Title | Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington |
Abbreviation | Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington |
Publication Dates | Vol. 1+, 1882+ |
URL | http://fig.lib.harvard.edu/fig/?bib=000128654 |
BPH | 726.25 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 314 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Odostemon longipes Standley [Isotype] 1918, 31: 133Odostemon quinquefolius Standley [Isotype] 1918, 31: 133
Allocarya corallicarpa Piper [Holotype] 1924, 37(13): 93
Allocarya aculeolata Piper [Isotype] 1924, 37(13): 94
Allocarya lamprocarpa Piper [Isotype] 1924, 37: 94
Cryptantha scabrida Piper [Isotype] 1924, 37: 95
Cryptantha hillmanii A. Nelson & Kennedy [Type] 1906, 19: 157
Oreocarya shantzii Tidestrom [Type] 1913, 26: 122
Arabis crucisetosa Constance & Rollins [Isotype] 1936, 49: 147
Arabis crucisetosa Constance & Rollins [Isotype] 1936, 49: 147
Arabis nevadensis Tidestrom [Isotype] 1923, 36: 182
Cardamine oregana Piper [Type] 1924, 37: 92
Erysimum asperum var. perenne S. Watson ex Coville [Isotype] 1892, 7: 70
Rorippa pectinata A. Nelson [Type] 1907, 20: 35
Draba ruaxes Payson & H. St. John [Isotype] 1930, 43: 117
Draba caeruleomontana var. piperi Payson & H. St. John [Isotype] 1930, 43: 120
Draba lonchocarpa var. semitonosa H. St. John [Isotype] 1930, 43: 113
Cassia littoralis Pollard [Isotype] 1902, 15: 20
Chamaecrista belluda Pollard [Isotype] 1902, 15: 19
Viburnum mendax C. V. Morton [Type] 1936, 49: 154
Viburnum blandum var. vulcanicum C. V. Morton [Isotype] 1936, 49: 154
Viburnum matudae C. V. Morton [Type] 1938, 51: 215
Viburnum discolor var. subcordatum C. V. Morton [Type] 1936, 49: 153
Viburnum discolor f. integrum C. V. Morton [Type] 1936, 49: 153
Drymaria gentryi Fosberg [Isotype] 1949, 62: 147
Atriplex matamorensis A. Nelson [Holotype] 1904, 17: 99
Cyathea abbottii Maxon [Isotype] 1924, 37: 98
Hypolepis grandis Lellinger [Isotype] 1985, 98: 385
Stephanopodium aptotum L. C. Wheeler [Holotype] 1940, 53: 7
Dioscorea insignis C. V. Morton & B. G. Schubert [Isotype] 1972, 84: 447
Rajania wilsoniana C. V. Morton [Isotype] 1933, 46: 85
Dryopteris nubigens Maxon & C. V. Morton [Isotype] 1939, 50: 179
Diospyros anisandra S. F. Blake [Type] 1921, 34: 44
Euphorbia hooveri L. C. Wheeler [Holotype] 1940, 53: 9
Euphorbia hooveri L. C. Wheeler [Isotype] 1940, 53: 9
Euphorbia golondrina L. C. Wheeler [Isotype] 1940, 53: 8
Stylosanthes macrocarpa S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1920, 33(9): 47
Stylosanthes macrosoma S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1920, 33: 52
Stylosanthes subsericea S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1920, 33: 50
Hedysarum uintahense A. Nelson [Isotype] 1902, 15: 186
Lathyrus pedunculatus H. St. John [Isotype] 1928, 41: 195
Lathyrus coriaceus var. aridus Piper [Isotype] 1918, 31: 190
Phaseolus chiapasensis Piper [Isotype] 1921, 34: 41
Oxytropis columbiana H. St. John [Isotype] 1928, 41: 100
Oxytropis mazama H. St. John [Isotype] 1928, 41: 101
Peteria nevadensis Tidestrom [Isotype] 1923, 36: 183
Astragalus peckii Piper [Isotype] 1924, 37: 92
Aragallus ventosus Greene [Isotype] 1905, 18: 15
Aragallus metcalfei Greene [Isotype] 1905, 18: 12
Aragallus abbreviatus Greene [Isotype] 1905, 18: 12
Aragallus falcatus Greene [Isotype] 1905, 18: 13
Aragallus hudsonicus Greene [Isotype] 1905, 18: 17
Gentiana citrina Pollard [Isotype] 1900, 13: 130
Besleria disgrega C. V. Morton [Type] 1935, 48: 74
Aphelandra gracilis Leonard [Type] 1943, 56: 54
Notholaena bryopoda Maxon [Isotype] 1905, 18: 205
Notholaena bryopoda Maxon [Isotype] 1905, 18: 205
Apocynum urceolifer G. S. Miller [Isotype] 1899, 13: 85
Apocynum speciosum Miller [Type] 1899, 13: 83
Boerlagiodendron puniceopolleniferum B. C. Stone [Isotype] 1962, 75: 27
Aristolochia malacophylla Standley [Isotype] 1920, 33: 65
Polystichum krugii Maxon [Isotype] 1905, 18: 215
Polystichum krugii Maxon [Isotype] 1905, 18: 215
Asplenium excelsum Lellinger [Isotype] 1985, 98: 369
Asplenium maxonii Lellinger [Isotype] 1985, 98: 372
Asplenium gomezianum Lellinger [Isotype] 1985, 98: 371
Asplenium cuspidatum var. triculum Lellinger [Isotype] 1985, 98: 367
Raillardella nevadensis A. Nelson & P. B. Kennedy [Isotype] 1906, 19: 38
Otopappus salazari S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1919, 32: 192
Machaeranthera latifolia A. Nelson [Isotype] 1907, 20: 38
Lepidospartum striatum Coville [Isotype] 1892, 7: 73
Verbesina aligera S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1931, 44: 79
Verbesina killipii S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1931, 44: 82
Verbesina killipii S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1931, 44: 82
Verbesina retifera S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1931, 44: 81
Brickellia desertorum Coville [Holotype] 1892, 7: 68
Brickellia robinsoniana S. F. Blake [Holotype] 1941, 54: 17
Aster argillicolus M. Peck [Isotype] 1934, 47: 188
Helianthus agrestis Pollard [Type] 1900, 13: 184
Helianthus agrestis Pollard [Type] 1900, 13: 184
Cirsium clokeyi S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1938, 51: 10
Cirsium clokeyi S. F. Blake [Syntype] 1938, 51: 10
Cirsium clokeyi S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1938, 51: 10
Cirsium clokeyi S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1938, 51: 10
Cirsium clokeyi S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1938, 51: 10
Cirsium clokeyi S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1938, 51: 10
Baccharis chachapoyasensis Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1964, 77: 138
Baccharis chachapoyasensis Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1964, 77: 138
Baccharis tricuneata f. calaensis Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1964, 77: 140
Antennaria soliceps S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1938, 51: 7
Antennaria solstitialis Lunell [Type] 1907, 20: 39
Senecio wurdackii Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1964, 77: 153
Senecio aclydiphyllus Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1964, 77: 149
Senecio callacallensis Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1964, 77: 151
Senecio jalcanus Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1964, 77: 152
Tetraneuris linearifolia var. latior Cockerell [Isotype] 1904, 17: 112
Dimerostemma grazielae H. Robinson [Isotype] 1984, 97: 623
Viguiera phenax S. F. Blake [Holotype] 1941, 54: 19
Hymenostephium superaxillare S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1924, 37: 57
Perityle trichodonta S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1924, 37: 60
Haplopappus gilmanii S. F. Blake [Holotype] 1939, 52: 97
Haplopappus wigginsii S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1935, 48: 169
Haplopappus johnstonii S. F. Blake [Holotype] 1941, 54: 18
Haplopappus lehmannii var. subcalvus S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1935, 48: 173
Notoptera leptocephala S. F. Blake [Holotype] 1921, 34: 46
Notoptera leptocephala S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1921, 34: 46
Heliopsis lanceolata S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1940, 53: 71
Thelesperma subaequale S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1928, 4: 145
Thelesperma ramosius S. F. Blake [Holotype] 1941, 54: 20
Diplostephium wurdackii Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1964, 77: 135
Diplostephium callaense Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1964, 77: 130
Diplostephium konotrichum Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1964, 77: 131
Diplostephium apiculatum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1936, 49: 79
Diplostephium apiculatum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1936, 49: 79
Diplostephium apiculatum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1936, 49: 79
Diplostephium glutinosum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1936, 49: 78
Diplostephium glutinosum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1936, 49: 78
Diplostephium glutinosum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1936, 49: 78
Diplostephium glutinosum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1936, 49: 78
Diplostephium foliosissimum S. F. Blake [Holotype] 1936, 49: 80
Diplostephium vaccinioides S. F. Blake [Holotype] 1936, 49: 77
Stylocline arizonica Coville [Isotype] 1892, 7: 79
Erigeron seneciiformis S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1923, 36: 51
Mutisia venusta S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1933, 46: 191
Xanthium commune var. wootonii Cockerell [TypeMaterial] 1903, 16: 9
Anastraphia enneantha S. F. Blake [Type] 1924, 37: 60
Anastraphia enneantha S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1924, 37: 60
Oritrophium aciculifolium Cuatrecasas [Isotype] 1963, 77: 137
Grindelia oolepis S. F. Blake [Type] 1928, 41: 139-140
Maieta glandulifera Standley [Isotype] 1924, 37: 52
Guarea heterophylla S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1921, 34: 116
Guarea polyantha S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1921, 34: 117
Guarea polyantha S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1921, 34: 117
Guarea chiapensis S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1921, 34: 116
Guarea chiapensis S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1921, 34: 116
Guarea excelsa var. dubia S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1921, 34: 116
Guarea excelsa var. dubia S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1921, 34: 116
Cedrela discolor S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1920, 33: 108
Cedrela ciliolata S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1921, 34: 115
Cedrela rotunda S. F. Blake [Type] 1920, 33: 109
Cedrela rosei S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1920, 33: 108
Cedrela Whitfordii S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1920, 33: 110
Cedrela Whitfordii S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1920, 33: 110
Cedrela Whitfordii S. F. Blake [Type] 1920, 33: 110
Cedrela Whitfordii S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1920, 33: 110
Cedrela Whitfordii S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1920, 33: 110
Cedrela Whitfordii S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1920, 33: 110
Cedrela Whitfordii S. F. Blake [Type] 1920, 33: 110
Cedrela Whitfordii S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1920, 33: 110
Hyperbaena ilicifolia Standley [Isotype] 1924, 37: 43
Acacia gaumeri S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1921, 34: 44
Acacia dolichostachya Blake [Isotype] 1921, 34: 43
Brosimum columbianum S. F. Blake [Type] 1922, 35: 179
Brosimum columbianum S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1922, 35: 179
Parathesis prionophylla Standley [Isotype] 1924, 37: 46
Mirabilis macfarlanei Constance & Rollins [Isotype] 1936, 49: 148
Mirabilis macfarlanei Constance & Rollins [Isotype] 1936, 49: 148
Mirabilis macfarlanei Constance & Rollins [Isotype] 1936, 49: 148
Mirabilis macfarlanei Constance & Rollins [Isotype] 1936, 49: 148
Epidendrum pringlei Rolfe [Syntype] 1904, 17: 120
Epidendrum pringlei Rolfe [Syntype] 1904, 17: 120
Epidendrum pringlei Rolfe [DrawingOfType] 1904, 17: 120
Epidendrum pringlei Rolfe [Holotype] 1904, 17: 120
Epidendrum pringlei Rolfe [Isotype] 1904, 17: 120
Epidendrum oaxacanum Rolfe & Ames [DrawingOfType] 1904, 17: 120
Epidendrum oaxacanum Rolfe & Ames [Syntype] 1904, 17: 120
Epidendrum oaxacanum Rolfe & Ames [Syntype] 1904, 17: 120
Erythrodes killipii Ames [Isotype] 1921, 34: 150
Erythrodes killipii Ames [Holotype] 1921, 34: 150
Erythrodes killipii Ames [PhotoOfType] 1921, 34: 150
Erythrodes killipii Ames [DrawingOfType] 1921, 34: 150
Dendrobium micholitzii Rolfe ex Ames [Holotype] 1904, 17: 119
Bletia nelsonii Ames [DrawingOfType] 1922, 25: 82
Bletia nelsonii Ames [DrawingOfType] 1922, 25: 82
Bletia edwardsii Ames [Holotype] 1932, 45: 1
Scaphyglottis laevilabia Ames [Holotype] 1921, 34: 154
Scaphyglottis laevilabia Ames [Isotype] 1921, 34: 154
Scaphyglottis laevilabia Ames [TypeMaterial] 1921, 34: 154
Acoridium parvulum Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 146
Acoridium tenuifolium Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 145
Acoridium anfractum Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 148
Acoridium recurvum Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 148
Acoridium graminifolium Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 144
Acoridium venustulum Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 147
Acoridium strictiforme Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 147
Acoridium williamsii Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 143
Acoridium williamsii Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 143
Acoridium williamsii Ames [Holotype] 1906, 19: 143
Acoridium tenue Ames [Holotype] 1906, 19: 145
Acoridium longilabre Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 152
Acoridium graciliscapum Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 152
Acoridium merrilli Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 151
Acoridium turpe Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 149
Acoridium copelandii Ames [Holotype] 1906, 19: 153
Acoridium cucullatum Ames [Holotype] 1906, 19: 153
Acoridium ocellatum Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 151
Acoridium oliganthum Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 150
Acoridium philippinense Ames [Isotype] 1906, 19: 149
Pelexia maxonii Ames [Isotype] 1922, 35: 85
Pelexia maxonii Ames [TypeMaterial] 1922, 35: 85
Pelexia maxonii Ames [TypeMaterial] 1922, 35: 85
Aa rosei Ames [DrawingOfType] 1922, 35: 81
Aa rosei Ames [TypeMaterial] 1922, 35: 81
Malaxis tepicana Ames [DrawingOfType] 1922, 35:83
Malaxis tepicana Ames [Isotype] 1922, 35:83
Malaxis tepicana Ames [Isotype] 1922, 35:83
Malaxis mexicana Ames [DrawingOfType] 1922, 35: 82
Malaxis rosei Ames [Holotype] 1922, 35: 83
Pleurothallis lewisae Ames [DrawingOfType] 1931, 44: 42
Pleurothallis lewisae Ames [Holotype] 1931, 44: 42
Pleurothallis falcotiloba Ames [Holotype] 1921, 34: 152
Pleurothallis unguicallosa Ames & C. Schweinfurth [Isotype] 1930, 43: 195
Pleurothallis unguicallosa Ames & C. Schweinfurth [TypeMaterial] 1930, 43: 195
Pleurothallis palliolata Ames [DrawingOfType] 1922, 35: 86
Camaridium grandiflorum Ames [Holotype] 1921, 34: 149
Camaridium grandiflorum Ames [DrawingOfType] 1921, 34: 149
Lepanthes hondurensis Ames [Holotype] 1931, 44: 43
Stelis johnsonii Ames [Holotype] 1922, 35: 87
Stelis johnsonii Ames [TypeMaterial] 1922, 35: 87
Ornithocephalus lanuginosus Ames [DrawingOfType] 1921, 34: 152
Ornithocephalus lanuginosus Ames [Holotype] 1921, 34: 152
Scaphosepalum longirepens Ames [Isotype] 1921, 34: 153
Habenaria sanbornii Ames [Isotype] 1903, 16: 117
Habenaria sanbornii Ames [Isotype] 1903, 16: 117
Habenaria sanbornii Ames [Isotype] 1903, 16: 117
Habenaria sanbornii Ames [Isotype] 1903, 16: 117
Habenaria sanbornii Ames [Holotype] 1903, 16: 117
Habenaria sanbornii Ames [Isotype] 1903, 16: 117
Habenaria sanbornii Ames [Isotype] 1903, 16: 117
Habenaria patentiloba Ames [Holotype] 1921, 34: 151
Habenaria patentiloba Ames [DrawingOfType] 1921, 34: 151
Habenaria patentiloba Ames [TypeMaterial] 1921, 34: 151
Pandanus tahitensis var. niueana B. C. Stone [Type] 1967, 80: 55
Pandanus tahitensis var. niueana B. C. Stone [Type] 1967, 80: 55
Arctomecon humilis Coville [Holotype] 1892, 7: 67
Fagonia longipes Standley [Isotype] 1911, 24: 250
Bromus pinetorum Swallen [Isotype] 1943, 56: 77
Bromus marginatus subsp. maritimus Piper [Isotype] 1905, 18: 148
Andropogon maderensis Swallen [Isotype] 1943, 56: 82
Andropogon spadiceus Swallen [Isotype] 1943, 56: 82
Muhlenbergia pubigluma Swallen [Isotype] 1943, 56: 78
Stipa alta Swallen [Isotype] 1943, 56: 79
Eriochloa michauxii var. simpsonii Hitchcock [Isotype] 1928, 41: 163
Panicum lithophilum Swallen [Isotype] 1941, 54: 43
Epicampes leptoura Piper [Isotype] 1905, 18: 143
Bouteloua johnstonii Swallen [Isotype] 1943, 56: 79
Bouteloua eriopoda var. eriostachya Swallen [Isotype] 1943, 56: 81
Chusquea heydei Hitchcock [Isotype] 1927, 40: 80
Axonopus rosei Chase [Isotype] 1911, 24: 132.
Axonopus rosei Chase [Isotype] 1911, 24: 132.
Melica montezumae Piper [Isotype] 1905, 18: 144
Poa cottonii Piper [Isotype] 1905, 18: 146
Poa brachyglossa Piper [Isotype] 1905, 18: 145
Poa pachypholis Piper [Isotype] 1905, 18: 146
Podocarpus guatemalensis Standley [Isotype] 1924, 37: 49
Collomia mazama Coville [Isotype] 1897, 2: 35
Securidaca leiocarpa S. F. Blake [Type] 1927, 40: 52
Polygala bermudensis S. F. Blake [Type] 1930, 43: 161
Ruprechtia occidentalis Standley [Isotype] 1920, 33: 66
Rumex mexicanus var. strictus M. Peck [Isotype] 1934, 47: 185
Eriogonum eximium Tidestrom [Isotype] 1923, 36: 181
Eriogonum commixtum Greene ex Tidestrom [Isotype] 1923, 36: 181
Eriogonum sericoleucum Greene ex Tidestrom [Isotype] 1923, 36: 182
Coccoloba chiapensis Standley [Isotype] 1920, 33: 67
Coccoloba acapulcensis Standley [Isotype] 1920, 33: 66
Coccoloba acapulcensis Standley [Isotype] 1920, 33: 66
Dodecatheon watsonii Tidestrom [Isotype] 1923, 36: 183
Cheilanthes villosa Davenport ex Maxon [Holotype] 1918, 31: 142
Delphinium pinetorum Tidestrom [Isotype] 1913, 26: 121
Vauquelinia australis Standley [Isotype] 1918, 31: 132
Vauquelinia potosina J. H. Painter [Isotype] 1918, 31: 131
Cerasus kelloggiana Greene [Isosyntype] 1905, 18: 58
Cerasus kelloggiana Greene [Isolectotype] 1905, 18: 58
Crataegus caliciglabra Schuette [Type] 1904, 16: 96
Hamelia longipes Standley [Isotype] 1924, 37: 53
Randia millspaughiana S. F. Blake [Type] 1921, 34: 45
Randia millspaughiana S. F. Blake [Type] 1921, 34: 45
Choisya arizonica Standley [Isotype] 1914, 27: 222
Choisya arizonica Standley [Isotype] 1914, 27: 222
Choisya palmeri Standley [Isotype] 1914, 27: 224
Peltostigma eximium C. V. Morton [Isotype] 1933, 46: 83
Castilleja cryptantha Pennell & G. N. Jones [Isotype] 1937, 50: 208
Saracha confinis C. V. Morton [Isotype] 1938, 51: 77
Physalis rigida Pollard & C. R. Ball [Isotype] 1900, 13: 134
Brunfelsia amazonica C. V. Morton [Isotype] 1949, 62: 151
Markea dimorpha C. V. Morton [Isotype] 1945, 58: 1
Ampelocera pubescens C. V. Morton [Isotype] 1958, 71: 153
Ampelocera pubescens C. V. Morton [Isotype] 1958, 71: 153
Ampelocera pubescens C. V. Morton [Isotype] 1958, 71: 153
Pilea rugosissima Killip [Type] 1939, 52: 28
Citharexylum trinervis S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1921, 34: 45
Citharexylum trinervis S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1921, 34: 45
Citharexylum subflavescens S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1922, 35: 122
Vittaria costaricensis Lellinger [Isotype] 1985, 98: 389
Isoetes saccharata var. palmeri A. A. Eaton [Type] 1901, 14: 49
Juncus confusus Coville [Isotype] 1896, 10: 127
Stachys confertiflora Piper [Isotype] 1919, 32: 42
Stachys ciliata subsp. macrantha Piper [Isotype] 1919, 32: 43
Prunella vulgaris var. scaberrima Pollard & C. R. Ball [Isotype] 1900, 13: 134
Mentzelia reflexa Coville [Isotype] 1892, 7: 74
Buddleja utahensis Coville [Isotype] 1892, 7: 69
Lycopodium pensum Lellinger & Mickel [Isotype] 1977, 89: 717
Parsonsia blepharophylla S. F. Blake [Isotype] 1919, 32: 190
Hiraea colombiana C. V. Morton [Isotype] 1933, 46: 88
Sphaeralcea parvifolia A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 17: 94, 95
Sidalcea crenulata A. Nelson [Isotype] 1904, 17: 93
Besleria clivorum C. V. Morton [Isotype] 1935, 48: 75
Cheilanthes wootonii Maxon [Isotype] 1918, 31: 146
Capparis quiriguensis Standley [Isotype] 1924, 37: 52
Thelypteris killipii A. R. Smith & Lellinger [Isotype] 1985, 98(4): 923
Cerasus crenulata Greene [Isotype] 1905, 18(8): 56
Ctenitis skutchii Lellinger [Isotype] 1985, 98: 375
Ctenitis skutchii Lellinger [Isotype] 1985, 98: 375
Lupinus psoraleoides Pollard [Type] 1900, 13: 129
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 3 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Gleichenia brevipubis Christ [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1977, 89: 714Ribes wolfii Rothrock [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1901 [9 Mar 1901], 14: 2
Danaea humilis Spruce ex T. Moore [Isolectotype] 1977, 89: 710