Title | Leaflets of Botanical Observation and Criticism. Washington, DC |
Abbreviation | Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-2, 1903/1906-1910/1912 |
URL | http://www.botanicus.org/title/b11952428 |
BPH | 527.14 |
TL2 | 2.143 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 230 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Cryptantha incana Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 79Mesoreanthus fallax Greene [Isotype] 1903, 1: 90
Mesoreanthus vimineus Greene [Isotype] 1903, 1: 90
Cartiera leptopetala Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 226
Arabis dacotica Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 80
Arabis paupercula Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 77
Arabis nardina Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 70
Arabis tenuicola Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 82
Arabis arbuscula Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 77
Arabis setigera Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 80
Arabis interposita Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 78
Arabis rostellata Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 71
Arabis polyclada Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 75
Arabis davidsonii var. parva Rollins [Isotype] 1911, 2: 159
Arabis davidsonii var. parva Rollins [Holotype] 1911, 2: 159
Sophia obtusa Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 96
Sophia serrata Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 96
Sophia serrata Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 96
Disaccanthus validus Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 225
Disaccanthus luteus Greene [Type] 1906, 1: 225
Polyctenium bisulcatum Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 220
Sprengeria watsoniana Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 199
Sprengeria minuscula Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 199
Silene concolor Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 153
Silene aperta Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 75
Drymaria depressa Greene [Type] 1905, 1: 153
Anotites elliptica Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 103
Anotites tenerrima Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 104
Anotites bakeri Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 102
Anotites discurrens Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 103
Evolvulus oreophilus Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 151
Lupinus culbertsonii Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 73
Lupinus ovinus Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 233
Lupinus dasyphyllus Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 73
Lupinus paulinus Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 234
Lupinus paulinus Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 234
Lupinus blumeri Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 23
Lupinus apricus Greene [Isosyntype] 1910, 2: 67
Lotus cupreus Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 74
Dalea urceolata Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 199
Vicia acicularis Greene [Isosyntype] 1912, 2: 268
Trifolium neurophyllum Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 154
Aloitis foliosa Greene [Type] , 1: 94
Gentiana coplandii Greene [Type] 1904, 1: 53
Schmaltzia cognata Greene [Type] 1905, 1: 141
Schmaltzia leiocarpa Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 133
Schmaltzia quercifolia Greene [Type] 1905, 1: 141
Schmaltzia botryoides Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 138
Toxicodendron eximium Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 123
Toxicodendron eximium Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 123
Toxicodendron eximium Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 123
Toxicodendron coriaceum Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 120
Toxicodendron lobadioides Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 119
Toxicodendron compactum Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 126
Toxicodendron punctatum Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 125
Toxicodendron laetevirens Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 123
Toxicodendron laetevirens Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 123
Toxicodendron pumilum Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 124
Toxicodendron phaseoloides Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 123
Toxicodendron macrocarpum Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 117
Sanicula apiifolia Greene [Syntype] 1910, 2: 46
Apocynum dictyotum Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 169
Apocynum palustre Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 58
Apocynum palustre Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 58
Apocynum cardiophyllum Greene [Type] 1904, 1: 79
Apocynum oliganthum Greene [Type] 1903, 1: 58
Apocynum longifolium Greene [Type] 1912, 2: 177
Brachyactis hybrida Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 147
Machaeranthera spectabilis Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 148
Uropappus pruinosus Greene [Type] 1906, 1: 213
Aster copelandii Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 200
Aster lonchophyllus Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 146
Aster lonchophyllus Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 146
Isocoma latifolia Greene [Type] 1906, 1: 172
Isocoma pedicellata Greene [Type] 1906, 1: 170
Isocoma pedicellata Greene [Isolectotype] 1906, 1: 170
Isocoma rusbyi Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 170
Isocoma decumbens Greene [Type] 1906, 1: 172
Isocoma tenuisecta Greene [Syntype] 1906, 1: 169
Helianthella majuscula Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 148
Franseria carduacea Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 156
Pectis taxifolia Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 148
Antennaria formosa Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 145
Antennaria scabra Greene [Isotype] 1911, 2: 150
Antennaria hygrophila Greene [Isotype] 1911, 2: 144
Antennaria candida Greene [Isotype] 1911, 2: 151
Antennaria pulchella Greene [Isotype] 1911, 2: 149
Antennaria pulchella Greene [Isotype] 1911, 2: 149
Lessingia paleacea Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 31
Lessingia mendocina Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 28
Lessingia imbricata Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 29
Lessingia tomentosa Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 32
Lessingia bakeri Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 27
Lessingia arachnoidea Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 29
Lessingia bicolor Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 28
Senecio blumeri Greene [Type] 1909, 2: 20
Senecio cynthiodes Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 212
Pyrrocoma balsamitae Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 15
Pyrrocoma balsamitae Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 15
Pyrrocoma liatriformis Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 17
Pyrrocoma liatriformis Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 17
Pyrrocoma liatriformis Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 17
Pyrrocoma adsurgens Greene [Syntype] 1909, 2: 22
Pyrrocoma adsurgens Greene [Syntype] 1909, 2: 22
Pyrrocoma amplectens Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 10
Pyrrocoma cuspidata Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 17
Pyrrocoma cuspidata Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 17
Pyrrocoma lanulosa Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 16
Pyrrocoma halophila Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 16
Pyrrocoma calendulacea Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 9
Pyrrocoma crepidinea Greene [Type] 1909, 2: 12
Pyrrocoma turbinella Greene [Type] 1909, 2: 17
Pyrrocoma prionophylla Greene [Type] 1909, 2: 12
Chrysopsis compacta Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 150
Chrysopsis asprella Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 150
Viguiera chenopodina Greene [Isotype] 1911, 2: 154
Kyrstenia betulaefolia Greene [Isotype] 1903, 1: 10
Kyrstenia rufa Greene [Isotype] 1903, 1: 10
Arnica parvifolia Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 48
Agoseris vestita Greene [Isotype] 1911, 2: 128
Agoseris vestita Greene [Isotype] 1911, 2: 128
Agoseris isomeris Greene [Isotype] 1911, 2: 123
Agoseris angustissima Greene [Isolectotype] 1911, 2: 129
Chaptalia monticola Greene [Type] 1906, 1: 193
Chaptalia crispula Greene [Type] 1906, 1: 194
Chaptalia crispula Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 194
Chaptalia leonina Greene [Type] 1906, 1: 193
Chaptalia leonina Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 193
Chaptalia primulacea Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 195
Chaptalia petrophila Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 193
Chaptalia petrophila Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 193
Chaptalia petrophila Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 193
Chaptalia petrophila Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 193
Chaptalia microdonta Greene [Type] 1906, 1: 196
Chaptalia microdonta Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 196
Chaptalia microdonta Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 196
Chaptalia alsophila Greene [Type] 1905, 1: 158
Chaptalia pringlei Greene [Isolectotype] 1906, 1: 192
Chaptalia pringlei Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 192
Chaptalia hololeuca Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 192
Chaptalia leucocephala Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 193
Gutierrezia linoides Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 22
Erigeron lavandulaceus Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 214
Erigeron tephrodes Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 222
Erigeron loratus Greene [Isosyntype] 1912, 2: 202
Erigeron ciliolatus Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 203
Erigeron dicladus Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 214
Chaenactis angustifolia Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 223
Bidens tenuissima Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 200
Bidens cognata Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 149
Morus confinis Greene [Type] 1910, 2: 119
Pedicularis angustissima Greene [Isotype] , 1: 151
Pedicularis mogollonica Greene [Syntype] , 1: 151
Polemonium grande Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 153
Polemonium molle Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 153
Callisteris flavida Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 160
Persicaria oregana Greene [Isotype] , 1: 31
Persicaria plattensis Greene [Type] , 1: 29
Persicaria spectabilis Greene [Type] 1904, 1: 37
Persicaria cusickii Greene [Type] 1904, 1: 42
Persicaria rothrockii Greene [Isosyntype] 1904, 1: 45
Bistorta scaberula Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 77
Eriogonum junceum Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 77
Trautvetteria nervata Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 190
Thalictrum monoense Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 93
Thalictrum scopulorum Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 91
Thalictrum leiophyllum Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 90
Thalictrum elegantulum Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 93
Ranunculus nudatus Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 211
Delphinium luporum Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 76
Aquilegia pauciflora Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 76
Batrachium pedunculare Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 95
Batrachium bakeri Greene [Isotype] , 1: 95
Ceanothus myrianthus Greene [Type] 1904, 1: 67
Ceanothus mogollonicus Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 67
Rhamnus obtusissima Greene [Isotype] , 1: 64
Rhamnus obtusissima Greene [Isotype] , 1: 64
Rhamnus ursina Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 63
Rosa prionota Greene [Type] 1912, 2: 256
Rosa helleri Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 259
Batidaea peramoena Greene [Type] 1906, 1: 241
Batidaea sandbergii Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 242
Erythrocoma arizonica Greene [Isosyntype] 1906, 1: 176
Erythrocoma tridentata Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 179
Erythrocoma canescens Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 178
Heuchera versicolor Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 112
Gerardia crustata Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 108
Mimulus lugens Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 3
Mimulus erosus Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 4
Mimulus rupestris Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 3
Mimulus pallens Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 4
Mimulus equinus Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 189
Mimulus equinus Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 189
Penstemon lacerellus Greene [Type] 1906, 1: 161
Penstemon washoensis Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 603
Penstemon latiusculus Greene [Type] 1906, 1: 161
Penstemon albertinus Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 167
Penstemon cinerascens Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 161
Penstemon cinerascens Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 161
Penstemon veronicaefolius Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 167
Penstemon cephalophorus Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 79
Castilleja culbertsonii Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 78
Castilleja trisecta Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 78
Saracha sessilis Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 23
Viola lunellii Greene [Type] 1910, 2: 95
Viola mamillata Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 33
Phacelia rupestris Greene [Type] , 1: 152
Koellia curvipes Greene [Isotype] 1911, 2: 140
Sidalcea ranunculacea Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 75
Sidalcea interrupta Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1: 75
Hibiscus pinetorum Greene [Isotype] 1910, 2: 66
Malvastrum digitatum Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1: 154
Saviniona clementina Greene [Isolectotype] 1911, 2: 160
Saviniona dendroidea Greene [Isotype] 1911, 2: 161
Saviniona dendroidea Greene [Isotype] 1911, 2: 161
Saviniona dendroidea Greene [Isotype] 1911, 2: 161
Chrysothamnus vulcanicus Greene [Isotype] 1904, 1(5): 80
Persicaria andrewsii Greene [Type] 1905, 1(3): 109
Persicaria andrewsii Greene [Type] 1905, 1(3): 109
Mimulus lucens Greene [Isosyntype] 1909, 2: 7
Mimulus paniculatus Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 190
Mimulus prionophyllus Greene [Isotype] 1906, 1: 190
Mimulus petiolaris Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 7
Mimulus procerus Greene [Isotype] 1909, 2: 6
Chaenactis pumila Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 221
Phlox mesoleuca Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1(11): 152
Aster griseus Greene [Isotype] 1905, 1(11): 147
Malacothamnus davidsonii (B. L. Robinson) Greene [Lectotype] 1906, 1: 208
Malacothamnus davidsonii (B. L. Robinson) Greene [Lectotype] 1906, 1: 208
Malacothamnus palmeri (S. Watson) Greene [Holotype] 1906, 1: 208