Title | Recueil des Travaux Botaniques Neerlandais. Nijmegen, Netherlands |
Abbreviation | Recueil Trav. Bot. Neerl. |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-42, 1904-50 |
BPH | 759.16 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 93 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Deplanchea sessilifolia Steenis [Type] 1927, 24: 918Radermachera punctata Elmer ex Steenis [Isosyntype] 1927, 24: 982
Radermachera punctata Elmer ex Steenis [Isosyntype] 1927, 24: 982
Radermachera punctata Elmer ex Steenis [Isosyntype] 1927, 24: 982
Radermachera punctata Elmer ex Steenis [Isosyntype] 1927, 24: 982
Radermachera sorsogonensis Elmer ex Steenis [Isotype] 1927, 24: 973
Radermachera sorsogonensis Elmer ex Steenis [Isotype] 1927, 24: 973
Trattinnickia demerarae var. latifolia L. Swart [Isotype] 1942, 39: 207
Protium krukoffii L. Swart [Isotype] 1942, 39: 193
Protium cuneatum L. Swart [Isotype] 1942, 39: 191
Protium pauciflorum L. Swart [Isotype] 1942, 39: 196
Hirtella coppenamensis Kleinhoonte [Isotype] 1933, 30: 180
Licania grisea Kleinhoonte [Isolectotype] 1925, 22: 382
Ipomoea pulcherrima Ooststroom [Isotype] 1933, 30: 206
Convolvulus montanus Ooststroom [Isotype] 1933, 30: 199
Merremia weberbaueri Ooststroom [Isotype] 1933, 30: 200
Merremia grandiflora Ooststroom [Isotype] 1933, 30: 203
Bonamia trichantha var. oblonga Ooststroom [Isotype] 1936, 33: 213, fig. 1m
Bonamia trichantha var. oblonga Ooststroom [Isotype] 1936, 33: 213, fig. 1m
Capitularia foliata Uittien [Holotype] 1936, 33: 289
Capitularia foliata Uittien [Holotype] 1936, 33: 289
Mapania inopinata Uittien [Isotype] 1936, 33: 151
Mapania petiolata var. pumila Uittien [Isotype] 1936, 33: 283
Rhynchospora arenicola Uittien [Type] 1925, 22: 335
Croton potaroensis Lanjouw [Isotype] 1934, 31: 457
Pausandra densiflora Lanjouw [Isotype] 1936, 33: 766
Pausandra hirsuta Lanjouw [Isotype] 1936, 33: 769
Pausandra sericea Lanjouw [Isotype] 1936, 33: 767
Clidemia biformis Gleason [Type] 1935, 32: 211
Medinilla engganensis Bakhuizen f. [Isotype] 1943, 40: 164
Miconia surinamensis Gleason [Type] 1935, 32: 212
Pithecellobium gonggrijpii Kleinhoonte [Isosyntype] 1926, 22: 414
Pithecellobium gonggrijpii Kleinhoonte [Isosyntype] 1926, 22: 414
Parkia microcephala Kleinhoonte [Isosyntype] 1925, 22: 411
Parkia microcephala Kleinhoonte [Isosyntype] 1925, 22: 411
Parkia microcephala Kleinhoonte [Isosyntype] 1925, 22: 411
Parkia microcephala Kleinhoonte [Isosyntype] 1925, 22: 411
Inga urnifera Kleinhoonte [Isosyntype] 1925, 22: 413
Inga urnifera Kleinhoonte [Isosyntype] 1925, 22: 413
Inga urnifera Kleinhoonte [Isosyntype] 1925, 22: 413
Heisteria surinamensis Amshoff [Isotype] 1937, 34: 497
Lepidostoma polythyrsum Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 191
Praravinia oresitropha Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 255
Praravinia salicifolia Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 266
Praravinia sericotricha Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 257
Praravinia neriifolia Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 262
Praravinia mollis Bremekamp [Holotype] 1940, 37: 254
Praravinia mollis Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 254
Praravinia verruculosa Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 267
Praravinia coriacea Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 265
Praravinia chalcotricha Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 258
Stichianthus kinabaluensis Bremekamp [Isotype] 1940, 37: 195
Pleiocarpidia holectomia Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 221
Pleiocarpidia holectomia Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 221
Pleiocarpidia macrura Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 219
Pleiocarpidia macrura Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 219
Pleiocarpidia elmeri Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 227
Pleiocarpidia elmeri Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 227
Pleiocarpidia opaca Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 225
Pleiocarpidia deliensis Bremekamp [Isotype] 1940, 37: 212
Pleiocarpidia capitata Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 222
Pleiocarpidia sintangensis Bremekamp [Isotype] 1940, 37: 218
Pleiocarpidia sandakanica Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 212
Pleiocarpidia parvistipula Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 220
Pleiocarpidia assahanica Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 210
Pleiocarpidia kinabaluensis Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 217
Pleiocarpidia kinabaluensis Bremekamp [Type] 1940, 37: 217
Palicourea guianensis var. tetramera Bremekamp [Type] 1934, 31: 283
Pouteria pullei Eyma [Isotype] 1936, 33: 191
Pouteria gongrijpii Eyma [Isotype] 1936, 33: 185
Pouteria melanopoda Eyma [Isotype] 1936, 33: 174
Trigonia coppenamensis Stafleu [Isotype] 1950, 42: 70
Vochysia aurantiaca Stafleu [Isotype] 1948, 41: 487
Vochysia aurantiaca Stafleu [Isotype] 1948, 41: 487
Vochysia gigantea Stafleu [Isotype] 1948, 41: 489
Vochysia magna Stafleu [Isotype] 1948, 41: 502
Vochysia calamana Stapf [Type] 1948, 41: 498
Endlicheria cocuirey Kostermans [Isotype] 1937, 34: 522
Endlicheria cocuirey Kostermans [Isotype] 1937, 34: 522
Endlicheria boliviensis Kostermans [Isotype] 1937, 34: 553
Endlicheria metallica Kostermans [Isotype] 1937, 34: 543
Endlicheria gracilis Kostermans [Isotype] 1937, 34: 528
Licaria excelsa Kostermans [Type] 1937, 34: 595
Licaria quirirafuina Kostermans [Type] 1937, 34: 584
Licaria tenuifolia Kostermans [Isotype] 1937, 34: 603
Aniba mexicana Kostermans [Type] 1938, 35: 926
Aniba cylindriflora Kostermans [Isotype] 1938, 35: 873
Acrodiclidium multiflorum Kostermans [Isotype] 1936, 33: 735
Thysananthus minor Verdoorn [Holotype] 1993, 30: 231
Helixanthera dura Danser [Isotype] 1934, 31: 243
Macrosolen nobilis Danser [Isotype] 1934, 31: 240
Trithecanthera superba Danser [Isotype] 1934, 31: 245
Pouteria filipes Eyma [Isotype] 1936, 33: 180
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 6 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Endlicheria klugii O. C. Schmidt [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1937, 34: 530Endlicheria klugii O. C. Schmidt [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1937, 34: 530
Bignonia magnifica W. Bull [Isoneotype] 1927, 24: 830
Bignonia magnifica W. Bull [Isoneotype] 1927, 24: 830
Memecylon pseudonigrescens Blume [Isolectotype] 1851, 40(1): 1–391
Memecylon pauciflorum var. pisocarpum Blume [Isolectotype] 1943, 40 (1): 1-391