Title | Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris |
Abbreviation | Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-10, 1865-1874; sér. 2, vols. 1-10, 1875-1888; sér. 3, vols. 1-10, 1889-1898; sér. 4, vols. 1-10, 1899-1908; sér. 5, vols. 1-6, 1909-1914 |
BPH | 669.30 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 71 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Impatiens wilsonii Hooker f. [Isotype] 1908, Ser. 4(10): 244Impatiens pudica Hooker f. [Isotype] 1908, Ser. 4(10): 254
Impatiens lucorum Hooker f. [Isotype] 1908, Ser. 4(10): 254
Impatiens omeiana Hooker f. [Isotype] 1908, Ser. 4(10): 244
Impatiens oxyanthera Hooker f. [Isotype] 1908, Ser. 4(10): 254
Impatiens platychlaena Hooker f. [Isotype] 1908, Ser. 4(10): 270
Impatiens platychlaena Hooker f. [Isotype] 1908, Ser. 4(10): 270
Berberis sanguinea Franchet [Holotype] 1885, 8: 194
Catalpa fargesi Bureau [Type] 1894, ser. 2, 7: 195
Lonicera scabrida Franchet [Type] 1886, ser. 2, 8: 252
Carex henryi C. B. Clarke ex Franchet [Isosyntype] 1896, ser. 3, 8: 243
Carex henryi C. B. Clarke ex Franchet [Isosyntype] 1896, ser. 3, 8: 243
Carex mancaeformis C. B. Clarke ex Franchet [Isotype] 1898, ser. 3, 10: 62
Diospyros sinensis (Blume) Naudin [Isotype] 1880, sér. 2, 3: 221
Ligustrum tschonoskii Decaisne [Isotype] 1879, ser. 2, 2: 18
Ligustrum cumingianum Decaisne [Type] 1879, ser. 2, 2: 28
Ligustrum cumingianum Decaisne [Isotype] 1879, ser. 2, 2: 28
Paliurus australis Franchet [Type] 1883, ser. 2, 5: 223
Paliurus australis Franchet [Type] 1883, ser. 2, 5: 223
Pourthiaea coreana Decaisne [Isotype] 1874, ser. 1, 10: 148
Pourthiaea oldhamii Decaisne [Isotype] 1874, ser. 1, 10: 149
Eriobotrya hookeriana Decaisne [Isolectotype] 1874, 10: 146
Prunus cinerascens Franchet [Type] 1886, ser. 2, 8: 216
Prunus thibetica Franchet [Type] 1885, ser. 2, 8: 215
Micromeles griffithii Decaisne [Isosyntype] 1874, 10: 170
Micromeles khasiana Decaisne [Isosyntype] 1874, 10: 169
Micromeles verrucosa Decaisne [Isosyntype] 1874, 10: 169
Micromeles rhamnoides Decaisne [Isosyntype] 1874, 10: 169
Spiraea japonica var. ovalifolia Franchet [Type] 1886, 8: 218
Spiraea japonica var. acuminata Franchet [Holotype] 1886, sér. 2, 8: 218
Spiraea uratensis Franchet [Type] 1883, ser. 2, 5: 259
Cotoneaster salicifolia Franchet [Type] 1885, ser. 2, 8: 225
Cotoneaster salicifolia Franchet [Type] 1885, ser. 2, 8: 225
Cotoneaster moupinensis Franchet [Type] 1886, ser. 3, 8: 224
Cotoneaster nervosa Decaisne [Type] 1874, ser. 1, 10: 177
Salix variegata Franchet [Type] 1887, ser. 2, 10: 82
Salix microphyta Franchet [Type] 1888, ser. 2, 10: 83
Chrysosplenium microspermum Franchet [Isotype] 1890, ser. 3, 2: 109
Myricaria germanica var. laxiflora Franchet [Holotype] 1885, ser. 2, 8: 205
Laportea oleracea Weddell [Isotype] 1856, 9: 141
Hydrangea longipes Franchet [Type] 1885, ser. 2, 8: 228
Juncus luzuliformis Franchet [Type] 1887, ser. 2, 10: 99
Juncus allioides Franchet [Type] 1887, ser. 2, 10: 99
Lindera balansae Lecomte [Isotype] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 114
Lindera supracostata Lecomte [Syntype] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 47
Lindera supracostata Lecomte [Syntype] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 47
Lindera umbellata var. pubescens Lecomte [Type] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 113
Cinnamomum fargesii Lecomte [Type] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 78
Cinnamomum simondii Lecomte [Type] 1913, ser 5, 5: 73
Cinnamomum balansae Lecomte [Type] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 75
Cinnamomum bonii Lecomte [Type] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 76
Cinnamomum delavayi Lecomte [Type] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 77
Cinnamomum cambodianum Lecomte [Syntype] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 77
Cinnamomum cambodianum Lecomte [Syntype] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 77
Actinodaphne sesquipedalis var. cambodiana Lecomte [Type] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 93
Actinodaphne sesquipedalis var. cambodiana Lecomte [Type] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 93
Litsea pierrei Lecomte [Isosyntype] 1913, ser 5, 5: 83
Litsea pierrei Lecomte [Isosyntype] 1913, ser 5, 5: 83
Litsea multiumbellata Lecomte [Isotype] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 85
Litsea brevipetiolata Lecomte [Type] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 47
Litsea vang Lecomte [Isotype] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 84
Litsea grandifolia Lecomte [Type] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 87
Litsea mekongensis Lecomte [Type] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 84
Litsea rubescens var. yunnanensis Lecomte [Type] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 86
Litsea baviensis Lecomte [Holotype] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 87
Beilschmiedia parvifolia Lecomte [Isotype] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 110
Beilschmiedia sphaerocarpa Lecomte [Isotype] 1913, ser. 5, 5: 110
Ligustrum mellosum Decaisne [Holotype] 1879, ser. 2, 2: 22
Ligustrum myrsinites Decaisne [Isosyntype] 1879, ser. 2, 2: 33
Ligustrum thibeticum Decaisne [Holotype] 1879, ser. 2, 2: 21
Nephromopsis ciliaris (Acharius) Hue [Type] 1899, 4 Ser. 1: 216