Title | Mycotaxon; International Journal Designed to Expedite Publication on Research, Taxonomy, and on Nomenclature of Fungi and Lichens. Ithaca, NY |
Abbreviation | Mycotaxon |
Publication Dates | Vol. 1+, 1974+ |
BPH | BPH/S p. 569 |
Remarks | [Actual date of issue for current volume stated in following volume] |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 119 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Thozetellopsis calicioides Sherwood [Holotype] 1974, 1(2): 119Ramaria luteoaeruginea P. Zhang & Zhu L. Yang [Type ([Actual date of issue for current volume stated in following volume])] 11 May 2006 ["Oct-Dec 2005"], 94: 236
Psilocybe rickii Guzman & Cortez [Holotype] 2005, 93: 96
Lichina macrospora Henssen, Büdel & Wessels [Isotype] 1985, 22: 171/173
Doassaniopsis nymphoides K. Vánky [Isotype] 2002, 81: 401
Doassaniopsis tomasii Vánky [Isotype] 2006, 95: 46
Entyloma frondosa K. Vánky [Isotype] 2003, 85: 6
Urocystis alstroemeriae K. Vánky & C. Vánky [Isotype] 2001, 78: 267
Burrillia sagittariae Vánky [Isotype] 1996, 59: 90
Ustilago mauritiana K. Vánky [Isotype] 2002, 81: 420
Ustilago cynodonticola K. Vánky, R. G. Shivas & A. Witt [Isotype] 2004, 89: 58
Ustilago drakensbergiana Vánky [Isotype] 1999, 70: 24
Ustilago austro-africana K. Vánky & C. Vánky [Isotype] 1999, 73: 138
Ustilago dreganoides Vánky [Isotype] 1997, 65: 177
Schizonella intercedens Vánky [Isotype] 1998, 69: 105
Restiosporium dapsilanthi K. Vánky [Isotype] 2003, 85: 50
Restiosporium meneyae K. Vánky [Isotype] 2000, 74(2): 347
Anthracoidea blanda K. Vánky [Isotype] 2005,
Microbotryum silybum K. Vánky [Isotype] 2003, 85: 308
Microbotryum afromontanum Vánky [Isotype] 2006, 95: 50
Pennella arctica Lichtwardt & M. C. Williams [Holotype] 1984, 19: 530
Pennella arctica Lichtwardt & M. C. Williams [Isotype] 1984, 19: 530
Lecanora pseudopinguis W. A. Weber [Isotype] 1981, 13(1): 102
Physconia subpallida Esslinger [Holotype] 1994, 51: 95
Physcia duplicorticata W. A. Weber & J. W. Thomson [Isotype] 1975, 3(1): 102-104
Smittium longisporum M. C. Williams, Lichwardt & S. W. Peterson [Holotype] 1982, 16: 169
Smittium pennelli Lichtwardt [Holotype] 1984, 19: 533
Smittium alpinum Lichtwardt [Holotype] 1984, 19: 536
Smittium cellaspora M. C. Williams [Holotype] 1982, 16: 183
Stachylina penetralis Lichtwardt [Holotype] 1984, 19: 544
Stachylina nana Lichtwardt [Holotype] 1984, 19: 547
Harpellomyces eccentricus Lichtwardt & S. T. Moss [Holotype] 1984, 20: 514
Orchesellaria pelta Lichtwardt [Holotype] 1984, 20: 266
Asellaria aselli D. Scheer ex S. T. Moss & Lichtwardt [Holotype] 1984, 20: 264
Asellaria aselli D. Scheer ex S. T. Moss & Lichtwardt [Isotype] 1984, 20: 264
Asellaria unguiformis Lichtwardt [Holotype] 1984, 20: 260
Sporisorium australasiaticum K. Vánky & R. G. Shivas [Isotype] 2001, 80: 340
Sporisorium tristachyae-nodiglumis K. Vánky [Isotype] 2003, 85: 46
Sporisorium fastigiatum K. Vánky [Isotype] 2000, 74(1): 206
Sporisorium pole-evansii Vánky [Isotype] 1999, 70: 23
Sporisorium eriochrysis K. Vánky [Isotype] 2003, 85: 56
Sporisorium schizachyrii K. Vánky [Isotype] 2002, 81: 418
Sporisorium gayanum K. Vánky & C. Vánky [Isotype] 2000, 74(1): 205
Sporisorium panici-fasciculati K. Vánky [Isotype] 2005,
Sporisorium hwangense K. Vánky & C. Vánky [Isotype] 2000, 74: 194
Sporisorium inopinatum K. Vánky [Isotype] 2002, 81: 384
Sporisorium loudetiae-pedicellatae Vánky [Isotype] 1997, 65: 165
Sporisorium panicola K. Vánky [Isotype] 2005,
Sporisorium panici-hirticaulis K. Vánky [Isotype] 2005,
Sporisorium sphacelatum K. Vánky [Isotype] 2003, 85: 13
Sporisorium absconditum K. Vánky [Isotype] 2003, 85: 36
Sporisorium cymbicum K. Vánky [Isotype] 2003, 85: 23
Sporisorium sehimicola K. Vánky [Isotype] 2000, 74(1): 186
Sporisorium iseilematis-vaginiflori Vánky [Isotype] 1999, 73: 151
Pseudodoassansia hydrocledis K. Vánky [Isotype] 2001, 78: 274
Macalpinomyces trichopterygis Vánky [Isotype] 1997, 65: 163
Macalpinomyces ugandensis K. Vánky [Isotype] 2003, 85: 50
Macalpinomyces leptocarydionis K. Vánky & C. Vánky [Isotype] 2002, 81: 407
Macalpinomyces panici K. Vánky [Isotype] 2005,
Macalpinomyces tristachyae Vánky [Isotype] 1997, 65: 165
Macalpinomyces pogonarthriae K. Vánky & C. Vánky [Isotype] 2002, 81: 409
Macalpinomyces magicus K. Vánky & T. F. Vánky [Isotype] 2002, 81: 412
Macalpinomyces nodiglumis K. Vánky [Isotype] 2002, 81: 414
Macalpinomyces simplex K. Vánky [Isotype] 2000, 74(1): 202
Aurantiosporium scleriae K. Vánky [Isotype] 2002, 81: 403
Aurantiosporium marisci Vánky [Isotype] 1999, 70: 17
Ustanciosporium rhynchosporae Vánky [Isotype] 1999, 70: 31
Ustanciosporium virginianum Vánky [Isotype] 2006, 95: 48
Scutellospora weresubiae Koske & C. Walker [Isotype] 1986, 27: 224
Scutellospora fulgida Koske & C. Walker [Isotype] 1986, 27: 221
Marasmius pseudoconfertus T. H. Li & Chun Y. Deng [Isotype] 2011, 116: 342
Marcelleina mediterranea Lantieri & Pfister [Holotype] 2010, 111: 466
Pachyella habrospora Pfister [Type] 1995, 54: 393
Pachyella peltata Pfister & Candoussau [Type] 1981, 13: 459
Psilopezia nummularialis Pfister & Candoussau [Holotype] 1981, 13: 367
Psilopezia nummularialis Pfister & Candoussau [Type] 1981, 13: 367
Strossmayeria nigra Iturriaga [Type] 1990, 36: 439
Urceolella amphipila Huhtinen [Holotype] 1987, 29: 274
Cladonia pulvinella S. Hammer [Holotype] 1991, 40: 192
Cladonia pulvinella S. Hammer [Isotype] 1991, 40: 192
Cladonia thiersii S. Hammer [Isotype] 1989, 34(1): 115
Cookeina colensoiopsis T. M. Iturriaga C. & D. H. Pfister [Type] 2006, 95: 151
Cookeina colensoiopsis T. M. Iturriaga C. & D. H. Pfister [Type] 2006, 151
Cookeina colensoiopsis T. M. Iturriaga C. & D. H. Pfister [Type] 2006, 151
Cookeina colensoiopsis T. M. Iturriaga C. & D. H. Pfister [Type] 2006, 151
Cookeina colensoiopsis T. M. Iturriaga C. & D. H. Pfister [Type] 2006, 151
Cookeina colensoiopsis T. M. Iturriaga C. & D. H. Pfister [Type] 2006, 151
Cookeina colensoiopsis T. M. Iturriaga C. & D. H. Pfister [Type] 2006, 151
Lecanora texana W. A. Weber [Type] 1981, 13(1): 103
Calocybe cyanea Singer ex S. A. Redhead & R. Singer [Holotype] 1978, 6(3): 501
Calocybe cyanella Singer ex S. A. Redhead & R. Singer [Holotype] 1978, 6(3): 501
Calocybe rubra Rick ex S. A. Redhead & R. Singer [Type] 1978, 6(3): 501
Wynnea macrospora B. Liu, M. H. Liu & J. Z. Cao [Type] 1987, 30: 465
Wynnea sinensis B. Liu, M. H. Liu & J. Z. Cao [Type] 1987, 30: 467
Lloydella rickii Bresàdola ex A. L. Welden [Type] 1993, 48: 75
Psilocybe obscura (Peck) Guzman [Type] 1978, 6(3): 473
Acaulospora myriocarpa Spain, Sieverding & N. C. Schenck [Type] 1986, 25(1): 112
Acaulospora myriocarpa Spain, Sieverding & N. C. Schenck [Type] 1986, 25(1): 112
Acaulospora myriocarpa Spain, Sieverding & N. C. Schenck [Type] 1986, 25(1): 112
Acaulospora myriocarpa Spain, Sieverding & N. C. Schenck [Isotype] 1986, 25(1): 112
Acaulospora myriocarpa Spain, Sieverding & N. C. Schenck [Isotype] 1986, 25(1): 112
Albosynnema filicicola Sherwood [Type] 1974, 1(2): 117
Bactridium xathertum S. M. Berch [Type] 1982, 14(1): 227
Pachyphloeus thysellii W. Colgan & Trappe [Holotype] 2004, 90(2): 282
Urocystis circaeasteri Vánky [Isotype] 2004, 89(1): 56
Microsphaera alphitoides var. chenii U. Braun [Holotype] 1982, 15: 139
Microsphaera diffusa f. elongata U. Braun [Holotype] 1984, 20(2): 492
Microsphaera ornata var. europaea U. Braun [Type] 1983, 16(2): 422
Microsphaera sydowiana U. Braun [Holotype] 1982, 15:139
Microsphaera trifolii var. desmanthi U. Braun [Holotype] 1894, 19: 375
Microsphaera crispula U. Braun [Isotype] 1982, 15: 132
Erysiphe pseudosepulta U. Braun [Holotype] 1984, 20(2): 495
Erysiphe brunneopunctata U. Braun [Holotype] 1984, 20(2): 494
Erysiphe sparsa U. Braun [Holotype] 1984, 20(2): 495
Wenyingia sichuanensis Z. Wang & Pfister [Isotype] 2001, 79: 397
Microsphaera lonicerae var. flexuosa U. Braun [Isotype] 1982, 15: 129
Microsphaera lonicerae var. flexuosa U. Braun [Isotype] 1982, 15: 129
Entomophthora aquatica J. F. Anderson & Ringo ex J. F. Anderson & Anagnostakis [Holotype] 1980, 10(2): 350
Leveillula simonianii U. Braun [Holotype] 1986, 25(1): 259
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 6 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Graphis floridana Tuckerman [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 2008, 103: 83Nectriella fuckelii Nitsche ex Fuckel [Lectotype] 1979, 8: 511
Sarcogyne californica H. Magnusson [Lectotype] 2005, 93: 280
Sarcogyne similis H. Magnusson [Lectotype] 2005, 93: 280
Empusa apiculata Thaxter [Lectotype] 1989, 34: 446
Empusa apiculata var. major Thaxter [Lectotype] 1989, 34: 446