Title | Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis. Centralblatt für Sammlung und Veroffentlichung von Einzeldiagnosen neuer Pflanzen. Beihefte. [Edited by Friedrich Fedde] |
Abbreviation | Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-131, 1911-1944 |
Place of publication | Leipzig, [etc] |
URL | http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FMUS.ORC:959210 |
BPH | 772.21 |
HOLLIS | 003807409 |
Succeded By | Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. |
Remarks | Includes: Beiträge zur Systematik und Pflanzengeographie, vols. 1-19, 1924-1942. [Subtitle only in vol. 1 (1911)]. BPH lists "1914" for vol. 1. URI links to digitized images of pages from Bd. 1-59(1911-1931) with gaps. |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 1657 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Buxus cephalantha H. Léveillé & Vaniot [Type] 1906, 3: 20Wahlenbergia longispicata Dinter [Type] 1928, 53: 121
Lonicera penduliflora Pax & K. Hoffmann [Type] 1922, 12: 494
Lonicera limprichtii Pax & K. Hoffmann [Type] 1922, 12: 494
Leycesteria limprichtii H. Winkler [Isotype] 1922, 12: 493
Campylotropis sargentiana Schindler [Holotype] 1912, 11(291-295): 341.
Caragana limprichtii Harms [Isotype] 1922, 12: 417
Mesembryanthemum longipapillosum Dinter [Isotype] 1928, 53: 19
Trachelospermum cathayanum var. longipedicellatum Lingelsheim ex H. Limpricht [Type] 1922, 12: 470
Aster limprichtii Diels [Type] 1922, 12: 503
Aster poliothamnus Diels [Type] 1922, 12: 503
Senecio stolonifer Cufodontis [Type] 1933, 70: 100
Saussurea paxiana Diels [Neotype] 1922, 12: 512
Saussurea acropilina Diels [Isoneotype] 1922, 12: 511
Saussurea acropilina Diels [Isoneotype] 1922, 12: 511
Xanthostemon paabaense Gugerli [Isotype] 1940, 120: 103
Xanthostemon pininsularis Gugerli [Isotype] 1940, 120: 109
Xanthostemon longifolius Gugerli [Isotype] 1940, 120: 122
Xanthostemon ramosus Gugerli [Isotype] 1940, 120: 69
Ligustrum ibota var. subcoriaceum Koehne & Lingelsheim ex H. Limpricht [Type] 1922, 12: 462
Monophyllorchis colombiana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 39
Arpophyllum stenostachyum Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 32
Arpophyllum stenostachyum Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 32
Epidendrum caroli Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 35
Epidendrum prasinum Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 144
Epidendrum microcardium Schlechter [Holotype] 1923, 19: 39
Epidendrum platychilum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 42
Epidendrum melinanthum Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1920, 7: 139
Epidendrum melinanthum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 139
Epidendrum melinanthum Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1920, 7: 139
Epidendrum melinanthum Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 139
Epidendrum peraltum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 250
Epidendrum smithii Schlechter [Type] 1920, 7: 149
Sepalosaccus humilis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 245
Phalaenopsis amabilis var. papuana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 968
Phalaenopsis amabilis var. papuana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 968
Phalaenopsis amabilis var. papuana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 968
Phalaenopsis amabilis var. papuana Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1913, 1: 968
Barbosella bradeorum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 111
Barbosella brenesii Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 201
Barbosella brenesii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 201
Barbosella brenesii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 201
Pomatocalpa lasioglossum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 989
Pomatocalpa lasioglossum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 989
Pomatocalpa potamophilum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 988
Pomatocalpa potamophilum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 988
Pomatocalpa potamophilum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 988
Pomatocalpa potamophilum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 988
Pomatocalpa potamophilum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 988
Pomatocalpa merrillii Schlechter [Holotype] 1913, 1: 988
Pomatocalpa merrillii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1913, 1: 988
Brassia longissima var. minor Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 80
Brassia longissima var. minor Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 80
Brassia longissima var. minor Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 80
Goodyera micrantha Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 274
Goodyera modesta Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1923, 19: 89
Goodyera bradeorum Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1923, 19: 88
Goodyera turrialbae Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 275
Goodyera ovatilabia Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 274
Acostaea pleurothalloides Schlechter [Type] 1923, 19: 285
Acostaea costaricensis Schlechter [Type] 1923, 19: 284
Thrixspermum collinum Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 959
Thrixspermum collinum Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 959
Systeloglossum costaricense Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 252
Ionopsis costaricensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 62
Ionopsis utricularioides var. parviflora Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 74
Galeola gracilis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 28
Galeola montigena Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 29
Coryanthes hunteriana Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 63
Coryanthes hunteriana Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 63
Coryanthes hunteriana Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 63
Coryanthes hunteriana Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 63
Coryanthes powellii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 64
Paphiopedilum violascens Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 2
Erythrodes glaucescens Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 60
Leochilus gracilis Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 152
Leochilus retusus Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 256
Leochilus retusus Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 256
Leochilus powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 81
Leochilus powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 81
Octomeria costaricensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 111
Glossorhyncha dependens Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 306
Glossorhyncha dependens Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 306
Glossorhyncha verruculosa Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 301
Glossorhyncha verruculosa Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 301
Glossorhyncha verruculosa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 301
Glossorhyncha gracilis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 307
Glossorhyncha gracilis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 307
Glossorhyncha papuana (Kraenzlin ex Warburg) Schlechter [NotType] 1912, 1: 311
Glossorhyncha nana Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 312
Glossorhyncha nana Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 312
Glossorhyncha adenandroides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 294
Glossorhyncha adenandroides Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 294
Glossorhyncha acutiflora Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 300
Glossorhyncha acutiflora Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 300
Glossorhyncha pulchra Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 297
Glossorhyncha pulchra Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 297
Glossorhyncha kaniensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 302
Glossorhyncha kaniensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 302
Glossorhyncha latipetala Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 303
Glossorhyncha latipetala Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 303
Glossorhyncha diosmoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 308
Glossorhyncha diosmoides Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 308
Glossorhyncha brachychaete Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 304
Glossorhyncha brachychaete Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 304
Glossorhyncha hamadryas var. foliosa Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 296
Glossorhyncha hamadryas var. foliosa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 296
Glossorhyncha hamadryas var. foliosa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 296
Glossorhyncha hamadryas var. phaeotricha Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 297
Glossorhyncha hamadryas var. phaeotricha Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 297
Glossorhyncha hamadryas var. phaeotricha Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 297
Glossorhyncha hamadryas var. phaeotricha Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 297
Glossorhyncha hamadryas var. phaeotricha Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 297
Kefersteinia wercklei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 53
Kefersteinia alba Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 228
Kefersteinia subquadrata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 300
Kefersteinia microcharis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 300
Kefersteinia parvilabris Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 52
Malleola palustris J. J. Smith & Schlechter ex Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 981
Malleola palustris J. J. Smith & Schlechter ex Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 981
Malleola palustris J. J. Smith & Schlechter ex Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 981
Malleola microphyton Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 980
Malleola microphyton Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 980
Homalopetalum costaricense Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 47
Nidema boothii var. triandrum Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 43
Oncidium fulgens Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 83
Oncidium fulgens Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 83
Oncidium fulgens Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 83
Oncidium fulgens Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 83
Oncidium fulgens Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 83
Oncidium powelii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 86
Oncidium powelii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 86
Oncidium powelii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 86
Oncidium powelii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 86
Oncidium isthmi Schlechter [NotType] 1922, 17: 84
Oncidium isthmi Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 84
Oncidium brenesii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 257
Oncidium titania Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 67
Oncidium panamense Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 85
Oncidium panamense Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 85
Oncidium panamense Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 85
Oncidium panamense Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 85
Oncidium panamense Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 85
Oncidium panamense Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 85
Oncidium paleatum Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 260
Oncidium narajense Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 259
Oncidium narajense Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 259
Oncidium narajense Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 259
Oncidium narajense Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 259
Oncidium narajense Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 259
Oncidium varians Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 151
Oncidium varians Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 151
Oncidium oerstedii var. crispiflorum Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 85
Cyrtopodium naiguatae Schlechter [Holotype] 1919, 6: 43
Cyrtopodium naiguatae Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1919, 6: 43
Cyrtopodium naiguatae Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1919, 6: 43
Campylocentrum colombianum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 205
Campylocentrum peniculus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 91
Campylocentrum peniculus Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 91
Campylocentrum parvulum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 157
Campylocentrum brenesii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 268
Campylocentrum brenesii Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 268
Campylocentrum acutum Schlechter [Holotype] 1923, 19: 268
Campylocentrum multiflorum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 156
Oberonia kaniensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 147
Oberonia cleistogama Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 170
Oberonia phleoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 173
Oberonia forcipifera Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 154
Oberonia forcipifera Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 154
Oberonia quadrata Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 165
Oberonia ruberrima Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 162
Oberonia odontopetala Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 159
Oberonia pachyambon Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 145
Calymmanthera tenuis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 956
Calymmanthera tenuis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 956
Calymmanthera tenuis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 956
Calymmanthera tenuis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 956
Calymmanthera tenuis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 956
Calymmanthera tenuis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 956
Calymmanthera tenuis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 956
Calymmanthera montana Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 956
Herminium neotineoides Ames & Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 4: 42
Herminium neotineoides Ames & Schlechter [Holotype] 1919, 4: 42
Herminium neotineoides Ames & Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 4: 42
Eurystyles auriculata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 86
Cycnoches powellii Schlechter [NotType] 1922, 17: 58
Cycnoches powellii Schlechter [NotType] 1922, 17: 58
Cycnoches powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 58
Cycnoches guttulatum Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 56
Cycnoches guttulatum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 56
Cycnoches guttulatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 56
Cycnoches pachydactylon Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 57
Cycnoches amparoanum Schlechter [NotType] 1923, 19: 48
Cycnoches amparoanum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 48
Cycnoches tonduzii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 298
Cycnoches stenodactylon Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 59
Cycnoches pauciflorum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 137
Notylia ramonensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 250
Notylia ramonensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 250
Notylia ramonensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 250
Notylia gracilispica Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 75
Notylia turrialbae Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 145
Notylia brenesii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 249
Notylia venezuelana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 45
Zeuxine atrorubens Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 82
Zeuxine dipera var. laxa Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 84
Zeuxine dipera var. laxa Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 84
Zeuxine dipera var. laxa Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 84
Dendrobium patulum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 610
Dendrobium decumbens Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 637
Dendrobium decumbens Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 637
Dendrobium musciferum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 494
Dendrobium nardoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 529
Dendrobium nardoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 529
Dendrobium pumilio Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 527
Dendrobium pumilio Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 527
Dendrobium pumilio Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 527
Dendrobium pumilio Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 527
Dendrobium disoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 641
Dendrobium disoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 641
Dendrobium disoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 641
Dendrobium disoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 641
Dendrobium disoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 641
Dendrobium petiolatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 541
Dendrobium petiolatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 541
Dendrobium araneola Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 468
Dendrobium rubropictum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 612
Dendrobium rubropictum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 612
Dendrobium cadetioides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 467
Dendrobium oreocharis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 533
Dendrobium oreocharis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 533
Dendrobium hamadryas Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 591
Dendrobium hamadryas Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 591
Dendrobium hamadryas Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 591
Dendrobium pluricostatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 557
Dendrobium pluricostatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 557
Dendrobium prostheciglossum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 555
Dendrobium prostheciglossum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 555
Dendrobium prostheciglossum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 555
Dendrobium prostheciglossum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 555
Dendrobium aberrans Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 484
Dendrobium aberrans Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 484
Dendrobium aberrans Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 484
Dendrobium aberrans Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 484
Dendrobium odontopus Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 612
Dendrobium odontopus Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 612
Dendrobium quadriferum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 563
Dendrobium quadriferum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 563
Dendrobium axillare Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 605
Dendrobium potamophila Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 600
Dendrobium trachyrhizum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 553
Dendrobium trachyrhizum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 553
Dendrobium trachyrhizum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 553
Dendrobium trachyrhizum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 553
Dendrobium trachyrhizum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 553
Dendrobium trachyrhizum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 553
Dendrobium trachyrhizum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 553
Dendrobium scopula Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 640
Dendrobium scopula Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 640
Dendrobium perlongum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 587
Dendrobium perlongum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 587
Dendrobium clausum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 607
Dendrobium theionanthum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 528
Dendrobium theionanthum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 528
Dendrobium obliquum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 606
Dendrobium flagellum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 481
Dendrobium sarcophyllum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 616
Dendrobium sarcophyllum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 616
Dendrobium flammula Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1912, 1: 516
Dendrobium globiflorum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 621
Dendrobium globiflorum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 621
Dendrobium globiflorum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 621
Dendrobium globiflorum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 621
Dendrobium globiflorum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 621
Dendrobium extra-axillare Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 606
Dendrobium extra-axillare Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 606
Dendrobium loeserianum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 522
Dendrobium minjemense Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 464
Dendrobium minjemense Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 464
Dendrobium chloroleucum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 490
Dendrobium lamproglossum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 631
Dendrobium lamproglossum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 631
Dendrobium xanthocaulon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 475
Dendrobium xanthocaulon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 475
Dendrobium xanthocaulon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 475
Dendrobium xanthocaulon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 475
Dendrobium xanthocaulon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 475
Dendrobium appendicula Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 639
Dendrobium hymenocentrum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 567
Dendrobium hymenocentrum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 567
Dendrobium dryadum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 537
Dendrobium subserratum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 634
Dendrobium regale Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 476
Dendrobium regale Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 476
Dendrobium regale Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 476
Dendrobium fornicatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 509
Dendrobium fornicatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 509
Dendrobium fornicatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 509
Dendrobium setosum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 618
Dendrobium setosum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 618
Dendrobium fariniferum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 470
Dendrobium fariniferum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 470
Dendrobium fariniferum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 470
Dendrobium fariniferum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 470
Dendrobium obovatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 627
Dendrobium obovatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 627
Dendrobium obovatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 627
Dendrobium phlox Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1912, 1: 515
Dendrobium phlox Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1912, 1: 515
Dendrobium phlox Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1912, 1: 515
Dendrobium phlox Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1912, 1: 515
Dendrobium apertum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 518
Dendrobium apertum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 518
Dendrobium undatialatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 542
Dendrobium undatialatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 542
Dendrobium abbreviatum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 466
Dendrobium abbreviatum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 466
Dendrobium grossum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 584
Dendrobium grossum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 584
Dendrobium minutum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 531
Dendrobium minutum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 531
Dendrobium subpetiolatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 621
Dendrobium subpetiolatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 621
Dendrobium lucidum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 640
Dendrobium scarlatinum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 535
Dendrobium scarlatinum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 535
Dendrobium djamuense Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 594
Dendrobium djamuense Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 594
Dendrobium polyschistum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 575
Dendrobium polyschistum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 575
Dendrobium mischobulbum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 471
Dendrobium mischobulbum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 471
Dendrobium brevilabium Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 520
Dendrobium gatiense Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 613
Dendrobium gatiense Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 613
Dendrobium violaceo-pictum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 592
Dendrobium meliodorum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 576
Dendrobium meliodorum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 576
Dendrobium acianthum Schlechter [NotType] 1912, 1: 572
Dendrobium pleianthum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 625
Dendrobium pleianthum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 625
Dendrobium roseoflavidium Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 632
Dendrobium roseoflavidium Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 632
Dendrobium dichaeoides Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 507
Dendrobium triste Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 589
Dendrobium triste Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 589
Dendrobium podochiloides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 611
Dendrobium acutilobum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 599
Dendrobium leucohybos var. leucanthum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 486
Dendrobium sarcodes var. majus Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 589
Dendrobium sarcodes var. majus Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 589
Dendrobium poneroides var. angustum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 629
Dendrobium poneroides var. angustum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 629
Dendrobium poneroides var. angustum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 629
Dendrobium rhytidothece Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 630
Brachystele longiflora Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 66
Bletia stenophylla Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 19
Bletia mandonii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 10: 48
Bletia mandonii Schlechter [Type] 1922, 10: 48
Bletia mandonii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 10: 48
Bletia mandonii Schlechter [Type] 1922, 10: 48
Isochilus chiriquensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 25
Isochilus chiriquensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 25
Isochilus amparoanus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 27
Isochilus peruvianus Schlechter [Type] 1921, 9: 79
Spathoglottis grandifolia Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 398
Spathoglottis grandifolia Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 398
Spathoglottis grandifolia Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 398
Gongora powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 62
Gongora powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 62
Gongora powellii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 62
Gongora powellii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 62
Gongora amparoana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 50
Sarcoglottis hunteriana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 13
Sarcoglottis hunteriana Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 13
Sarcoglottis powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 14
Sarcoglottis powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 14
Sarcoglottis powellii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 14
Platyrhiza juergensii Schlechter [Isotype] 1925, 35;103
Platyrhiza juergensii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1925, 35;103
Cypripedium amesianum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1919, 4: 38
Cypripedium amesianum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1919, 4: 38
Cypripedium pulchrum Ames & Schlechter [Syntype] 1919, 4: 39
Cypripedium pulchrum Ames & Schlechter [Syntype] 1919, 4: 39
Cypripedium pulchrum Ames & Schlechter [Syntype] 1919, 4: 39
Aphyllorchis elata Schlechter [Syntype] 1911, 1: 36
Claderia papuana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 222
Claderia papuana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 222
Claderia papuana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 222
Claderia papuana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 222
Didymoplexis papuana Schlechter [Type] 1911, 1: 43
Microstylis brenesii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 167
Microstylis undulata Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 120
Microstylis decumbens Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 137
Microstylis vinicolor Schlechter [Type] 1911, 1: 132
Microstylis megalantha Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 142
Microstylis fissa Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 138
Microstylis fissa Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 138
Microstylis laevis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 112
Microstylis caricoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 123
Microstylis graminifolia Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 121
Microstylis paguroides Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 137
Microstylis johniana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 31
Microstylis leucodon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 126
Microstylis stenostachys Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 132
Microstylis oreocharis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 128
Microstylis maboroensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 113
Microstylis oligantha Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 122
Microstylis heliophila Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 127
Microstylis brevicaulis Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 4: 62
Microstylis reichenbachiana Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 40
Microstylis sciaphila Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 139
Microstylis fasciata var. concolor Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 130
Cyrtoglottis gracilipes Schlechter [Neotype] 1920, 7: 182
Cyrtoglottis gracilipes Schlechter [NotType] 1920, 7: 182
Pseudocentrum sphaerocorys Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 47
Beloglottis boliviensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 38
Elleanthus setosus Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 34
Elleanthus setosus Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 34
Elleanthus setosus Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 34
Elleanthus cajamarcae Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 44
Elleanthus cajamarcae Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 44
Elleanthus cajamarcae Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 44
Elleanthus cajamarcae Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 44
Elleanthus pallidiflavus Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 48
Elleanthus pallidiflavus Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 48
Elleanthus poiformis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 164
Elleanthus smithii Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 46
Elleanthus smithii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 46
Elleanthus smithii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 46
Elleanthus wercklei Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 11
Elleanthus curtii Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 79
Elleanthus bradeorum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 78
Elleanthus galipanensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 6: 28
Elleanthus galipanensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 6: 28
Elleanthus alberti Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 162
Corysanthes gastrosiphon Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1911, 1: 18
Corysanthes gastrosiphon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 18
Corysanthes gastrosiphon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 18
Corysanthes gastrosiphon Schlechter [Lectotype] 1911, 1: 18
Corysanthes gastrosiphon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 18
Corysanthes gastrosiphon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 18
Corysanthes gastrosiphon Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1911, 1: 18
Cymbidium yunnanense Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 4: 74
Cymbidium yunnanense Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 4: 74
Cymbidium aphyllum Ames & Schlechter [Type] 1919, 4: 73
Mormodes powellii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 55
Mormodes powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 55
Mormodes powellii Schlechter [Type] 1922, 17: 55
Mormodes stenoglossum Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 225
Macodes dendrophila Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 73
Macodes dendrophila Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 73
Macodes dendrophila Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 73
Macodes dendrophila Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 73
Macodes dendrophila Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1911, 1: 73
Macodes dendrophila Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1911, 1: 73
Macodes obscura Schlechter [Type] 1911, 1: 72
Lectandra tenuipes Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 365
Lectandra tenuipes Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 365
Lectandra tenuipes Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 365
Masdevallia subumbellata Kraenzlin [Isotype] 1925, 34: 107
Masdevallia subumbellata Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1925, 34: 107
Masdevallia reflexa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 276
Masdevallia reflexa Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 276
Masdevallia weberbaueri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 9: 62
Masdevallia weberbaueri Schlechter [Type] 1921, 9: 62
Masdevallia bangii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 41
Masdevallia bangii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 41
Masdevallia angulifera H. G. Reichenbach ex Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1925, 34: 19
Masdevallia cryptocopis H. G. Reichenbach ex Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1925, 34: 182
Masdevallia pygmaea Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1925, 34: 92
Orchis exilis Ames & Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1919, 4: 40
Orchis exilis Ames & Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1919, 4: 40
Orchis exilis Ames & Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1919, 4: 40
Scaphyglottis bradeorum Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 113
Scaphyglottis bradeorum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 113
Scaphyglottis powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 28
Scaphyglottis powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 28
Scaphyglottis powellii Schlechter [Type] 1922, 17: 28
Scaphyglottis powellii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 28
Scaphyglottis powellii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 28
Scaphyglottis boliviana Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 44
Scaphyglottis boliviana Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 44
Scaphyglottis boliviana Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 10: 44
Scaphyglottis dolichophylla Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 28
Scaphyglottis dolichophylla Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 28
Scaphyglottis dolichophylla Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 28
Scaphyglottis dolichophylla Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 28
Scaphyglottis dolichophylla Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 28
Scaphyglottis sanctae-martae Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 122
Scaphyglottis sanctae-martae Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 122
Scaphyglottis sanctae-martae Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 122
Restrepia powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 25
Restrepia powellii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 25
Restrepia tonduzii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 291
Miltonia stenoglossa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 66
Hexadesmia jimenezii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 293
Hexadesmia pachybulbon Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 26
Hexadesmia pachybulbon Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 26
Hexadesmia powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 27
Hexadesmia powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 27
Hexadesmia powellii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 27
Hexadesmia powellii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 27
Hexadesmia brachyphylla var. longior Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 205
Hexadesmia rigidipes Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 206
Pachyphyllum stuebelii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 204
Pachyphyllum micrangis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 203
Pachyphyllum breviconnatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 115
Pachyphyllum breviconnatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 115
Pachyphyllum breviconnatum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 115
Pachyphyllum breviconnatum Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1921, 9: 115
Pachyphyllum breviconnatum Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1921, 9: 115
Pachyphyllum micranthum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 204
Eurycentrum monticola Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 64
Eurycentrum monticola Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 64
Xylobium sublobatum Schlechter [Type] 1923, 19: 51
Xylobium powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 66
Xylobium powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 66
Xylobium powellii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 66
Xylobium powellii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 66
Xylobium powellii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 66
Brenesia costaricensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 200
Brenesia costaricensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 200
Brenesia costaricensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 200
Brenesia costaricensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 200
Platylepis lamellata Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 53
Ponthieva oligoneura Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 9: 57
Ponthieva formosa Schlechter [Neotype] 1923, 19: 12
Ponthieva formosa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 12
Ponthieva graciliscapa Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 166
Ponthieva graciliscapa Schlechter [Type] 1923, 19: 166
Ponthieva graciliscapa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 166
Ponthieva weberbaueri Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1921, 9: 58
Ponthieva weberbaueri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 9: 58
Ponthieva weberbaueri Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1921, 9: 58
Ponthieva weberbaueri Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 58
Ponthieva weberbaueri Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 58
Ponthieva weberbaueri Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 58
Ponthieva costaricense Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 84
Ponthieva microglossa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 9: 56
Ponthieva microglossa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 9: 56
Ponthieva brenesii Schlechter [NotType] 1923, 19: 165
Ponthieva brenesii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 165
Ponthieva brenesii Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 165
Ponthieva venusta Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 9: 57
Ponthieva elata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 63
Ponthieva elata Schlechter [Lectotype] 1920, 7: 63
Taeniophyllum kaniensis Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1015
Taeniophyllum kaniensis Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1015
Taeniophyllum kaniensis Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1015
Taeniophyllum pubicarpum Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1031
Taeniophyllum pubicarpum Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1031
Taeniophyllum pubicarpum Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1031
Taeniophyllum clavatum Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1035
Taeniophyllum clavatum Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1035
Taeniophyllum clavatum Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1035
Taeniophyllum clavatum Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1035
Taeniophyllum quaquaversus Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1034
Taeniophyllum quaquaversus Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1034
Taeniophyllum macranthum Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1017
Taeniophyllum macranthum Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 1017
Phaius montanus Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 374
Phaius montanus Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 374
Aglossorrhyncha torricellensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 323
Aglossorrhyncha viridis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 321
Aglossorrhyncha lucida var. wariana Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 332
Aa denticulata Schlechter [Type] 1920, 7: 48
Aa colombiana Schlechter [Type] 1920, 7: 48
Aa maderoi Schlechter [Type] 1920, 7: 49
Aa nigrescens Schlechter [Type] 1920, 7: 49
Aa lechleri Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 52
Comparettia venezuelana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 44
Cyclopogon gracilis Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 8: 45
Cyclopogon spiranthoides Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 67
Cyclopogon macer Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1921, 8: 46
Cyclopogon maderoi Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 66
Octarrhena umbellulata Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 901
Octarrhena torricellensis Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 903
Calanthe inflata Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 390
Calanthe inflata Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 390
Calanthe inflata Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 390
Calanthe inflata Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 390
Calanthe inflata Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 390
Calanthe apostasioides Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1912, 1: 377
Calanthe cruciata Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 389
Calanthe cruciata Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 389
Calanthe cruciata Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 389
Calanthe kaniensis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 379
Calanthe kaniensis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 379
Pescatoria costaricensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 139
Lycaste powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 65
Lycaste powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 65
Lycaste powellii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 65
Lycaste bradeorum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 138
Amparoa costaricensis Schlechter [NotType] 1923, 19: 65
Amparoa costaricensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 65
Amparoa costaricensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 65
Amparoa costaricensis Schlechter [NotType] 1923, 19: 65
Vrydagzynea truncicola Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 87
Vrydagzynea rivularis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 85
Vrydagzynea rivularis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 85
Vrydagzynea rivularis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 85
Vrydagzynea rivularis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 85
Encyclia hunteriana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 46
Encyclia hunteriana Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 46
Encyclia hunteriana Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 46
Encyclia hunteriana Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 46
Encyclia hunteriana Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 46
Encyclia powellii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 46
Encyclia powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 46
Encyclia powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 46
Encyclia powellii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 46
Encyclia powellii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 46
Encyclia brenesii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 221
Encyclia leucantha Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 40
Encyclia tonduziana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 132
Encyclia atropurpurea var. rhodoglossa Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 45
Encyclia atropurpurea var. rhodoglossa Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 45
Encyclia atropurpurea var. rhodoglossa Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 45
Encyclia atropurpurea var. rhodoglossa Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 45
Encyclia atropurpurea var. leucantha Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 45
Dichaea oxyglossa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 267
Dichaea acroblephara Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 71
Dichaea acroblephara Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 71
Dichaea bradeorum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 154
Dichaea amparoana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 71
Dichaea amparoana Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 71
Dichaea costaricensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 73
Dichaea costaricensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 73
Dichaea brenesii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 264
Dichaea acostae Schlechter [Holotype] 1923, 19: 306
Dichaea acostae Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 306
Dichaea powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 90
Dichaea powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 90
Dichaea powellii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 90
Dichaea similis Schlechter [Holotype] 1923, 19: 307
Dichaea poicillantha Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 73
Dichaea poicillantha Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 73
Dichaea wercklei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 74
Dichaea wercklei Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 74
Dichaea ovatipetala Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 266
Cadetia dischorensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 429
Cadetia dischorensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 429
Cadetia dischorensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 429
Cadetia dischorensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 429
Cadetia echinocarpa Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 439
Cadetia echinocarpa Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 439
Cadetia collina Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 432
Cadetia collina Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 432
Cadetia collina Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 432
Cadetia obliqua Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 431
Cadetia imitans Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 428
Cadetia imitans Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 428
Cadetia bigibba Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 432
Cadetia bigibba Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 432
Cadetia potamophila Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 438
Cadetia potamophila Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 438
Cadetia potamophila var. kenejiae Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 439
Cadetia potamophila var. kenejiae Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 439
Cadetia quinqueloba Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 435
Cadetia quinqueloba Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 435
Cadetia takadui Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 434
Cadetia takadui Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 434
Cadetia takadui Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 434
Cadetia takadui Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 434
Cadetia takadui Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 434
Cadetia wariana Schlechter [Isosyntype] ,
Cadetia wariana Schlechter [Isosyntype] ,
Cadetia wariana Schlechter [Isosyntype] ,
Cadetia wariana Schlechter [Isosyntype] ,
Cadetia wariana Schlechter [Isosyntype] ,
Cadetia wariana Schlechter [Isosyntype] ,
Sobralia rolfeana Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 12
Sobralia pfavii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 272
Sobralia bradeorum Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 80
Sobralia bradeorum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 80
Sobralia bradeorum Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 80
Sobralia bradeorum Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 80
Sobralia powellii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 11
Sobralia powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 11
Sobralia powellii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 11
Sobralia macra Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 161
Sobralia panamensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 11
Sobralia panamensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 11
Sobralia panamensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 11
Sobralia panamensis Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 11
Sobralia panamensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 11
Sobralia panamensis var. albiflos Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 11
Sobralia panamensis var. albiflos Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 11
Sobralia panamensis var. albiflos Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 11
Sobralia amparoae Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 8
Sobralia neglecta Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 161
Sobralia neglecta Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 161
Ceratostylis longipes Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 250
Ceratostylis ficinioides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 247
Ceratostylis dischorensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 243
Ceratostylis hydrophila Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 252
Ceratostylis hydrophila Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 252
Ceratostylis brevipes Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 246
Ceratostylis glabriflora Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 253
Ceratostylis maboroensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 256
Ceratostylis triloba Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 254
Ceratostylis triloba Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 254
Ceratostylis flavescens Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 244
Ceratostylis kaniensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 254
Ceratostylis rivularis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 250
Ceratostylis phaeochlamys Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 249
Agrostophyllum graminifolium Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 266
Agrostophyllum graminifolium Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 266
Agrostophyllum stenophyllum Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 258
Agrostophyllum potamophila Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 271
Agrostophyllum macrocephalum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 270
Agrostophyllum kaniense Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 273
Agrostophyllum superpositum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 278
Agrostophyllum appendiculoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 277
Agrostophyllum bimaculatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 268
Agrostophyllum oliganthum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 364
Chiloschista yunnanensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 4: 74
Rodriguezia compacta Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 144
Rodriguezia secunda var. panamensis Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 75
Rodriguezia secunda var. panamensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 75
Pecteilis henryi Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 4: 45
Zygopetalum bolivianum Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 50
Zygopetalum bolivianum Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 50
Cryptocentrum gracilipes Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 246
Cryptocentrum latifolium Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 247
Dimerandra isthmi Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 44
Dimerandra isthmi Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 44
Dimerandra isthmi Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 44
Dimerandra isthmi Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 44
Dimerandra isthmi Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 44
Pityphyllum amesianum Schlechter [Isotype] 1924, 27: 96
Pityphyllum amesianum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1924, 27: 96
Pityphyllum amesianum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1924, 27: 96
Oreorchis setschanica Ames & Schlechter [Holotype] 1919, 4: 65
Pterichis tomentosula Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 56
Pterichis pauciflora Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 8: 41
Pterichis acuminata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 56
Phyllomphax henryi Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 4: 45
Mediocalcar uniflorum Schlechter [Lectotype] 1911, 1: 227
Mediocalcar kaniense Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1911, 1: 226
Mediocalcar kaniense Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 226
Mediocalcar robustum Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1911, 1: 225
Mediocalcar pygmaneum var. altigenum Schlechter [Lectotype] 1911, 1: 234
Chamaeanthus laxus Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 958
Chamaeanthus laxus Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 958
Chamaeanthus laxus Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 958
Chamaeanthus laxus Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 958
Tropidia acuminata Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 92
Tropidia acuminata Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 92
Tropidia acuminata Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 92
Tropidia acuminata Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1911, 1: 92
Tropidia multinervis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 91
Vandopsis longicaulis Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 973
Vandopsis longicaulis Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 973
Vandopsis longicaulis Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 973
Vandopsis longicaulis Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 973
Pleurothallis homalantha Schlechter [Type] 1923, 19: 106
Pleurothallis homalantha Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 106
Pleurothallis brunnescens Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 183
Pleurothallis trachystoma Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 196
Pleurothallis rhodoglossa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 22
Pleurothallis rhodoglossa Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 22
Pleurothallis rhodoglossa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 22
Pleurothallis rhodoglossa Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 22
Pleurothallis rhodoglossa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 22
Pleurothallis rhodoglossa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 22
Pleurothallis pauciflora Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 192
Pleurothallis pauciflora Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 192
Pleurothallis pauciflora Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 192
Pleurothallis stelidioides Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 116
Pleurothallis stelidioides Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 116
Pleurothallis stelidioides Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 116
Pleurothallis stelidioides Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 116
Pleurothallis eumecocaulon Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 187
Pleurothallis diuturna Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 19
Pleurothallis diuturna Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 19
Pleurothallis diuturna Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 19
Pleurothallis octomeriae Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 21
Pleurothallis octomeriae Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 21
Pleurothallis octomeriae Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 21
Pleurothallis octomeriae Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 21
Pleurothallis vaginata Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 197
Pleurothallis alexandrae Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 103
Pleurothallis rhopalocarpa Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 43
Pleurothallis rhopalocarpa Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 43
Pleurothallis rhopalocarpa Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 43
Pleurothallis amparoana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 23
Pleurothallis amparoana Schlechter [Holotype] 1923, 19: 23
Pleurothallis amparoana Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 23
Pleurothallis amparoana Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 23
Pleurothallis homalanthoides Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 190
Pleurothallis ramonensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 193
Pleurothallis ramonensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 193
Pleurothallis ramonensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 193
Pleurothallis ramonensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 193
Pleurothallis acostaei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 285
Pleurothallis verecunda Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 24
Pleurothallis verecunda Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 24
Pleurothallis verecunda Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 24
Pleurothallis verecunda Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 24
Pleurothallis verecunda Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 24
Pleurothallis powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 22
Pleurothallis powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 22
Pleurothallis powellii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 22
Pleurothallis powellii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 22
Pleurothallis stelidiformis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 195
Pleurothallis biflora Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 181
Pleurothallis pilosissima Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 289
Pleurothallis barboselloides Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 18
Pleurothallis barboselloides Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 18
Pleurothallis barboselloides Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 18
Pleurothallis barboselloides Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 18
Pleurothallis barboselloides Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 18
Pleurothallis brevis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 183
Pleurothallis dryadum Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 186
Pleurothallis violaceorosea Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 198
Pleurothallis violaceorosea Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 198
Pleurothallis carpinterae Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 105
Pleurothallis vittariifolia Schlechter [NotType] 1923, 19: 26
Pleurothallis vittariifolia Schlechter [Type] 1923, 19: 26
Pleurothallis vittariifolia Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 26
Pleurothallis sigsigensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 8: 63
Pleurothallis trimeroglossa Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 78
Pleurothallis trimeroglossa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 9: 78
Pleurothallis trimeroglossa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 78
Pleurothallis brenesii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 182
Pleurothallis brenesii Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 182
Pleurothallis brenesii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 182
Pleurothallis chiriquensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 19
Pleurothallis excavata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 287
Pleurothallis trachyclamys Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 23
Pleurothallis trachyclamys Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 23
Pleurothallis trachyclamys Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 23
Pleurothallis trachyclamys Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 23
Pleurothallis trachyclamys Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 23
Pleurothallis dolichocaulon Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 43
Pleurothallis dolichocaulon Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 43
Pleurothallis dolichocaulon Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 43
Pleurothallis ehrartiiflora Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 187
Pleurothallis ehrartiiflora Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 187
Pleurothallis ehrartiiflora Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 187
Pleurothallis convallaria Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 185
Pleurothallis barbae Schlechter [Holotype] 1923, 19: 104
Pleurothallis phyllocardioides Schlechter [Type] 1923, 19: 193
Pleurothallis calerae Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 184
Pleurothallis gonioglossa Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 189
Pleurothallis gonioglossa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 189
Pleurothallis gonioglossa Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 189
Pleurothallis gonioglossa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 189
Pleurothallis papillisepala Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 109
Pleurothallis papillisepala Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 109
Pleurothallis papillisepala Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 109
Pleurothallis cooperi Schlechter [Type] 1923, 19: 286
Pleurothallis cooperi Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 286
Pleurothallis cooperi Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 286
Pleurothallis tricaudata Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1921, 9: 77
Pleurothallis hunteriana Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 20
Pleurothallis sotarae Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 115
Pleurothallis sotarae Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 115
Pleurothallis flavescens Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 188
Pleurothallis phyllostachys Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 76
Pleurothallis phyllostachys Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 76
Pleurothallis cililabia Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 185
Pleurothallis smithii Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 114
Odontoglossum powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 78
Odontoglossum powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 78
Odontoglossum powellii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 78
Odontoglossum powellii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 78
Camaridium amparoanum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 56
Camaridium arachnites Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 73
Camaridium arachnites Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 73
Camaridium arachnites Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 73
Camaridium arachnites Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 73
Camaridium arachnites Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 73
Camaridium arachnites Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 73
Camaridium affine Schlechter [NotType] 1922, 17: 72
Camaridium affine Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 72
Camaridium affine Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 72
Camaridium affine Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 72
Camaridium affine Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 72
Camaridium latifolium Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 74
Camaridium latifolium Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 74
Camaridium latifolium Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 74
Camaridium latifolium Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 74
Camaridium latifolium Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 74
Camaridium brenesii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 237
Camaridium brenesii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 237
Camaridium vinosum Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 240
Camaridium vinosum Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 240
Camaridium vinosum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 240
Camaridium bradeorum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 57
Camaridium simile Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 239
Camaridium wercklei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 58
Pholidota sororia Schlechter [Type] 1911, 1: 108
Pholidota torricellensis Schlechter [Type] 1911, 1: 107
Telipogon lehmnanii Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 198
Telipogon lehmnanii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 198
Telipogon pachyhybos Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 8: 104
Telipogon pachyhybos Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1921, 8: 104
Telipogon pachyhybos Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 8: 104
Telipogon pachyhybos Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 8: 104
Telipogon caucanus Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 196
Telipogon caucanus Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 196
Telipogon caucanus Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 196
Telipogon caucanus Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 196
Telipogon gracilipes Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 19: 263
Chilopogon bracteatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 334
Chilopogon bracteatum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 334
Chilopogon bracteatum var. warianum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 334
Maxillaria oreocharis Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 69
Maxillaria oreocharis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 69
Maxillaria oreocharis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 69
Maxillaria powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 70
Maxillaria powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 70
Maxillaria powellii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 70
Maxillaria schistostele Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1923, 19: 303
Maxillaria gatunensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 68
Maxillaria gatunensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 68
Maxillaria gatunensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 68
Maxillaria gatunensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 68
Maxillaria brenesii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 231
Maxillaria brenesii Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 231
Maxillaria brenesii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 231
Maxillaria brenesii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 231
Maxillaria chiriquiensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 68
Maxillaria chiriquiensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 68
Maxillaria chiriquiensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 68
Maxillaria chiriquiensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 68
Maxillaria chiriquiensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 68
Maxillaria chiriquiensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 68
Maxillaria alberti Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 230
Maxillaria rubrilabia Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 236
Maxillaria plicata Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1920, 7: 171
Maxillaria plicata Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1920, 7: 171
Maxillaria plicata Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1920, 7: 171
Maxillaria plicata Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 171
Maxillaria calantha Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 102
Maxillaria calantha Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1921, 9: 102
Maxillaria calantha Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 102
Maxillaria calantha Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1921, 9: 102
Maxillaria calantha Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 102
Maxillaria brevipes Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 302
Maxillaria langlassei Schlechter [Isotype] 1924, 27: 174
Maxillaria langlassei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1924, 27: 174
Maxillaria langlassei Schlechter [Isotype] 1924, 27: 174
Maxillaria langlassei Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1924, 27: 174
Maxillaria costaricensis Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 232
Maxillaria costaricensis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1923, 19: 232
Maxillaria costaricensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 232
Maxillaria costaricensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 232
Maxillaria amparoana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 54
Maxillaria piestopus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 302
Maxillaria piestopus Schlechter [Neotype] 1923, 19: 302
Maxillaria acostae Schlechter [Neotype] 1923, 19: 301
Maxillaria brachybulbon Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 55
Maxillaria panamensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 70
Maxillaria pubilabia Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 71
Maxillaria pubilabia Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 71
Maxillaria pubilabia Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 71
Maxillaria pubilabia Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 71
Maxillaria ramonensis Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 235
Maxillaria ramonensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 235
Maxillaria ramonensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 235
Maxillaria ramonensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 235
Maxillaria lactea Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 233
Maxillaria lactea Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 233
Maxillaria lactea Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 233
Maxillaria acutifolia Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 229
Maxillaria acutifolia Schlechter [Neotype] 1923, 19: 229
Anthogonium corydaloydes Schlechter [Type] 1919, 4: 66
Anthogonium corydaloydes Schlechter [Type] 1919, 4: 66
Acanthophippium papuanum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 371
Fractiunguis cuniculatus var. gracilis Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 204
Lepanthes ciliisepala Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 99
Lepanthes barbae Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 98
Lepanthes microglottis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 101
Lepanthes lancifolia Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 281
Lepanthes tonduziana Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 180
Lepanthes tonduziana Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 180
Lepanthes inornata Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 178
Lepanthes inornata Schlechter [Holotype] 1923, 19: 178
Lepanthes chiriquensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 17
Lepanthes ramonensis Schlechter [Neotype] 1923, 19: 179
Lepanthes tricuspis Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 101
Lepanthes tricuspis Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 101
Lepanthes jimenezii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 281
Lepanthes jimenezii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 281
Lepanthes acostaei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 280
Lepanthes brenesii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 177
Lepanthes brenesii Schlechter [Holotype] 1923, 19: 177
Lepanthes apiculifera Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 177
Lepanthes abnormis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 21
Lepanthes pubilabia Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 282
Lepanthes costaricensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 22
Lepanthes schnitteri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1924, 27: 160
Lepanthes schnitteri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1924, 27: 160
Cyphochilus parvifolius Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 359
Cyphochilus rivularis Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 360
Lindleyella picta Schlechter [Isotype] 1924, 27: 173
Lindleyella picta Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1924, 27: 173
Cryptostylis fulva Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 26
Cryptostylis fulva Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 26
Cryptostylis fulva Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 26
Cryptostylis fulva Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 26
Hemipilia amesiana Schlechter [Holotype] 1919, 4: 41
Pleione speciosa Ames & Schlechter [Type] 1919, 4: 61
Pleione speciosa Ames & Schlechter [Type] 1919, 4: 61
Appendicula cleistogama Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 338
Appendicula aberrans Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 343
Appendicula calcicola Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 354
Appendicula humilis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 353
Catasetum brenesii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 225
Prescottia smithii Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 52
Prescottia smithii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 52
Prescottia smithii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1920, 7: 52
Prescottia filiformis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 50
Prescottia filiformis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1920, 7: 50
Prescottia gracilis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 51
Prescottia gracilis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1920, 7: 51
Prescottia longifolia Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 51
Prescottia longifolia Schlechter [Lectotype] 1920, 7: 51
Cryptophoranthus pectinatus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 277
Cryptophoranthus acualis Kraenzlin [DrawingOfType] 1925, 34: 232
Satyrium mairei Schlechter [Type] 1919, 4: 54
Satyrium mairei Schlechter [Type] 1919, 4: 54
Satyrium mairei Schlechter [Type] 1919, 4: 54
Schiedeella petiolata Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 85
Schiedeella petiolata Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 85
Hapalorchis cheirostyloides Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 4: 30
Hapalorchis trilobulata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 65
Hapalorchis longirostris Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 64
Sarcanthus litoreus Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 990
Sarcanthus flagellaris Schlechter [Type] 1919, 4: 76
Sarcanthus flagellaris Schlechter [Type] 1919, 4: 76
Gomphichis gracilis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 29
Gomphichis caucana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 53
Gomphichis lancipetala Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 54
Gomphichis brachystachys Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 52
Gomphichis scaposa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 55
Platanthera maximowicziana Schlechter [Type] 1919, 4: 114
Glomera bambusiformis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 288
Glomera bambusiformis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 288
Glomera bambusiformis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 288
Glomera kaniensis Schlechter [NotType] 1912, 1: 289
Glomera kaniensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 289
Glomera kaniensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 289
Glomera verrucifera Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 286
Epipactis setschuanica Ames & Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 4: 56
Epipactis setschuanica Ames & Schlechter [Holotype] 1919, 4: 56
Epipactis setschuanica Ames & Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 4: 56
Scelochilus aureus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 144
Stelis simula Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 93
Stelis simula Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 93
Stelis simula Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 93
Stelis tenuis Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 94
Stelis weberbaueri Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1921, 9: 70
Stelis weberbaueri Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 70
Stelis weberbaueri Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 70
Stelis weberbaueri Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 70
Stelis antioquiensis Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1920, 7: 83
Stelis antioquiensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 83
Stelis mirabilis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1924, 27: 32
Stelis mirabilis Schlechter [Isotype] 1924, 27: 32
Stelis mirabilis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1924, 27: 32
Stelis alfredii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 93
Stelis alfredii Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 93
Stelis micragrostis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 95
Stelis bryophila Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 16
Stelis collina Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 15
Stelis collina Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 15
Stelis covilleana Schlechter ex R. Knuth [NotType] 1927, 43: 226
Stelis covilleana Schlechter ex R. Knuth [NotType] 1927, 43: 226
Stelis barbae Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 94
Stelis brenesii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 172
Stelis brenesii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 172
Stelis amparoana Schlechter [Holotype] 1923, 19: 16
Stelis acostaei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 278
Stelis ramonensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 176
Stelis praemorsa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 17
Stelis praemorsa Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 17
Stelis praemorsa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 17
Stelis violascens Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 176
Stelis violascens Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 176
Stelis eugenii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1920, 7: 87
Stelis eugenii Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1920, 7: 87
Stelis eugenii Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 87
Stelis eugenii Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 87
Stelis eugenii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 87
Stelis isthmi Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 16
Stelis isthmi Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 16
Stelis langlassei Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 89
Stelis langlassei Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 89
Stelis seleniglossa Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 97
Stelis praesecta Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 175
Stelis praesecta Schlechter [Neotype] 1923, 19: 175
Stelis pachystele Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 92
Stelis pachystele Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 92
Stelis subinconspicua Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 19
Stelis platycardia Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 18
Stelis cuspidilabia Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 17
Stelis powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 16
Stelis calceolus Schlechter [PhotoOfType] 1919, 6: 34
Stelis calceolus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 34
Stelis calceolus Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1919, 6: 34
Stelis werklei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 20
Stelis brevis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 172
Stelis leptophylla Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 174
Stelis pittieri Schlechter ex R. Knuth [PhotoOfType] 1927, 43: 227
Stelis pittieri Schlechter ex R. Knuth [NotType] 1927, 43: 227
Stelis citrina Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 86
Stelis cyclopetala Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 279
Stelis cyclopetala Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 279
Stelis rhizomatosa Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1921, 9: 69
Stelis rhizomatosa Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 69
Stelis rhizomatosa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 69
Stelis rhizomatosa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 69
Stelis rhizomatosa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 69
Stelis cordibractea Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 8: 51
Stelis cordibractea Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 8: 51
Stelis bracteata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1924, 27: 26
Stelis albertii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 170
Stelis albertii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 170
Stelis prorepens Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 92
Stelis prorepens Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 92
Stelis amblyophylla Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 33
Gymnadenia monophylla Ames & Schlechter [Holotype] 1919, 4: 43
Gymnadenia monophylla Ames & Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1919, 4: 43
Liparis altigena Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 192
Liparis altigena Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 192
Liparis altigena Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 192
Liparis mapanifolia Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 189
Liparis mapanifolia Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 189
Liparis mapanifolia Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 189
Liparis mapanifolia Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 189
Liparis mapanifolia Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 189
Liparis mapanifolia Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1911, 1: 189
Liparis dolichobulbon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 190
Liparis dolichobulbon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 190
Liparis dolichobulbon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 190
Liparis dolichobulbon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 190
Liparis dolichobulbon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 190
Liparis dolichobulbon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 190
Liparis dolichobulbon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 190
Liparis dolichobulbon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 190
Liparis ochrantha Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 214
Liparis ochrantha Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 214
Liparis ochrantha Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 214
Liparis ochrantha Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 214
Liparis lamproglossa Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 220
Liparis neoguineensis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 209
Liparis neoguineensis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 209
Liparis caricifolia Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 188
Liparis caricifolia Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 188
Liparis caricifolia Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 188
Liparis caricifolia Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 188
Liparis caricifolia Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1911, 1: 188
Liparis ovalis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 202
Liparis ovalis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 202
Liparis ovalis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 202
Liparis sympodialis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 193
Liparis microblepharon Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 205
Liparis nebuligena Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 212
Liparis nebuligena Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 212
Liparis nebuligena Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 212
Liparis chlorantha Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 201
Liparis chlorantha Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 201
Liparis chlorantha Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 201
Liparis eustachys Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 91
Liparis trachyglossa Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 217
Liparis stenostachya Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 207
Liparis calcarea Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 194
Liparis calcarea Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 194
Liparis calcarea Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 194
Liparis truncicola Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 199
Liparis truncicola Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 199
Liparis truncicola Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 199
Liparis truncicola var. oblanceolata Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 200
Liparis truncicola var. oblanceolata Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 200
Liparis anemophila Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 214
Liparis anemophila Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 214
Liparis anemophila Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 214
Liparis anemophila Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 214
Liparis melanoglossa Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 184
Liparis melanoglossa Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 184
Liparis melanoglossa Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 184
Liparis melanoglossa Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 184
Liparis melanoglossa Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 184
Liparis melanoglossa Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 184
Liparis cyclostele Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 212
Liparis otophyllon Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 41
Liparis fratrum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 92
Liparis pleistantha Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 4: 64
Liparis fendleri Schlechter [Holotype] 1919, 6: 32
Liparis fendleri Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 6: 32
Liparis fendleri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 32
Liparis persimilis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 206
Liparis persimilis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 206
Liparis persimilis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 206
Liparis leptopus Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 196
Liparis leptopus Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 196
Liparis leptopus Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 196
Liparis leptopus Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 196
Liparis leptopus Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 196
Liparis leptopus Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1911, 1: 196
Liparis spectabilis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 204
Liparis spectabilis Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 204
Liparis oligantha Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 183
Liparis imperatifolia Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 187
Liparis apiculata Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 216
Ornithidium dolichophyllum Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 9: 106
Ornithidium dolichophyllum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 106
Ornithidium ramonense Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 243
Ornithidium pallidiflavum Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1923, 19: 242
Ornithidium pallidiflavum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 242
Ornithidium neglectum Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 242
Ornithidium aurantiacum Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 241
Ornithidium stenophyllum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 59
Ornithidium wercklei Schlechter [Neotype] 1923, 19: 60
Hylophila orientalis Schlechter [Type] 1911, 1: 58
Hylophila orientalis Schlechter [Type] 1911, 1: 58
Hylophila orientalis Schlechter [Type] 1911, 1: 58
Fregea wercklei Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 9
Fregea wercklei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 9
Diacrium bivalvulatum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 132
Diacrium venezuelanum Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 41
Diacrium bilamellatum var. reichenbachianum Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 47
Diacrium bilamellatum var. reichenbachianum Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1922, 17: 47
Cranichis polyantha Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 61
Cranichis polyantha Schlechter [Lectotype] 1920, 7: 61
Cranichis fendleri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 30
Cranichis fendleri Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 6: 30
Cranichis fendleri Schlechter [Lectotype] 1919, 6: 30
Cranichis alfredii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 82
Cranichis atrata Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 58
Cranichis curtii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 83
Cranichis curtii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 83
Cranichis guatemalensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1906, 2: 129
Cranichis pleioneura Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 60
Cranichis mandonii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 38
Cranichis mandonii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 10: 38
Cranichis antioquensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 57
Cranichis antioquensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1920, 7: 57
Cranichis ovatilabia Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 59
Cranichis cylindrostachys Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 59
Cranichis pycnantha Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 62
Cranichis irazuensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 84
Cranichis costaricensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 12
Cranichis sororia Schlechter [Type] 1921, 8: 43
Polystachya panamensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 49
Polystachya panamensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 49
Polystachya costaricensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 223
Polystachya costaricensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 223
Polystachya costaricensis Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 223
Ischnocentrum myrtillus Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 319
Ischnocentrum myrtillus Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 319
Ischnocentrum myrtillus Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 319
Ischnocentrum myrtillus Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 319
Ischnocentrum myrtillus Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 319
Sertifera parviflora Schlechter [Neotype] 1924, 27: 20
Physurus procerus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 73
Physurus procerus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 73
Physurus procerus Schlechter [Isolectotype] 1920, 7: 73
Physurus procerus Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 73
Physurus procerus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1920, 7: 73
Physurus procerus Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 73
Physurus procerus Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 73
Physurus pittieri Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 6: 31
Physurus pittieri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 31
Physurus paleaceus Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1920, 7: 72
Physurus paleaceus Schlechter [Neotype] 1920, 7: 72
Physurus paleaceus Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 72
Sarcochilus chrysanthus Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 966
Sarcochilus chrysanthus Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 966
Sarcochilus chrysanthus Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 966
Sarcochilus chrysanthus Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 966
Sarcochilus odoratus Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 965
Sarcochilus odoratus Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 965
Sarcochilus odoratus Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 965
Sarcochilus odoratus Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 965
Sarcochilus asperatus Schlechter [Isotype] 1919, 4: 75
Pedilochilus coiloglossum Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 685
Pedilochilus pusillum Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 686
Cladobium costaricense Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 87
Ornithocephalus diceras Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 87
Ornithocephalus diceras Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 87
Ornithocephalus powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 88
Ornithocephalus powellii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 88
Ornithocephalus powellii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 17: 88
Bulbophyllum hians Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 773
Bulbophyllum epibulbon Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 847
Bulbophyllum ellipticum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 848
Bulbophyllum mimiense Schlechter [Syntype] 1913, 1: 787
Bulbophyllum mimiense Schlechter [Syntype] 1913, 1: 787
Bulbophyllum phaeoglossum Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 766
Bulbophyllum dichaeoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 802
Bulbophyllum tentaculiferum Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 799
Bulbophyllum tenuipes Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 757
Bulbophyllum stictosepalum Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 750
Bulbophyllum pensile Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 866
Bulbophyllum pungens Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 852
Bulbophyllum aureobrunneum Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 829
Bulbophyllum flavum Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 853
Bulbophyllum psilorhopalon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 881
Bulbophyllum psilorhopalon Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 881
Bulbophyllum nebularum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 849
Bulbophyllum dolichoglottis Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 715
Bulbophyllum leptoleucum Schlechter [Syntype] 1913, 1: 860
Bulbophyllum leptoleucum Schlechter [Neotype] 1913, 1: 860
Bulbophyllum melinoglossum Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 721
Bulbophyllum muscicola Schlechter [Neotype] 1913, 1: 870
Bulbophyllum muscicola Schlechter [Neotype] 1913, 1: 870
Bulbophyllum vaccinioides Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 820
Bulbophyllum harposepalum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 780
Bulbophyllum montanum Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 801
Bulbophyllum mischobulbon Schlechter [Neotype] 1913, 1: 864
Bulbophyllum mischobulbon Schlechter [Neotype] 1913, 1: 864
Bulbophyllum streptosepalum Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 779
Bulbophyllum torricellense Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 728
Bulbophyllum microsphaerum Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 791
Bulbophyllum adenoblephoron Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 803
Bulbophyllum myrtillus Schlechter [Syntype] 1913, 1: 821
Bulbophyllum foetidum Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 748
Bulbophyllum subulifolium Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 850
Bulbophyllum dasyphyllum Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 834
Bulbophyllum hystricinum Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 840
Bulbophyllum decurvulum Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 716
Bulbophyllum nummularioides Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 824
Bulbophyllum afzelii Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1918, 15: 328
Bulbophyllum pallidiflavum Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 735
Chitonanthera aporoides Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 899
Chitonanthera oberonioides Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 900
Chitonanthera podochiloides Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 899
Coelogyne fragrans Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 102
Coelogyne fragrans Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 102
Coelogyne fragrans Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 102
Coelogyne beccarii var. tropidophora Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 103
Coelogyne beccarii var. tropidophora Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 103
Coelogyne beccarii var. tropidophora Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 103
Govenia powellii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 51
Govenia powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17: 51
Govenia ernstii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 43
Govenia platyglossa Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 157
Govenia stictoglossa Schlechter [Holotype] 1924, 27: 79
Podochilus warianus Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 328
Podochilus bimaculatus Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 328
Podochilus bimaculatus Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 328
Podochilus muscosus Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 331
Podochilus muscosus Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 331
Podochilus filiformis Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 331
Podochilus filiformis Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 331
Phreatia stenophylla Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 916
Phreatia stenophylla Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 916
Phreatia gracilis Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 925
Phreatia elata Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 946
Phreatia dendrochiloides Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 936
Phreatia wariana Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 910
Phreatia chionantha Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 935
Phreatia potamophila Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 937
Phreatia potamophila Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 937
Phreatia bulbophylloides Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 939
Phreatia stipulata Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 928
Phreatia stipulata Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 928
Phreatia kaniensis Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 917
Phreatia kaniensis Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 917
Phreatia quadrata Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 932
Phreatia microtatantha Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 914
Phreatia urostachya Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 927
Phreatia urostachya Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 927
Phreatia leptophylla Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 939
Phreatia polyantha Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 917
Lepidogyne sceptrum Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 55
Lepidogyne sceptrum Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 55
Pseuderia floribunda Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 646
Pseuderia floribunda Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 646
Pseuderia floribunda Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 646
Pseuderia wariana Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 646
Pseuderia wariana Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 646
Pseuderia pauciflora Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 645
Pseuderia pauciflora Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 645
Pseuderia frutex Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 645
Costaricaea amparoana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 31
Nervilia porphyrophylla Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 41
Nervilia porphyrophylla Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 41
Nervilia porphyrophylla Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 41
Nervilia porphyrophylla Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 41
Nervilia porphyrophylla Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 41
Eria diphylla Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 663
Eria diphylla Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 663
Eria diphylla Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 663
Eria diphylla Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 663
Eria ramuana var. wariana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 652
Eria ramuana var. wariana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1912, 1: 652
Eria cycloglossa Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 659
Eria iodantha Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 674
Eria iodantha Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 674
Eria iodantha Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 674
Eria cordifera Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 664
Eria cordifera Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 664
Eria truncicola Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 660
Eria truncicola Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 660
Eria bracteata Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 677
Eria bracteata Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 677
Eria collina Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 678
Eria collina Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 678
Eria rhodoleuca Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 671
Eria rhodoleuca Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 671
Trichoglottis sororia Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 993
Trichoglottis sororia Schlechter [Isotype] 1913, 1: 993
Trichoglottis papuana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 993
Trichoglottis papuana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1913, 1: 993
Osmoglossum convallarioides Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 148
Osmoglossum anceps Schlechter [Isotype] 1923, 19: 147
Osmoglossum anceps Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1923, 19: 147
Osmoglossum anceps Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 147
Osmoglossum acuminatum Schlechter [Lectotype] 1922, 17: 79
Osmoglossum acuminatum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 79
Osmoglossum acuminatum Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1922, 17: 79
Scaphosepalum trachypus Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 33
Cystorchis dentifera Schlechter [Type] 1911, 1: 66
Trichocentrum brenesii Schlechter [Lectotype] 1923, 19: 248
Plocoglottis torricellensis Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 410
Plocoglottis torricellensis Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 410
Plocoglottis torricellensis Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 410
Plocoglottis papuana Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 407
Plocoglottis papuana Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 407
Plocoglottis papuana Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 407
Plocoglottis papuana Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 407
Plocoglottis papuana Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 407
Plocoglottis papuana Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 407
Plocoglottis papuana Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 407
Plocoglottis papuana Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 407
Plocoglottis sakiensis Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 405
Plocoglottis sakiensis Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 405
Plocoglottis sakiensis Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 405
Plocoglottis sakiensis Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 405
Plocoglottis kaniensis Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 406
Plocoglottis maculata Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 410
Plocoglottis maculata Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 410
Plocoglottis maculata Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 410
Plocoglottis maculata Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 410
Plocoglottis pseudo-moluccana Schlechter [Type] 1912, 1: 408
Eucosia papuana Schlechter [Type] 1911, 1: 76
Schoenorchis densiflora Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 986
Schoenorchis densiflora Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 986
Schoenorchis densiflora Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 986
Schoenorchis densiflora Schlechter [Type] 1913, 1: 986
Lecanorchis papuana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 34
Ramonia pulchella Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 295
Lockhartia unicornis Schlechter [Type] 1920, 7: 200
Lockhartia dipleura Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 69
Habenaria spiranthiformis Ames & Schlechter [Holotype] 1919, 4: 52
Habenaria caracasana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 26
Habenaria amparoana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 6
Habenaria pachyneura Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 12
Habenaria pachyneura Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 12
Habenaria miguelii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 32
Habenaria miguelii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 32
Habenaria miguelii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 32
Habenaria nana Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 11
Habenaria nana Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 11
Habenaria nana Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1911, 1: 11
Habenaria gollmeri Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 27
Habenaria venezuelana Schlechter ex Mansfeld [NotType] 1930, 58: t. 7, fig. 25
Habenaria venezuelana Schlechter ex Mansfeld [TypeMaterial] 1930, 58: t. 7, fig. 25
Habenaria yungasensis Schlechter [Holotype] 1922, 10: 34
Habenaria yungasensis Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 34
Habenaria ernstii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1919, 6: 26
Habenaria gymnadenioides Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 271
Habenaria smithii Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 38
Habenaria verecunda Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 6
Habenaria bangii Schlechter [Isotype] 1922, 10: 30
Habenaria irazuensis Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 77
Habenaria endresiana Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 272
Habenaria leucopecten Schlechter [NotType] 1919, 4: 49
Habenaria wercklei Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1923, 19: 7
Habenaria herminioides Ames & Schlechter [Syntype] 1919, 4: 48
Habenaria herminioides Ames & Schlechter [Syntype] 1919, 4: 48
Habenaria herminioides Ames & Schlechter [Syntype] 1919, 4: 48
Cirrhopetalum trichocephalum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1919, 4: 72
Cirrhopetalum trichocephalum Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1919, 4: 72
Clematis chrysantha Ulbrich [Type] 1922, 12: 374
Clematis chrysantha Ulbrich [Type] 1922, 12: 374
Sageretia horrida Pax & K. Hoffmann [Isotype] 1922, 12: 436
Sageretia tibetica Pax & K. Hoffmann [Type] 1922, 12: 436
Potentilla eriocarpoides Krause [Isotype] 1922, 12: 407
Rubus limprichtii Pax & K. Hoffmann [Type] 1922, 12: 406
Rubus minensis Pax & K. Hoffmann [Type] 1922, 12: 406
Rosa limprichtii Pax & K. Hoffmann [Type] 1922, 12: 413
Rosa limprichtii var. subumbellata Pax & K. Hoffmann [Type] 1922, 12: 413
Rosa dawoensis Pax & K. Hoffmann [Type] 1922, 12: 414
Leptodermis nigricans H. Winkler [Type] 1922, 12: 489
Leptodermis limprichtii H. Winkler [Type] 1922, 12: 490
Leptodermis limprichtii H. Winkler [Isolectotype] 1922, 12: 490
Salix limprichtii Pax & K. Hoffmann [Type] 1922, 12: 353
Salix schneideriana K. S. Hao [Isotype] 1936, 93: 110
Salix wuiana K. S. Hao [NotType (Latin description/diagnosis lacking)] 1936, 93: 95
Salix shansiensis K. S. Hao [Isosyntype] 1936, 93: 102
Salix chingiana K. S. Hao [Type] 1936, 93: 86
Salix tangii K. S. Hao [Syntype] 1936, 93: 78
Salix tangii K. S. Hao [Syntype] 1936, 93: 78
Solanum dubium var. denseaculeatum Bitter [Isotype] 1923, 16: 301
Solanum dubium var. denseaculeatum Bitter [Isotype] 1923, 16: 301
Solanum campylacanthum subsp. kondeense Bitter [Isotype] 1923, 16:213
Solanum delagoense subsp. transvaalense Bitter [Isosyntype] 1923, 16: 267
Solanum tomentosum subsp. pauciaculeolatum Bitter [Isotype] 1923, 16: 86
Eurya bolleana O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1933, 33: 177
Eurya bolleana O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1933, 33: 177
Eurya vaccinioides O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1925, 22: 98
Eurya vaccinioides O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1925, 22: 98
Eurya ternstroemioides O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1927, 24: 79
Eurya ternstroemioides O. C. Schmidt [Isotype] 1927, 24: 79
Daphne flaviflora H. Winkler [Type] 1922, 12: 444
Daphne szetschuanica H. Winkler [Syntype] 1922, 12: 445
Elatostema utakwaense H. Schroeter [Type] 1936, 83(2): 53
Elatostema feddeanum H. Schroeter [Isotype] 1936, 83(2): 34
Elatostema trichophlebium Merrill ex H. Schroeter [Isotype] 1936, 83(2): 108
Clerodendrum yatchuense H. J. P. Winkler [Type] 1922, 12: 474
Helwingia crenata Lingelsheim [Type] 1922, 12: 453
Chelonopsis albiflora Pax & K. Hoffmann [Syntype] 1922, 12: 477
Hedeoma quercetorum Epling [Isotype] 1939, 115: 41
Hedeoma patrinum W. S. Stewart [Isotype] 1939, 115: 45
Hedeoma apiculatum W. S. Stewart [Isotype] 1939, 115: 25
Hedeoma apiculatum W. S. Stewart [Isotype] 1939, 115: 25
Hedeoma apiculatum W. S. Stewart [Isotype] 1939, 115: 25
Hedeoma floribundum Standley ex Epling & W. S. Stewart [Isotype] 1939, 115: 31
Hedeoma nana subsp. mexicanum W. S. Stewart [Isotype] 1939, 115: 29
Hedeoma nana subsp. californicum W. S. Stewart [Isotype] 1939, 115: 29
Satureja lineata Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 154
Hyptis diffusa Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 242
Hyptis perplexa Epling [Isotype] 1933, 85: 231
Hyptis perplexa Epling [Isotype] 1933, 85: 231
Hyptis perplexa Epling [Isotype] 1933, 85: 231
Hyptis lachnosphaerica Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 247
Hyptis colombiana Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 257
Hyptis silvestris Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 249
Hyptis caduca Epling [Isotype] 1937, 85: 320
Hyptis jaliscana Epling [Holotype] 1933, 34: 120
Hyptis gymnocaulos Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 246
Hyptis velutina var. deminuta Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 287
Salvia killipiana Epling [Isotype] 1935, 85: 90
Salvia weberbaueri Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 117
Salvia perlucida Epling [Isotype] 1935, 85: 72
Salvia chorianthos Epling [Isotype] 1935, 85: 57
Salvia chorianthos Epling [Isotype] 1935, 85: 57
Salvia mexiae Epling [Isotype] 1928, 110: 153
Salvia mexiae Epling [Isotype] 1928, 110: 153
Salvia connivens Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 216
Salvia fusca Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 245
Salvia caudata Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 243
Salvia platystoma Epling [Isotype] 1935, 85: 81
Salvia colombiana Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 109
Salvia colombiana Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 109
Salvia axilliflora Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 100
Salvia psilantha Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 121
Salvia quercetorum Epling [Isotype] 1938, 110: 46
Salvia muelleri Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 163
Salvia humulus Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 72
Salvia agnes Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 41
Salvia durantiflora Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 216
Salvia inornata Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 161
Salvia hintonii Epling [Isotype] 1938, 110: 73
Salvia atrocalyx Epling [Isotype] 1935, 85: 65.
Salvia dugesiana Epling [Syntype] 1939, 110: 343
Salvia dugesiana Epling [Syntype] 1939, 110: 343
Salvia curtiflora Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 340
Salvia intonsa Epling [Isotype] 1935, 85: 74
Salvia macellaria Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 162
Salvia erythrostoma Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 101
Salvia blepharophylla Brandegee ex Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 314
Salvia urica Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 175
Salvia obvallata Epling [Isotype] 1935, 75: 72
Salvia mucidistachys Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 120
Salvia languidula Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 246
Salvia decora Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 222
Salvia dichlamys Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 276
Salvia sarmentosa Epling [Isotype] 1935, 85: 79
Salvia debilis Epling [Isotype] 1935, 85: 89
Salvia melaleuca Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 108
Salvia cyanocephala Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 126
Salvia primulaeformis Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 166
Salvia pseudocomosa Epling [Isotype] 1938, 110: 63
Salvia umbraticola Epling [Holotype] 1939, 110: 265
Salvia orthostachys Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 110
Salvia perblanda Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 221
Salvia myriantha Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 248
Salvia infuscata Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 209
Salvia dryophila Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 45
Salvia psilostachya Epling [Isotype] 1935, 85: 65
Salvia subrubens Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 335
Salvia plurispicata Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 222
Salvia scaposa Epling [Isotype] 1938, 110: 35
Salvia atropaenulata Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 270
Salvia subpatens Epling [Isotype] 1938, 110: 97
Salvia variana Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 170
Salvia calolophos Epling [Isotype] 1935, 85: 57
Salvia pennellii Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 211
Salvia secunda var. tomentella Bentham ex Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 348
Salvia azurea subsp. mexicana Epling [Isotype] 1939, 110: 193
Stachys eremicola Epling [Holotype] 1934, 80: 30
Stachys globosa Epling [Isotype] 1934, 80: 24
Stachys guatemalensis Epling [Isotype] 1934, 80: 34
Stachys guatemalensis Epling [Isotype] 1934, 80: 34
Stachys exilis Epling [Holotype] 1934, 80: 25
Stachys radicans Epling [Isotype] 1934, 80: 24
Stachys lamioides var. aristulata Epling [Holotype] 1934, 80: 50
Rhabdocaulon erythrostachys Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 136
Hesperozygis ciliolata Epling & W. S. Stewart [Isotype] 1939, 115: 13
Keithia parvula Epling [Isotype] 1936, 85: 131
Buddleja praecox Lingelsheim [Type] 1922, 12: 464
Loranthus pseudo-odoratus Lingelsheim [Type] 1922, 12: 357
Dendrobium ctenoglossum Schlechter [Isotype] 1921, 17: 66.
Masdevallia aspera H. G. Reichenbach ex Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1925, 34: 82.
Stelis macropoda Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 87.
Stelis macropoda Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 87.
Masdevallia gorgo H. G. Reichenbach ex Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1925, 34: 136.
Masdevallia iricolor H. G. Reichenbach ex Kraenzlin [TypeMaterial] 1925, 34: 180.
Octomeria juergensii Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1925, 35: 64
Octomeria longifolia Schlechter [Isosyntype] 1924, 27: 58
Octomeria longifolia Schlechter [Neotype] 1924, 27: 58
Pleurothallis angustilabia Schlechter [Lectotype] 1921, 9: 71
Pleurothallis angustilabia Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 71
Pleurothallis chanchamayoensis Schlechter [NotType] 1921, 9: 73
Sigmatostalix pandurata Schlechter [Isotype] 1920, 7: 192.
Stelis bicallosa Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 9: 63
Stelis bigibba Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 84
Stelis caucae Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 85.
Stelis crassilabia Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 87.
Stelis crassilabia Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 87.
Stelis cuencana Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 8: 53.
Stelis cuencana Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1921, 8: 53.
Stelis fruticulus Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 88
Stelis trianaei Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1920, 7: 94.
Cyphochilus anemophilus Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 362
Hyptis paranensis Epling [Isotype] 1937, 85: 309
Tropidia similis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 93
Tropidia similis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 93
Tropidia similis Schlechter [Isotype] 1911, 1: 93
Bulbophyllum gorumense Schlechter [Neotype] 1913, 1: 863
Bulbophyllum lepanthiflorum Schlechter [Neotype] 1913, 1: 876
Lindleyella saxicola Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1924, 27: 143
Lindleyella saxicola Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1924, 27: 143
Trichopilia powellii Schlechter [DrawingOfType] 1922, 17:77
Dendrobium piestocaulon var. kauloense Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 632
Dendrobium piestocaulon var. kauloense Schlechter [TypeMaterial] 1912, 1: 632
Dendrobium piestocaulon var. kauloense Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 632
Dendrobium piestocaulon var. kauloense Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 632
Dendrobium piestocaulon var. kauloense Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 632
Dendrobium piestocaulon var. kauloense Schlechter [Isotype] 1912, 1: 632
Microstylis quadridens Schlechter [Neotype] 1911, 1: 127
Microstylis quadridens Schlechter [Isoneotype] 1911, 1: 127
Cuscuta stenoloba Bornmüller & O. Schwarz [Type] 1924, 26: 56
Pachyphyllum vaginatum Schlechter [Neotype] 1924, 27: 182
Pachyphyllum vaginatum Schlechter [Neotype] 1924, 27: 182
Rosa tsinlingensis Pax & K. Hoffmann [Isotype] 1922, 12: 414
Porana lutingensis Lingelsheim [PhotoOfType] 1922, 12: 471
Porana lutingensis Lingelsheim [Type] 1922, 12: 471
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 41 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Salvia galinsogifolia Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 145Salvia confinis Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 29
Salvia menthiformis Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 220
Salvia ghiesbreghtii Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 218
Salvia neurepia Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 278
Salvia venosa Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 339
Salvia pusilla Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 62
Salvia multiramea Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 47
Hedeoma sanctum Small [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1939, 115: 35
Salvia molina Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 256
Sphacele mandoniana Briquet [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1935, 85: 25
Salvia saltuensis Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 151
Podochilus oxysepalum Schlechter [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1912, 1: 333
Salvia oresbia Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 315
Podochilus oxysepalum Schlechter [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1912, 1: 333
Salvia chiapensis Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 265
Salvia greggii A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 162
Salvia lemmoni A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 279
Salvia michoacana Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 328
Salvia scytinophylla Briquet [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 180
Salvia greggii A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 162
Salvia heterotricha Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 196
Salvia fluviatilis Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 257
Salvia flaccida Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 261
Salvia urolepis Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 240
Salvia cladodes Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 150
Salvia coahiulensis Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 157
Salvia asperifolia Bentham [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 306
Salvia lachnostachys Bentham [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 71
Salvia lupulina Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 269
Salvia setosa Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 17
Salvia setulosa Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 60
Salvia ramosissima Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 161
Salvia microphylla var. wislizenii A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 278
Salvia angustifolia var. glabra A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 195
Hedeoma piperitum var. oblongifolium A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1939, 115: 44
Salvia rubiginosa var. hebephylla Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 152
Hedeoma piperitum var. oblongifolium A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1939, 115: 44
Salvia chamaedryoides var. isochroma Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 157
Salvia scorodoniaefolia var. crenaea Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 171
Salvia elegans var. sonorensis Fernald [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 110: 140