var. submembranaceus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 86
Croton baillonianus var. submembranaceus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 86
Croton boissieri Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 138
Croton paniculatus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 87
Croton pavonis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 115
Croton sclerocalyx var. hirsutissimus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 134
Croton scaber var. latifolius Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 99
Croton scaber var. obscurus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 99
Croton virletianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 133
Croton virletianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 133
Tragia bicolor Miquel [Isotype] 1853, 26: 222
Tragia montana Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 183
Tragia montana Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 183
Tragia stylaris var. latifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 180
Tragia stylaris var. angustifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 180
Tragia stylaris var. angustifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 180
Tragia scutellariifolia Scheele [Isolectotype] 1852, 25: 587
Tragia scutellariifolia Scheele [Isolectotype] 1852, 25: 587
Tragia teucriifolia Scheele [Isolectotype] 1852, 25(5): 586
Tragia teucriifolia Scheele [Isolectotype] 1852, 25(5): 586
Cleidion claoxyloides Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 184
Baliospermum micranthum Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 215
Mallotus penangensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] , 34: 186
Mallotus cumingii Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 195
Mallotus helferi Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 190
Mallotus zollingeri Müller Argoviensis [Type] , 34: 193
Mallotus furetianus Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 190
Mallotus barbatus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 184
Mallotus oreophilus var. floccosus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 188
Mallotus oreophilus var. floccosus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 188
Mallotus oreophilus var. ochraceo-albidus Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 188
Mallotus moritzianus var. laevigatus Müller Argoviensis [Syntype] 1865, 34:191
Mallotus lawii Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 192
Omphalea brasiliensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 86
Symphyllia mallotiformis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 156
Claoxylon oligandrum Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 164
Glochidion seemannii Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 63
Glochidion concolor Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 62
Glochidion concolor var. obovatum Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 63
Glochidion cacuminum Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 60
Glochidion cacuminum Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 60
Glochidion brachylobum Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1861, 32: 62
Plukenetia penninervia Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 158
Excoecaria riparia Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1832, 7: 386
Argyrothamnia neo-mexicana Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 147
Argyrothamnia neo-mexicana Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 147
Argyrothamnia neo-mexicana Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 147
Argyrothamnia neo-mexicana Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 147
Argyrothamnia neo-mexicana Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 147
Argythamnia aphoroides Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 146
Argythamnia aphoroides Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 146
Argythamnia aphoroides Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 146
Argythamnia boliviensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 149
Argythamnia boliviensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 149
Gymnanthes schottiana Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 96
Gymnanthes trinervia Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 101
Gymnanthes bahiensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 102
Gymnanthes brasiliensis var. obovata Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 104
Gymnanthes brasiliensis f. rufescens Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 104
Gymnanthes brasiliensis var. robusta Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 104
Dactylostemon oligandrus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 115
Pedilanthus calcaratus Schlechtendal [Isoneotype] 1847, 19: 255
Pedilanthus calcaratus Schlechtendal [Isoneotype] 1847, 19: 255
Melanthesa acuminata Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 74
Melanthesa rhamnoides var. hypoglauca Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 73
Centrandra hondensis G. Karsten [Isosyntype] 1857, 28: 440
Phyllanthus affinis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 48
Phyllanthus affinis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 48
Phyllanthus affinis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 48
Phyllanthus affinis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 48
Phyllanthus racemigerus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 23
Phyllanthus fluitans Bentham ex Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1863, 32: 36
Phyllanthus fluitans Bentham ex Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 36
Phyllanthus fluitans Bentham ex Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1863, 32: 36
Phyllanthus adenophyllus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 24
Phyllanthus leschenaultii Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 37
Phyllanthus leschenaultii Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 37
Phyllanthus leschenaultii Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 37
Phyllanthus praetervisus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 73
Phyllanthus stocksii Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 51
Phyllanthus riedelianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 16
Phyllanthus carnosulus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 30
Phyllanthus neogranatensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 10
Phyllanthus grisebachianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 26
Phyllanthus tenuicaulis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 44
Phyllanthus hookeri Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 19
Phyllanthus neurocarpus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 69
Phyllanthus claussenii Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 40
Phyllanthus spruceanus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 40
Phyllanthus spruceanus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 40
Phyllanthus cladotrichus Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1863, 32: 25
Phyllanthus congestus Bentham ex Müller Argoviensis [Lectotype] 1863, 32: 25
Phyllanthus micrandrus Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1863, 32: 27
Phyllanthus emblicoides Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 15
Phyllanthus emblicoides Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 15
Phyllanthus emblicoides Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 15
Phyllanthus emblicoides Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 15
Phyllanthus emblicoides Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 15
Phyllanthus cinereus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 48
Agrostistachys gaudichaudii Baillon ex Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1865, 34: 144
Agrostistachys gaudichaudii Baillon ex Müller Argoviensis [Syntype] 1865, 34: 144
Chiropetalum berterianum Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1853, 26: 637
Chiropetalum berterianum Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1853, 26: 637
Chiropetalum berterianum Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1853, 26: 637
Amanoa oblongifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 77
Julocroton microcalyx Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 142
Julocroton microcalyx Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 142
Julocroton microcalyx Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1865, 34: 142
Julocroton peruvianus Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1865, 34: 142
Bernardia brevipes Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 176
Bernardia jacquiniana Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 173
Bernardia mexicana var. subbiflora Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 172
Dalechampia brevipes Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 224
Dalechampia humilis Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 223
Stillingia dichotoma Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 88
Hieronyma macrocarpa var. spruceana Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 66
Hevea benthamiana Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 204
Alchornea grandiflora Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 170
Alchornea grandiflora Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 170
Alchornea grandiflora Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 170
Alchornea grandiflora Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 170
Alchornea acutifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] , 34: 171
Alchornea acutifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] , 34: 171
Aparisthmium sumatranum H. G. Reichenbach & Zollinger [Isotype] 1856, 28: 331
Discocarpus spruceanus Bentham ex Müller Argoviensis [Syntype] 1863, 32: 78
Discocarpus spruceanus Bentham ex Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1863, 32: 78
Discocarpus spruceanus Bentham ex Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1863, 32: 78
Discocarpus spruceanus Bentham ex Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1863, 32: 78
Sapium stylare Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 119
Sapium obtusilobum Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 116
Sapium obtusilobum Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 116
Sapium laurocerasus var. ellipticum Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 116
Sapium marginatum f. majus Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1863, 32: 120
Sapium biglandulosum var. lanceolatum Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1863, 32: 118
Jatropha clavuligera Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1866, 34: 209
Jatropha texana Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 211
Jatropha texana Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 211
Jatropha texana Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 211
Bocquillonia brevipes Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 166
Acalypha lindheimeri Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 47
Acalypha lindheimeri Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 47
Acalypha lindheimeri Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 47
Acalypha lindheimeri Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 47
Acalypha lindheimeri Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 47
Acalypha lindheimeri Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 47
Acalypha botteriana Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 46
Acalypha mandonii Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 162
Acalypha neomexicana Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 19
Acalypha neomexicana Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 19
Acalypha neomexicana Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 19
Acalypha neomexicana Müller Argoviensis [Lectotype] 1865, 34: 19
Acalypha neomexicana Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 19
Acalypha zollingeri Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 40
Acalypha zollingeri Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 40
Acalypha cunninghamii Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 35
Acalypha fournieri Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 162
Acalypha nemorum Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 38
Acalypha nemorum Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 38
Acalypha hederacea var. oligodonta Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 53
Acalypha hederacea var. oligodonta Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 53
Acalypha boliviensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 162
Acalypha boliviensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 162
Acalypha erythrostachya Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 51
Acalypha schiedeana f. angustifolia Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1865, 34: 20
Acalypha schiedeana f. latifolia Müller Argoviensis [Syntype] 1865, 34: 20
Acalypha villosa var. intermedia Müller Argoviensis [Syntype] 1865, 34: 8
Acalypha radians var. geraniifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 52
Acalypha radians var. geraniifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 52
Acalypha radians var. geraniifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 52
Acalypha radians var. geraniifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 52
Acalypha radians var. geraniifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 52
Acalypha radians var. geraniifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 52
Acalypha radians var. geraniifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 52
Acalypha hochstetteriana Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 39
Acalypha hochstetteriana Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 39
Acalypha hochstetteriana Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 39
Acalypha hochstetteriana Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1865, 34: 39
Maprounea guianensis var. obtusata Bentham ex Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1863, 32: 115
Phaca macrophysa Philippi [Isotype] 1856, 28: 620
Stylosanthes montevidensis Vogel [Type] 1838, 12: 67
Phaseolus maculatus Scheele [Isolectotype] 1848, 21: 465
Tephrosia schiedeana Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1838, 12: 229
Indigofera lindheimeriana Scheele [Type] 1848, 18: 464
Eriosema riedelii Bentham [Isotype] 1849, 22: 523
Aeschynomene montevidensis Vogel [Isotype] 1838, 12: 83
Aeschynomene gracilis Miquel [Isotype] 1844, 18: 566
Rhynchosia aequinoctialis Duchassing & Walpers [Isotype] 1850, 23: 473
Alysicarpus timorensis Spanoghe [Type] 1841, 15: 194
Heterocarpaea texana Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21: 468
Astragalus litoreus Philippi [Isotype] 1864, 33: 46
Astragalus trifoliatus Philippi [Isotype] 1857, 28: 681
Quercus polymorpha Schlechtendal & Chamisso [Isotype] 1830, 5: 78
Conomitrium trachelymum Sullivant [Type] 1879, 42: 466
Conomitrium lindigii Hampe [Lectotype] 1862, 31: 532
Conomitrium lindigii Hampe [Isolectotype] 1862, 31: 532
Fissidens validicostatus Sullivant [Type] 1879, 42: 465
Casearia bl;anchetiana Miquel [Isotype] 1849, 22: 801
Lisianthius nerioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1849, 22: 39
Lisianthius nerioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1849, 22: 39
Lisianthius nigrescens Chamisso & Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1831, 6: 388
Gentiana plebeja Chamisso & Schlechtendal [Type] 1826, 1: 181
Voyria nivea Miquel [Isotype] 1847, 19: 140
Besleria pendula Hanstein [Syntype] 1866, 34: 333
Gloxinia attenuata Hanstein [Isotype] 1854, 27: 716
Calycostemma lindenii Hanstein [Isotype] 1857, 29: 516
Alloplectus congestus Lind ex Hanstein [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 371
Stenanthus heterophyllus Oersted ex Hanstein [Isotype] 1853, 26: 209
Dicliptera glandulosa Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21: 765
Justicia spicigera Schlechtendal [Isosyntype] 1832, 7: 395
Pellaea microphylla Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 86
Pellaea microphylla Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 86
Pellaea intermedia Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 84
Yucca rupicola Scheele [Type] 1850, 23: 143
Dasylirion texanum Scheele [Isotype] 1850, 23: 140
Dasylirion texanum Scheele [Isotype] 1850, 23: 140
Dasylirion texanum Scheele [Isotype] 1850, 23: 140
Dasylirion texanum Scheele [Isotype] 1850, 23: 140
Dasylirion texanum Scheele [Isotype] 1850, 23: 140
Dasylirion texanum Scheele [Isotype] 1850, 23: 140
Dasylirion texanum Scheele [Isotype] 1850, 23: 140
Dasylirion lindheimeriana Scheele [Isotype] 1852, 26: 262
Dasylirion lindheimeriana Scheele [Isotype] 1852, 26: 262
Alternanthera villiflora Scheele [Isotype] 1849, 22: 149
Rhus verrucosa Scheele [Lectotype] 1848, 21: 592
Rhus schmidelioides var. potosinensis F. A. Barkley [Isotype] 1842, 16: 482
Rollinia emarginata Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1835, 9: 318
Tauschia nudicaulis Schlechtendal [Type] 1834, 9: 608
Rhabdadenia wrightiana Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1860, 30: 435
Metastelma barbigerum Scheele [Isotype] 1849, 21: 760
Metastelma barbigerum Scheele [Isotype] 1849, 21: 760
Metastelma barbigerum Scheele [Isotype] 1849, 21: 760
Metastelma barbigerum Scheele [Isotype] 1849, 21: 760
Asclepias linearis Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21: 758
Gonolobus unifarius Scheele [Isosyntype] 1848, 21: 760
Gonolobus unifarius Scheele [Syntype] 1848, 21: 760
Polybotrya canaliculata Klotzsch [Isosyntype] 1847, 20: 429
Aspidium lindenii Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 116
Aspidium pycnolepis Kunze ex Klotzsch [Isotype] 1847, 20: 365
Aspidium moritzianum Klotzsch [Isotype] 1847, 20: 367
Asplenium cubense Mettenius [Isotype] 1869, 36: 108
Chaetanthera incana Poeppig ex Lessing [Isotype] 1830, 5: 284
Kuhnia leptophylla Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21: 598
Kuhnia leptophylla Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21: 598
Trichanthodium skirrophorum Sonder & F. Mueller ex Sonder [Type] 1852, 25: 489
Diplopappus prunelloides Poeppig [Isotype] 1831, 6: 111
Aster asperrimus Lessing [Type] 1830, 5: 142
Aster scaberrimus Lessing [Holotype] 1830, 5: 143
Stevia menthaefolia Schultz Bipontinus [TypeMaterial] 1852, 25: 282
Stevia menthaefolia Schultz Bipontinus [Type] 1852, 25: 282
Stevia menthaefolia Schultz Bipontinus [Holotype] 1852, 25: 282
Stevia mandonii Schultz Bipontinus [Isolectotype] ante 11 May 1866, 34(5): 535
Stevia mandonii Schultz Bipontinus [Isolectotype] ante 11 May 1866, 34(5): 535
Stevia mandonii Schultz Bipontinus [Syntype] ante 11 May 1866, 34(5): 535
Stevia mandonii Schultz Bipontinus [Isolectotype] ante 11 May 1866, 34(5): 535
Stevia elongata var. moritziana Schultz Bipontinus [Syntype] 1853, 25: 275
Isostigma crithmifolium Lessing [PhotoOfType] 1831, 6: 515
Isostigma speciosum Lessing [PhotoOfType] 1831, 6: 515
Isostigma speciosum Lessing [Isoneotype] 1831, 6: 515
Helianthella latifolia Scheele [Isotype] 1849, 22: 160
Baccharis parviflora Lessing [Type] 1830, 5: 146
Baccharis lancifolia Lessing [Type] 1834, 9: 266
Baccharis scandens Lessing [Lectotype] 1830, 5: 146
Baccharis scandens Lessing [Lectotype] 1830, 5: 146
Baccharis elaegnoides Steudel ex Baker [Syntype] 1859, 30: 181.
Unxia achillaeoides Lessing [Type] 1830, 5: 159
Oiospermum involucratum Lessing [Isotype] 1829, 4: 339
Silphiosperma collinum Sonder [Type] 1852, 25: 483
Eurybia picridifolia F. Mueller [Type] 1852, 25: 397
Eurybia tubuliflora Sonder & F. Mueller ex Sonder [Type] 1852, 25: 455
Galinsoga mandonii Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1866, 34: 529
Lessingia germanorum Chamisso [Isotype] 1829, 4: 203
Senecio microphyllus Philippi [Isotype] 1857, 29: 1
Senecio schumannianus S. Schauer [Lectotype] 1847, 20: 698
Senecio megaglossus F. Mueller [Type] 1852, 25: 419
Senecio runcinatus Lessing [Isotype] 1831, 6: 410
Senecio aschenbornianus S. Schauer [Lectotype] 1847, 20: 698
Syncephalantha decipiens Bartling [TypeMaterial] 1838, 12: 80
Chrysocoryne angianthoides F. Mueller [Type] 1853, 25: 404
Solidago lindheimeriana Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21: 599
Solidago lindheimeriana Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21: 599
Solidago lindheimeriana Scheele [Lectotype] 1848, 21: 599
Crepis rodigioides Schultz Bipontinus [Type] 1847, 19: 314
Heterothalamus brunioides Lessing [Isotype] 1831, 6: 504
Ixiolaena tomentosa Sonder & F. Mueller [Type] 1852, 25: 504
Sonchus rivularis Philippi [Type] 1859, 30: 194
Sonchus rivularis Philippi [Isotype] 1859, 30: 194
Achyrocline ventosa Klatt [Type] 1878, 42: 112
Achyrocline hirta Klatt [Type] 1878, 42: 113
Tragoceros schiedeanum Lessing [Isotype] 1834, 9: 269
Tragoceros schiedeanum Lessing [Isotype] 1834, 9: 269
Hieracium mexicanum Lessing [Isotype] 1830, 5: 133
Helichrysum blandowskianum Steetz ex Sonder [Type] 1852, 25: 512
Eriochlamys behrii Sonder & F. Mueller [Type] 1852, 25: 488
Tagetes schiedeana Lessing [Holotype] 1835, 9: 271
Brachyscome exilis Sonder [Isosyntype] 1852, 25: 473
Gochnatia ilicifolia Lessing [Type] 1830, 5: 261
Gochnatia ilicifolia Lessing [Isotype] 1830, 5: 261
Artemisia cuneifolia Scheele [Isotype] 1849, 22: 162
Artemisia cuneifolia Scheele [Isotype] 1849, 22: 162
Artemisia cuneifolia Scheele [Isotype] 1849, 22: 162
Artemisia arctica Lessing [Type] 1831, 6: 213
Artemisia lindheimeriana Scheele [Isotype] 1849, 22: 163
Artemisia californica Lessing [Isotype] 1831, 6: 523
Onoseris integrifolia Lessing [TypeMaterial] 1830, 5: 343
Onoseris integrifolia Lessing [Isotype] 1830, 5: 343
Iva asperifolia Lessing [Holotype] , 5: 151
Leria lutescens Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1866, 34: 527
Helipterum stuartianum Sonder & F. Mueller [Isotype] 1852, 25: 518
Stuartina muelleri Sonder [Isolectotype] 1853, 25: 522
Molina microcephala Lessing [Isotype] 1831, 6: 142.
Molina microcephala Lessing [Isotype] 1831, 6: 142.
Elachanthus pusillus F. Mueller [Type] 1852, 25: 410
Sabazia sarmentosa Lessing [Holotype] 1830, 5: 148
Liabum asclepiadeum Schultz Bipontinus [Isosyntype] 1847, 20: 521
Gutierrezia lindheimeriana Scheele [Type] 1849, 22: 351
Gutierrezia lindheimeriana Scheele [Type] 1849, 22: 351
Flotovia lanceolata Lessing [Isotype] 1830, 5: 251
Gynoxys asterotricha Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1865, 34: 529
Gynoxys asterotricha Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1865, 34: 529
Gynoxys asterotricha Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1865, 34: 529
Facelis plumosa Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1866, 34: 532
Calotis scabiosaefolia Sonder & F. Mueller [Isotype] 1852, 25: 471
Calotis cymbacantha F. Mueller [Isotype] 1852, 25: 400
Skirrhophorus muelleranus Sonder [Isolectotype] 1853, 25: 486
Waitzia brachyrhyncha F. Mueller [Isotype] 1853, 25: 407
Humea cassiniaeformis F. Mueller [Type] 1852,
Brachyris mandonii Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1865, 34: 534
Brachyris mandonii Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1865, 34: 534
Brachyris mandonii Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1865, 34: 534
Brachyris mandonii Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1865, 34: 534
Brachyris mandonii Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1865, 34: 534
Pteropogon intermedius F. Mueller [Isolectotype] 1853, 25: 411
Barnadesia dombeyana Lessing [Isotype] 1830, 5: 246
Epaltes mexicana Lessing [Type] 1830, 5: 147
Eupatorium sordidum Lessing [Isolectotype] 1831, 6: 403
Eupatorium sordidum Lessing [Isolectotype] 1831, 6: 403
Eupatorium braunii Polakowski [Type] 1877, 41: 576
Eupatorium braunii Polakowski [Isotype] 1877, 41: 576
Eupatorium leiophyllum Lessing [Holotype] 1831, 6: 402
Eupatorium aschenbornianum S. Schauer [Holotype] 1847, 19: 720
Vernonia macrocephala Lessing [Isotype] 1829, 4: 298
Vernonia ottonis Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1847, 20: 508
Vernonia mexicana Lessing [Type] 1831, 6: 680
Vernonia mexicana Lessing [Syntype] 1831, 6: 680
Vernonia bardanoides Lessing [Type] 1831, 6: 669
Vernonia ramiflora Lessing [Isotype] 1829, 4: 255-256
Vernonia rotundifolia Lessing [Isolectotype] 1829, 4: 254
Vernonia rotundifolia Lessing [Isolectotype] 1829, 4: 254
Vernonia rotundifolia Lessing [Isolectotype] 1829, 4: 254
Vernonia rotundifolia Lessing [Isolectotype] 1829, 4: 254
Vernonia umbellulata Lessing [Isotype] 1829, 4: 255
Vernonia umbellulata Lessing [Isotype] 1829, 4: 255
Vernonia obovata Lessing [Neotype] 1829, 4: 279
Vernonia obovata Lessing [Neotype] 1829, 4: 279
Vernonia uniflora Schultz Bipontinus [Type] 1847, 20: 506
Vernonia ehrenbergiana Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1847, 20: 513
Vernonia parviflora Klatt [Holotype] 1872, 37: 508
Vernonia garnieriana Klatt [Type] 1873, n.s. 5(18): 362
Vernonia notata Lessing [Isotype] 1829, 4: 256
Vernonia arctioides Lessing [Holotype] 1831, 6: 400
Vernonia arctioides Lessing [Syntype] 1831, 6: 400
Vernonia smithiana Lessing [Type] 1831, 6: 638
Vernonia leprosa Lessing [Lectotype] 1829, 4: 252
Vernonia axillaris Lessing [Isolectotype] 1829, 4: 253
Vernonia axillaris Lessing [Isolectotype] 1829, 4: 253
Vernonia simplex Lessing [Type] 1929, 4: 280
Vernonia stenophylla Lessing [Isoneotype] 1831, 6: 667
Vernonia glabrata Lessing [TypeMaterial] 1829, 4: 294
Vernonia ignobilis Lessing [Holotype] 1831, 6: 658
Vernonia arbuscula Lessing [Lectotype] 1831, 6: 664
Vernonia echioides Lessing [TypeMaterial] 1829, 4: 278
Spilanthes mandonii Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1866, 34: 529
Erigeron schiedeanus Lessing [Holotype] 1830, 5: 145
Isocarpha echioides Lessing [Type] , 5: 141
Ambrosia lindheimeriana Scheele [Type] 1849, 22: 156
Ambrosia trifida var. texana Scheele [Isotype] 1949, 22: 156
Ambrosia glandulosa Scheele [Isotype] 1849, 22: 157
Bahia sinuata Lessing [Holotype] 1830, 5: 160
Bahia sinuata Lessing [Holotype] 1830, 5: 160
Gymnolomia microcephala Schlechtendal & Chamisso [Type] 1830, 5: 153
Gymnolomia microcephala Schlechtendal & Chamisso [Isotype] 1830, 5: 153
Gnaphalodes evacinum Sonder [Lectotype] 1852, 25: 520
Hyalosperma variabile var. muelleri Sonder [Isosyntype] 1853, 25: 519
Gnaphalium glandulosum Klatt [Isotype] 1878, 42: 129
Gnaphalium heteroides Klatt [Type] 1878, 42: 137
Gnaphalium riedelianum Klatt [Type] 1878, 42: 115
Gnaphalium sedoides Klatt [Type] 1878, 42: 135
Gnaphalium sedoides Klatt [Isotype] 1878, 42: 135
Podolepis affinis Sonder [Type] 1852, 25: 507
Grindelia texana Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21(5): 601
Grindelia texana Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21(5): 601
Grindelia texana Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21(5): 601
Bulbostylis subuligera S. Schauer [Holotype] 1847, 19: 718
Pilosella adenocephala Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1865, 33: 759
Pilosella mandonii Schultz Bipontinus [Isosyntype] 1865, 33: 760
Pilosella trichodonta f. minor Schultz Bipontinus [Isotype] 1865, 33: 762
Cheiroloma hispidulum F. Mueller [Isotype] 1852, 25: 401
Aerobryum conferva Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 492
Papillaria pseudosinuata Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 493
Papillaria pseudofunalis Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 493
Papillaria subsquamatula Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 493
Pilotrichella illecebraria Müller Halle [Lectotype] 1879, 42: 493
Pilotrichella subheterocladia Müller Halle [Isolectotype] 1879, 42: 493
Pithecellobium panamense Walpers & Duchassing [Isolectotype] 1851, 23: 746
Parkia hoffmanii Vatke [Isotype] 1882, 43: 338
Inga pauciflora Walpers & Duchassing [Isotype] 1850, 23: 746
Inga leptoloba Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1838, 12: 560
Inga flexuosa Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1838, 12: 559
Desmanthus falcatus Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21: 455
Desmanthus falcatus Scheele [Lectotype] 1848, 21: 455
Desmanthus velutinus Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21: 455
Desmanthus velutinus Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21: 455
Acacia diversifolia Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1838, 12: 570
Mnium dimorphum Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 467
Myrica californica Chamisso [Isotype] 1831, 6: 535
Schizocalyx pohlianus O. Berg [Type] 1854, 27: 320
Myrciaria ehrenbergiana O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1854, 27: 321
Myrciaria uliginosa O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1854, 27: 329
Psidiopsis moritzianum O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1854, 27: 351
Marlierea tovarensis O. Berg [Isotype] 1854, 27: 13
Marlierea obtusa O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1854, 27: 15
Eugenia prieurei O. Berg [Type] , 30: 681
Eugenia mariquitensis O. Berg [Isotype] 1856, 27: 267
Eugenia corymbosa O. Berg [Isotype] , 31: 256
Eugenia cerasiflora Miquel [Isotype] 1849, 22: 793
Eugenia lindeniana O. Berg [Isotype] , 29: 240
Eugenia stenophylla var. angustifolia Hooker ex O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1856, 27: 254
Eugenia stenophylla var. angustifolia Hooker ex O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1856, 27: 254
Eugenia stenophylla var. angustifolia Hooker ex O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1856, 27: 254
Myrcia rufula Miquel [Type] 1847, 19: 440
Myrcia chilensis O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1854, 27: 99
Myrcia schombugkiana O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1854, 27: 110
Myrcia schombugkiana O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1854, 27: 110
Myrcia pinaster Martius ex O. Berg [Type] 1854, 27: 338
Myrcia lindeniana O. Berg [Isotype] 1854, 27: 86
Aulomyrcia obtusata O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1854, 27: 39
Aulomyrcia fenzliana O. Berg [Isotype] 1854, 27: 63
Aulomyrcia hostmanniana var. gracilior O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1854, 27: 43
Myrceugenia lechleriana O. Berg [Isotype] 1856, 27: 133
Myrceugenia lechleriana O. Berg [Isotype] 1856, 27: 133
Neckera morizziana Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 491
Ludwigia fluitans Scheele [Isolectotype] 1948, 21: 580
Godetia macrantha Liljeblad [Type] 1841, 15: 265
Epidendrum pamplonense H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 837
Epidendrum pamplonense H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 837
Epidendrum thrombodes H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1876, 41: 79
Epidendrum funkii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 839
Epidendrum funkii H. G. Reichenbach [Isolectotype] 1849, 22: 839
Epidendrum rostrigerum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1876, 41: 38
Epidendrum delicatissimum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 36
Epidendrum leucomelanum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 83
Epidendrum belizense H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 78
Epidendrum belizense H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 78
Epidendrum lechleri H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 38
Epidendrum lechleri H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 38
Epidendrum moritzii H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1849, 22: 837
Epidendrum philippii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 840
Epidendrum insidiosum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1876, 41: 80
Epidendrum strophinx H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1876, 41: 78
Epidendrum floribundum var. lilacinum H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1849, 22: 840
Epidendrum praetervisum H. G. Reichenbach [PhotoOfType] 1876, 41: 82
Epidendrum resectum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 82
Epidendrum expansum H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1877, 41: 115
Epidendrum agathosmicum H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1849, 22: 841
Epidendrum agathosmicum H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1849, 22: 841
Epidendrum linearilingue H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1877, 41: 114
Epidendrum karstenii H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1877, 41: 37
Epidendrum cardioglossum H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1849, 22: 841
Epidendrum braccigerum H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1877, 41: 114
Epidendrum xantholeucum H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1849, 22: 839
Epidendrum xantholeucum H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1849, 22: 839
Spiranthes romanzoffiana Chamisso [NotType] 1828, 3: 32
Spiranthes romanzoffiana Chamisso [Type] 1828, 3: 32
Spiranthes schaffneri H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1856, 28: 382
Goodyera striata H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1844, 18: 409
Sturmia elliptica H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 833
Sturmia kappleri H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1850, 22: 883
Sturmia kappleri H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1850, 22: 883
Epistephium smilacifolium H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1877, 41: 65
Oncidium davisii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 24
Oncidium minax H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 22
Oncidium elephantotis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 25
Oncidium elephantotis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 25
Oncidium ionopterum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 20
Oncidium gargantua H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 24
Oncidium stenotis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 67
Oncidium stenotis H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1877, 41: 67
Oncidium stenotis H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 67
Oncidium stenotis H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 67
Oncidium auriferum H. G. Reichenbach [Holotype] 1849, 22: 847
Oncidium auriferum H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1849, 22: 847
Disa zeyheri Sonder [Type] 1847, 19: 95
Disa stricta Sonder [Type] 1847, 19: 91
Disa pulchra Sonder [Type] 1847, 19: 94
Grammatophyllum wallisii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 107
Dendrobium sylvanum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 12: 91
Bletia wageneri H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1853, 26: 143
Bletia roezlii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 7
Bletia roezlii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 7
Spathoglottis vieillardii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 85
Diothonea cottoniaeflora H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 39
Asarca platyantha H. G. Reichenbach [Syntype] 1849, 22: 862
Microstylis fastigiata H. G. Reichenbach [PhotoOfType] 1849, 22: 834
Microstylis fastigiata H. G. Reichenbach [PhotoOfType] 1849, 22: 834
Microstylis brachystachys H. G. Reichenbach [PhotoOfType] 1849, 22: 834
Microstylis ehrenbergii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 835
Microstylis ehrenbergii H. G. Reichenbach [PhotoOfType] 1849, 22: 835
Pseudocentrum hoffmannii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 53
Pseudocentrum bursarium H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 53
Pseudocentrum bursarium H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 53
Masdevallia ensata H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 818
Masdevallia ensata H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1849, 22: 818
Scaphyglottis tafallae H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 855
Restrepia kegelii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 133
Restrepia schlimii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 45
Pachyphyllum falcifolium H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 32
Pachyphyllum falcifolium H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 32
Pachyphyllum cuencae H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 31
Ponthieva wallisii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 101
Ponthieva sylvicola H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 52
Ponthieva sylvicola H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 52
Ponthieva ephippium H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1856, 28: 382
Ponthieva ephippium H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1856, 28: 382
Ponthieva inaudita H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 18
Ponthieva andicola H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1877, Xli: 52
Ponthieva andicola H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, Xli: 52
Plexaure cladophylax H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1847, 19: 370
Earina valida H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 96
Caladenia gigas H. G. Reichenbach [Isolectotype] 1877, 41: 56
Caladenia gigas H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 56
Sigmatostalix aurosanguinea H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 68
Dichaea lagotis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 112
Sobralia klotzscheana H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 815
Trichopilia callichroma H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1876, 41: 104
Trichopilia callichroma H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1876, 41: 104
Pleurothallis velaticaulis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 824
Pleurothallis velaticaulis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 824
Pleurothallis velaticaulis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 824
Pleurothallis bilamellata H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 830
Pleurothallis calceolaris H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 15
Pleurothallis calceolaris H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 15
Pleurothallis cabellensis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 832
Pleurothallis cabellensis H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1849, 22: 832
Pleurothallis lepanthiformes H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1844, 18: 398
Pleurothallis velatipes H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 834
Pleurothallis velatipes H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 834
Pleurothallis velatipes H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 834
Pleurothallis velatipes H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 834
Pleurothallis pedunculata (Klotzsch) H. G. Reichenbach [NotType] 1849, 22: 822
Pleurothallis sonderana H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 830
Pleurothallis xanthochlora H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1847, 22: 823
Pleurothallis xanthochlora H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1847, 22: 823
Pleurothallis cardiantha H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 15
Pleurothallis cardiantha H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 15
Pleurothallis tenuissima H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1844, 18: 399
Pleurothallis tenuissima H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1844, 18: 399
Pleurothallis roezlii H. G. Reichenbach [Holotype] 1876, 41: 13
Pleurothallis roezlii H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1876, 41: 13
Pleurothallis hoffmannseggiana H. G. Reichenbach [Holotype] 1849, 22: 827
Pleurothallis hoffmannseggiana H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1849, 22: 827
Pleurothallis moritzii H. G. Reichenbach [Holotype] 1849, 22: 824
Pleurothallis luctuosa H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1877, 41: 48
Pleurothallis luctuosa H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 48
Pleurothallis semipellucida H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 823
Pleurothallis semipellucida H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 823
Pleurothallis endotrachys H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1876, 41: 95
Pleurothallis canaligera H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 15
Pleurothallis canaligera H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 15
Pleurothallis sclarea H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 49
Pleurothallis multicuspidata H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1877, 41: 117
Pleurothallis multicuspidata H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1877, 41: 117
Pleurothallis multicuspidata H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 117
Pleurothallis ionantha H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1849, 22: 830
Pleurothallis ionantha H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 830
Pleurothallis ionantha H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1849, 22: 830
Odontoglossum subuligerum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 27
Odontoglossum fractum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 26
Odontoglossum brachypterum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 26
Odontoglossum brachypterum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 26
Odontoglossum zebrinum H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1849, 22: 849
Odontoglossum zebrinum H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1849, 22: 849
Odontoglossum angustatum var. heterosepalum H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1849, 22: 850
Odontoglossum axinopterum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 68
Odontoglossum aureopurpureum H. G. Reichenbach [PhotoOfType] 1849, 22: 848
Odontoglossum calodryas H. G. Reichenbach [Holotype] 1877, 41: 3
Odontoglossum calodryas H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 3
Odontoglossum armatum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 32
Odontoglossum multistellare H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 25
Odontoglossum nobile H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 850
Odontoglossum amphigottii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 2
Odontoglossum amphigottii H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 2
Odontoglossum cimiciferum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 849
Corallorhiza ehrenbergii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 833
Telipogon bowmani H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 69
Telipogon roezlii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 4
Telipogon wallisii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 104
Telipogon wallisii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 104
Telipogon ionopogon H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 27
Telipogon ionopogon H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 27
Telipogon musaicus H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 3
Telipogon croesus H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 70
Telipogon gustavi H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 105
Telipogon pachensis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 105
Telipogon pulcher H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 105
Telipogon gymnostele H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 70
Telipogon benedicti H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 3
Telipogon antioquianus H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 72
Telipogon antioquianus H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 72
Telipogon pogonostalix H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 72
Telipogon pogonostalix H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 72
Telipogon felinus H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1877, 41: 4
Telipogon klotzscheanus H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 851
Telipogon klotzscheanus H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 851
Telipogon klotzscheanus H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1849, 22: 851
Telipogon zephyrinus H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 71
Telipogon asuayensis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 71
Telipogon chrysocrates H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 4
Telipogon auritus H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 69
Telipogon macroglottis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 71
Telipogon dubius H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 104
Telipogon hastatus H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 69
Telipogon bruchmuelleri H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 28
Telipogon alberti H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 27
Telipogon hemimelas H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 72
Telipogon patinii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 70
Maxillaria nanegalensis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 34
Maxillaria grandis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 12: 29
Maxillaria caespitifica H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 73
Cleisostoma vitellinum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 76
Lepanthes pristidis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 820
Lepanthes cyanoptera H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 819
Lepanthes cyanoptera H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 819
Lepanthes ruscifolia H. G. Reichenbach [NotType] 1849, 22: 819
Lepanthes ruscifolia H. G. Reichenbach [NotType] 1849, 22: 819
Lepanthes schiedei H. G. Reichenbach [NotType] 1849, 22: 920
Lepanthes nanegalensis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 46
Mesospinidium wallisii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 106
Appendicula vieillardii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 76
Stelis papaquerensis H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 822
Stelis philargyrus H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 118
Stelis philargyrus H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 118
Stelis ruprechtiana H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 821
Stelis abrupta H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 7
Stelis abrupta H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 7
Stelis abrupta H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 7
Stelis microglossa H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1849, 22: 821
Stelis microglossa H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1849, 22: 821
Stelis microglossa H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1849, 22: 821
Gymnadenia tryphiaeformis H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1877, 41: 51
Trichoceros tupaipi H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1877, 41: 33
Liparis brachystalix H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1877, 41: 43
Liparis brachystalix H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 43
Liparis crispifolia H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 43
Evelyna ruizii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 842
Evelyna gracilis H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1850, 22: 842
Ornithidium croceo-rubens H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 35
Ornithidium jamesoni H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 35
Ornithidium quitense H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 34
Ornithidium paleatum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 36
Ornithidium paleatum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 36
Ornithidium paleatum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 36
Ornithidium cordyline H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 34
Ornithidium cordyline H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 34
Cranichis engelii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1876, 41: 19
Cranichis wageneri H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1877, 41: 19
Cranichis wageneri H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 19
Cranichis wageneri H. G. Reichenbach [Isolectotype] 1877, 41: 19
Cranichis wageneri H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 19
Cranichis wageneri H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 19
Cranichis schlimii H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 19
Cranichis picta H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 52
Cranichis picta H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1877, 41: 52
Cranichis picta H. G. Reichenbach [Lectotype] 1877, 41: 52
Ponera felskyi H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 85
Ponera striolata H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 39
Sertifera virgata H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 64
Sertifera virgata H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 64
Ornithocephalus dolabratus H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 106
Ornithocephalus polyodon H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 33
Bulbophyllum braccatum H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 117
Bulbophyllum meridense H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 836
Bulbophyllum meridense H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 836
Coelogyne rhombophora H. G. Reichenbach [Type] 1877, 41: 116
Coelogyne rhombophora H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 116
Coelogyne marmorata H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 116
Habenaria falcigera H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 100
Habenaria physoplectra H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 42: 17
Habenaria sutteri H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1852, 25: 229
Habenaria sutteri H. G. Reichenbach [Isotype] 1852, 25: 229
Habenaria sutteri H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1852, 25: 229
Habenaria stenodonta H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1877, 41: 17
Habenaria chorisiana Chamisso [Type] 1828, 3: 31
Habenaria schischmareffiana Chamisso [Isolectotype] 1828, 3: 29
Habenaria schischmareffiana Chamisso [TypeMaterial] 1828, 3: 29
Habenaria heptadactyla H. G. Reichenbach [DrawingOfType] 1849, 22: 812
Habenaria borealis var. albiflora Chamisso [Isotype] 1828, 3: 28
Habenaria germainii Philippi [Type] 1857, 29: 46.
Macromitrium falcatulum Müller Halle [Type] 1874, 38: 558
Macromitrium falcatulum Müller Halle [Type] 1874, 38: 558
Macromitrium fendleri Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 486
Macromitrium retusulum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 486
Macromitrium retusulum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 486
Macromitrium retusulum Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 486
Macromitrium retusulum Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 486
Macromitrium serrulatum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 490
Macromitrium paucidens Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 487
Macromitrium subnitidum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 488
Macromitrium subnitidum Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 488
Macromitrium rhaphidophyllum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 487
Macromitrium runcinatella Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 488
Macromitrium stolonigerum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 489
Macromitrium stolonigerum Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 489
Zygodon fendleri Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 484
Zygodon gymnus Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 485
Freycinetia pycnophylla Solms [Isotype] , 42: 91
Pandanus ceylanicus Solms [Isotype] 1878, 42: 16
Corydalis ambigua Chamisso & Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1826, 1: 558
Parmelia sulphurata Nees & Flotow [Isoneotype] 1834, 9: 501
Parnassia nummularia Maximowicz [Type] 1875, 39: 313
Ceratotheca melanosperma Hochstetter ex Bernhardi [Isotype] 1842, 16: 32
Ottonia macrophylla Kunth [Isotype] 1839, 13: 583
Schilleria martiana Kunth [Isotype] 1839, 13: 690
Schilleria mikaniana Kunth [Isotype] 1839, 13: 719
Schilleria ulmifolia Kunth [Isosyntype] 1839, 13: 698
Steffensia mollis Kunth [Isosyntype] 1839, 13: 648
Peperomia cordovana C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1872, 37: 374
Peperomia muelleri C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1872, 37: 366
Peperomia huatuscoana C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1872, 37: 383
Peperomia petrophila C. de Candolle [Isosyntype] 1872, 37: 369
Enckea orthostachya Kunth [Isotype] 1839, 13: 601
Polygonum argyrocoleon Steudel ex Kunze [Isotype] 1847, 20: 17
Polygonum agyrocoleon Steudel ex Kunze [Isotype] 1847, 20: 17
Rumex ecklonianus Meisner [Type] 1840, 14: 493
Eriogonum texanum Scheele [Isotype] 1849, 22: 150
Eriogonum lindheimerianum Scheele [Isotype] 1849, 22: 149
Eriogonum lindheimerianum Scheele [Isolectotype] 1849, 22: 149
Eriogonum lindheimerianum Scheele [Isolectotype] 1849, 22: 149
Coccoloba crescentiaefolia Chamisso [Type] 1833, 8: 134
Coccoloba crescentiaefolia Chamisso [Type] 1833, 8: 134
Coccoloba schomburgkii Meisner [Type] 1848, 21: 265
Coccoloba cordata Chamisso [Type] 1833, 8: 133
Polypodium poeppigii Kunze [Type] 1834, 9: 50
Polypodium pannosum Mettenius [Type] 1869, 36: 141
Polypodium concinnum Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 133
Polypodium concinnum Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 133
Polytrichum brachymitrium Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 468
Polytrichum brachymitrium Müller Halle [Syntype] 1879, 42: 468
Pontederia eriantha Miquel [Isotype] 1843, 17: 60
Pontederia eriantha Miquel [Isotype] 1843, 17: 60
Calandrinia prostrata Philippi [Isosyntype] 1864, 33: 76
Potamogeton berteroanus Philippi [Isotype] 1859, 30: 200
Potamogeton berteroanus Philippi [Isotype] 1859, 30: 200
Trichostomum fendleri Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 481
Trichostomum sartorii Müller Halle [Type] 1874, 38: 637
Trichostomum subcirrhifolium Müller Halle [Type] 1874, 38: 601
Trichostomum linealifolium Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 481
Leptodontium procumbens Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 482
Barbula fendleri Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 483
Dodecatheon frigidum Chamisso & Schlechtendal [Type] 1826, 1: 217
Primula uniflora Klatt [Isotype] 1872, 37: 500
Primula glabra Klatt [Isotype] 1872, 37: 500
Chrysodium serratum Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 63
Cheilanthes thwaitesii Mettenius [Isotype] 1869, 36: 82
Cheilanthes moritziana Kunze [Isolectotype] 1964, 194: 98
Cheilanthes deltoidea Kunze [Type] 1836, 10: 535
Adiantum macrocladum Klotzsch [Isotype] 1844, 18: 554
Adiantum glaucescens Klotzsch [Isotype] 1844, 18: 552
Adiantum orbignyanum Mettenius & Kuhn [Type] 1869, 36: 78
Adiantum subvolubile Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 77
Adiantum subvolubile Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 77
Adiantum tomentosum Klotzsch [Isotype] 1844, 18: 553
Adiantum kaulfussii Kunze [Isotype] 1848, 21: 221
Pteris consanguinea Mettenius ex Kuhn [Syntype] 1869, 36: 89
Pteris consanguinea Mettenius ex Kuhn [Syntype] 1869, 36: 89
Acrostichum cubense Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 46
Acrostichum cubense Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 46
Acrostichum pusillum Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 43
Acrostichum firmum Mettenius [Isotype] 1869, 36: 55
Pterobryon fendleri Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 491
Ranunculus llaveanus Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1836, 10: 233
Rapatea longipes Spruce ex Körnicke [Isotype] 1872, 37: 472
Rapatea angustifolia Spruce ex Körnicke [Isotype] 1872, 37: 469
Fragaria mexicana Schlechtendal [Syntype] 1839, 13: 265
Fragaria californica Chamisso & Schlechtendal [Neotype] 1827, 2: 20
Rubus adenotrichos Schlechtendal [Type] 1839, 13: 267
Rubus adenotrichos Schlechtendal [Type] 1839, 13: 267
Alchemilla venusta Chamisso & Schlechtendal [Type] 1830, 5: 572
Alchemilla vulcanica Chamisso & Schlechtendal [Type] 1830, 5: 573
Prunus cerasus var. samydoides Schlechtendal [Isosyntype] 1839, 13: 92
Horkelia californica Chamisso & Schlechtendal [Type] 1827, 2: 26
Sorbus sikkimensis Wenzig [Isosyntype] 1874, 38: 58
Sorbus sikkimensis Wenzig [Isosyntype] 1874, 38: 58
Sorbus sikkimensis Wenzig [Isosyntype] 1874, 38: 58
Sorbus sikkimensis var. ferruginea Wenzig [Isotype] 1873, 38: 60
Sorbus sikkimensis var. microcarpa Wenzig [Isotype] 1874, 38: 59
Cephaëlis microcephala Miquel [Type] 1844, 28: 748
Faramea nitida Bentham [Type] 1850, 23: 454
Galium hypadenium S. Schauer [Type] 1847, 20: 700
Rudgea caribaea Bentham [Isosyntype] 1850, 23: 460
Rudgea caribaea Bentham [Isosyntype] 1850, 23: 460
Rudgea hostmanniana Bentham [Type] 1850, 23: 459
Rudgea hostmanniana Bentham [Type] 1850, 23: 459
Chiococca phaenostemon Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1834, 9: 594
Sommera arborescens Schlechtendal [Type] 1834, 9: 602
Ixora bahiensis Bentham [Type] 1850, 23: 447
Ungnadia heptaphylla Scheele [Type] 1848, 21: 589
Ungnadia heptaphylla Scheele [Type] 1848, 21: 589
Mimusops obovata Sonder [Isotype] 1850, 23: 75
Saxifraga sileniflora Sternberg [Type] 1831, 6: 557
Escobedia linearis Schlechtendal [Type] 1833, 8: 246
Gerardia communis f. minor Chodat & Hassler [Isotype] 1828, 3: 12
Seligeria globicarpa Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 469
Seligeria rostrata Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 469
Schraderella pungens Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 501
Solanum lindheimerianum E. Scheele [Isolectotype] 1848, 21: 766
Lacepedea pinnata Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1836, 10: 240
Celtis berlandieri Klotzsch [Isotype] 1847, 20: 541
Urtica diplotricha Philippi [Isotype] 1964, 33: 234
Pilea uliginosa Philippi [Type] 1859, 30: 199
Gaylussacia salicifolia Chamisso & Schlechtendal [Syntype] 1826, 1: 532
Fedia orientalis Schlechtendal [Type] 1843, 17: 126
Citharexylum lucidum Chamisso & Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1930, 5: 97
Vittaria sulcata Kuhn [Isosyntype] 1869, 36: 68
Vittaria orbignyana Mettenius & Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 66
Hookeria fendleri Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 495
Hookeria pernutans Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 496
Hookeria philonotula Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 496
Hookeria plumicaulis Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 496
Lepidopilum subpolytrichoides Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 495
Lepidopilum subpolytrichoides Müller Halle [Isotype] 1879, 42: 495
Daltonia fendleri Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 491
Crossomitrium spruceanum Müller Halle [Type] 1874, 38: 613
Philadelphus mexicanus Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1839, 13: 418
Trichomanes brachyblastos Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1868, 35: 388
Hymenophyllum apiculatum Mettenius ex Kuhn [Type] 1868, 35: 391
Vismia mexicana Schlechtendal [Type] 1828, 10: 245
Hypnum trachynotum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 499
Hypnum schraderi Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 496
Hypnum eutrypherum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 497
Hypnum subperspicuum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 497
Hypnum nano-polymorphum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 498
Moraea fimbriata Klatt [Isotype] 1866, 34: 561
Beatonia bracteolata Klatt [Isotype] 1866, 34: 733
Sisyrinchium acaule Klatt [Isotype] , 34: 736
Sisyrinchium berteroanum Philippi [Isotype] 1857, 29: 58
Sisyrinchium unispathaceum Klatt [Isotype] 1865, 34: 737
Sisyrinchium luzula Klotzsch ex Klatt [Syntype] 1863, 31: 89
Sisyrinchium quadrangulatum Klatt [Isotype] 1863, 32: 284
Geissorhiza ramosa Klatt [Isosyntype] 1866, 34: 655
Geissorhiza ornithogaloides Klatt [Isosyntype] 1866, 34: 656
Geissorhiza foliosa Klatt [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 658
Jungermannia muricata Lehmann [Isotype] 1829, 4: 363
Lacistema floribundum Miquel [Isotype] 1844, 18: 24
Hyptis lorentziana O. Hoffmann [Type] 1881, 43: 137
Salvia roemeriana Scheele [Isolectotype] 1849, 22: 586
Endlicheria sericea Nees [Isotype] 1833, 8: 38
Oreodaphne benthamiana Nees [Type] 1848, 21: 521
Oreodaphne klotzschiana Nees [Type] 1848, 21: 523
Persea drymifolia Schlechtendal & Chamisso [Type] 1831, 6: 365
Nectandra acutangula Miquel [Isotype] 1849, 22: 806
Nectandra laurel Klotzsch ex Nees [Isotype] 1848, 21: 505
Nectandra angustifolia var. falcifolia Nees [Isotype] 1833, 8: 48
Phoebe salicifolia Nees [TypeMaterial] 1848, 21: 488
Laurus longipes Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1832, 7: 390
Lecythis schomburgkii Miers [Isolectotype] 1856, 27: 456
Utricularia angustifolia Benjamin [Type] 1847, 20: 311
Utricularia secunda Benjamin [Isotype] 1847, 20: 308
Leucobryum flavo-mucronatum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 464
Leucobryum microcarpum Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 464
Leucobryum giganteum var. tenuifolium Müller Halle [Type] 1879, 42: 464
Schoenocaulon texanum Scheele [Isotype] 1852, 25: 262
Schoenocaulon texanum Scheele [Isotype] 1852, 25: 262
Loasa ochagaviae Philippi [Isotype] 1856, 28: 641
Ammannia texana Scheele [Type] 1848, 21: 588
Tetrapterys adenodon Miquel [Type] 1849, 22: 548
Tetrapterys schiedeana Schlechtendal & Chamisso [Isosyntype] 1830, 5: 218
Abutilon holosericeum Scheele [Isolectotype] 1848, 21: 471
Lebretonia cernua Spanoghe [Isotype] 1841, 15: 168
Althaea kurdica Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1843, 17: 127
Pavonia hostmanni Miquel [Isotype] 1849, 22: 469
Pavonia hostmanni Miquel [Isotype] 1849, 22: 469
Pavonia lasiopetala Scheele [Isolectotype] 1848, 21(4): 470
Malva aurantiaca Scheele [Isolectotype] 1848, 21: 469
Malva aurantiaca Scheele [Isolectotype] 1848, 21: 469
Malva aurantiaca Scheele [Lectotype] 1848, 21: 469
Malva aurantiaca Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21: 469
Malva aurantiaca Scheele [Isotype] 1848, 21: 469
Malva lindheimeriana Scheele [Isotype] 1840, 21: 470
Malva lindheimeriana Scheele [Isotype] 1840, 21: 470
Malva lindheimeriana Scheele [Isotype] 1840, 21: 470
Malva lindheimeriana Scheele [Isolectotype] 1840, 21: 470
Malva lindheimeriana Scheele [Isolectotype] 1840, 21: 470
Malva lindheimeriana Scheele [Isolectotype] 1840, 21: 470
Marsilea quadrifolia var. burchellii Kunze [Type] 1836, 10: 556
Croton balsameus Müller Arg. [Syntype] 1865, 34: 107
Croton balsameus Müller Arg. [Syntype] 1865, 34: 107
Croton balsameus Müller Arg. [Syntype] 1865, 34: 107
Polypodium apiculatum Kunze ex Klotzsch [Isolectotype] 1847, 20: 378
Ponthieva cornuta H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 18
Forsteronia guyanensis Müller Arg. [Syntype] 1860, 30: 414
Amorpha roemeriana Scheele [Isoneotype] 1848, 21: 461
Campanula lasiocarpa Chamisso [Syntype] 1829, 4: 39
Scelochilus heterophyllus H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1876, 41: 105
Spiranthes elata var. humilis H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1852, 25: 235
Calycolpus schomburgkianus O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1856, 27: 380
Calycolpus schomburgkianus var. recurvatus O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1856, 27: 380
Faramea hydrangeifolia Bentham [Isosyntype] 1850, 23: 451
Faramea hydrangeifolia Bentham [Isosyntype] 1850, 23: 451
Oliveriana egregia H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 111
Oliveriana egregia H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1877, 41: 111
Pimelea nutans Meisner [Isosyntype] 1854, 26(3): 348
Cyclomyces fuscus Kunze ex Fries [Isotype] 1830, 5: 512
Carex fendleriana Boeckeler [Isotype] 1875, 39: 135
Carex fendleriana Boeckeler [Isotype] 1875, 39: 135
Epidendrum piliferum H. G. Reichenbach [NotType] 1877, 41: 83
Calea uniflora Lessing [Type] 1830, 5(1): 159
Croton callicarpifolius var. pubescens Müller Arg. [Syntype] 1865, 34: 85
Grevillea chrysophaea F. Mueller ex Meisner [Isolectotype] 1854, 26: 357
Chusquea cumingii Nees [Syntype] 1834, 9(4): 487
Croton gardneri Müller Arg. [Isosyntype] 1865, 34: 135
Cyrtopodium blanchetii H. G. Reichenbach [TypeMaterial] 1849, 22: 852
Alysicarpus racemosus Bentham [Isotype] 1851, 24: 642
Alysicarpus racemosus Bentham [Isotype] 1851, 24: 642
Alysicarpus racemosus Bentham [Isotype] 1851, 24: 642
Aulomyrcia roraimensis O. Berg [Isolectotype] 1854, 27(1): 68
Alsophila gibbosa Klotzsch [Holotype] 1844, 18: 542
Henlea thibaudioides H. Karsten [Isoneotype] 1859, 30: 151
Rourea villosa Planchon [Isosyntype] 1850, 23: 422
Phegopteris eximia Mettenius ex Kuhn [Isotype] 1869, 36: 107
Arenaria macrotheca Hornemann ex Chamisso & Schlechtendal [Type] 1826, 1: 53
Anemone berlandieri Pritzel [Isotype] 1841, 15(5): 628
Cordia sessilifolia Chamisso [Type] 1829, 4: 488
Bunchosia biocellata Schlechtendal [Isotype] 1836, 10(3): 241
Jungermannia diptera Lehmann [Isotype] 1834, 9: 425
Jungermannia diptera Lehmann [Type] 1834, 9: 425
Racomitrium cucullatifolium Hampe [Syntype] 1863, 32: 143
Cyperus thomsonii Boeckeler [Isotype] 1870, 36(3): 294
Goetzea elegans Wydler [Syntype] 1830, 5(3): 423
Hippocratea rigida Spanoghe [Isotype] 1841, 15(2): 178