Title | Sida; Contributions to Botany. Dallas; Fort Worth, TX |
Abbreviation | Sida |
Publication Dates | Vol. 1+, 1962+ |
BPH | 835.48 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 157 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Barringtonia josephstaalensis W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 2000, 19: 9Barringtonia josephstaalensis W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 2000, 19: 9
Tiquilia hunteri A. T. Richardson [Isotype] 1976, 6(3): 238
Tiquilia tacnensis A. T. Richardson [Isotype] 1976, 6(3): 238
Tiquilia tuberculata A. T. Richardson [Isotype] 1976, 6(3): 237
Tiquilia turneri A. T. Richardson [Isotype] 1976, 6(3): 237
Leavenworthia texana Mahler [Isotype] 1987, 12: 239
Leavenworthia texana Mahler [Isotype] 1987, 12: 239
Leavenworthia texana Mahler [Isotype] 1987, 12: 239
Physaria newberryi var. yesicola Sivinski [Isotype] 1999, 18: 673
Rorippa megasperma Stuckey [Holotype] 1972, 4(4): 336
Rorippa palustris var. elongata Stuckey [Holotype] 1972, 4: 367
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. spathulata Stuckey [Isotype] 1972, 4: 319
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. procumbens Stuckey [Isotype] 1972, 4: 317
Canarium acutifolium var. pioriverensis W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 2000, 19: 237
Canarium acutifolium var. pioriverensis W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 2000, 19: 237
Canarium acutifolium var. pioriverensis W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 2000, 19: 237
Pachysandra stylosa var. tomentosa H. C. Robbins [Holotype] 1968, 3: 237
Cassia durangensis var. iselyi H. S. Irwin & Barneby [Isotype] 1975, 6: 11
Cassia monozyx H. S. Irwin & Barneby [Isotype] 1975, 6: 16
Ipomoea gesnerioides J. A. McDonald [Isotype] 1992, 15: 173
Fimbristylis argillicola Kral [Isotype] 1971, 4: 128
Carex timida Naczi & B. A. Ford [Isotype] 2001, 19: 879
Carex asynchrona Naczi [Isotype] 1989, 13: 487
Carex cumberlandensis Naczi, Kral & Bryson [Isotype] 2001, 19: 994
Carex lucorum var. austrolucorum Rettig [Isotype] 1989, 13: 449
Carex reznicekii Werier [Isotype] 2006, 22: 1049-1070
Fuirena incompleta var. obliterata Kral [Isotype] 1978, 7: 350
Drosera leucantha Shinners [Isotype] 1962, 1: 57
Ardisia verdisepala Ricketson [Isotype] 2003, 20(4): 1435
Glochidion beehlerii W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 945
Glochidion beehleri W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 945
Glochidion beehleri W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 945
Euphorbia abbreviata Correll [Isotype] 1980, 8: 317
Acalypha gracilens var. delzii Lill. W. Miller [Isotype] 1969, 3: 447
Clitoria plumosa Fantz [Isotype] 1982, 9: 205
Clitoria kaieteurensis Fantz [Isotype] 1982, 9: 344
Clitoria froesii Fantz [Isotype] 1980, 8: 307 (-309), fig.
Clitoria woytkowskii Fantz [Holotype] 1982, 9: 293
Clitoria hermannii Fantz [Isotype] 1980, 8: 304
Clitoria andrei Fantz [Holotype] 1979, 8: 97
Clitoria sagotii Fantz [Isotype] 1979, 8: 94
Clitoria epetiolata var. angustissima Fantz [Holotype] 1995, 16: 722
Clitoria polystachya var. congesta Fantz [Isotype] 1995, 16: 728
Clitoria polystachya var. pringlei Fantz [Holotype] 1995, 16: 729
Clitoria arborea var. pseudoamazonica Fantz [Isotype] 1995, 16: 721
Clitoria flexuosa var. brevibracteola Fantz [Isotype] 1982, 9: 301
Clitoria flexuosa var. brevibracteola Fantz [Isotype] 1982, 9: 301
Rhodopis lowdenii Judd [Isotype] 1984, 10: 203
Trichadenia sasae W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 22 Dec. 2003, 20 (4) : 1522
Trichadenia sasae W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 22 Dec. 2003, 20 (4) : 1522
Gentianella canosoi G. L. Nesom & B. L. Turner [Isotype] 1990, 14: 227
Louteridium taumalipense A. T. Richardson [Isotype] 1969, 3: 448
Guilleminea densa var. humilis Mears [Isotype] 1967, 3: 143
Amaranthus microphyllus Shinners [Isotype] 1964, 1: 268
Ptilimnium ahlesii Weakley & G. L. Nesom [Isotype] 28 Dec 2004, 21(2): 744 (743-752; figs. 1-3).
Hexastylis shuttleworthii var. harperi Gaddy [Isotype] 1987, 12(1): 54
Aster saxicastellii J. J. N. Campbell & Medley [Isotype] 1989, 13(3): 277
Isocoma halophytica B. L. Turner [Isotype] 1972, 5: 23
Arnoglossum album L. C. Anderson [Isotype] 1998, 18: 378
Senecio mahindae G. L. Nesom & Vorobik [Isotype] 1988, 13(1): 17
Solidago villosicarpa LeBlond [Isotype] 2000, 19(2): 292
Solidago villosicarpa LeBlond [Isotype] 2000, 19(2): 292
Solidago altiplanities C. E. S. Taylor & R. John Taylor [Isotype] 1983, 10: 178
Solidago ouachitensis C. E. S. Taylor & R. John Taylor [Isotype] 1986, 11(3): 334-339
Berlandiera pumila var. scabrella G. L. Nesom [Isotype] 1998, 18: 499-501
Acourtia dieringeri L. Cabrera [Isotype] 1989, 13: 419
Perityle coahuilensis A. M. Powell [Isotype] 1973, 5: 120
Perityle gentryi A. M. Powell [Holotype] 1973, 5: 125
Perityle bisetosa var. appressa A. M. Powell [Isotype] 1967, 3: 178
Bigelowia nudata subsp. australis L. C. Anderson [Isotype] 1970, 3: 463
Melampodium cinereum var. hirtellum Stuessy [Isotype] 1969, 3: 348
Melampodium cinereum var. hirtellum Stuessy [Isotype] 1969, 3: 348
Liatris glandulosa G. L. Nesom & O'Kennon [Isotype] 2001, 19(4): 778
Liatris aestivalis G. L. Nesom & O'Kennon [Isotype] 2001, 19(4): 768
Liatris elegans var. kralii Mayfield [Isotype] 2002, 20: 601
Liatris elegans var. bridgesii Mayfield [Isotype] 2002, 20: 598
Liatris patens G. L. Nesom & Kral [Isotype] 2003, 20: 1579
Gymnolaena chiapasana Strother [Isotype] 1967, 3: 112
Krigia ×shinnersiana K. L. Chambers [Isotype] 2004, 21: 230
Gamochaeta argyrinea G. L. Nesom [Isotype] 2004, 21(2): 718
Eupatorium parviflorum var. monticola Whittemore [Isotype] 1988, 13: 78
Polymnia cossatotensis Pittman & V. M. Bates [Holotype] 1989, 13(4): 481-186
Xylothamia johnstonii G. L. Nesom [Isotype] 1990, 14(1): 110
Microseris laciniata subsp. detlingii K. L. Chambers [Isotype] 2004, 21: 200
Rhexia salicifolia Kral & Bostick [Isotype] 1969, 3: 402
Medinilla sapoi-riverensis W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 1074
Medinilla sapoi-riverensis W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 1074
Medinilla sapoi-riverensis W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 1074
Medinilla bismark-ramuensis W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 1071
Medinilla bismark-ramuensis W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 1071
Aglaia saxonii W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 2000, 19: 11
Aglaia saxonii W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 2000, 19: 11
Ardisia brassiella B. C. Stone [Isotype] 1994, 16(2): 267
Myrsine fastigiata (Elmer) Pipoly [Isolectotype] 1997, 17 (1): 149.
Tapeinosperma filipes B. C. Stone [Isotype] 1994, 16(2): 271
Forestiera godfreyi L. C. Anderson [Holotype] 1985, 11: 1
Jasminum pipolyi W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 948
Jasminum pipolyi W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 948
Dendrobium archipelagense Howcroft & W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 2002, 20(2): 464
Malaxis palustris Espejo Serna & López Ferrari [Isotype] 1998, 18(2): 412 ,f.1,t.1
Xyris isoetifolia Kral [Isotype] 1966, 3: 227
Xyris isoetifolia Kral [Isotype] 1966, 3: 227
Phragmites australis subsp. americanus Saltonstall, P. M. Peterson & Soreng [Isotype] 2004, 21(2): 690
Sorghastrum apalachicolense D. W. Hall [Isotype] 1982, 9: 303
Eriogonum turneri Reveal [Isotype] 1974, 5: 265
Eriogonum atrorubens var. pseudociliatum Reveal [Isotype] 1967, 3: 85
Eriogonum correllii Reveal [Isotype] 1968, 3: 198
Rhamnus serrata var. guatemalensis L. A. Johnston [Holotype] 1976, 6: 74
Vauquelinia californica subsp. sonorensis W. J. Hess & Henrickson [Isotype] 1987, 12: 130
Prunus gideonii W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 765
Prunus gideonii W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 765
Calycosia mamosei W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 2000, 19: 14
Calycosia mamosei W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 2000, 19: 14
Psychotria mayana W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 2000, 19: 17
Psychotria howcroftii W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 761
Psychotria howcroftii W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 761
Psychotria osiana W. N. Takeuchi & Pipoly [Isotype] 1998, 18: 162
Psychotria osiana W. N. Takeuchi & Pipoly [Isotype] 1998, 18: 162
Psychotria bulilimontis Takeuchi [Isotype] 2003, 20(4): 1514.
Psychotria bulilimontis var. aestuarii Takeuchi [Isotype] 2003, 20(4): 1519
Psychotria matambuai W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18(4): 950
Galium correllii Dempster [Isotype] 1968, 3: 249
Hillia hathewayi Fosberg [Isotype] 1966, 2: 387
Hoffmannia steinvorthii Fosberg [Isotype] 1966, 2: 388
Leucophyllum langmaniae Flyr [Isotype] 1985, 11: 140
Leucophyllum langmaniae Flyr [Isotype] 1985, 11: 140
Taxus phytonii Spjut [Holotype] ,
Trichospermum stevensii W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 1077
Trichospermum stevensii W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 1077
Trichospermum stevensii W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 1077
Trichospermum stevensii W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 1077
Trichospermum stevensii W. N. Takeuchi [Isotype] 1999, 18: 1077
Parietaria praetermissa Hinton [Holotype] 1968, 3: 192
Illicium floridanum f. album F. G. Meyer & Mazzeo [Isotype] 1992, 15(2): 285
Micromeria domingensis Shinners [Holotype] 1962, 1: 96
Micromeria bahamensis Shinners [Holotype] 1962, 1: 96
Dicerandra immaculata Lakela [Isotype] 1963, 1: 184
Stenanthium diffusum Wofford [Isotype] 2006, 22(1): 450 (447-459; figs. 1-6)
Stenanthium diffusum Wofford [Isotype] 2006, 22(1): 450 (447-459; figs. 1-6)
Echeandia longipedicellata Cruden [Isotype] 1981, 9: 143
Echeandia mexicana Cruden [Isotype] 1981, 9: 141
Echeandia gracilis Cruden [Isotype] 1981, 9: 139
Spigelia gentianoides var. alabamensis A. de Candolle [Isotype] 1996, 17: 418
Dodecatheon austrofrigidum K. L. Chambers [Isotype] 2006, 22(1): 462-467, f. 1-3
Gamochaeta chionesthes G. L. Nesom [Isotype] 2004, 21(2): 725
Crataegus sulfurea J. B. Phipps [Isotype] 1997, 15: 81
Crataegus sheila-phippsiae J. B. Phipps & O'Kennon [Isotype] 2004, 21: 67
Anthaenantia texana Kral [Isotype] 2004, 21(1): 296
Dirca mexicana G. L. Nesom & M. H. Mayfield [Isotype] 1995, 16: 460
Chamaesaracha edwardsiana Averett [Isotype] 1972, 5: 48
Chamaesaracha pallida Averett [Isotype] 1972, 5: 49
Phaseolus albescens McVaugh ex R. Delgadillo & A. Delgado [Isotype] 1999, 18: 638
Fimbristylis decipiens Kral [Isotype] 1971, 4: 119
Matelea phainops Krings [Holotype] 2006, 22(2): 948
Pediomelum piedmontanum J. R. Allison, M. W. Morris & A. N. Egan [Isotype] 2006, 22(1): 229
Hedeoma hyssopifolium var. chihuahuensis Henrickson [Isotype] 1986, 11(4): 413
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 64 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Penstemon dasyphyllus A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation clarification/refinement)] , 2: 344-5Leucophyllum minus A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1985, 11: 141
Amaranthus scleropoides Uline & W. L. Bray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1999, 18(3): 790
Kochia californica S. Watson [Lectotype] 1978, 7: 251
Passiflora affinis Engelmann [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2004, 21(1): 276
Hedeoma ciliatum Nuttall [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1980, 8: 257
Pugiopappus breweri A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1984, 10: 283
Senecio candidissimus Greene [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1995, 16: 704
Vitis ×novae-angliae Fernald [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1991, 14: 364
Vitis ×novae-angliae Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1991, 14: 364
Vitis ×novae-angliae Fernald [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1991, 14: 364
Houstonia salina A. Heller [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1986, 11: 471-481
Acacia millefolia S. Watson [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1969, 3: 379
Spigelia lindheimeri A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1996, 17: 99
Acacia greggii A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1969, 3: 377
Kochia americana S. Watson [Lectotype] 1978, 7: 252
Eriocaulon parkeri B. L. Robinson [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1966, 2: 297
Quamoclidion oxybaphoides A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2001, 19: 543
Hedeoma ciliatum Nuttall [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1980, 8: 257
Passiflora affinis Engelmann [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 2004, 21(1): 276
Senecio quebradensis Greenman [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1995, 16: 702
Vitis ×novae-angliae Fernald [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1991, 14: 364
Penstemon dasyphyllus A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation clarification/refinement)] , 2: 344-5
Quamoclidion oxybaphoides A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 2001, 19: 543
Penstemon dasyphyllus A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation clarification/refinement)] , 2: 344-5
Verbesina texana Buckley [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1979, 8: 133
Verbesina sericea Kunth & Bouché [Isoneotype (Isoneotype designation)] 1983, 10: 27
Calamintha canescens Torrey & A. Gray ex Bentham [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1962, 1: 87
Amaranthus scleropoides Uline & W. L. Bray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1999, 18(3): 790
Senecio hartmannii Greenman [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1995, 16: 704
Conoclinium betonicum var. integrifolium A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 2005, 21: 1641
Conoclinium betonicum var. integrifolium A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2005, 21: 1641
Rorippa terretris var. globosa A. Nelson [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1972, 4: 359
Kochia americana var. vestita S. Watson [Isolectotype] 1978, 7: 252
Cardamine palustris var. umbrosa Kuntze [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1972, 4(4): 307
Phragmites berlandieri E. Fournier [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2004, 21(2): 689
Acacia malacophylla Bentham [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1969, 3: 381
Acacia malacophylla Bentham [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1969, 3: 381
Ipomoea arborescens var. glabrata Gentry [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2005, 21: 1285
Ipomoea arborescens var. pachylutea Gentry [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2005, 21: 1287
Metastelma palmeri S. Watson [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1987, 12: 98
Tupa polyphylla var. latifolia de Candolle [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2000, 19(1): 95
Lobelia serrata Meyen [Isoneotype (Isoneotype designation)] 2000, 19(1): 101
Lupinus texensis Hooker [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1986, 11: 256
Solidago lindheimeriana Scheele [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1984, 10: 238
Leptosyne calliopsidea var. nana A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1984, 10: 282-283
Gnaphalium wrightii A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2004, 21: 782-3
Gnaphalium wrightii A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 2004, 21: 782-3
Cenchrus pennisetiformis Hochstetter & Steudel ex Steudel [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 2001, 19(3): 527
Crataegus uniflora Münchhausen [Isoneotype] 2006, 22: 426
Rapanea mindanensis Elmer [Isolectotype] 1996, 17: 140
Anthericum durangense Greenman [Isolectotype ("Holotype, US")] 1981, 9(2): 146
Orthosia oblongata Grisebach [Lectotype] 2006, 22: 533-537
Orthosia acuminata Grisebach [Lectotype] 2006, 22: 533-537
Poicilla ovatifolia Grisebach [Lectotype] 2006, 22: 533-537
Gonolobus stephanotrichus Grisebach [Syntype] 2006, 22: 535
Pectis lessingii Fernald [Lectotype] 1986, 11: 388
Pectis linearifolia Urban [Isolectotype] 1986, 11: 338
Muhlenbergia monticola Buckley [Isolectotype] 1993, 15: 591
Muhlenbergia monticola Buckley [Isolectotype] 1993, 15(4): 590-591
Muhlenbergia monticola Buckley [Isolectotype] 1993, 15(4): 590-591
Aster coloradoensis A. Gray [Lectotype] 2003, 20(4): 1403
Aster patens var. gracilis Hooker [Isolectotype] 1983, 10(1): 74
Vitis ×novae-angliae Fernald [Isolectotype] 1991, 14: 364