Apocynaceae GH: 01977781 Amphineurion marginatum (Roxburgh) D. J. Middleton Laos: Champasak Pathumphon District, Phu Kouthuan, east of B... D. D. Soejarto, B. H. Southavong, ... 11446 2000-4-28
GH: 02115020 Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston Laos: Savannakhet Champhon district, Ban Phay, ca 39 km from S... D. D. Soejarto, B. H. Southavong, ... 11484 2000-5-1
Burseraceae GH: 00368291 Canarium sp. Laos: Champasak Pathumphon district, Phu Kouthuan, east of B... D. D. Soejarto, B. H. Southavong, ... 11456 2000-4-29
GH: 00368292 Dacryodes sp. Laos: Champasak Pathumphon district, Phu Kouthuan, east of B... D. D. Soejarto, B. H. Southavong, ... 11460 2000-4-29