Title | Kew Bulletin. Kew, England |
Abbreviation | Kew Bull. |
Publication Dates | Vol. [1]+, 1946+ |
BPH | 513.05 |
Remarks | Volumation started with vol. 13; preceded by Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew (ID: 4940) |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 623 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Barringtonia pseudoglomerata Chantaranothai [Isotype] 1995, 50: 697Barringtonia sarawakensis Chantaranothai [Isotype] 1995, 50: 700
Barringtonia rimata Chantaranothai [Holotype] 1995, 50(4): 691
Dinklageodoxa scandens Heine & Sandwith [Syntype] 1962, 16: 223
Alyssum akamasicum B. L. Burtt [Isotype] 1949, 1949: 100
Alyssum chondrogynum B. L. Burtt [Isotype] 1949, 1949: 101
Bursera denticulata McVaugh & Rzedowski [Isotype] 1965, 18: 365
Bursera citronella McVaugh & Rzedowski [Isotype] 1965, 18: 337
Bursera staphyleoides McVaugh & Rzedowski [Isotype] 1965, 18: 360
Bursera occulta McVaugh & Rzedowski [Isotype] 1965, 18: 376
Rosselia bracteata Forman [Isotype] 1994, 49: 604
Rosselia bracteata Forman [Isotype] 1994, 49: 604
Kingiodendron tenuicarpum Verdcourt [Isotype] 1977, 32: 245
Kingiodendron tenuicarpum Verdcourt [Isotype] 1977, 32: 245
Caesalpinia dalei Brenan & J. B. Gillett [Isotype] 1963, 17: 198
Maniltoa lenticellata var. villosa Verdcourt [Isotype] 1977, 32: 241
Maniltoa steenisii var. rodneyensis Verdcourt [Isotype] 1977, 32: 241
Apatophyllum constablei McGillivray [Isotype] 1971, 25: 403
Apatophyllum olsenii McGillivray [Isotype] 1971, 25: 405
Licania cidii Prance [Type] 1992, 47: 247
Licania stevensii Prance [Isotype] 1992, 47(4): 637
Calophyllum inophyllum var. takamaka Fosberg [Isotype] 1974, 29: 255
Terminalia archipelagi Coode [Isotype] 1969, 23: 299
Terminalia impediens Coode [Isotype] 1969, 23: 308
Aëtheolirion stenolobium Forman [Isotype] 1962, 16: 200
Tripogandra elata D. R. Hunt [Isotype] 1979, 33: 405
Calystegia sepium subsp. angulata Brummitt [Isotype] 1980, 35: 328
Cayaponia denticulata Killip ex C. Jeffrey [Isotype] 1971, 25: 206
Hemsleya macrocarpa (Cogniaux) C. Y. Wu ex C. Jeffrey [Type] 1982, 36(4): 739
Cyathea carrii Holttum [Isotype] 1962, 16: 53
Cyathea womersleyi Holttum [Type] 1962, 16: 63
Cyathea atrospina Holttum [Isotype] 1962, 16: 52
Cyathea atrospina Holttum [Isotype] 1962, 16: 52
Cyathea insularum Holttum [Type] 1962, 16: 57
Cyathea insularum Holttum [Type] 1962, 16: 57
Cyathea insularum Holttum [Type] 1962, 16: 57
Cyathea insularum Holttum [Type] 1962, 16: 57
Cyathea glaberrima Holttum [Type] 1962, 16: 55
Cyathea glaberrima Holttum [Type] 1962, 16: 55
Cyathea semiamplectens Holttum [Type] 1962, 16: 62
Cyathea cucullifera Holttum [Isotype] 1962, 16: 54
Cyathea cucullifera Holttum [Isotype] 1962, 16: 54
Cyathea cucullifera Holttum [Isotype] 1962, 16: 54
Cyathea oosora Holttum [Type] 1962, 16: 59
Cyathea rubella Holttum [Type] 1962, 16: 61
Cyathea parvipinna Holttum [Isotype] 1962, 16: 60
Cyathea nigrolineata Holttum [Isotype] 1962, 16: 58
Cyathea nigrolineata Holttum [Isotype] 1962, 16: 58
Cyathea hooglandii Holttum [Type] 1962, 16: 56
Cyathea hooglandii Holttum [Type] 1962, 16: 56
Cyathea stipitipinnula Holttum [Type] 1962, 16: 62
Cyperus bigibbosa Fosberg [Isotype] 1977, 31: 832
Mapania linderi Hutchinson ex Nelmes [Isotype] 1951, 6: 422
Carex tyttholepis Nelmes [Isotype] 1949, 1949: 388
Carex conorrhyncha Nelmes [Isotype] 1956, 11: 182
Carex barrosii Nelmes [Isotype] 1955, 87
Carex galactolepis Nelmes [Isotype] 1946, 1946: 20
Carex papuana Nelmes [Isotype] 1949, 1949: 379
Carex brunnea var. dolichocarpa Nelmes [Isotype] 1950, 5: 201
Carex gembolensis var. crebra Nelmes [Isotype] 1950, 5: 194
Uncinia sclerophylla Nelmes [Holotype] 1949, 143
Uncinia subtrigona Nelmes [Isotype] 1949, 1949: 144
Diospyros praetermissa Sandwith [Isotype] 1950, 1949: 483
Diospyros trianthos Phengklai [Isotype] 1969, 23: 267
Sloanea malayana Coode [Isotype] 1983, 38: 380
Sloanea australis subsp. parviflora Coode [Isotype] 1983, 38: 385
Elaeocarpus mandiae Coode [Isotype] 2001, 56(4): 896
Elaeocarpus nooteboomii Coode [Isotype] 1998, 53 (1): 95
Elaeocarpus sphaeroblastus Stapf ex Ridley [Isotype] 1938, 1938: 233
Elaeocarpus sordidus Airy Shaw [Type] 1949, 164
Elaeocarpus jugahanus Coode [Isotype] 1998, 53: 118
Elaeocarpus hedyosmus Zmarzty [Isotype] 2001, 56 (2): 424
Elaeocarpus linnaei Coode [Isotype] 1995, 50: 273
Elaeocarpus balgooyi Coode [Isotype] 2001, 56(4): 846
Elaeocarpus batui Coode [Isotype] 2001, 56 (4): 849
Elaeocarpus eymae Coode [Isotype] 1995, 50 (2): 287
Elaeocarpus carolinae B. Hyland & Coode [Isotype] 1984, 39: 549
Elaeocarpus robustus var. collinus Coode [Isotype] 1996, 51 (1): 90
Elaeocarpus robustus var. megacarpus Coode [Isotype] 1996, 51 (1): 91
Elaeocarpus crassifolius Ridley [Isotype] 1938, 1938, 231
Elaeocarpus burkii Coode [Isotype] 1995, 50 (2): 282
Elaeocarpus erdinii Coode [Isotype] 2001, 56 (4): 852
Elaeocarpus retakensis Coode [Isotype] 1996, 51 (2): 298
Elaeocarpus barbulatus var. alternifolius Coode [Isotype] 2001, 565 (3): 532
Elaeocarpus beccarii subsp. sumatrana Weibel [Isotype] 1994, 49 (2): 237
Elaeocarpus octopetalus subsp. darnaedii Coode [Isotype] 2001, 56 (4): 862
Elaeocarpus roslii subsp. bracteolatus Coode [Isotype] 1996, 51 (1): 96
Elaeocarpus roslii subsp. terajanus Coode [Isotype] 1996, 51: 98
Elaeocarpus roslii subsp. roslii Coode [Isotype] 1996, 51 (1): 94
Elaeocarpus nitidus var. pseudovelutinus Coode [Isotype] 2001, 56 (3): 525
Elaeocarpus nitidus var. macrophyllus Coode [Isotype] 2001, 56 (3): 526
Elaeocarpus teysmannii subsp. moluccensis Coode [Isotype] 1994, 49 (2): 258
Elaeocarpus teysmannii subsp. domatiferus Coode [Isotype] 1994, 49 (2): 257
Elaeocarpus teysmannii subsp. laevilapis Weibel [Isotype] 1994, 49 (2): 257
Elaeocarpus acronodia subsp. sumatranus Coode [Isotype] 1996, 51 (2): 274
Peripentadenia phelpsii B. Hyland & Coode [Isotype] 1982, 36: 741
Gaultheria dumicola var. pubipes Airy Shaw [Holotype] 1948, 9: 110
Gaultheria stapfiana Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1952, 1952: 171
Agapetes inopinata Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1960, 14: 229
Agapetes haemantha Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1959, 13: 471
Cleistanthus inglorius Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 52
Cleistanthus insignis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 391
Cleistanthus bakonensis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1968, 21: 369
Cleistanthus striatus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 63
Cleistanthus normanbyanus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 54
Cleistanthus hylandii Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1976, 31: 379
Cleistanthus glaber Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1967, 21: 366
Cleistanthus glaber Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1967, 21: 366
Cleistanthus floricola Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 52
Croton cordatulus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 32: 387
Croton leptanthus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1982, 37: 379
Croton pilophorus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 83
Croton singularis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1968, 21: 374
Croton amplifolius Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 79
Croton womersleyi Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 84
Croton kerrii Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 71
Croton trachycaulis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 74
Croton griseus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 82
Croton muriculatus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 59
Croton vogelianus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 60
Croton elbertii Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 55
Croton colobocarpus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 76
Croton vidalii Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1981, 36: 605
Codiaeum ludovicianum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 75
Codiaeum ludovicianum var. rheophyticum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 79
Codiaeum ludovicianum var. praeruptorum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 76
Codiaeum tenerifolium Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 74
Koilodepas longifolium var. integrifolium Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 14: 388
Actephila trichogyna Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 499
Actephila dolichopoda Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 32 (2): 380
Actephila dolichopoda Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 32 (2): 380
Macaranga rhodonema Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 542
Macaranga misimae Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 109
Macaranga neo-britannica Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 531
Macaranga domatiosa Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 540
Macaranga suleensis Whitmore [Isotype] 1980, 34: 605
Macaranga fulva Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1965, 19: 322
Macaranga rarispina Whitmore [Isotype] 1974, 29: 450
Macaranga endertii Whitmore [Isotype] 1974, 29: 449
Macaranga constricta Whitmore & Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 238
Macaranga ducis Whitmore [Isotype] 1980, 34: 602
Macaranga coggygria Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1974, 29: 324
Macaranga galorei Whitmore [Isotype] 1980, 34: 602
Macaranga brevipetiolata Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1965, 19: 326
Macaranga johannium Whitmore [Isotype] 1980, 34: 603
Macaranga winkleriella Whitmore [Isotype] 1974, 29: 449
Macaranga louisiadum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 105
Macaranga lineata Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 104
Macaranga baccaureifolia Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1965, 19: #16
Macaranga laciniata Whitmore & Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 241
Macaranga aetheadenia Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1974, 29: 322
Macaranga darbyshirei Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1974, 29: 323
Macaranga anceps Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1965, 19: 324
Macaranga indistincta Whitmore [Isotype] 1974, 29: 447
Macaranga melanosticta Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 539
Macaranga pilosula Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 105
Macaranga pleioneura Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 110
Macaranga tsonane Whitmore [Isotype] 1980, 34: 606
Macaranga brachytricha Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 103
Macaranga kinabaluensis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 92
Macaranga strigossisima Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1965, 19: 320
Macaranga salicifolia Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 108
Macaranga tentaculata Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 102
Macaranga angulata S. J. Davies [Holotype] 1999, 54: 150
Macaranga curtisii var. glabra Whitmore [Isotype] 1971, 25: 240
Macaranga glaberrima var. schoddei Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 107
Macaranga kingii var. platyphylla Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 533
Macaranga havilandii var. resecta Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 534
Macaranga glandibracteolata S. J. Davies [Isotype] 1999, 54 (1): 147
Macaranga herculis Whitmore [Isotype] 1984, 39(3): 608
Macaranga stellimontium Whitmore [Isotype] 1980, 34(3): 604
Macaranga yakasii Whitmore [Isotype] 1978, 32(2): 410
Macaranga intonsa Whitmore [Isotype] 1980, 34(3): 603
Macaranga lugubris Whitmore [Isotype] 1984, 39(3): 609
Leucocroton thyrsiflora Airy Shaw [Isotype] , 16: 365
Alphandia verniciflua Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 395
Mallotus stipularis Meijer ex Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1967, 21: 398
Mallotus stipularis Meijer ex Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1967, 21: 398
Mallotus darbyshirei Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1980, 34: 597
Mallotus didymochryseus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 40
Mallotus chromocarpus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 32: 403
Mallotus miquelianus var. insularum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 40
Mallotus attenuatus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33(1): 63
Mallotus eucaustus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 80
Mallotus monanthos Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 32(2): 402
Mallotus eximius Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 32(2): 400
Ptychopyxis nervosa Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 27
Ptychopyxis glochidiifolia Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1960, 14: 373
Ptychopyxis plagiocarpa Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1960, 14: 372
Ptychopyxis arborea var. cacuminum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 28
Claoxylon coriaceo-lanatum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 37
Claoxylon capillipes Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 34
Claoxylon delicatum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 32
Claoxylon subbullatum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1968, 21: 375
Claoxylon porphyrostemon Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 32
Claoxylon paucinerve Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 33
Claoxylon elegans Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 398
Claoxylon elegans Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 398
Claoxylon carrii Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 61
Claoxylon alternatum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1976, 29: 314
Claoxylon carinatum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 401
Claoxylon extenuatum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 523
Claoxylon gymnadenum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 522
Claoxylon nubicola Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 36
Claoxylon musci-silvae Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1968, 21: 377
Claoxylon salicinum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1968, 21: 376
Antidesma cordatum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 26: 465
Antidesma petiolare Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1976, 26: 466
Antidesma sarcocarpum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 288
Antidesma moluccanum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 284
Antidesma moluccanum var. indutum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 16
Antidesma ferrugineum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 26: 462
Antidesma boridiense Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 16
Antidesma myriocarpum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 26: 467
Antidesma myriocarpum var. puberulum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 17
Antidesma vaccinioides Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1973, 28: 280
Antidesma spatulifolium Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 283
Antidesma tagulae Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 289
Antidesma riparium Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 282
Antidesma brachybotrys Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 26: 457
Antidesma baccatum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 287
Antidesma katikii Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1973, 28: 278
Antidesma leucopodum var. kinabaluense Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1973, 28: 273
Antidesma edule var. apoense Petra Hoffmann [Holotype] 1999, 54: 350
Antidesma neurocarpum var. angustatum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1973, 28: 270
Antidesma montanum var. microcarpum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1981, 36: 363
Antidesma montanum var. microcarpum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1981, 36: 363
Antidesma pseudopetiolatum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1979, 33: 423
Antidesma chalaranthum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1979, 33(3): 424
Antidesma concinna Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1979, 33(3): 425
Antidesma jucundum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1979, 33(3): 426
Glochidion pachyconum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 52
Glochidion dodecapterum Airy Shaw [Type] 1981, 36: 602
Glochidion oogynum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 46
Glochidion conostylum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 23
Glochidion caloneurum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 16
Glochidion acuminatissimum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 56
Glochidion platycladum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 18
Glochidion brideliifolium Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 15
Glochidion saccocarpum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 687
Glochidion rugulosum Airy Shaw [Type] 1969, 23: 18
Glochidion apodogynum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 44
Glochidion carrii Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 20
Glochidion castaneum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 36
Glochidion chlamydogyne Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 14
Glochidion urceolare Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 40
Glochidion elaphocarpum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 35
Glochidion retinerve Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 40
Glochidion intercastellanum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 24
Glochidion dumicola Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 47
Glochidion lalae Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 21
Glochidion drypetifolium Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 34
Glochidion pomiferum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 13
Glochidion frodinii Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 51
Glochidion pyriforme Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 33
Glochidion vinkiorum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 19
Glochidion galorii Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 484
Glochidion granulare Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 42
Glochidion disparipes Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 27: 43
Glochidion pulchellum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 22
Glochidion huntii Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 61
Glochidion heterocalyx Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 57
Glochidion nesophila Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 45
Glochidion pleiosepalum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 56
Glochidion grossum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 483
Glochidion insedum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 54
Glochidion mindorense subsp. paludicola Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 22
Excoecaria myrioneura Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1979, 33: 537
Lasiococca malaccensis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1968, 21: 406
Homalanthus goodenoviensis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1968, 21: 417
Homalanthus deltoideus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1980, 34: 594
Homalanthus xerocarpus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1979, 33: 536
Homalanthus minutiflorus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1968, 21: 414
Homalanthus milvus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1981, 36: 611
Phyllanthus caesius Airy Shaw & G. L. Webster [Isotype] 1971, 26: 90
Phyllanthus utricularis Airy Shaw & G. L. Webster [Isotype] 1971, 26: 101
Phyllanthus frodinii Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1972, 27: 74
Phyllanthus womersleyi Airy Shaw & G. L. Webster [Isotype] 1971, 26: 86
Phyllanthus archboldianus Airy Shaw & G. L. Webster [Isotype] 1971, 26: 88
Phyllanthus pullenii Airy Shaw & G. L. Webster [Isotype] 1971, 26: 105
Phyllanthus acinacifolius Airy Shaw & G. L. Webster [Isotype] 1971, 26: 95
Phyllanthus nervosus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 383
Phyllanthus praelongipes Airy Shaw & G. L. Webster [Isotype] 1972, 26: 100
Phyllanthus tagulae Airy Shaw & G. L. Webster [Isotype] 1971, 26: 102
Phyllanthus rheophilus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 385
Phyllanthus aphanostylus Airy Shaw & G. L. Webster [Isotype] 1972, 26: 106
Phyllanthus ardisianthus Airy Shaw & G. L. Webster [Isotype] 1971, 26: 94
Phyllanthus rosselensis Airy Shaw & G. L. Webster [Isotype] 1971, 26: 103
Phyllanthus tabularis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1980, 34: 598
Aleurites moluccana var. floccosa Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 26
Breynia podocarpa Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 32: 365
Breynia collaris Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 488
Hylandia dockrillii Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1974, 29: 329
Ashtonia excelsa Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1968, 21: 357
Ashtonia excelsa Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1968, 21: 357
Aporosa lagenocarpa Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1967, 21: 355
Aporosa illustris Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1976, 29: 282
Aporosa lophodonta Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33: 25
Aporosa claviflora Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 32(2): 364
Aporosa caloneura Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 5
Aporosa hermaphrodita Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 478
Aporosa rhacostyla Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1976, 29: 282
Aporosa nigropunctata var. antennifera Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 382
Alchornea amentiflora Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 45
Bridelia erapensis S. Dressler [Isotype] 1996, 51(3): 601
Bridelia oligantha Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 32(2): 386
Bridelia marcrcarpa Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25(3): 512
Bridelia triplocarya Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 32(2): 385
Whyanbeelia terrae-reginae Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1976, 31(2): 376
Euphorbia mertonii Fosberg [Isotype] 1978, 33: 181
Euphorbia psammogeton P. S. Green [Isotype] 1993, 48: 314
Sauropus heteroblastus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 48
Sauropus amabilis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 49
Bocquillonia nervosa Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1974, 29: 317
Acalypha trilaciniata Paul G. Wilson [Isotype] 1958, 1958: 170
Acalypha erecta Paul G. Wilson [Isotype] 1958, 1958: 170
Acalypha subintegra Airy Shaw [Type] 1978, 33: 73
Acalypha nervulosa Airy Shaw [Type] 1966, 20: 407
Acalypha phyllonomifolia Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1966, 20: 406
Acalypha phyllonomifolia Airy Shaw [Type] 1966, 20: 406
Acalypha concinna Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1978, 33 (1): 74
Desmodium appressipilum B. G. Schubert [Isotype] 1971, 25: 61
Desmodium rhytidophyllum subsp. acutifolium Verdcourt [Isotype] 1977, 32: 250
Macropsychanthus lauterbachii subsp. neobrittanicus Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32(2): 456
Macropsychanthus lauterbachii subsp. parviflorus Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32: 456
Macropsychanthus lauterbachii var. hirsutus Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32: 455
Macropsychanthus lauterbachii subsp. glabricalyx Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32: 456
Mucuna lamellata Wilmot-Dear [Holotype] 1984, 39: 53
Mucuna subumbellata Wilmot-Dear [Holotype] 1990, 45: 8
Mucuna hooglandii Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32: 459
Mucuna pruriens subsp. novoguineensis Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32: 462
Mucuna sloanei var. persericea Wilmot-Dear [Isotype] 1990, 45: 27
Mucuna collettii Lace [Isosyntype] 1915, 398
Mucuna collettii Lace [Isosyntype] 1915, 398
Mucuna stenoplex Wilmot-Dear [Isotype] 1992, 47(2): 218
Derris rubrocalyx subsp. acuminata Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32: 468
Derris rubrocalyx subsp. acuminata Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32: 468
Derris rubrocalyx Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32: 466
Derris koolgibberah subsp. pseudinvoluta Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32: 469
Dalea cuniculo-caudata Paul G. Wilson [Isotype] 1958, 1958: 158
Millettia solomonensis Verdcourt [Isotype] 1977, 32: 247
Astragalus lowarensis Ali [Holotype] 1973, 28: 299
Strongylodon decipiens var. imbricata Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32: 458
Hydnocarpus lasionema Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1949, 157
Cyrtandra herbacea G. W. Gillett [Isotype] 1975, 30: 382
Cyrtandra erectiloba G. W. Gillett [Isotype] 1975, 30: 407
Cyrtandra macrotricha G. W. Gillett [Holotype] 1975, 30: 383
Cyrtandra purpurifolia G. W. Gillett [Isotype] 1975, 30: 400
Cyrtandra laciniata G. W. Gillett [Isotype] 1975, 30: 388
Cyrtandra heintzelmaniana G. W. Gillett [Isotype] 1975, 30: 403
Strobilanthes steenisiana J. R. Bennett [Isotype] 2003, 58(1): 34
Strobilanthes chrysodelta J. R. I. Wood [Isotype] May 2009, 64(1): 41 (fig. 20A-J)
Strobilanthes afriastiniae J. R. Bennett [Isotype] 2003, 58(1): 74
Syngramma trichophora Holttum [Isotype] , 30: 331
Achyranthes coynei Santapau [Isotype] 1949, 1948: 488
Campylopetalum siamense Forman [Isotype] 1954, 555
Fissistigma bracteolatum Chatterjee [Isotype] 1948, 1948: 58
Ilex emmae D. M. Hicks [Isotype] 2005 [2004 publ. Mar 2005], 59(4): 581 (-583; fig. 1).
Calamus pholidostachys J. Dransfield & W. J. Baker [Isotype] 2003, 58(2): 381
Calamus pholidostachys J. Dransfield & W. J. Baker [Isotype] 2003, 58(2): 381
Triplophyllum funestrum var. hirsutum Holttum [Isotype] 1986, 41(2): 256
Zinnia jugistyla Paul G. Wilson [Isotype] 1958, 1958: 163
Arrhenechthites hydrangeoides C. Jeffrey [Isotype] 1992, 47: 75
Senecio muliensis C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen [Holotype] 1984, 39: 389
Senecio multibracteolatus C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen [Holotype] 1984, 39: 402
Pithocarpa melanostigma P. Lewis & Summerhayes [Isotype] 1951, 1950: 438
Pithocarpa melanostigma P. Lewis & Summerhayes [Isotype] 1951, 1950: 438
Microspermum tenue Paul G. Wilson [Isotype] 1958, 1958: 166
Microspermum flaccidum Paul G. Wilson [Isotype] 1958, 1958: 167
Heliopsis purpurea Paul G. Wilson [Isotype] 1958, 1958: 164
Heliopsis purpurea Paul G. Wilson [Isotype] 1958, 1958: 164
Synotis yui C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen [Holotype] 1984, 39: 308
Guardiola pappifera Paul G. Wilson [Isotype] 1958, 1958: 162
Eryngiophyllum pinnatisectum Paul G. Wilson [Isotype] 1958, 13: 165
Gynura brassii F. G. Davies [Isotype] 1981, 35: 726
Sinosenecio guangxiensis C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen [Holotype] , 39(2): 254 (1984)
Cissampelopsis glandulosa C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen [Isotype] 1984, 39: 345
Rumfordia pinnatisecta Paul G. Wilson [Isotype] 1958, 1958: 164
Papuacalia titoi D. J. N. Hind & R. J. Johns [Isotype] 2003, 58(2): 389
Papuacalia titoi D. J. N. Hind & R. J. Johns [Isotype] 2003, 58(2): 389
Athyrium curtisii Holttum [Type] 1954, 1953: 545
Athyrium curtisii Holttum [Type] 1954, 1953: 545
Athyrium curtisii Holttum [Type] 1954, 1953: 545
Neodissochaeta brassii M. P. Nayar [Isotype] 1966, 20: 160
Medinilla neglecta Ohwi [Isotype] 1966, 20: 242
Hederella endertii M. P. Nayar [Isotype] 1966, 20: 240
Hederella paniculata M. P. Nayar [Isotype] 1966, 20: 239
Hederella kinabaluensis M. P. Nayar [Isotype] 1966, 20: 237
Hederella ovata M. P. Nayar [Isotype] 1966, 20: 238
Hederella brassii M. P. Nayar [Isotype] 1966, 20: 238
Malleastrum leroyi Fosberg [Isotype] 1974, 29: 255
Tinospora neocaledonica Forman [Isotype] 1981, 36: 402
Cyclea kinabaluensis Forman [Isotype] 1960, 14: 69
Legnephora philippinensis Forman [Isotype] 1972, 27: 278
Marmaroxylon magdalenae Killip ex L. Rico [Isotype] 1991, 46: 516
Adenopodia gymnantha Brenan [Isotype] 1986, 41: 85
Zygia rhytidocarpa L. Rico [Isotype] 1994, 49: 549
Zygia rhytidocarpa L. Rico [Isotype] 1994, 49: 549
Albizia sepikensis Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32: 473
Archidendron hooglandii Verdcourt [Isotype] 1979, 33: 407
Archidendron spicatum Verdcourt [Isotype] 1977, 32: 229
Archidendron ptenopum Verdcourt [Isotype] 1977, 32: 225
Acacia pluriglandulosa Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32: 472
Steganthera stevensii W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 2001, 56: 995
Heliconia indica var. lanata P. S. Green [Isotype] 1969, 23: 476
Maesa gracilis Utteridge [Isotype] 2001, 56: 680
Maesa beamanii Utteridge [Isotype] 2000, 55: 443
Backhousia floribunda A. J. Scott [Isotype] 1984, 39: 659
Decaspermum cryptanthum A. J. Scott [Type] 1980, 34: 63
Rhodamnia reticulata A. J. Scott [Isotype] 1979, 33: 444
Rhodamnia tessellata Steenis ex A. J. Scott [Isotype] 1979, 33: 441
Rhodamnia lancifolia A. J. Scott [Isotype] 1979, 33: 442
Rhodamnia novoguineensis A. J. Scott [Isotype] 1979, 33: 444
Rhodamnia parviflora A. J. Scott [Isotype] 1979, 33: 451
Rhodamnia pachyloba A. J. Scott [Isotype] 1979, 33: 447
Eugenia elliptica var. levinervis Fosberg [Isotype] 1978, 33: 134
Syzygium nummularium Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1949, 119
Syzygium hypsipetes Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1949, 120
Syzygium richardsii Airy Shaw [Type] 1949, 122
Syzygium hebephyllum Melville [Isotype] 1955, 293
Syzygium hebephyllum Melville [Isotype] 1955, 293
Syzygium cacuminis var. inthanonense Chantaranothai & J. Parnell [Holotype] 1993, 48 (3): 595
Xanthomyrtus montis-sucklingii A. J. Scott [Isotype] 1979, 33: 472
Xanthomyrtus ovata A. J. Scott [Isotype] 1979, 33: 481
Xanthomyrtus montivaga A. J. Scott [Isotype] 1979, 33: 471
Xanthomyrtus angustifolia A. J. Scott [Isotype] 1979, 33: 466
Kania nettotensis A. J. Scott [Isotype] 1983, 38: 309
Kania platyphylla A. J. Scott [Isotype] 1983, 38: 309
Okenia parviflora Paul G. Wilson [Isotype] 1958, 169
Jasminum decipiens P. S. Green [Isotype] 1995, 50: 570
Jasminum domatiigerum var. orogenes Kiew [Isotype] 2001, 56: 910
Platycoryne mediocris Summerhayes [Isotype] 1958, 13: 72
Disperis katangensis var. minor Verdcourt [Isotype] 1968, 22: 93
Diaphananthe sarcorhynchoides J. B. Hall [Type] 1974, 29: 428
Oberonia longitepala J. J. Wood [Isotype] 1978, 32(2): 449
Oberonia longitepala J. J. Wood [Isotype] 1978, 32(2): 449
Chondroscaphe bicolor Rolfe [PhotoOfType] 1894, 1894: 393
Dendrobium taveuniense Dauncey & P. J. Cribb [Isotype] 1993, 48: 561
Dendrobium samoense Cribb [Isotype] 1983, 37: 584
Dendrobium subclausum var. pandanicola J. J. Wood [Isotype] 1986, 41: 817
Dendrobium subclausum var. speciosum J. J. Wood [Isotype] 1986, 41,4: 818
Neobolusia stolzii var. bombyliiflora P. J. Cribb [Isotype] 1979, 34: 321
Brachycorythis tanganyiekensis Summerhayes [Isotype] 1962, 16: 257
Brachycorythis splendida Summerhayes [Isotype] 1955, [10]: 240
Stolzia compacta subsp. purpurata P. J. Cribb [Isotype] 1978, 33: 83
Ophioglossella chrysostoma Schuiteman & Ormerod [Isotype] 1998, 53(3): 743
Bulbophyllum prorepens Summerhayes [Isotype] 1954, 1953: 581
Coelogyne delavayi Rolfe [Isotype] 1896, 195
Coelogyne henryi Rolfe [Isosyntype] 1896, 195
Angraecum minus Summerhayes [Isotype] 1958, 1958: 264
Angraecum modicum Summerhayes [Isotype] 1958, 1958: 84
Habenaria magnirostris Summerhayes [Isotype] 1960, 14: 132
Habenaria magnirostris Summerhayes [TypeMaterial] 1960, 14: 132
Habenaria gonatosiphon Summerhayes [Isotype] 1960, 14: 134
Habenaria gonatosiphon Summerhayes [TypeMaterial] 1960, 14: 134
Habenaria richardsiae Summerhayes [Isotype] 1960, 14: 131
Habenaria richardsiae Summerhayes [TypeMaterial] 1960, 14: 131
Habenaria amoena Summerhayes [Isotype] 1956, 11: 218
Habenaria amoena Summerhayes [TypeMaterial] 1956, 11: 218
Roscoea nepalensis Cowley [Isotype] 1980, 34: 811
Racemobambos hirta Holttum [Isotype] 1967, 21: 283
Racemobambos multiramosa Holttum [Isotype] 1967, 21: 282
Arundinaria shiuyingiana L. C. Chia & But [Isotype] 1983, 37: 591
Arundinaria shiuyingiana L. C. Chia & But [Isotype] 1983, 37: 591
Nastus longispicula Holttum [Isotype] 1967, 21: 287
Nastus hooglandii Holttum [Isotype] 1967, 21: 287
Nastus hooglandii Holttum [Isotype] 1967, 21: 287
Nastus elatus Holttum [Isotype] 1967, 21: 291
Nastus rudimentifer Holttum [Isotype] 1967, 21: 288
Nastus obtusus Holttum [Isotype] 1956, 10: 594
Bambusa chunii L. C. Chia & H. L. Fung [Isotype] 1983, 37: 593
Bambusa chunii L. C. Chia & H. L. Fung [Isotype] 1983, 37: 593
Podosorus angustatus Holttum [Isotype] 1967, 20: 455
Portulaca mauritiensis var. aldabrensis Fosberg [Isotype] 1977, 32: 256
Helicia sleumeri Foreman [Isotype] 1998, 53: 670
Helicia fragilis Foreman [Isotype] 1998, 53: 669
Helicia celatus Foreman [Isotype] 1998, 53: 672
Helicia vanroyenii Foreman [Isotype] 1998, 53: 675
Panopsis rectistyla K. S. Edwards [Isotype] 1993, 48: 650
Panopsis rectistyla K. S. Edwards [Holotype] 1993, 48: 650
Delphinium conocentrum Chatterjee [Isotype] 1948, 57
Timonius corneri K. M. Wong [Isotype] 1988, 43: 500
Psychotria linderi Hepper [Isotype] 1962, 16: 335
Psychotria linderi Hepper [Isotype] 1962, 16: 335
Gaertnera cooperi Hutchinson & M. B. Moss [Isotype] 1937, 1937: 62
Euodia obtusifolia var. cuneifolia Coode [Isotype] 1975, 30: 220
Payena khoonmengiana J. T. Pereira [Isotype] 1997, 52: 912
Payena kinabaluensis J. T. Pereira [Isotype] 1997, 52: 914
Buchnera retrorsa Philcox [Isotype] 1965, 18: 279
Buchnera tenuissima Philcox [Isotype] 1965, 18: 280
Buchnera spruceana Philcox [Isotype] 1965, 18: 292
Solanum linnaeanum Hepper & P-M. L. Jaeger [Isotype] 1986, 41: 435
Solanum welwitschii var. strictum C. H. Wright [Type] 1894, 1894: 127
Solanum welwitschii var. strictum C. H. Wright [Isosyntype] 1894, 1894: 127
Solanum burttdavyi Dunkley [Isotype] 1937, 1937: 471
Sterculia elliptica Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1949, 161
Styrax lacei W. W. Smith [Holotype] 1911, 1911: 344
Adinandra greenwayi Verdcourt [Isotype] 1953, 84
Camellia euphlebia Merrill ex Sealy [Holotype] 1949, 216
Camellia assimiloides Sealy [Isotype] 1949, 215
Camellia gracilipes Merrill ex Sealy [Holotype] 1949, 218
Camellia handelii Sealy [Isotype] 1949, 219
Camellia cuspidata var. grandiflora Sealy [Isotype] 1949, 216
Symplococarpon australe Sandwith & Kobuski [Isotype] 1952, 249
Symplococarpon australe Sandwith & Kobuski [Isotype] 1952, 249
Gonystylus areolatus Domke ex Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1952, 1952: 73
Gonystylus nobilis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 271
Gonystylus nobilis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 271
Gonystylus spectabilis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 269
Gonystylus lucidulus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1963, 17: 447
Gonystylus costalis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 269
Gonystylus eximius Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1973, 28: 267
Trigoniastrum hypoleucum var. viride Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1940, 253
Trigoniastrum hypoleucum var. viride Airy Shaw [Holotype] 1940, 253
Ulmus chumlia Melville & Heybroek [Isotype] 1971, 26: 14
Ulmus wallichiana var. tomentosa Melville & Heybroek [Isotype] 1971, 26: 10
Distyliopsis lanata Brummit & Utteridge [Isotype] 2003, 58: 728
Allantospermum borneense Forman [Isotype] 1965, 19: 517
Cunila ramamoorthiana M. R. Garcia-Pena [Isotype] 1989, 44: 727
Abdulmajidia chaniana Whitmore [Isotype] 1974, 29: 209
Utricularia perversa P. Taylor [Isotype] 1986, 41: 16
Utricularia hintonii P. Taylor [Isotype] 1986, 41: 8
Lilium lophophorum var. linearifolium Sealy [Isotype] 1950, 5: 294
Romnalda grallata R. J. F. Henderson [Isotype] 1982, 37: 229
Polygonatum filipes Merrill ex C. Jeffrey & McEwan [Isotype] 1980, 34: 445
Listera oblata S. C. Chen [Isotype] 1981, 35(4): 759
Listera oblata S. C. Chen [Isotype] 1981, 35(4): 759
Listera yunnanensis S. C. Chen [Isotype] 1981, 35(4): 759
Utricularia petersoniae P. Taylor [Isotype] 1986, 41(1): 8
Utricularia helix P. Taylor [Isotype] 1986, 41(1): 4
Masdevallia quilichaoesis Lehmann & Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1925, 110
Cleistocalyx phengklaii Chantaranothai & J. Parnell [Isotype] 1993, 48(3): 591
Hypserpa polyandra var. tomentosa Forman [Isotype] 1968, 22: 360
Aneilema pomeridianum Stanfield & Brenan [Isotype] 1961, 15: 217
Aneilema pomeridianum Stanfield & Brenan [Isotype] 1961, 15: 217
Thyrsanthemum goldianum D. R. Hunt [Isotype] 1976, 31: 410
Hyptis maya Harley [Isotype] 2011, 66: 172
Triplophyllum dicksonioides Holttum [Isotype] 1986, 41: 257
Vanda ongitepala D. L. Roberts, L. M. Gardiner & Motes [Isotype] 2009, 63(3): 495 (-497; fig. 1)
Amyxa taemiocera Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1950, 5(1): 146
Gonystylus pendulus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1950, 5(10: 141
Gonystylus pendulus Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1950, 5(10: 141
Gonystylus affinis var. elegans Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1973, 28(2): 268
Syzygium arcanum P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 108
Syzygium calcimonatanum P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 114
Syzygium cornuflorum P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 116
Syzygium crypteronioides P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 118
Syzygium eugeniforme P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 118
Syzygium faciflorum P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 118
Syzygium fossiramulosum P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 121
Syzygium idrisii P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 125
Syzygium iliasii P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 125
Syzygium imperialis P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 127
Syzygium soepadmoi P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 136
Syzygium stipitatum P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 138
Syzygium tenuicorticum P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 140
Syzygium valdecoriaceum P. S. Ashton [Isotype] 2006, 61(1): 142
Derris submontana Verdcourt [Isotype] 1978, 32(2): 465
Kielmeyera peruviana Saddi [Isotype] 1984, 39(4): 741
Kielmeyera peruviana Saddi [Isotype] 1984, 39(4): 741
Pentaphragma acuminatum Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1953, 8(2): 248
Meiogyne papuana I. M. Turner & Utteridge [Isotype] 2015, 70(2)-27: 2
Ctenopteris hymenophylloides Parris [Isotype] 2004, 59: 221
Grammitis velutina Parris [Isotype] 2004, 59: 220
Licania cardiophylla G. T. Prance [Isotype] 1992, 47(4): 637
Cololejeunea hirta Stephani [Type] 1899, 12: 125
Drypetes dasyneura Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1971, 25: 503
Drypetes kikir Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 60
Drypetes eriocarpa Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1968, 21: 360
Drypetes ochrodasya Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1981, 36: 289
Drypetes oxyodonta Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1969, 23: 57
Drypetes prunifera Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1965, 19: 304
Drypetes subcubica var. hermaphrodita Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1974, 20: 300
Drypetes glaberrima Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1974, 29: 302
Drypetes convoluta Airy Shaw [Isotype] 1965, 19: 307
Teijsmanniodendron latiffii Rusea [Isotype] 2010, 64(4): 604
Bauhinia brevipedicellata Jarvie [Holotype] 1998, 53: 495
Licania megalophylla Prance [Isotype] 1991, 46(1): 105
Barringtonia belagaensis Chantaranothai [Isotype] 1995, 50(4): 695
Platostoma cambodgense var. subulatum S. Suddee [Isotype] 2005, 60: 62
Habenaria myodes Summerhayes [Isotype] 1962, 16(2): 287
Corybas ramosianus J. Dransfield [Isotype] 1986, 41(3): 611
Corybas ramosianus J. Dransfield [Isotype] 1986, 41(3): 611
Pilea johnsii A. K. Monro [Isotype] 2005, 59(4): 576
Olearia dibrachiata D. J. N. Hind & R. J. Johns [Isotype] 2014, 69(2)-9515: 1
Ipomoea megalantha J. R. I. Wood & Scotland [Isotype] 2017, 72(1)-9: 18
Talbotiella cheekii Burgt [Isotype] 2018, 73(2)-26: 2
Trisetum scitulum Bor [Isotype] 1956, 11(2): 212
Megalastrum gompholepis R. C. Moran & J. Prado [Isotype] 2010, 65: 168
Megalastrum longiglandulosum R. C. Moran [Isotype] 2010, 65: 171
Megalastrum longiglandulosum R. C. Moran [Isotype] 2010, 65: 171
Stemonurus corrugatus Utteridge & Schori [Isotype] 2009, 64(2): 327
Cyrtandra dinocalyx G. W. Gillett [Isotype] 1975, 30(2): 375
Cerosora sumatrana Holttum [Isotype] 1959, 13(3): 450
Seddera namibica Sebsebe [Isotype] 2009, 64(2): 214
Cyathea alleniae Holttum [Isotype] 1962, 16: 52
Cyathea alleniae Holttum [Isotype] 1962, 16: 52
Cyathea alleniae Holttum [Isotype] 1962, 16: 52
Cyathea alleniae Holttum [Isotype] 1962, 16: 52
Elaeocarpus timikensis Coode [Isotype] 7 Jun 2001, 56(2): 454
Poa imperialis Bor [Isolectotype] 1958, 12(3): 414
Elaeocarpus rosselensis Coode [Isotype] 2019, 74, 36: 5
Vaccinium staufferianum Danet [Isotype] 2023, 2023: [9 of 14]
Elaeocarpus bilongvinas M. J. E. Coode [Isotype] 15 Oct 1980, 35(2): 247
Megalastrum glabrum R. C. Moran & J. Prado [Isotype] 2010, 65(2): 168
Elaeocarpus sepikanus var. microcarpus Coode [Isotype] 19 Jan 2024, 79(1): [6 of 8]
Elaeocarpus sepikanus var. polyneurus Coode [Isotype] 19 Jan 2024, 79(1): [6 of 8]
Elaeocarpus sepikanus var. latifolius Coode [Isotype] 19 Jan 2024, 79(1): [5 of 8]
Elaeocarpus polydactylus var. microphyllus Coode [Isotype] 19 Jan 2024, 79(1): [3 of 8]
Hippocratea kennedyi Hoyle [Isotype] 1932, 1932: 263
Drypetes fusiformis Airy Shaw [Isotype] 28 Mar 1969, 23(1): 62
Alsophila telefominensis Lehnert [Isotype] 2019, 74(3)-46: 18
Alsophila calcicola Lehnert [Isotype] 2019, 74(3)-46: 2
Alsophila indiscriminata Lehnert [Isotype] 2019, 74(3)-46: 5
Alsophila indiscriminata Lehnert [Isotype] 2019, 74(3)-46: 5
Alsophila indiscriminata Lehnert [Isotype] 2019, 74(3)-46: 5
Alsophila excelsior Lehnert [Isotype] 2019, 74(3)-46: 3
Alsophila excelsior Lehnert [Isotype] 2019, 74(3)-46: 3
Alsophila excelsior Lehnert [Isotype] 2019, 74(3)-46: 3
Alsophila excelsior Lehnert [Isotype] 2019, 74(3)-46: 3
Alsophila excelsior Lehnert [Isotype] 2019, 74(3)-46: 3
Cayratia novaeguineaensis Grace Flanagan [Isotype] 2025, 80(1): [10 of 18]
Cayratia novaeguineaensis Grace Flanagan [Isotype] 2025, 80(1): [10 of 18]
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 50 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Lasiolaena blanchetii (Schultz Bipontinus) King & H. Robinson [Isolectotype] 2000 ("1999"), 54(4): 916Lasiolaena blanchetii (Schultz Bipontinus) King & H. Robinson [Isolectotype] 2000 ("1999"), 54(4): 916
Aframomum lycobasis K. Schumann [Isolectotype] 1980, 35:
Myrtus trinervia Loureiro [Isoneotype (Isoneotype designation)] 1979, 33: 438
Roscoea auriculata Smith [Isoneotype (Isoneotype designation)] 1982, 36: 757
Disemma barclayi Seemann [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1972, 26(3): 548
Canthium tekbe Aubréville & Pellegrin [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1985, 40: 699
Elaeocarpus baramensis R. Knuth [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2001, 56 (4): 551
Ocimum dichotomum Hochstetter ex Bentham [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1992, 47: 426
Plectranthus griffithii Hooker f. [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2004, 59: 316
Ocimum lamiifolium Hochstetter ex Bentham [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1992, 47: 430
Monocera petiolata Jack [Isoneotype (Isoneotype designation)] 1998, 53 (1): 110
Monocera petiolata Jack [Isoneotype (Isoneotype designation)] 1998, 53 (1): 110
Monocera petiolata Jack [Isoneotype (Isoneotype designation)] 1998, 53 (1): 110
Stenocline chionaea de Candolle [Isosyntype (Isosyntype designation)] 1993, 48: 256
Debregeasia ceylonica Hooker f. [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1994, 49: 468
Scleria lacustris C. Wright [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1966, 18(3): 517
Jasminum pulvinatum W. W. Smith [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2001, 56: 913
Monocera petiolata Jack [Isoneotype (Isoneotype designation)] 1998, 53 (1): 110
Lamiacanthus viscosus Kuntze [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2003, 58: 70
Prescottia truncicola Schlechter [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2007, 62(4): 651
Prescottia truncicola Schlechter [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 2007, 62(4): 653
Prescottia smithii Schlechter [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2007, 62: 653
Prescottia ostenii Pabst [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2007, 62(4): 653
Prescottia ostenii Pabst [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2007, 62(4): 653
Echites procumbens Blanco [Isoneotype] 1996, 51: 472
Echites procumbens Blanco [Isoneotype] 1996, 51: 472
Premna regularis H. J. Lam [Isolectotype] 2013, 68: 70
Prescottia filiformis Schlechter [Lectotype] 2007, 62: 654
Prescottia gracilis Schlechter [Lectotype] 2007, 62: 654
Gomphocarpus sinaicus Boissier [Isolectotype] 2001, 56: 806
Melinia campanulata Schlechter [Isolectotype] 2004, 59: 436
Teijsmanniodendron bogoriense Koorders [Isoneotype] 2010, 64(4): 593
Callicarpa albidotomentosa Merrill [Isolectotype] 2013, 68: 374
Callicarpa megalantha Merrill [Isoneotype] 2013, 68: 406
Scyphochlamys revoluta I. B. Balfour [Isolectotype] 1983, 37: 567
Eugenia cinerea Kurz [Isolectotype] 1993, 48(3): 596
Eugenia cinerea Kurz [Isolectotype] 1993, 48(3): 596
Eugenia cinerea Kurz [Isolectotype] 1993, 48(3): 596
Amomum subsericeum Oliver & D. Hanbury [Isolectotype] 1980, 35:
Amomum subsericeum Oliver & D. Hanbury [Isolectotype] 1980, 35:
Dryopteris karsteniana var. heydei C. Christensen [Lectotype] 2010, 65: 170
Aspidium karstenianum var. navarrense Christ [Lectotype] 2010, 65: 147
Porlieria arida Rusby [Isolectotype (https://doi.org/10.1007/s12225-021-09983-y: Page without number)] ,
Porlieria arida Rusby [Isolectotype (https://doi.org/10.1007/s12225-021-09983-y: Page without number)] ,
Diospyros rubicunda Gürke [Isolectotype] 2007, 62(4): 639
Alpinia musifolia Ridley [Isolectotype] 2022, 77: 543
Alpinia vulcanica Elmer [Isolectotype] 2022, 77: 550
Carex crassiflora Kükenthal [Neotype (P. Jiménez-Mejías, M. Fabbroni & A. Haigh )] 2020, 75(1): 2-3
Cayratia lineata Merrill & L. M. Perry [Isoneotype] 2025, 80(1): 8-9