Title | Plantae Preissianae ... Hamburg |
Abbreviation | Pl. Preiss. |
Authors | J. G. C. Lehmann |
Publication Dates | 2 vols., 1844-1847[-1848] |
TL2 | 4.332 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 77 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Thomasia rulingioides Steudel [Isotype] 1845, 1: 232Thomasia discolor Steudel [Isotype] 1845, 1: 233
Carex preissii Nees [Syntype] 1846, 2: 94
Eutaxia ericoides Meisner [Isosyntype] 1845, 1: 63
Eutaxia ericoides var. filicaulis C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1844, 1: 64
Gompholobium shuttleworthii C. F. W. Meissner [Isosyntype] 1844, 1: 39
Gompholobium shuttleworthii C. F. W. Meissner [Isosyntype] 1844, 1: 39
Gompholobium shuttleworthii C. F. W. Meissner [Isosyntype] 1844, 1: 39
Bossiaea pulchella Meisner [Isotype] 1844, 1: 84
Daviesia hakeoides f. intermedia C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1844, 1: 47
Daviesia hakeoides f. robusta C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1844, 1: 47
Gastrolobium tricuspidatum C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1844, 1: 66
Burtonia tenella Meisner [Isotype] 1845, 1: 42
Aotus gracillima C. F. W. Meissner [Syntype] 1844, 1: 59
Aotus gracillima C. F. W. Meissner [Syntype] 1844, 1: 59
Jacksonia dumosa C. F. W. Meissner [Isosyntype] 1844, 1: 44
Jacksonia restioides C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1844, 1: 46
Jacksonia racemosa C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1848, 2: 212
Jacksonia gracilis C. F. W. Meissner [Type] 1844, 1: 44
Goodenia geniculata de Vriese [Type] 1845, 1: 413
Goodenia geniculata de Vriese [Type] 1845, 1: 413
Lechenaultia pallescens var. congesta de Vriese [Type] 1845, 1: 415
Trichinium mucronatum Nees [Isotype] , 1: 628
Trichinium humile Nees [Isotype] , 1: 628
Pachysurus angianthoides Steetz [Type] 1845, 1: 442
Gymnogyne cotuloides Steetz [Type] 1845, 1: 432
Silphiosperma perpusillum Steetz [Isolectotype] 1845, 1: 434
Silphiosperma glandulosum Steetz [Isolectotype] 1845, 1: 433
Ixiolaena chrysantha Steetz [Type] , 1: 459
Phyllocalymma filaginoides Steetz [Isosyntype] 1845, 1: 437
Phyllocalymma filaginoides Steetz [Isosyntype] 1845, 1: 437
Brachyscome pusilla Steetz [Isosyntype] 1845, 1: 427
Pteropogon spicatus Steetz [Isolectotype] 1845, 1: 479
Chthonocephalus pseudovax Steetz [Type] 1845, 1: 445
Hyalosperma stricta Steetz [Type] ,
Acacia acuminata var. ciliata C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1844, 1: 19
Myoporum brevifolium Bartling [Syntype] , 1: 350
Myoporum brevifolium Bartling [Syntype] , 1: 350
Melaleuca petagona var. subulifolia Schauer [Syntype] 1845, 1(4)
Dryandra praemorsa C. F. W. Meissner [Type] 1848, 2: 265
Adenanthos cunninghamii C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1845, 1: 513
Grevillea ornithopoda Meisner [Isolectotype] 1848, 2: 256
Grevillea petrophiloides C. F. W. Meissner [Isolectotype] 1848, 2: 257
Grevillea hakeoides C. F. W. Meissner [Isolectotype] 1848, 2: 252
Grevillea leptobotrys Meisner [Isolectotype] 1848, 2: 256
Grevillea bracteosa Meisner [Isolectotype] 1848, 2: 254
Grevillea shuttleworthiana Meisner [Isosyntype] 1848, 2: 258
Grevillea umbellulata Meisner [Isolectotype] 1848, 2: 252
Grevillea umbellulata Meisner [Isolectotype] 1848, 2: 252
Grevillea scabra Meisner [Isolectotype] 1845, 1: 541
Grevillea synapheae var. latiloba Meisner [Isolectotype] 1848, 2: 259
Pomaderris pyrrophylla var. ramisior Steudel [Isotype] 1844, 1: 183
Choretrum preissianum Miquel [Isotype] 1845, 1: 608
Xerotes spartea Endlicher [Type] , 2: 51
Conostylis melanopogon Endlicher [Isotype] 1846, 2: 18
Conostylis involucrata Endlicher [Isotype] 1846, 2: 23
Conostylis festucacea Endlicher [Isotype] 1846, 2: 18
Conostylis misera Endlicher [Isotype] 1846, 2: 22
Conostylis occulta Endlicher [Isotype] 1846, 2: 22
Conostylis spathacea Endlicher [Isotype] 1846, 2: 22
Arnocrinum drummondii Endlicher ex Lehmann [Isosyntype] 1846, 2: 41
Chrysodiscus niveus Steetz [Isotype] 1845, 1(3): 460
Pimelea angustifolia var. major Meisner [Isosyntype] 1848, 2(2-3): 269
Pimelea rosea var. calocephala Meisner [Isolectotype] 1845, 1(4): 602
Pimelea suaveolens Meisner [Isosyntype] 1845, 1(4): 603
Grevillea biformis Meisner [Isolectotype] 1848, 2: 258
Grevillea candolleana Meisner [Isolectotype] 1845, 1(4): 541
Grevillea candolleana Meisner [Isolectotype] 1845, 1(4): 541
Grevillea attenuata A. Cunningham ex Meisner [Isotype] 1845, 1: 538
Grevillea attenuata A. Cunningham ex Meisner [Isotype] 1845, 1: 538
Grevillea lindleyana Meisner [Isosyntype] 1845, 1(4): 542
Grevillea lindleyana Meisner [Isosyntype] 1845, 1(4): 542
Grevillea lindleyana Meisner [Isosyntype] 1845, 1(4): 542
Grevillea manglesioides var. sericea Meisner [Isolectotype] 1848, 2: 255
Grevillea oxystigma var. tenella Meisner [Isolectotype] 1845, 1: 540
Grevillea drummondii Meisner [Isolectotype] 1845, 1: 536
Grevillea preissii Meisner [Isolectotype] 1845, 1: 543