Title | Boletim Tecnico do Instituto Agronomico do Norte. Belem |
Abbreviation | Bol. Tecn. Inst. Agron. N. |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-43, 1943-1961 |
BPH | 212.22 |
Remarks | Superseded by Bol. Tecn. Inst. Pesq. Exp. Agropecu. N. (ID: 4463) |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 36 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Quararibea bracteolosa Ducke [Isotype] 1945, 4: 17Bauhinia amplifolia Ducke [Isotype] 1944, 2: 16
Dimorphandra urubuensis Ducke [Isotype] 1944, 2: 10
Sclerolobium leiocalyx Ducke [Syntype] 1944, 2: 19
Cynometra longicuspis Ducke [Isotype] 1944, 2: 11
Renggeria longipes Ducke [Isotype] 1945, 4: 22
Buchenavia sericocarpa Ducke [Type] 1945, 4: 23
Buchenavia huberi Ducke [Isolectotype] 1945, 4: 24
Sloanea granulosa Ducke [Type] 1950, 19: 13
Ormosia chlorocalyx Ducke [Isotype] 1944, 2: 23
Macrolobium furcatum Ducke [Isotype] 1944, 2: 12
Macrolobium parviflorum Ducke [Isotype] 1944, 2: 11
Pithecellobium moniliforme Ducke [Isotype] 1944, 2: 6
Inga odoratissima Ducke [Isotype] 1944, 2: 4
Inga suaveolens Ducke [Isotype] 1944, 2: 5
Brosimum foetidum Ducke [Isotype] 1945, 4: 1
Brosimum foetidum Ducke [Isotype] 1945, 4: 1
Virola glycycarpa Ducke [Isotype] 1945, 4: 9
Virola obovata Ducke [Isotype] 1945, 4: 12
Touroulia amazonica Pires & A. S. Foster [Holotype] 1950, 20: 49
Quiina rigidifolia Pires [Type] 1950, 20: 45
Quiina guaporensis Pires [Type] 1960, 38: 31
Froesia crassiflora Pires & Froes [Isotype] 1950, 20: 41
Chimarrhis glabriflora Ducke [Isotype] 1945, 4: 26
Striolaria amazonica Ducke [Type] 1945, 4: 28
Sterculia pendula Ducke [Isotype] 1950, 19: 18
Sterculia apeibophylla Ducke [Isotype] 1945, 4: 16
Vochysia polyantha Ducke [Type] 1945, 4: 14
Vochysia polyantha Ducke [Isotype] 1945, 4: 14
Sacoglottis ceratocarpa Ducke [Isotype] 1945, 4: 13
Sacoglottis villosa Fróes [Isotype] 1950, 20: 53
Discophora froesii Pires [Type] 1960, 38: 28
Discophora froesii Pires [Type] 1960, 38: 28
Vochysia polyantha Ducke [Type] 1945, 14
Vochysia polyantha Ducke [Isotype] 1945, 14
Strychnos pachycarpa Ducke [Isotype] 1945, 3: 15