Title | Flora van Nederlandsch Indie, Eerste Bijvoegsel |
Abbreviation | Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste Bijv. |
Authors | F. A. W. Miquel |
Publication Dates | 3 parts, 1860-1861: Pt. 1, Dec 1860 Pt. 2, Jun 1861 Pt. 3, Dec 1861 |
TL2 | 6.113 |
Remarks | Alternate title: Flora Indiae Batavae,...Supplementum Primum. Prodromus Florae Sumatranae |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 32 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Canarium fissistipulum Miquel [Type] 1861, 525Stalagmitis lamponga Miquel [Type] 1861, 496
Chailletia sumatrana Miquel [Isotype] 1861, 328
Erythroxylum sumatranum Miquel [Isotype] 1861, 1: 200
Leiopyxis sumatrana Miquel [Isotype] 1860, 445
Coccoceras sumatranus Miquel [Isotype] 1860, 456
Sauropus sumatranus Miquel [Isotype] 1861, 446
Memecylon caloneuron Miquel [Type] 1860, 1: 321
Memecylon lampongum Miquel [Type] 1860, 1: 321
Myristica geminata Miquel [Syntype] 1861, 385
Embelia oblongata Miquel [Type] 1861, 573
Maesa macrothyrsa Miquel [Type] 1861, 573
Digaster sumatranus Miquel [Isosyntype] 1860, 330
Adinandra stylosa Miquel [Isotype] 1861, 478
Adinandra cyrtopoda Miquel [Isotype] 1861, 1: 478
Adinandra glabra Miquel [Isosyntype] 1861, 479
Eurya virens var. elliptica Miquel [Type] 1861, 477
Eurya virens var. elliptica Miquel [Type] 1861, 477
Eurya virens var. elliptica Miquel [Isotype] 1861, 477
Eurya hirsutula Miquel [Isotype] 1861, 477
Trigoniastrum hypoleucum Miquel [Isotype] 1861, 395
Vaccinium bancanum Miquel [Type] 1861, 587
Vaccinium malaccense var. bancanum Miquel [Isotype] 1860, 1: 587
Haasia subcaesia Miquel [Isotype] 1860, 145
Haasia undulata Miquel [Isotype] 1858, 1(1): 920
Tetranthera diepenhorstii Miquel [Type] 1860, 147
Cryptocarya palembanica Miquel [Isotype] 1860, 144
Camphora inodora Blume ex Miquel [Type] 1858, 1(1): 904
Torenia lamponga Miquel [Type] 1861, 3: 562
Monocera cyrtostachya Miquel [Type] 1861, 3: 408
Monocera cyrtostachya Miquel [Isotype] 1861, 3: 408
Erycibe camptobotrya Miquel [Syntype] 1861, 3: 578