Title | Report Upon the Colorado River of the West |
Abbreviation | Rep. Colorado R. (Ives) |
Authors | J. C. Ives |
Publication Dates | 1861 [Botany (Sect. 4) dated "1860", but issued post 1 May 1861] |
URL | http://books.google.com/books?id=GhXV_vYhXigC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false |
TL2 | 3.203 |
Remarks | Botany (Sect. 4) by Asa Gray, John Torrey, George Thurber & George Engelmann |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 13 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Physaria newberryi A. Gray [Type] 1861, 6Euphorbia lurida Engelmann [Type] 1861, 26
Euphorbia incisa Engelmann [Isotype] , 27
Sophora stenophylla A. Gray [Holotype] 1861, 4: 10
Trifolium subcaulescens A. Gray [Type] 1860, 10
Cymopterus montanus var. purpurascens A. Gray [Isotype] 1861, 15
Navarretia setosissima Torrey & A. Gray ex Torrey [Isotype] 1861, 4: 22
Eriogonum deflexum Torrey [Isosyntype] 1861, 24
Antirrhinum filipes A. Gray [Holotype] 1861, 19
Phacelia micrantha var. bipinnatifida Torrey [Type] 1861, 4: 21
Hyptis emoryi Torrey [Syntype] 1861, 4: 20
Hyptis emoryi Torrey [Isosyntype] 1861, 4: 20
Malvastrum exile A. Gray [Holotype] 1861, part 4 (botany): 8