Acanthaceae GH: 00105921 Aphelandra schieferae Leonard Colombia: Meta Villavicencio, hill back of Tres Esquinas (T... H. Schiefer 791 1945-7-12
Araceae GH: 01630825 Spathiphyllum cannifolium (Dryander ex Sims) Schott Colombia: Meta Villavicincio. Hill back of Tres Esquinas Mi... H. Schiefer 792 1945-7-12
Asteraceae GH: 02464523 Bidens sp. Colombia: near Bogota. Suba Hill H. Schiefer 990 1945-8-2
Bromeliaceae GH: 02015592 Puya lepidota Cuatrecasas Colombia: Cundinamarca Bogotá: Suba Hill, near Bogota H. Schiefer 613 1945-3-22
GH: 02015591 Puya lepidota Cuatrecasas Colombia: Cundinamarca Bogotá: Suba Hill, near Bogotá H. Schiefer 613 1945-3-22
Convolvulaceae GH: 00460914 Ipomoea killipiana O'Donell Colombia: Villavicencio, Meta Rd. to Restrepo H. Schiefer 833 1945-7-23
GH: 00460914 Ipomoea sp. Colombia: Villavicencio, Meta Rd. to Restrepo H. Schiefer 833 1945-7-23
Crassulaceae GH: 01987732 Echeveria quitensis (Kunth) Lindley Colombia: Cundinamarca Fúquene Lake H. Schiefer 631 1945-3-24
GH: 01990913 Sedum sp. Mexico: Popocatepetl. Above Timber line. H. Schiefer 73a 1943-8-8
Danaeaceae GH: 02462327 Danaea betancurii A. Rojas Colombia: Meta Villavicencio; Hill back of Tres Esquinas Mi... H. Schiefer 767 1945-7-7
Orchidaceae AMES: 02084858 Crocodeilanthe bogotensis Kolan. & Szlach. Colombia: Suba Hill, near Bogotá. South end, east sid... H. Schiefer 702 1945-5-16
AMES: 02084858 Crocodeilanthe sp. Colombia: Suba Hill, near Bogotá. South end, east sid... H. Schiefer 702 1945-5-16
GH: 02159355 Elleanthus aurantiacus (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: near Bogotá. Tequendama Falls H. Schiefer 486 1945-2-27
GH: 02159602 Elleanthus lupulinus (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Cundinamarca Bogotá: Mountains back of Montserrate H. Schiefer 750 1945-6-24
GH: 02159886 Elleanthus sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Bogotá: Tequendama Falls H. Schiefer 975 1945-10-21
AMES: 02109637 Epidendrum longiflorum J. König Colombia: Suba Hill, near Bogotá. North end of hill. H. Schiefer 1015 1946-3-25
AMES: 02109636 Epidendrum longiflorum J. König Colombia: Suba Hill, near Bogotá, North end of hill. H. Schiefer 1015 1946-3-25
AMES: 02109634 Epidendrum longiflorum J. König Colombia: Suba hill: Sabana of Bogota North end "La co... H. Schiefer 1015 1946-3-25
AMES: 02109633 Epidendrum longiflorum J. König Colombia: Suba hill, sabana of Bogota. North end "La c... H. Schiefer 1015 1946-3-25
AMES: 02109628 Epidendrum longiflorum J. König Colombia: Suba Hill, near Bogotá. North end of hill. H. Schiefer 1015 1946-3-25
AMES: 02162244 Gomphichis cundinamarcae Renz Colombia: Suba hill, sabana of Bogotá H. Schiefer 964 1945-10-11
AMES: 02162277 Gomphichis traceyae Rolfe Colombia: Cundinamarca Bogotá: Mts. back of Calle 75 H. Schiefer 927 1945-10-12
AMES: 02162274 Gomphichis traceyae Rolfe Colombia: Suba Hill, near Bogotá. North end of hill. H. Schiefer 907 1945-9-7
AMES: 02162273 Gomphichis traceyae Rolfe Colombia: Suba hill, sabana of Bogotá H. Schiefer 907 1945-9-7
GH: 01948188 Platanthera brevifolia (Greene) Senghas Mexico: La Venta, D. F. H. Schiefer 241 1943-9-19
AMES: 02084549 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Suba Hill, near Bogotá. North end of hill H. Schiefer 943 1945-10-11
AMES: 02084548 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Suba Hill, near Bogotá. North end of hill H. Schiefer 943 1945-10-11
AMES: 02084671 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Suba Hill, near Bogotá. South end, east sid... H. Schiefer 702 1945-5-16
AMES: 02084745 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Suba Hill, near Bogotá. South end, east sid... H. Schiefer 702 1945-5-16
AMES: 02084769 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Cundinamarca Bogotá: Mts. back of Calle 75 H. Schiefer 926 1945-10-12
AMES: 02084858 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Suba Hill, near Bogotá. South end, east sid... H. Schiefer 702 1945-5-16
AMES: 02088893 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Cundinamarca Bogotá: Suba hill (north end), sabana of Bo... H. Schiefer 941 1945-10-11
Piperaceae GH: 01982163 Peperomia galioides Kunth Colombia: Fuquene Lake H. Schiefer 622 1945-3-24
GH: 01982679 Peperomia serpens (Swartz) Loudon Colombia: Meta Villavicencio. Forest of Ocoa H. Schiefer 860 1945-7-21
GH: 01982941 Peperomia sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Bogotá: Mts. back of Calle 75 H. Schiefer 928 1945-10-12
A: 01933044 Piper cumaralense C. de Candolle Colombia: Ranch Meuegua; about 100 kilometers S and E ... H. Schiefer 980 1945-7-15
GH: 01933750 Piper marginatum catalpifolium (Kunth) C. de Candolle Colombia: Meta Ranch Menegua; about 100 kilometers S and E ... H. Schiefer 803 1945-7-15
GH: 01933937 Piper phytolaccifolium Opiz Colombia: Meta Villavicencio H. Schiefer 762 1945-7-7
GH: 01934309 Piper sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Bogotá: Hacienda Chicó, near Usaquen H. Schiefer 437 1945-2-11
Resedaceae GH: 02467837 Reseda luteola Linnaeus Mexico: Federal District Lomas de Chapultepec México H. Schiefer 65 1943-8-6