Apocynaceae A: 02178590 Aspidosperma parvifolium A. de Candolle Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3389 1938-3-31
A: 02178711 Aspidosperma tomentosum Martius Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3151 1938-3-4
A: 02115771 Forsteronia duckei Markgraf Guyana: Basin of Shodikar Creek (Essequibo tributary... A. C. Smith 2843 1938-1-8
A: 02379462 Mandevilla hirsuta (Richard) K. Schumann Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3332 1938-3-4
A: 02380512 Mesechites trifidus Müller Arg. Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3518 1938-3-31
A: 02381287 Odontadenia geminata (Hoffmannsegg ex Roemer & Schultes) Müller Arg. Guyana: Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo between Takutu River and Kanuku Mountains. A. C. Smith 3353 1938-3-12
A: 02381315 Odontadenia kochii Pilger Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3463 1938-3-31
A: 02375971 Tabernaemontana cerea (Woodson) Leeuwenberg Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3514 1938-3-31
A: 02375829 Tabernaemontana heterophylla Vahl Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3424 1938-3-31
A: 02375948 Tabernaemontana sananho Ruiz & Pavon Guyana: Basin of Shodikar Creek (Essequibo tributary... A. C. Smith 2842 1938-1-8
A: 02375971 Tabernaemontana siphilitica (Linnaeus f.) Leeuwenberg Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3514 1938-3-31
Araceae GH: 01635628 Anthurium gracile (Rudge) Schott Guyana: Northern slope of Akarai Mountains, in drain... A. C. Smith 2916 1938-1-10
GH: 01655354 Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Ventenat Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3375 1938-3-31
GH: 01627496 Monstera adansonii Schott Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3329 1938-3-4
GH: 01629174 Philodendron fragrantissimum (Hooker) G. Don Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3418 1938-3-31
GH: 01629228 Philodendron linnaei Kunth Guyana: Basin of Shodikar Creek (Essequibo tributary... A. C. Smith 2852 1938-1-8
GH: 01874238 Syngonium podophyllum Schott Belize: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3547 1938-3-31
Bromeliaceae GH: 02016261 Aechmea mertensii Schultes & Schultes f. Guyana: Basin of Kuyuwini River (Essequibo tributary... A. C. Smith 2578 1938-2-12
GH: 02016260 Aechmea mertensii Schultes & Schultes f. Guyana: Basin of Shodikar Creek [Essequibo tributary... A. C. Smith 2891 1938-1-8
GH: 02014668 Pepinia nuda (Baker) G. S. Varadarajan & A. J. Gilmartin Guyana: British Guiana, Northwestern portion of Kanu... A. C. Smith 3644 1938-4-22
Fabaceae A: 02500541 Centrolobium paraense Tulasne Guyana: Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3207 1938-3-4
A: 02558302 Myroxylon balsamum Harms Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3533 1938-3-31
Loganiaceae A: 02438098 Strychnos toxifera R. H. Schomburgk ex Lindley Guyana: Northwestern portion of Kanuku Mountains: Mo... A. C. Smith 3678 1938-4-22
Orchidaceae AMES: 02125152 Cattleya violacea (Kunth) Rolfe Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3356 1938-3-4
AMES: 02125163 Cattleya violacea (Kunth) Rolfe Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3356 1938-3-4
AMES: 02110593 Epidendrum cooperianum Bateman Guyana: Western extrimity of Kanuka Mountain in drai... A. C. Smith 3312 1938-3-4
AMES: 02110674 Epidendrum decipiens Lindley Guyana: Northwestern portion of Kanuku Mountains: Mo... A. C. Smith 3638 1938-4-22
AMES: 02109794 Epidendrum musciferum Lindley Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3291 1938-3-4
AMES: 02108085 Epidendrum prostratum Schlechter Guyana: Watershed between Rupununi and Kuyuwini Rive... A. C. Smith 3042 1938-2-15
AMES: 02158838 Epistephium parviflorum Lindley Guyana: Watershed between Rupununi and Kuyuwini Rive... A. C. Smith 3073 1938-2-15
AMES: 02173990 Octomeria sp. Brazil: Pará Southern slope of Akarai Mountains, in drain... A. C. Smith 2938 1938-1-18
AMES: 02083113 Pleurothallis consimilis Ames Guyana: Watershed between Rupununi and Kuyuwini Rive... A. C. Smith 3043 1938-2-15
AMES: 02083164 Pleurothallis cordata (Ruiz & Pavon) Lindley Guyana: Basin of Shodikar Creek (Essequibo tributary... A. C. Smith 2890 1938-1-8
AMES: 02083336 Pleurothallis fockei Lindley Guyana: Basin of Shodikar Creek (Essequibo tributary... A. C. Smith 3018 1938-1-8
AMES: 02083816 Pleurothallis picta Lindley Guyana: Basin of Shodikar Creek (Essequibo tributary... A. C. Smith 2889 1938-1-8
AMES: 02088020 Stelis argentata Lindley Guyana: Watershed between Rupununi and Kuyuwini Rive... A. C. Smith 3047 1938-2-15
Piperaceae GH: 01981865 Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pavon Guyana: Northwestern portion of Kanuku Mountains: Mo... A. C. Smith 3671 1938-4-22
GH: 01982381 Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacquin) A. Dietrich Guyana: Basin of Shodikar Creek (Essequibo tributary... A. C. Smith 2881 1938-1-8
GH: 01982560 Peperomia quadrangularis (J. V. Thompson) A. Dietrich Guyana: Northeern slope of Akarai Mountains, in drai... A. C. Smith 2858 1938-1-10
GH: 01982564 Peperomia quadrangularis (J. V. Thompson) A. Dietrich Guyana: Basin of Kuyuwini River (Essequibo tributary... A. C. Smith 3023 1938-2-12
GH: 01982565 Peperomia quadrangularis (J. V. Thompson) A. Dietrich Guyana: Watershed between Rupununi and Kuyuwini Rive... A. C. Smith 3044 1938-2-15
GH: 01982566 Peperomia quadrangularis (J. V. Thompson) A. Dietrich Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3199 1938-3-4
GH: 01982567 Peperomia quadrangularis (J. V. Thompson) A. Dietrich Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains: Mount... A. C. Smith 3669 1938-4-22
GH: 01982673 Peperomia serpens (Swartz) Loudon Guyana: Basin of Shodikar Creek (Essequibo tributary... A. C. Smith 2879 1938-1-8
A: 01964456 Piper aequale J. Vahl Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3367 1938-3-31
A: 01964457 Piper aequale J. Vahl Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3583 1938-3-31
A: 01964458 Piper aequale J. Vahl Guyana: Northwestern portion of Kanuku Mountains: Mo... A. C. Smith 3677 1938-4-22
A: 01964512 Piper amalago Linnaeus Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3458 1938-3-31
A: 01964588 Piper arboreum Aublet Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3475 1938-3-31
A: 01964807 Piper bartlingianum (Miquel) C. de Candolle Brazil: Pará Southern slope of Akarai Mountains, in drain... A. C. Smith 2955 1938-1-18
A: 01933075 Piper demeraranum (Miquel) C. de Candolle Guyana: Northwestern portion of Kanuku Mountains: Mo... A. C. Smith 3612 1938-4-22
A: 01933432 Piper hispidum obliquum Trelease & Yuncker Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3567 1938-3-31
A: 01933431 Piper hispidum obliquum Trelease & Yuncker Guyana: Northwestern portion of Kanuku Mountains: Mo... A. C. Smith 3668 1938-4-22
A: 01933751 Piper marginatum catalpifolium (Kunth) C. de Candolle Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains in d... A. C. Smith 3457 1938-3-31
A: 01933807 Piper mollicomum Kunth Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3079 1938-3-4
A: 01933988 Piper pseudofuligineum C. de Candolle Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3451 1938-3-31
A: 01933990 Piper pseudoglabrescens Trelease & Yuncker Guyana: Northwestern portion of Kanuku Mountains: Mo... A. C. Smith 3663 1938-4-22
A: 01934203 Piper tuberculatum Jacquin Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3366 1938-3-31
A: 01934219 Piper tuberculatum scandens Trelease & Yuncker Guyana: Northwestern slopes of Kanuku Mountains, in ... A. C. Smith 3436 1938-3-31
Sapotaceae A: 02412574 Lucuma littoralis Martius ex Miquel Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3249 1938-3-4
A: 02410031 Pouteria guianensis Aublet Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3247 1938-3-4
A: 02410031 Pouteria hispida Eyma Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3247 1938-3-4
A: 02410031 Pouteria sp. Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3247 1938-3-4
Solanaceae A: 00861562 Brunfelsia uniflora D. Don Guyana: Western extremity of Kanuku Mountains, in dr... A. C. Smith 3163 1938-3-4