Title | Catalogus Plantarum Cubensium, exhibens collectionem Wrightianam aliasque minores ex insula Cuba missas, quas recensuit A. Grisebach |
Abbreviation | Cat. Pl. Cub. [Grisebach] |
Authors | A. H. R. Grisebach |
Publication Dates | May-Aug 1866 |
Place of publication | Lipsiae |
Publisher | Apud Guilielmum Engelmann |
URL | http://books.google.com/books?vid=HARVARD32044106394091&printsec=titlepage#v=onepage&q&f=false |
HOLLIS | 006417874 |
TL2 | 2.184 |
Remarks | Description: iv, 301 p. |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 622 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Tecoma longiflora Grisebach [Type] 1866, 194Tecoma actinophylla Grisebach [Type] 1866, 194
Tecoma bibracteolata Grisebach [Type] 1866, 193
Tecoma spiralis C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 194
Tecoma setulosa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 193
Tecoma leucoxylon var. reticulata Grisebach [Syntype] 1866, 193
Synapsis ilicifolia Grisebach [Type] 1866, 187
Catalpa punctata Grisebach [Type] 1866, 192
Catalpa punctata var. pubescens Grisebach [Type] 1866, 192
Catalpa pupurea Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 192
Cordia leucosebestena Grisebach [Type] 1866, 208
Cordia pedunculosa C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 209
Cordia erythrococca Grisebach [Type] 1866, 208
Heliotropium imbricatum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 211
Heliotropium serpylloides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 212
Heliotropium bursiferum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 211
Bourreria microphylla Grisebach [Type] , 210
Bourreria montana f. glabrifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 209
Rochefortia acanthophora f. microphylla Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 210
Tillandsia capitata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 255
Tillandsia argentea Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 254
Tillandsia capituligera Grisebach [Type] 1866, 254
Tillandsia ringens Grisebach [Type] 1866, 255
Bursera glauca Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 66
Bursera angustata Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 65
Cereus assurgens C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 116
Opuntia hystrix Grisebach [Isotype] 1860, 117
Opuntia macracantha Grisebach [Isotype] 1860, 116
Libidibia pauciflora Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 78
Libidibia pauciflora var. puberula Grisebach [Type] 1866, 79
Libidibia pauciflora var. puberula Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 79
Libidibia pinnata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 79
Peltophorum adnatum Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 79
Peltophorum adnatum Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 79
Siphocampylus cernuus Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 159
Siphocampylus patens Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 159
Drymaria ortegioides Grisebach [Type] 1866, 21
Maytenus elaeodendroides Grisebach [Isotype] , 54
Maytenus lineatus Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] , 54
Maytenus cochlearifolia Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 53.
Myginda aquifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1960, 55
Myginda aquifolia Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1960, 55
Rheedia aristata Grisebach [Type] 1866, 38
Rheedia fruticosa C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 38
Combretum viscidum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 109
Connarus reticulatus Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 84
Connarus reticulatus Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 84
Ipomoea falkioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 206
Ipomoea obtusata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 202
Ipomoea obtusata f. latifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 202
Ipomoea calantha Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 202
Ipomoea calantha Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 202
Ipomoea fuchsioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 205
Ipomoea fuchsioides var. parvifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 205
Ipomoea nymphaeifolia Grisebach [Type] 1866, 203
Ipomoea dactylophylla Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 203
Ipomoea jalapoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 202
Ipomoea alterniflora Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 202
Ipomoea hypargyrea Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 204
Ipomoea calophylla C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 204
Ipomoea microdactyla Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 204
Ipomoea repanda var. pratensis C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 204
Sicana excisa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 112
Scleria dictyocarpa Grisebach [Type] 1866, 249
Scleria phylloptera Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 248
Cyperus lacunosus Grisebach [Type] 1866, 237
Scirpus plicarhachis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 239
Scirpus plicarhachis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 239
Scirpus amentaceus Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 240
Scirpus microlepis Grisebach [Isotype] , 239
Scirpus hirtus Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 241
Scirpus floccosus Grisebach [Type] 1866, 241
Scirpus natans Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 238
Rhynchospora cephalotoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 242
Rhynchospora brevirostris Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 246
Rhynchospora scabrata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 243
Rhynchospora lindeniana Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 244
Rhynchospora seslerioides Grisebach [Type] 1866, 247
Rhynchospora penniseta Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 244
Rhynchospora penniseta Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 244
Rhynchospora odorata C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 242
Rhynchospora odorata C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 242
Rhynchospora subimberbis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 245
Rhynchospora tenuifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 244
Rhynchospora scutellata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 246
Rhynchospora scutellata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 246
Rhynchospora scutellata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 246
Rhynchospora cernua Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 248
Rhynchospora deflexa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 248
Rhynchospora florida var. nigra Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 246
Rhynchospora florida var. nigra Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 246
Machaerina filifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 242
Lipocarpha cochleata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 241
Purdiaea angustifolia C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 52
Purdiaea monodynama Grisebach [Isotype] 1860, 52
Dioscorea linearis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 251
Diospyros halesioides Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 168
Diospyros halesioides Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 168
Sloanea longiseta C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 30
Bergia sessiliflora Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 40
Kalmia ericoides C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1886, 51
Befaria cubensis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 52
Lyonia obtusa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 51
Lyonia myrtilloides var. parvifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 51
Lyonia myrtilloides var. parvifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 51
Lyonia myrtilloides var. ovalifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 51
Andromeda cubensis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 51
Eriocaulon scirpoides Grisebach [Type] 1866, 226
Eriocaulon fuliginosum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 226
Eriocaulon fuliginosum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 226
Eriocaulon melanocephalum var. longipes Grisebach [Type] 1866, 226
Paepalanthus lagopodioides Grisebach [Type] 1866, 225
Paepalanthus pungens Grisebach [Type] 1866, 224
Paepalanthus seslerioides Grisebach [Type] 1866, 224
Paepalanthus androsaceus Grisebach [Type] 1866, 225
Paepalanthus androsaceus var. flavescens Grisebach [Type] 1866, 225
Erythroxylum minutifolium Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 41
Erythroxylum alaternifolium var. pedicellare Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 41
Pera bumeliifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 20
Euphorbia cyanogala C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 21
Clitoria glomerata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866 [May-Aug 1866], 74
Clitoria glycinoides f. heteromorpha Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 74
Clitoria glycinoides f. heteromorpha Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 74
Ateleia apetala Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 80
Galactia monophylla Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 75
Galactia angustifolia var. retusa C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 75
Corynella gracilis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 71
Desmodium cubense Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 73
Pictetia angustifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 73
Behaimia cubensis Grisebach [Isotype] 1859, 78
Poiretia refracta Grisebach [Type] 1866, 72
Harpalyce cubensis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 71
Dalea tephrosioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1869, 69
Dioclea galactioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 76
Aeschynomene tenuis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 72
Aeschynomene tuberculata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 72
Rhynchosia phaseoloides var. precatoria Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 74
Gliricidia platycarpa Grisebach [Isotype ([May-Aug 1866])] 1866, 70
Gliricidia platycarpa Grisebach [Isotype ([May-Aug 1866])] 1866, 70
Teramnus grandiflorus Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 75
Lunania dodecandra C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 7
Lunania dodecandra C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 7
Lunania sauvalii Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 7
Lunania divaricata var. pentandra Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 7
Casearia emarginata C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 10
Casearia praecox Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 10
Casearia eriophora C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 11
Casearia ramosissima C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 10
Casearia sylvestis var. myricoides Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 9
Casearia sylvestis var. myricoides Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 9
Xylosma buxifolium var. pauciflorum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 7
Xylosma buxifolium var. pauciflorum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 7
Samyda grandiflora Grisebach [Type] 1866, 11, Addenda 282
Banara glaberrima C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 8
Banara reticulata Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 8
Zuelania tremula Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 9
Leianthus silenifolius Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 180
Goeppertia gracilis C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 180
Voyria disadenantha Grisebach [Type] 1866, 181
Voyria brachyloba Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 181
Limnanthemum grayanum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 181
Niphaea pulchella Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 198
Conradia depressa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 200
Conradia celsioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 200
Conradia reticulata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 201
Pentaraphia incurva Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 199
Pentaraphia salicifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 199
Pentaraphia glandulosa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 199
Pentaraphia triflora Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 199
Rhytidophyllum exsertum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 198
Henoonia myrtifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 167
Scaevola plumieri var. wrightii Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 160
Stenandrium punctatum Grisebach [Type] 1866, 196
Anthacanthus purpurascens Grisebach [Type] 1866, 197
Anthacanthus tetrastichus C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 198
Barleria satureioides Grisebach [Type] 1866, 195
Dianthera harpochiloides Grisebach [Type] 1866, 197
Dianthera glandulosa Grisebach [Type] 1866, 197
Mollugo nudicaulis var. cuneifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 22
Alisma nymphaeifolium Grisebach [Type] 1866, 218
Alisma nymphaeifolium Grisebach [Type] 1866, 218
Comocladia platyphylla A. Richard [Type] 1886, 68
Comocladia platyphylla A. Richard [Isotype] 1886, 68
Comocladia platyphylla A. Richard [Isotype] 1886, 68
Rhus venosum Grisebach [Isotype] , 67
Asimina neglecta Grisebach [Type] , 3
Asimina rhombifolia Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 4
Asimina blainii Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 3
Annona cascarilloides C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 2
Asciadum coronopifolium Grisebach [Type] 1866, 118
Rauvolfia strempelioides Grisebach [Type] , 170
Plumeria clusioides Grisebach [Type] , 171
Plumeria sericifolia C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 171
Plumeria emarginata Grisebach [Type] , 171
Ilex lanceolata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 56
Anthurium venosum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 219
Anthurium gymnopus Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 219
Philodendron wrightii Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 219
Philodendron clementis Grisebach [Type] 1866, 220
Hedera cuneifolia C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 117
Sciadophyllum samydifolium C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 117
Geonoma dulcis C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 222
Geonoma dulcis C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 222
Thrinax rigida Grisebach & H. Wendland [Isotype] 1866, 221
Copernicia wrightii Grisebach & H. Wendland [Isosyntype] 1866, 220
Copernicia wrightii Grisebach & H. Wendland [Isosyntype] 1866, 220
Aristolochia linearifolia C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 115
Aristolochia clavidenia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 115
Aristolochia lindeniana var. plagiophylla Grisebach [Type] 1866, 115
Orthosia oblongata Grisebach [Type] 1866, 177
Orthosia oblongata Grisebach [Lectotype] 1866, 177
Orthosia acuminata Grisebach [Type] 1866, 175
Orthosia acuminata Grisebach [Lectotype] 1866, 175
Amphistelma ephedroides Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 174
Amphistelma ephedroides Grisebach [Type] 1866, 174
Amphistelma salinarum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 175
Marsdenia umbellata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 179
Marsdenia vinciflora Grisebach [Type] 1866, 179
Marsdenia fusca C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 178
Marsdenia campanulata var. bifida Grisebach [Type] 1866, 178
Tylodontia cubensis Grisebach [Type] 1866, 175
Poicilla tamnifolia Grisebach [Type] 1866, 176
Poicilla tamnifolia Grisebach [Lectotype] 1866, 176
Poicilla ovatifolia Grisebach [Type] 1866, 177
Poicilla ovatifolia Grisebach [Lectotype] 1866, 177
Ibatia mollis Grisebach [Type] 1866, 177
Ibatia mollis Grisebach [Lectotype] 1866, 177
Metalepis cubensis Grisebach [Type] 1866, 180
Metalepis cubensis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 180
Metastelma brachystephanum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 174
Metastelma graminifolium Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 174
Metastelma penicillatum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 174
Metastelma hamatum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 173
Gonolobus stephanotrichus Grisebach [Type] 1866, 177
Gonolobus stephanotrichus Grisebach [Syntype] 1866, 177
Polybotrya aspidioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 276
Salmea pauciceps Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 155
Salmea caleoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 155
Salmea glaberrima C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 155
Baccharis scoparioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 150
Heptanthus brevipes C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 148
Heptanthus cochlearifolius Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 148
Heptanthus ranunculoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 148
Sachsia divaricata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 151
Sachsia tricephala Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 151
Sachsia polycephala Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 151
Sachsia polycephala Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 151
Sachsia polycephala Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 151
Sparganophorus vaillantii var. longifolius Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 143
Sparganophorus vaillantii var. longifolius Grisebach [Type] 1866, 143
Lescaillea equisetiformis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 157
Tetranthus thymoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 286
Haplopappus marginatus Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 149
Leria stenocephala Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 158
Pinillosia bellioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 153
Eupatorium incisum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 146
Eupatorium incisum Grisebach [Holotype] 1866, 146
Eupatorium incisum Grisebach [Type] 1866, 146
Eupatorium ayapanoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 146
Eupatorium ayapanoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 146
Eupatorium ivaefolium var. serratum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 146
Eupatorium coelestinum var. salinum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 146
Vernonia membranacea Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 144
Vernonia cubensis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 144
Vernonia inaequiserrata var. obtusifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 144
Vernonia inaequiserrata var. obtusifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 144
Vernonia inaequiserrata var. angustifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 144
Vernonia inaequiserrata var. angustifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 144
Vernonia lepidota Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 145
Vernonia complicata C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 143
Vernonia arborescens var. divaricata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 144
Rhodogeron coronopifolius Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 152
Erigeron bellidiastroides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 149
Erigeron hyoseroides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 149
Erigeron thrincioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 148
Isocarpha atriplicifolia var. wrightii Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 156
Isocarpha atriplicifolia var. wrightii Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 156
Anastraphia microcephala Grisebach [Type] 1866, 158
Anastraphia microcephala Grisebach [Type] 1866, 158
Anastraphia mantuensis C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 158
Clidemia trichotoma C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 96
Clidemia rufescens Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 97
Clidemia leucandra C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 96
Clidemia leucandra var. divaricata C. Wright ex Grisebach [Syntype] 1866, 96
Clidemia cinerea Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 97
Acisanthera pellucida C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 104
Aulacocarpus wrightii Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 90
Calycogonium rosmarinifolium Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 93
Calycogonium verrucosum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 95
Calycogonium muricatum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 95
Calycogonium lanceolatum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 93
Calycogonium clidemioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 94
Calycogonium angulatum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 93
Calycogonium plicatum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 94
Calycogonium hypoglauca C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 94
Rhexia cubensis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 104
Henriettea parviflora Grisebach [Type] 1866, 95
Cremanium racemosum Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 102
Pachyanthus wrightii Grisebach [Syntype] 1866, 101
Pachyanthus angustifolius Grisebach [Syntype] 1866, 101
Pachyanthus poiretii Grisebach [Syntype] 1866, 101
Pachyanthus oleifolius Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 100
Miconia chrysandra Grisebach [Type] 1866, 99
Miconia androsaemifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 100
Miconia rangeliana C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 98
Catachaenia rufa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 102
Graffenrieda obtusa Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 103
Graffenrieda obtusa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 103
Mouriri acuta Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 92
Mouriri emarginata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 92
Conostegia clidemioides C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 98
Pleurochaenia cubensis C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 101
Chaetogastra cubensis Grisebach [Type] 1866, 103
Chaetogastra cubensis var. brevistrigillosa Grisebach [Type] 1866, 103
Chaetogastra origanoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 103
Chaetogastra saturaeioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 103
Portesia glabra Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 47
Pachygone cubensis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 4
Pachygone cubensis var. angustifolia A. Gray ex Grisebach [Holotype] 1866, 5
Anomospermum axilliflorum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 4
Pithecellobium calliandriflorum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 83
Pithecellobium aspleniifolium Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 83
Calliandra comosa Grisebach [Lectotype] 1866, 83
Acacia maschalocephala Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 82
Dorstenia erythrantha Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 58
Dorstenia crassipes Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 58
Dorstenia petraea C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 58
Calycorectes cubensis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 90
Calycorectes protractus Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 284
Marlierea elliptica var. cubensis Grisebach [Type] 1866, 86
Anamomis guayabillo Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 90
Anamomis guayabillo Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 90
Anamomis ferruginea Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 91
Eugenia jambosoides C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 89
Eugenia catingiflora Grisebach [Type] 1866, 89
Eugenia megalopetala Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 89
Eugenia megalopetala Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 89
Eugenia cyphophloea Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 87
Eugenia cyphophloea Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 87
Eugenia nummularia C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 86
Eugenia disticha var. galalonensis C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 88
Myrcia coriacea var. acutifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 86
Psidium rotundatum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 92
Psidium rotundatum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 92
Psidium guyabita var. angustifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 91
Psidium guyabita var. oblongata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 91
Psidium cordatum var. parvifolium Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 91
Psidium cordatum var. parvifolium Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 91
Psidium cordatum var. parvifolium Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 91
Psidium cordatum var. parvifolium Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 91
Calyptranthes micrantha C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 85
Pisonia rotundata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 283
Schoepfia didyma C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 119
Fraxinus cubensis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 170
Linociera bumelioides Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 169
Forestiera rhamnifolia Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 169
Jussiaea peduncularis C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 108
Jussiaea oocarpa C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 108
Jussiaea acuminata var. latifolia Grisebach [Type] 1866, 107
Isnardia stricta C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 107
Cyrtopodium verrucosum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 265
Cyrtopodium verrucosum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 265
Pelexia cranichoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 269
Pleurothallis lichenicola Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 259
Pleurothallis lichenicola Grisebach [TypeMaterial] 1866, 259
Pleurothallis blepharophylla Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 260
Pleurothallis blepharophylla Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 260
Aeranthes spathacus Grisebach [Type] 1866, 264
Cranichis ventricosa Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 639
Cranichis ventricosa Grisebach [NotType] 1866, 639
Cranichis tenuiflora Grisebach [DrawingOfType] 1866, 268
Cranichis tenuiflora Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 268
Cranichis tenuiflora Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 268
Tetramicra platyphylla Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 264
Habenaria distans Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 270
Habenaria distans Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 270
Oxalis corniculata var. pygmaea Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 47
Oxalis corniculata var. microphylla Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 47
Oxalis corniculata var. microphylla Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 47
Passiflora ciliata var. quinqueloba Grisebach [Type] 1866, 113
Passiflora ciliata var. riparia C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 113
Alvaradoa arborescens Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 50
Pinus cubensis var. terthrocarpa Grisebach [Type] 1866, 217
Xyris bicarinata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 223
Xyris falx Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 223
Xyris grandiceps Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 223
Xyris gymnoptera Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 223
Xyris gymnoptera Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 223
Xyris gymnoptera Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 223
Xyris navicularis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 223
Costus ruber C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 256
Renealmia ventricosa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 256
Renealmia ventricosa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 256
Ottonia punctata Grisebach [TypeMaterial] 1866, 65
Ottonia punctata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 65
Mildea hydrocotylifolia Grisebach [TypeMaterial] 1866, 63
Mildea elegans Grisebach [TypeMaterial] 1866, 63
Symbryon tetrastachyum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 64
Achlaena piptostachya Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 229
Lasiacis rugelii Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 233
Aristida refracta Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 228
Aristida refracta Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 228
Arundinella phragmitoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 234
Rottboellia impressa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 235
Eragrostis excelsa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 227
Eragrostis sudans Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 227
Panicum neuranthes Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 232
Panicum laxum var. variegatum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 233
Panicum proliferum var. strictum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 232
Panicum proliferum var. strictum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 232
Panicum virgatum var. cubense Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 233
Panicum rugulosum var. hirtiglume Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 233
Panicum rugulosum var. hirtiglume Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 233
Panicum neuranthum var. ramosum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 232
Paspalum nanum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 230
Paspalum platyphyllum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 230
Cenchrus distichiphyllus Grisebach [Type] 1866, 234
Setaria glauca var. penicillata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 234
Digitaria pulchella Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 231
Olyra strephioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 229
Podocarpus angustifolius Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 217
Podocarpus angustifolius Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 217
Polygala spathulata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 13
Polygala squamifolia C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 12
Polygala brachyptera Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 12
Polygala saginoides Grisebach [Syntype] 1866, 13
Polygala saginoides Grisebach [Syntype] 1866, 13
Phlebotaenia cuneata var. obovata Grisebach [Type] 1866, 14
Coccoloba retusa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 61
Coccoloba armata C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 283
Coccoloba pallida C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 61
Ranunculus cubensis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 1
Sarcomphalus divaricatus Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 31
Sarcomphalus acutifolius Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 32
Rhamnidium reticulatum Grisebach [Isotype] , 33
Rhamnidium retusum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 32
Colubrina acuminata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 34
Colubrina acuminata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 34
Colubrina acuminata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 34
Diodia lippioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 141
Ferdinandea angustata C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 127
Catesbaea holacantha C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 122
Catesbaea phyllacantha Grisebach [Type] 1866, 122
Exostema myrtifolium Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 125
Exostema purpureum Grisebach [Syntype] 1866, 125
Exostema purpureum Grisebach [Type] 1866, 125
Exostema salicifolium Grisebach [Type] 1866, 125
Borreria radicans Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 142
Borreria strumpfioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 142
Borreria thymocephala Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 142
Borreria eritrichoides C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 142
Borreria squamosa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 142
Richardsonia muricata Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 143
Faramea vaginata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 134
Spermacoce aspera var. latifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 141
Portlandia pendula C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 126
Portlandia longiflora C. F. W. Meissner ex Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 126
Macrocnemum cubense Grisebach [Type] 1866, 124
Oldenlandia capillipes Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 130
Rondeletia venosa C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 128
Rondeletia correifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 129
Rondeletia microphylla Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 127
Rondeletia phialanthoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 129
Rondeletia tinifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 129
Rondeletia verbenacea Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 130
Rondeletia chamaebuxifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 128
Rondeletia hypoleuca Grisebach [Type] 1866, 128
Psychotria odorata C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 138
Bertiera gonzaleoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 124
Guettarda ferruginea Grisebach [Type] 1866, 131
Phialanthus stillans Grisebach [Type] 1866, 149
Phialanthus rigidus Grisebach [Type] 1866, 140
Phialanthus resinfluus Grisebach [Type] 1866, 140
Phialanthus resinfluus Grisebach [Type] 1866, 140
Phyllomelia coronata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 139
Sabicea moralesii Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 124
Mitracarpus villosum var. glabrescens Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 143
Chione vaccinifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 133
Stenostomum radiatum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 132
Stenostomum rotundatum Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 132
Stenostomum densiflorum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 132
Randia wrightiana Grisebach [Type] 1866, 122
Randia wrightiana Grisebach [Type] 1866, 122
Randia wrightiana Grisebach [Type] 1866, 122
Randia nigrescens Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 123
Alibertia jacquinioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 123
Fagara gracilis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 48
Fagara stenoptera Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 48
Amyris axiliflora Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 66
Zanthoxylum duplicipunctatum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 49
Zanthoxylum pistaciifolium Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 49
Meliosma oppositifolia Grisebach [Type] 1866, 46
Thouinia pulverulenta Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 46
Bassia albescens Grisebach [Type] 1866, 164
Bumelia cubensis Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 164
Bumelia cubensis Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 164
Bumelia cubensis Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 164
Bumelia microphylla Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 165
Bumelia horrida Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 165
Schizaea occidentalis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 273
Schizaea occidentalis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 273
Anemia coriacea Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 272
Hemianthus trisetosus C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 185
Hemianthus erosus Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 184
Hemianthus reflexus C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 186
Herpestis beccabunga Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 182
Herpestis humifusa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 183
Herpestis micromonnieria Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 183
Micranthemum rotundatum Grisebach [Type] 1866, 184
Stemodia radicans Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 182
Stemodia radicans Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 182
Amphiolanthus arenarioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 187
Amphiolanthus bryoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 186
Encopa tenuifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 184
Simarouba laevis Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 49
Simarouba laevis Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 49
Lycium acnistoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 188
Solanum fragile C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 189
Solanum chamaeacanthum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 190
Ayenia euphrasifolia Grisebach [Isotype] , 29
Styrax obtusifolium Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 167
Symplocos salicifolia Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 168
Symplocos ovalis C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 168
Symplocos ovalis C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 168
Symplocos ciponimoides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 167
Huertea cubensis Grisebach [Type] 1866, 66
Huertea cubensis Grisebach [Type] 1866, 66
Ternstroemia flavescens Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 35
Ternstroemia obovalis var. ovulosa C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 36
Ternstroemia cernua Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 35
Jacquinia berterii var. acutifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 163
Daphnopsis guacacoa C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 110
Daphnopsis angustifolia C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 110
Linodendron venosum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 110
Linodendron aronifolium Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 110
Tetralix brachypetalus Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 9: 287
Turnera acaulis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 114
Piriqueta viscosa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 114
Ampelocera cubensis Grisebach [Type] 1866, 57
Fleurya umbellata f. microphylla Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 58
Pilea spathulata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 59
Pilea glomerata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 69
Pilea pendula Grisebach [Type] 1866, 59
Vaccinium ramonii Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 52
Lippia acuminata C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 215
Lippia myrtifolia Grisebach [Type] 1866, 215
Vitex rigens Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 216
Lachnanthes tinctoria var. major C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 252
Xiphidium xanthorrhizon C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 252
Hippocratea coriacea C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 283
Hydrolea nigricaulis C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 207
Ascyrum cubense Grisebach [Type] 1866, 40
Hypericum diosmoides Grisebach [Type] 1866, 40
Hypericum limosum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 39
Poraqueiba cubensis C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 119
Mappia angustifolia Grisebach [Type] 1866, 119
Mappia racemosa var. brachycarpa Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 119
Mappia racemosa var. brachycarpa Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 119
Mappia racemosa var. brachycarpa Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 119
Mappia racemosa var. brachycarpa Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 119
Juglans insularis Grisebach [Type] 1866, 68
Juglans insularis Grisebach [Type] 1866, 68
Hyptis pedalipes Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 213
Hyptis actinocephala Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 212
Hyptis minutifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 213
Hyptis gonocephala C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 212
Hyptis ammotropha C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 213
Salvia strobilanthoides C. Wright & Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 214
Teucrium canadense var. hypoleucum Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 214
Nectandra exaltata Grisebach [NotType] 1860, 111
Utricularia spirandra C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 161
Utricularia porphyrophylla C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 162
Utricularia olivacea C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] May-Aug 1866, 161
Utricularia vaga Grisebach [Type] 1866, 161
Utricularia breviscapa C. Wright ex Grisebach [Type] 1866, 161
Arceuthobium mancinellae Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 121
Arceuthobium glaucum Grisebach [Isotype] 1864, 121
Phoradendron tetrastachyum var. spathulifolium Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 120
Loranthus cubensis Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 119
Cuphea gratioloides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 105
Cuphea lobelioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 105
Cuphea pseudomelanium Grisebach [Type] 1866, 104
Cuphea pseudosilene Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 105
Ammannia lingulata Grisebach [Holotype] 1866, 106
Ginoria spinosa Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 106
Ginoria glabra Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 106
Ginoria glabra Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 106
Hypobrichia spruceana var. tenuifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 106
Diplusodon ginorioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 106
Diplusodon ginorioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 106
Stigmaphyllon sericeum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 43
Stigmaphyllon sericeum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 43
Stigmaphyllon lineare C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 43
Byrsonima pinetorum Grisebach [Type] 1866, 42
Byrsonima crassifolia var. glabrata Grisebach [Type] 1866, 42
Byrsonima chrysophylla var. lancifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 42
Wissadula periplocifolia var. wrightiana Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 26
Sida phlebococca Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 25
Sida callifera Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 24
Pavonia subpandurata C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 26
Pavonia cordifolia C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 27
Pavonia achanioides Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 27
Pavonia achanioides Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 27
Pavonia megalophylla C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 27
Marcgravia oligandra Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 39
Mayaca wrightii Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 224
Ludwigia repens var. rotundata Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 107
Oldenlandia succulenta Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 285
Calliandra revoluta Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 83
Calliandra revoluta Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 83
Phoradendron testifolium Wright, C. ex Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 120
Bourreria montana Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 209
Valentinia coriacea Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 9
Valentinia coriacea Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 9
Phoradendron buxifolium var. rotundatum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 120
Phoradendron buxifolium var. rotundatum C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1866, 120
Trithrinax compacta Grisebach & H. Wendland [Isotype] 1866, 221
Psychotria evenia C. Wright ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1866, 136
Maytenus buxifolius var. parvifolius Grisebach [Isosyntype] 1866, 53
Piptadenia stenadenia Grisebach [Syntype] 1866, 81
Scirpus ablepharus Grisebach [Isotype] May-Aug 1866, 240
Picramnia reticulata Grisebach [Type] 1866, 50