Title | Musci Alleghanienses |
Abbreviation | Musci Allegh. |
Authors | W. S. Sullivant |
Publication Dates | Dec 1845 or 1-7 Jan 1846. Exsiccatae accompanying the text published 28 Jan 1846. Fascicle I, numbers 1-134; Fascicles II, numbers 135-292. 28 Jan 1846 ("1845") |
TL2 | 13.399 |
Remarks | See Sayre, G. 1971. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19: 258-259 for more details on this publication |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 44 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Syrrhopodon excelsus Sullivant [Type] 1846, 170 [Schedae 41]Syrrhopodon excelsus Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 170 [Schedae 41]
Fissidens exiguus Sullivant [Type] 1846, 182 [Schedae 44]
Fissidens exiguus Sullivant [Lectotype] 1846, 182 [Schedae 44]
Fissidens exiguus Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 182 [Schedae 44]
Fissidens exiguus Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 182 [Schedae 44]
Fissidens minutulus Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 183 [Schedae 44]
Fissidens minutulus Sullivant [Holotype] 1846, 183 [Schedae 44]
Fissidens minutulus Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 183 [Schedae 44]
Fissidens minutulus Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 183 [Schedae 44]
Fissidens minutulus Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 183 [Schedae 44]
Physcomitrium sphaericum var. insignis Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 196 [Schedae 47]
Physcomitrium sphaericum var. insignis Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 196 [Schedae 47]
Physcomitrium sphaericum var. insignis Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 196 [Schedae 47]
Leptodon ohioensis Sullivant [Lectotype] 1846, 89 [Schedae 25]
Leptodon ohioensis Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 89 [Schedae 25]
Leptodon ohioensis Sullivant [Lectotype] 1846, 89 [Schedae 25]
Leptodon ohioensis Sullivant [Syntype] 1846, 89 [Schedae 25]
Trichostomum vaginans Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 176 [42]
Trichostomum vaginans Sullivant [Type] 1846, 176 [42]
Trichostomum vaginans Sullivant [Lectotype] 1846, 176 [42]
Trichostomum vaginans Sullivant [NotType] 1846, 176 [42]
Sphagnum strictum Sullivant [Type] 1846, 201 [Schedae 49]
Sphagnum strictum Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 201 [Schedae 49]
Sphagnum tabulare Sullivant [Type] 1846, 204 [Schedae 49]
Sphagnum tabulare Sullivant [Type] 1846, 204 [Schedae 49]
Sphagnum tabulare Sullivant [Type] 1846, 204 [Schedae 49]
Sphagnum tabulare Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 204 [Schedae 49]
Sphagnum tabulare Sullivant [Lectotype] 1846, 204 [Schedae 49]
Sphagnum molle Sullivant [Type] 1846, 205 [Schadae 50]
Sphagnum molle Sullivant [Type] 1846, 205 [Schadae 50]
Sphagnum molle Sullivant [Lectotype] 1846, 205 [Schadae 50]
Sphagnum molle Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 205 [Schadae 50]
Hypnum paludosum Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 7[Schedae 6]
Hypnum paludosum Sullivant [Type] 1846, 7[Schedae 6]
Leskea denticulata Sullivant [Type] 1846, 62[Schedae 19]
Leskea denticulata Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 62[Schedae 19]
Leskea denticulata Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 62[Schedae 19]
Leucophanes leanum Sullivant [Type] 1846, 172 [Schedae 41]
Leucophanes leanum Sullivant [Lectotype] 1846, 172 [Schedae 41]
Leucophanes leanum Sullivant [Isotype] 1846, 172 [Schedae 41]
Frullania caroliniana Sullivant [Type] 1846, 64: 64
Notothylas melanospora Sullivant [Type] 1846, 69, n.290
Notothylas melanospora Sullivant [Holotype] 1846, 69, n.290