Title | Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg. Buitenzorg [Bogor] |
Abbreviation | Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg |
Publication Dates | Ser. 2, nos. 1-28, 1911-1918; ser. 3, vols. 1-18, 1918-1950 |
BPH | 258.19 |
Remarks | Preceded by Bull. Dép. Agric. Indes Néerl. (ID: 6389) |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 194 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Uittienia modesta Steenis [Type] 1948, ser. 3, 17: 418Crudia ornata de Wit [Isotype] 1950, ser. 3, 18: 425
Sindora glabra Merrill ex de Wit [Isotype] 1949, ser. 3, 18: 46
Sindora beccariana Backer ex de Wit [Type] 1949, ser. 3, 18: 18
Cyathea ramosiana Alderwerelt [Type] 1920, ser. 3, 2: 137
Carex longibracteata var. gigantea Kükenthal [Isotype] 1940, ser. 3, 16: 314
Carex borneensis f. angustifrons Kükenthal [Isotype] 1940, ser. 3, 16: 320
Hopea dasyrrachis Slooten [Syntype] 1941, 3(17): 130
Dipterocarpus tawaensis Slooten [Syntype] 1927, ser. 3, 8: 313
Dipterocarpus tawaensis Slooten [Syntype] 1927, ser. 3, 8: 313
Dipterocarpus tawaensis Slooten [Syntype] 1927, ser. 3, 8: 313
Dipterocarpus applanatus Slooten [Syntype] 1940, 3(16): 443
Dipterocarpus applanatus Slooten [Syntype] 1940, 3(16): 443
Dipterocarpus applanatus Slooten [Syntype] 1940, 3(16): 443
Dipterocarpus applanatus Slooten [Syntype] 1940, 3(16): 443
Dipterocarpus confertus Slooten [Syntype] 1927, 3(8): 322
Dipterocarpus confertus Slooten [Syntype] 1927, 3(8): 322
Dipterocarpus confertus Slooten [Syntype] 1927, 3(8): 322
Dipterocarpus humeratus Slooten [Syntype] 1927, 3(8): 308, 311
Vatica ramiflora Slooten [Isotype] 1927, 3(9): 118
Vatica ramiflora Slooten [Isotype] 1927, 3(9): 118
Vatica albiramis Slooten [Isotype] 1927, 3(9): 101
Vatica albiramis Slooten [Isotype] 1927, 3(9): 101
Vatica flavovirens Slooten [Isotype] 1942, 3(17): 252
Cotylelobium leucocarpum Slooten [Syntype] 1929, ser. 3, 9: 399
Cotylelobium leucocarpum Slooten [Syntype] 1929, ser. 3, 9: 399
Diospyros britannoborneensis Bakhuizen [Isotype] 1938, ser. 3, 15: 333
Diospyros penibukanensis Bakhuizen [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 15: 124
Diospyros ferrea var. villosa Bakhuizen [Isosyntype] 1937, ser. 3, 15: 57
Diospyros ellipticifolia var. fijiensis Bakhuizen [Isolectotype] 1941, ser. 3, 15: 431
Elaeocarpus rhizophorus Koorders [Isosyntype] 1920, Ser. III. ii. 258, 261
Elaeocarpus rhizophorus Koorders [Isosyntype] 1920, Ser. III. ii. 258, 261
Diplycosia endertii J. J. Smith [Type] 1935, ser. 3, 13: 458
Diplycosia setosa J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1912, 2(8): 51
Diplycosia kerintjiensis J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1935, ser. 3, 13: 456
Diplycosia pittosporifolia J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1935, ser. 3, 13: 460
Diplycosia saurauiodes J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1935, ser. 3, 13: 456
Costera endertii J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1935, 13: 420
Rhododendron radians J. J. Smith [Type] 1920, ser. 3, 1: 403
Rhododendron galioides J. J. Smith [Type] 1935, ser. 3, 13: 445
Rhododendron aequabile J. J. Smith [Type] 1935, ser. 3, 13: 451
Rhododendron stenophyllum var. angustifolium J. J. Smith [Type] 1935, ser. 3, 13: 452
Rhododendron retusum var. epilosum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1935, ser. 3, 13: 446
Pyrola sumatrana Andres [Isotype] 1936, 14: 5
Pyrola japonica subsp. coreana Andres [Isosyntype] 1936, 14: 5
Sebastiania lancifolia Steenis [Isotype] 1948, 17: 410
Bridelia ripicola J. Léonard [Type] 1955, 25: 370
Euphorbia euonymoclada Croizat [Holotype] 1940, ser 3, 16: 357
Hydnocarpus elmeri Merrill ex L. G. den Berger [Isotype] 1928, ser. 3, 9: 233
Gnetum klossii Merrill ex Markgraf [Type] 1930, ser. 3, 10: 478
Neokeithia conspicua Steenis [Isotype] 1948, Ser. 3, 17: 407
Nepenthes densiflora Danser [Isolectotype] 1940, Ser. 3, 16: 268
Vanda saxatilis J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1926, Ser. IH, 8: 66
Thrixspermum flaccidum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1920, ser. 3,2: 112
Thrixspermum malayanum J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1921, ser.3,3: 312
Robiquetia bicruris J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1928, ser. 3, 10: 20
Oberonia semifimbriata J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1928, ser. 3, 10: 46
Oberonia discolor J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1917, ser. 2, 25: 21
Oberonia cirrhifera J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1921, ser. 3, 3: 263
Zeuxine kutaiensis J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1931, Ser 3, 11: 89
Dendrobium maculosum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1920, Ser 3,2: 62
Dendrobium minutigibbum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1914, Ser 2,13: 13
Dendrobium puncticulosum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1921, Ser 3,3: 290
Dendrobium obcordatum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1928, Ser 2,10: 142
Dendrobium peculiare J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1928, Ser 3,10: 58
Dendrobium macrostigma J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1928, Ser 3,10: 146
Dendrobium macrostigma J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1928, Ser 3,10: 146
Dendrobium nitidocolle J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1912, Ser 2,3: 59
Dendrobium dammerboerii J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1922, Ser 3,5: 80
Dendrobium luxurians J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1921, Ser 3,3: 288
Dendrobium luxurians J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1921, Ser 3,3: 288
Dendrobium lompobatangense J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1928, Ser 3,10: 15
Dendrobium maierae J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1920, Ser 3,2: 77
Dendrobium flabelloides J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1920, Ser 3,2: 58
Dendrobium aureilobum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1921, ser 3,3: 285
Dendrobium taurulinum J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1920, Ser 3,2: 72
Dendrobium subpandifolium J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1927, Ser 3,9: 157
Dendrobium excavatum var. buruense J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1928, Ser 3,9: 466
Microstylis lunifera J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1928, ser. 3, 10: 39
Taeniophyllum amboinense J. J. Smith [Type] 1926, ser. 3, 8: 68
Renanthera sarcanthoides J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1917, ser. 2, 25: 94
Bromheadia borneensis J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1917, ser. 2, 25: 18
Agrostophyllum denbergeri J. J. Smith [Type] 1921, ser. 3, 3: 277
Agrostophyllum denbergeri J. J. Smith [Type] 1921, ser. 3, 3: 277
Agrostophyllum denbergeri J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1921, ser. 3, 3: 277
Agrostophyllum denbergeri J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1921, ser. 3, 3: 277
Arundina revoluta var. borneense J. J. Smith [Type] 1922, ser. 3, 5(1): 65
Dendrochilum rigidulum J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 44
Dendrochilum rigidulum J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 44
Dendrochilum rigidulum J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 44
Dendrochilum rigidulum J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 44
Dendrochilum longicaule J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 34
Dendrochilum longicaule J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 34
Dendrochilum longicaule J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 34
Dendrochilum ventricosum J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 42
Dendrochilum ventricosum J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 42
Dendrochilum korintjiense J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 30
Dendrochilum korintjiense J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 30
Dendrochilum pholidotoides J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 60
Dendrochilum adpressibulbum J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 36
Cryptostylis javanica J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1921, ser. 3, 3: 245
Cryptostylis conspicua var. sumatrana J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3(5): 14
Sarcanthus crassissimus J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1917, ser. 2, 25: 98
Sarcanthus crassissimus J. J. Smith [TypeMaterial] 1917, ser. 2, 25: 98
Glomera plumosa J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1928, ser. 3, 10: 134
Glomera plumosa J. J. Smith [TypeMaterial] 1928, ser. 3, 10: 134
Glomera amboinensis var. seranica J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1928, ser. 3, 10: 732
Glomera amboinensis var. seranica J. J. Smith [TypeMaterial] 1928, ser. 3, 10: 732
Liparis amesiana J. J. Smith [DrawingOfType] 1931, ser. 3, 11: 124
Liparis kerintjiensis J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1928, ser. 3, 10: 50
Liparis kerintjiensis J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1928, ser. 3, 10: 50
Liparis bibullata J. J. Smith [DrawingOfType] 1927, ser. 3, 9: 143
Bulbophyllum balapiuense J. J. Smith [Type] 1917, ser. 2, 25: 69
Bulbophyllum hortense J. J. Smith [Type] 1913, ser. 2, 9: 79
Bulbophyllum bivalve J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1926, 8: 58
Bulbophyllum jensenii J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1920, ser. 3, 8(1): 85
Bulbophyllum stelis var. humile J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1927, 3,9(1-2): 171
Coelogyne bicamerata J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1928, 10: 7
Coelogyne amplissima var. schweinfurthiana J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1931, 11: 101
Coelogyne amplissima var. schweinfurthiana J. J. Smith [DrawingOfType] 1931, 11: 101
Podochilus forficuloides J. J. Smith [Type] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 62
Phreatia seranica J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1928, ser. 3, 10: 160
Phreatia navicularis J. J. Smith [Type] 1928, ser. 3, 10: 159
Phreatia semiorbicularis var. seranica J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1928, ser. 3, 10: 158
Eria tjadasmalangensis J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1918, ser. 2, 26: 43
Eria erosula J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 73
Eria erosula J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 5: 73
Trichoglottis lobifera J. J. Smith [DrawingOfType] 1931, Ser 3, 11: 155
Habenaria curvicalcar J. J. Smith [Type] 1913, ser. 2, 14: 8
Habenaria curvicalcar J. J. Smith [TypeMaterial] 1913, ser. 2, 14: 8
Habenaria paradiseoides J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1932, ser. 3, 12: 105
Zingiber ottensii Valeton [Isolectotype] 1918, 27: 136
Cyclophorus pseudolingus Alderwerelt [Isotype] 1913, ser. 2, 11: 6
Ixora miliensis Bremekamp [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 313
Ixora labuanensis Bremekamp [Type] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 266
Ixora memtangis Bremekamp [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 323
Ixora clementianum Bremekamp [Isotype] 1960, ser. 3, 16: 297
Ixora fulviflora Bremekamp [Isotype] 1940, ser. 3, 16: 296
Ixora hallierii Bremekamp [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 267
Ixora woodii Bremekamp [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 263
Ixora iteophylla Bremekamp [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 244
Ixora barberae Bremekamp [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 243
Ixora fallax Bremekamp [Type] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 313
Ixora pyrantha Bremekamp [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 247
Ixora simalurensis Bremekamp [Isosyntype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 323
Ixora simalurensis Bremekamp [Isosyntype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 323
Ixora coriifolia Bremekamp [Type] 1940, ser. 3, 16: 285
Ixora nonantha Bremekamp [Type] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 257
Ixora enderti Bremekamp [Type] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 323
Ixora mangoliensis Bremekamp [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 333
Ixora patula Bremekamp [Type] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 309
Ixora orovilleae Bremekamp [Isotype] 1940, ser. 3, 16: 295
Ixora caudata Bremekamp [Type] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 237
Ixora rubrinervis Bremekamp [Type] 1940, ser. 3, 16: 289
Ixora moluccana Bremekamp [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 332
Ixora ceramensis Bremekamp [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 303
Ixora filipendula Bremekamp [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 303
Ixora stenura Bremekamp [Type] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 259
Ixora stenothyrsa Bremekamp [Type] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 310
Ixora fucosa Bremekamp [Type] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 244
Ixora archboldii Bremekamp [Isotype] 1940, ser. 3, 16: 298
Ixora balinensis Bremekamp [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 327
Ixora nitidula Bremekamp [Isotype] 1937, ser. 3, 14: 262
Madhuca dubardii H. J. Lam [Isotype] 1925, ser. 3, 7: 162
Madhuca elmeri Merrill ex H. J. Lam [Isotype] 1927, ser. 3, 8: 460
Madhuca elmeri Merrill ex H. J. Lam [Isotype] 1927, ser. 3, 8: 460
Palaquium sorsogonense Elmer [Isotype] 1925, 7: 65
Palaquium sorsogonense Elmer [Isotype] 1925, 7: 65
Palaquium sorsogonense Elmer [Isotype] 1925, 7: 65
Eurya steenisii de Wit [Isotype] 1947, ser. 3, 17: 370
Vaccinium papuanum J. J. Smith [Isolectotype] 1912, ser. 2, 8: 51
Vaccinium bigibbum J. J. Smith [Type] 1915, 3, 1: 408
Vaccinium endertii J. J. Smith [Isotype] 1935, ser. 3, 13: 462
Rinorea gaultheriiflora J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 4: 231
Rinorea gaultheriiflora J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 4: 231
Rinorea gaultheriiflora J. J. Smith [Isosyntype] 1922, ser. 3, 4: 231
Endiandra cyphellophora Kostermans [Isotype] 1950, ser. 3, 18: 441
Endiandra aurea Kostermans [Isotype] 1950, ser. 3, 18: 442
Endiandra aurea Kostermans [Isotype] 1950, ser. 3, 18: 442
Cinnamomum pilosum Cammerloher [Type] 1925, ser. 3, 7: 461
Dendrophthoe magna Danser [Isotype] 1931, ser. 3, 11: 416
Dendrophthoe magna Danser [Isotype] 1931, ser. 3, 11: 416
Macrosolen annamicus Danser [Type] 1938, ser. 3, 16: 10
Amyema sessiliflora Danser [Isosyntype] 1931, 11: 346
Hygrophila oligoosperma Steenis [Isotype] 1948, Ser. 3, 17: 398
Agrostophyllum confusum J. J. Smith [Isolectotype] 1920, 2: 37.
Vittaria copelandii Alderwerelt [Isotype] 1912, ser. 2, 7: 28
Wendlandia dasythyrsa var. clemensae Cowan [Type] 1936, 3, 14: 29
Polygonum persicaria subsp. hirticaule Danser [Syntype] 1927, 3(8): 184
Alangium villosum subsp. solomonense Bloembergen [Isolectotype] 1939, ser. 3, 16: 207
Alangium villosum subsp. solomonense Bloembergen [Isosyntype] 1939, ser. 3, 16: 207
Selaginella axillifolia var. retroflexa Alderwerelt [Syntype] 1913, 2, 11: 38
Uncinia riparia var. stolonifera G. Kükenthal & C. G. G. J. van Steenis [Syntype] 1934, sér. 3, 13: 213
Uncinia riparia var. stolonifera G. Kükenthal & C. G. G. J. van Steenis [Syntype] 1934, sér. 3, 13: 213