Title | Darwiniana; Carpeta del "Darwinion". Buenos Aires |
Abbreviation | Darwiniana |
Publication Dates | Vol. 1+, 1922+ |
BPH | 338.28 |
Remarks | With vol. 3 (1937/39) subtitle changes to: Revista del Instituto de Botánica Darwinion |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 131 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Begonia parodiana L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Type] 1941, 5: 88Begonia micranthera var. nana L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Holotype] 1941, 5: 94
Begonia micranthera var. venturi L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Holotype] 1941, 5: 97
Begonia micranthera var. fimbriata L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Holotype] 1941, 5: 98
Begonia micranthera var. foliosa L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Holotype] 1941, 5: 92, fig. 5
Begonia rubricaulis var. volcanensis L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Holotype] 1941, 5: 87
Begonia boliviensis var. volcanensis L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert [Lectotype] 1941, 5: 84
Bauhinia kleiniana Burkart [Type] 1961, 12: 251
Croton churumayensis Croizat [Type] 1944, 6: 466
Croton erythrochyloides Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 449
Croton integrilobus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6;460
Croton integrilobus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6;460
Croton integrilobus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6;460
Croton microgyne Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 453
Croton crustulifer Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 451
Croton sancti-pauli Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 454
Croton sancti-pauli Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 454
Croton missionum Croizat [Syntype] 1944, 6: 446
Croton missionum Croizat [Syntype] 1944, 6: 446
Croton missionum Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 446
Croton missionum Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 446
Croton venturii var. cheirotenos Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 463
Croton parodianus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 452
Croton silvanus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 462
Croton nitidulifolius Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 465
Croton pseudoadipatus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 456
Croton russulus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 457
Croton russulus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 457
Croton russulus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 457
Croton sacaquinha Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 456
Croton perlongiflorus Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 467
Croton krukoffianus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 453
Croton priscus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 454
Croton priscus Croizat [NotType] 1944, 6: 454
Croton priscus Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 454
Croton perviscosum Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 458
Croton spurcus Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 467
Croton spurcus Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 467
Croton spurcus Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 467
Croton abutilifolius Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 448
Croton abutilifolius Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 448
Croton macbridei Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 465
Croton laeticapsulus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 448
Croton laeticapsulus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 448
Croton polypleurus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 457
Croton perintricatus Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 450
Croton senescens Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 461
Croton carandaitensis Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 460
Croton carandaitensis Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 460
Croton carandaitensis Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 460
Croton carandaitensis Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 460
Croton berberifolius Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 459
Croton berberifolius Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 459
Croton berberifolius Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 459
Croton yacaensis Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 459
Croton apicifolius Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 447
Croton apicifolius Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 447
Croton apicifolius Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 447
Croton sapiiflorus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 464
Croton subcinerellus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 462
Croton subcinerellus var. aquidabanensis Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 463
Croton subcinerellus var. aquidabanensis Croizat [Isotype] 1944, 6: 463
Croton peltophorus var. cuzcoanus Croizat [Holotype] 1944, 6: 468
Clitoria cordobensis Burkart [Isosyntype] 1941, 5: 61
Clitoria cordobensis Burkart [Isosyntype] 1941, 5: 61
Clitoria cordobensis Burkart [Isosyntype] 1941, 5: 61
Clitoria cordobensis Burkart [Isosyntype] 1941, 5: 61
Chaetocalyx nigricans Burkart [Isotype] 1939, 3: 160
Desmodium intermedium Burkart [Isotype] 1939, 3: 208
Desmodium hickenianum var. major Burkart [Isotype] 1939, 3: 220
Desmodium uncinatum var. gracile Burkart [Isotype] 1939, 3: 185
Adesmia coquimbensis Burkart [Isotype] 1966, 14: 215
Adesmia aueri Burkart [Isotype] 1954, 10: 525
Astragalus boanriensis Gómez-Sosa [Isotype] 1979, 22: 358
Machaerium paraguariense var. cuspidatum Hassler ex Tamayo [Isotype] 1945, 7: 126
Machaerium paraguariense var. cuspidatum Hassler ex Tamayo [Isotype] 1945, 7: 126
Baccharis pedersenii Cabrera [Isotype] 1970, 16(1-2): 410
Chaptalia lyratifolia Burkart [Isotype] 1944, 6: 527
Chaptalia mandonii Burkart [Isotype] 1944, 6: 551
Chaptalia mandonii Burkart [Isotype] 1944, 6: 551
Mimosa per-dusenii Burkart [Isotype] 1947, 7: 530
Mimosa per-dusenii Burkart [Isotype] 1947, 7: 530
Mimosa flocculosa Burkart [Isotype] 1964, 13: 386
Mimosa petraea var. hirtula Burkart [Isotype] 1948, 8: 174
Mimosa brevipetiolata Burkart [Isotype] 1948, 8: 174
Mimosa candelabrum var. jorgensenii Burkart [Isotype] 1947, 7: 539
Mimosa obstrigosa Burkart [Isosyntype] 1946, 7: 231
Mimosa calodendron var. unijuga Burkart [Isotype] 1964, 13: 370
Mimosa strobiliflora Burkart [Isotype] 1947, 7: 519
Mimosa amphigena var. eglandulosa Burkart [Isotype] 1946, 7: 226
Mimosa selloi var. leiocarpa Burkart [Isotype] 1948, 8: 100
Mimosa rigidicaulis var. ciliata Burkart [Isotype] 1974, 18: 434
Mimosa nervosa var. missionum Burkart [Isotype] 1948, 8: 138
Mimosa oligophylla var. pilosula Burkart [Isotype] 1948, 8: 188
Prosopis castellanosii Burkart [Type] 1941, 5: 66
Ficus monckii var. san-martinianus Parodi [Isotype] 1943, 6: 165
Jussiaea mexiae Munz [Isotype] 1942, 4: 221
Jussiaea foliobracteolata Munz [Isotype] 1942, 4: 228
Eichhornia meyeri A. G. Schulz [Syntype] 1942, 6: 56
Potamogeton pedersenii Tur [Isotype] 1982, 24: 253
Potamogeton pedersenii Tur [Isotype] 1982, 24: 253
Solanum humectophilum Ochoa [Isotype] 1969, 15(3-4): 550
Ayenia klugii Cristóbal & Arbo [Isotype] 1971, 16: 604, figs. 1, 2D, H
Tropaeolum looseri Sparre [Isotype] 1955, 11: 114
Elodea richardii H. St. John [Isotype] 1963, 12(4): 649
Elodea richardii H. St. John [Isotype] 1963, 12(4): 649
Elodea richardii H. St. John [Isotype] 1963, 12(4): 649
Elodea ernstae H. St. John [Isotype] 1963, 12(4): 644
Hymenophyllum umbratile Diem & J. S. Lichtenstein [Isotype] 1959, 11: 664
Hymenophyllum nahuelhuapiense Diem & J. S. Lichtenstein [Isotype] 1959, 11: 722
Hymenophyllum quetrihuense Diem & J. S. Lichtenstein [Isotype] 1959, 11: 661
Hymenophyllum peltatum var. elegans Diem & J. S. Lichtenstein [Isotype] 1959, 11: 704
Hymenophyllum peltatum var. imbricatum Diem & J. S. Lichtenstein [Isotype] 1959, 11: 706
Hymenophyllum peltatum var. patagonicum Diem & J. S. Lichtenstein [Isotype] 1959, 11: 707
Lycopodium sotae Rolleri [Isotype] 1970, 16: 130
Cuphea correntina Lourteig [Isotype] 1948, 8: 266
Urocarpidium killipii Krapovickas [Isotype] 1954, 10: 626
Urocarpidium macrocarpum Krapovickas [Isotype] 1954, 10: 624
Thelypteris catamarcensis de la Sota [Isotype] 1973, 18: 216
Sisymbrium tucumanense var. rigidiocarpum Romanczuk [Isotype] 1982, 24: 120, 122
Lepidium werffii Al-Shehbaz [Isotype] 2010, 48(2): 165
Monnina humahuaquensis Grondona [Isotype] 15 Oct. 1945, 7: 14
Monnina humahuaquensis Grondona [Isotype] 15 Oct. 1945, 7: 14
Cyrtopodium kleinii J. A. N. Batista & Bianchetti [Isotype] 2005, 43(1–4): 75.
Cyrtopodium brandonianum subsp. lageanum J. A. N. Batista & Bianchetti [Isotype] 2005, 43(1–4): 80.
Odontorrhynchus castillonii (Hauman) M. N. Correa [NotType] 1953, 10(2): 158.
Odontorrhynchus castillonii (Hauman) M. N. Correa [NotType] 1953, 10(2): 158.
Eleocharis strobilacea Pedersen [Isotype] 1961, 12: 243
Peziza gamundiae Pfister, Caiafa & M. E. Smith [Isotype] 2022, n.s. 10(1): 166
Peziza gamundiae Pfister, Caiafa & M. E. Smith [Isotype] 2022, n.s. 10(1): 166
Adesmia inflexa var. tenuispina Burkart [Isotype] 1960, 12: 122
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 30 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Apodanthera scabra Cogniaux [Isolectotype] 2017, n.s. 5: 33Croton lorentzii Müller Arg. ex Grisebach [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2007, 45(2): 238
Apodanthera undulata A. Gray [Isolectotype (step 2)] 2017, n.s. 5: 28
Mimosa calothamnus Martius ex Bentham [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1964, 13: 415
Nassauvia glomerata Weddell [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1982, 24: 361
Malvastrum jacens S. Watson [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1954, 10: 627
Apodanthera eriocalyx Cogniaux [Isolectotype] 2017, n.s. 5: 15
Anguria laciniosa Schlechtendal [Lectotype] , n.s. 5: 18. 2017
Apodanthera mandonii Cogniaux [Isolectotype] 2017, n.s. 5: 21
Apodanthera undulata A. Gray [Lectotype (step 2)] 2017, n.s. 5: 28
Apodanthera undulata A. Gray [Isolectotype (step 2)] 2017, n.s. 5: 28
Apodanthera weberbaueri Harms [Isolectotype] 2017, n.s. 5: 31
Eleocharis texana Britton [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1990, 30: 226
Lucilia jamesonii Baker [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1986, 27: 447
Apodanthera roseana Cogniaux [Isolectotype] 2017, n.s. 5: 23
Apodanthera palmeri S. Watson [Lectotype] 2017, n.s. 5: 23
Lucilia jamesonii Baker [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1986, 27: 447
Jussiaea octonervia f. sessiliflora Micheli [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1942, 4: 237
Caesalpinia dictamnoides f. punctata Chodat & Hassler [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1996, 34: 319
Jussiaea nervosa var. pubescens Micheli [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1942, 4: 210
Jussiaea nervosa f. microphylla Chodat & Hassler [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1942, 4: 216
Mimosa calodendron var. leprosa Bongard ex Bentham [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1964, 13: 370
Mimosa calodendron var. leprosa Bongard ex Bentham [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1964, 13: 370
Jussiaea nervosa f. foliosa Chodat & Hassler [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1942, 4: 208
Lucilia pickeringii A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1986, 27: 470
Celtis tala Gillies ex Planchon [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1978, 21; 547
Trixis ophiorhiza Gardner [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1996, 34: 78
Trixis papillosa D. Don [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1996, 34: 56
Forsteronia myriantha Donnell Smith [Isolectotype] 2009, 47: 227
Loasa coronata Gillies ex Arnott [Isolectotype (step 2)] 2016, 4(2): 161